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753 lines (467 loc) · 44.4 KB

File metadata and controls

753 lines (467 loc) · 44.4 KB


Known Issues

Compatibility Notes

  • Deprecate setting the content type header in the constructor of ODataRequests.

New Functionality


  • Allow setting default headers in ODataRequests instead of the content type header only.

Fixed Issues

  • [Generator] Fix reference to execa dependency.


Release Date: TBD
API Docs:
Blog: TBD

Compatibility Notes

  • [Generator] The interface EnityTypeForceMandatory (e.g., BusinessPartnerTypeForceMandatory) is removed.

New Functionality

  • [OData] Support the usage of $count in getAll requests e.g.: Entity.requestBuilder().getAll().count().execute().
  • [OData] Support batch requests for OData v4.


  • [OData] Add warning for deep update attempts in OData v2.
  • [Generator] The transpiling after generation is done in chunks to avoid CPU overloads for high numbers of services.

Fixed Issues

  • [OData] Fix parsing the Etag returned from update requests.
  • [OData] Fix the entity builder so that it can set undefined/null for optional properties.
  • [OData] Fix wrong service paths for batch requests.


Release Date: TBD
API Docs:
Blog: TBD

New Functionality

  • [Util] Allow to mute and unmute loggers.


  • [Generator] Generator will fail, when it generates .ts files that have compilation errors.

Fixed Issues

  • [OData] Fix deserialization of one to many links, where the navigation property is not wrapped in a result object.
  • [OData] Fix $orderby parameter in expanded subqueries.


Release Date: TBD
API Docs:
Blog: TBD


  • Adjust the generation of the $filter parameter in URL so that parentheses are not removed even logically they are not needed. For example, now $filter=((filterA and filter B) and (filterC and filter D)) will not be flattened to $filter=(filterA and filter B and filterC and filter D).

Fixed Issues

  • [Generator] Remove Batch.ts from the index file when the file does not exist.


Release Date: TBD
API Docs:
Blog: TBD

New Functionality

  • Move OData v4 support from experimental to GA status.

Fixed Issues

  • [Generator] Skip generation of Batch.ts for services without entities.
  • [RequestBuilder] Fix serialization of Edm.Time fields in OData V4.


Release Date: TBD
API Docs:
Blog: TBD

New Functionality

  • Added experimental support for OData V4 enum type. Use the @sap/cloud-sdk-generator to generate the type safe client.
  • Include fallback Edm.Any for previously unsupported edm types like Edm.Geography. Type safety and related features like URI conversion are not supported for the fallback type.


  • Log a warning in case the destination and the custom request config contain both authorization headers.
  • Special characters like ' (single quotes), (space) and ä (umlaut) are encoded properly when used in the Filter.

Fixed Issues

  • [Generator] Fix wrong type argument for collection types containing Edm types.


Release Date: TBD
API Docs:
Blog: TBD

Fixed Issues

  • Fix links in TSDoc of generated OData clients.


Release Date: TBD
API Docs:
Blog: TBD

Compatibility Notes

  • In version 1.25.0 we introduced the property _complexType on complex types. This property is removed in this version as it introduced a bug causing some generated OData clients to not be able to compile. OData clients generated using version 1.25.0 will be incompatible with future versions of the SAP Cloud SDK.
  • Deprecated the generateNpmrc option of the SAP Cloud SDK generator. From now on @sap scoped packages do not need the private registry anymore.

New Functionality

  • Support collections in complex types.
  • Support unbound actions in OData V4. Note that all OData V4 functionality is still experimental.

Fixed Issues

  • Fix OData client generation for complex types. See compatibility notes.


Release Date: TBD
API Docs:
Blog: TBD

Compatibility Notes

  • As the representation of complex types in the generated OData clients has changed. OData clients generated by the SAP Cloud SDK generator should be regenerated as old versions will no longer be maintained.
  • OData client generator: Reduce public API of the generator. Only the service generation remains public. The old API is obsolete due to a refactoring (see below) but remains available with status deprecated.

New Functionality

  • Support collection type filter functions.


  • Improve complex type handling and its representation in the generated OData clients.
  • Improve collection type handling and its representation in the generated OData clients.
  • OData client generator: Refactor the service generation flow and deprecate the whole previous implementation.


Release Date: TBD
API Docs:
Blog: TBD

Fixed Issues

  • Ignore enum properties in complex types to fix generation of OData v4 clients.
  • Fix setting ETags, when no ETag was specified by sending no if-match header instead of if-match:false.


Release Date: TBD
API Docs:
Blog: TBD

Known Issues

  • The internal deserialization and serialization of Edm.TimeOfDay representations is not lossless for corner cases where the fractional seconds contain trailing zeros. As a sideeffect 12:12:12.0 can potentially be transformed to 12:12:12 when performing a GET and PATCH / PUT request subsequently.
  • OData v4 edm types that are unknown to the SAP Cloud SDK are ignored, such that properties and parameters of those types are missing.

Compatibility Notes

  • Experimental fractionalSeconds were removed from the Time representation and merged with seconds instead.

New Functionality

  • Support OData v4 specific parsing of Edm types in the generator.
  • Add a static representation for durations on entity classes / namespaces.


  • Reduce the number of circular dependencies within the SDK Core.

Fixed Issues

  • Fix type error due to a breaking change from winston version 3.3.2 -> 3.3.3 see here for details.
  • Fix serialization error for number values 'INF','-INF' and 'NaN'.


Release Date: TBD
API Docs:
Blog: TBD

Compatibility Notes

  • Importing filter functions directly is deprecated, import using filterFunctions instead.
  • OData client generator: Remove the hidden generator option changelogFile. Use the new more general options additionalFiles instead.

New Functionality

  • Support all string, number and date related filter functions. Import filterFunctions and use in a filter, e. g. .filter(filterFunctions.startsWith(BusinessPartner.FIRST_NAME).equals(true)).
  • Add the option --additionalFiles <GlobToFiles> to the generator. If specified, all files matching the glob will be copied to each generated service directory.


Release Date: TBD
API Docs:
Blog: TBD

Compatibility Notes

  • The properties isMulti of the typeVdmFunctionImportReturnType and isMultiLink as well as multiplicity of VdmNavigationProperty were deprecated and replaced by isCollection.
  • The interface VdmServiceMetadata now also contains a property oDataVersion that is mandatory.
  • Due to the fix in the generator regarding the name clash it is possible that the order of suffixes could change. If you regenerate a VDM with a name clash the Enitiy_1 and Entity_2 could swap.

New Functionality

  • Add experimental support for OData v4 to the generator.

Fixed Issues

  • Fix the generator so that the builder function for nested complex types is correctly typed.
  • Fix the generator so that entity names ending with the word Type do not lead to name clashes anymore.


Release Date: Jun 11, 2020
API Docs:
Blog: TBD

Fixed Issues

  • Fix missing validation of URL used for obtaining the JWT verification key.


Release Date: Jun 2, 2020
API Docs:
Blog: TBD

Fixed Issues

  • Fix the core dependency version when generating aggregated packages.


Release Date: May 26, 2020
API Docs:
Blog: TBD

Compatibility Notes

  • New generated OData clients yield more narrow types on the _keys, _keyFields and _allFields properties, that differ from older generated clients. Old clients are still supported but will be deprecated soon.
  • Internal directory structure has changed. This is a breaking change for users that reference internal modules directly.

New Functionality

  • Added experimental support for OData v4. All functionality related to OData v4 is subject to change.


  • OData client generator: Narrow the types of the generated properties _keys, _keyFields and _allFields to the correct types.

Fixed Issues

  • Fix the OData client generator to avoid a compilation error when a complex type only contains complex types.
  • Fix the dependency versions in the aggregator package generated by the OData client generator.


Release Date: May 12, 2020
API Docs:
Blog: TBD

Fixed Issues

  • Fix the OData client generator to also parse definitions of OpenAPI files with version higher than 3.


Release Date: May 6, 2020
API Docs:
Blog: TBD

Compatibility Notes

  • When executing and building requests with the generic http-client custom request configurations now take precedence over configurations resulting from the given destination. This applies to all http-client related functions: buildHttpRequest, addDestinationToRequestConfig, execute and executeHttpRequest.

New Functionality

  • Support setting log levels for all loggers globally. Use setGlobalLogLevel('debug') for this. Log levels set individually still take precedence.


  • Increase the information shown on VDM generation and parallelize the file creation process.

Fixed Issues

  • Fix logging of error messages that were logged as undefined before.
  • Fix serialization of EDM type Int64 to return a string instead of an instance of BigNumber.
  • Fix JWT verification to use the url stored in the JKU field of the token's header to fetch the verification key.


Release Date: April 8, 2020
API Docs:

New Functionality

  • Allow setting additional query parameters for OData queries, using withCustomQueryParameters().


Release Date: March 26, 2020
API Docs:

Compatibility Notes

  • Due to the intoroduced validation for destination configurations, destinations of type HTTP are expected to contain a url or URL property. Note that when retrieving a destination from the destinations environment variable, all destinations are validated. This validation applies even to destinations that are not read.


  • Introduce validation for destinations retrieved from environment variable or destination service.
  • Allow configuring the destinations environment variable with the same property keys as known from the destination service on SAP Cloud Platform, e.g. now URL is considered valid in addition to previously only url.

Fixed Issues

  • Fix ordering for complex properties including nested complex properties.
  • Fix the generator crashing for services containing function imports without a return type.
  • Fix the destination processing so that the user can set PrincipalPropagation as authentication scheme for on-premises connectivity.


Release Date: March 12, 2020
API Docs:
API Docs (VDM):

Compatibility Notes

  • Some packages of the SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript have been migrated to external GitHub and are now available as open-source software. As a result, the packages have been renamed as shown in the list below. No Breaking changes are made. The old versions of the packages will not receive further updates, so we heavily encourage switching to the new version of the packages.
    • @sap/cloud-sdk-util was renamed to @sap-cloud-sdk/util
    • @sap/cloud-sdk-analytics was renamed to @sap-cloud-sdk/analytics
    • @sap/cloud-sdk-core was renamed to @sap-cloud-sdk/core
    • @sap/cloud-sdk-generator was renamed to @sap-cloud-sdk/generator
    • @sap/cloud-sdk-test-util was renamed to @sap-cloud-sdk/test-util

How to update your project

  1. Search for all your dependencies/devDependencies/peerDependencies in your package.json.
  2. Replace the old package name e.g., @sap/cloud-sdk-core with the new one, @sap-cloud-sdk/core.
  3. Use the stable version of the open source version e.g., ^1.18.0.
  4. Deleting your node_modules and the package-lock.json.
  5. Install your dependencies again to reflect the changes via e.g., npm i.
  6. Search for your source code that uses the old packages as import and replace it with new names.


  • Allow the definition of a custom version for the gerated package.json by passing the desired version to the generator as an argument versionInPackageJson.


Release Date: February 27, 2020
API Docs:

Known Issues

  • Using destinations with authentication type PrincipalPropagation and proxy type OnPremise (as configured in the SAP Cloud Platform cockpit) will currently throw errors. This can be worked around by setting the authentication type to NoAuthentication instead.


  • Make the retrieval of constructors for batch responses more reliable.

Fixed Issues

  • Consider proxy environment variables (HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, http_proxy, https_proxy) for destinations configured in VCAP service bindings (e.g. when using SAP Extension Factory).
  • OData client generator Fix a generation issue, where wrong type names were generated for nested complex types in certain circumstances.
  • Fix the return value of OData DELETE requests. It now returns a Promise as indicated by the type instead of the full Axios response.
  • Fix the return type of the functions asc and desc to be more specific, now returning Order insteaf of Orderable.


Release Date: February 13, 2020
API Docs:

New Functionality

  • OData client: Update the OData VDM to the newest release 2002 of SAP S/4HANA Cloud. This includes completely new services (available as usual as global modules called @sap/cloud-sdk-vdm-*), new operations in previously existing services, and new entity types. The SDK supports all OData services listed in the SAP API Business Hub for SAP S/4HANA Cloud.

  • Consider variables http_proxy and https_proxy for configuring proxy settings for outbound requests, that do not use the SAP Cloud Connector. The no_proxy variables can be used to exclude certain destinations from using the proxy. See ProxyConfiguration for more details.

Fixed Issues

  • Fix an issue with the generation of OData clients for .edmx files that contain entities ending with "Type".


Release Date: January 30, 2020
API Docs:

Known Issues

  • Making OData requests using a proxy defined in the environment variables is not possible (see improvements). This issue is resolved with the SAP Cloud SDK version 1.17.0.

New Functionality

  • Add common OData V2 filter functions, i. e. bool substringof(string po, string p1), string substring(string p0, int pos) and int length(string p0). For filtering with those functions use: SomeEntity.filter(length(SomeEntity.FIELD).greaterThan(10));
  • Support building custom OData filter functions for filtering. Use the filterFunction factory function to filter using any of the OData v2 filter functions generically: SomeEntity.filter(filterFunction('concat', 'string', 'prefix', SomeEntity.FIELD).equals('prefixSomeName')). As for the common filter function, filtering over different levels of navigation is not supported.


  • Disable the faulty Axios http_proxy parsing from environment variables used by the OData-requests, because it was not working under any circumstances. Requests that do not need a proxy will now not be broken due to environment variables (see also known issues).

Fixed Issues

  • Fix an issue with faulty Axios http_proxy environment variable parsing used by the OData requests. Requests that do not need a proxy will now not be broken due to environment variables (see also known issues).
  • Fix an issue where the dependencies of the @sap-cloud-sdk/core module were recorded by analytics instead of the dependencies of the project that installed the SDK.


Release Date: January 16, 2020
API Docs:

Fixed Issues

  • Fix an issue when creating batch request with changeset. Now a batch can contain changeset regarding one service instead of different services.
  • Fix an issue regarding serialization and deserialization of OData payloads that contain numbers. Number types are correctly supported now.
  • Fix HttpRequestConfig interface which previously used body instead of data. This led to data not being added to the request.
  • Fix the parameter type of fromJson method so that passing a json object with illegal attributes is not allowed. For example, { bupa : '1' } cannot be passed to the method when building a BusinessPartner.


Release Date: December 19, 2019
API Docs:

New Functionality


  • Disable the faulty axios http_proxy parsing from environment variables used by the odata-requests, because it was not working under any circumstances. Requests that do not need a proxy will now not be broken due to environment variables (see also known issues).

Fixed Issues

  • Fix an issue in retrieving cached destinations with certificates, additional OAuth tokens and proxy configurations.
  • Fix an issue where collecting usage analytics data was prevented on Windows systems by an incompatible path manipulation.
  • Correct the default path for the service-mapping.json file in the VDM generator. It failed on Windows systems due to a hard coded /.
  • Increase the version of the http-proxy-agent to 3.0.0, to fix a side effect with the https node module. This affected GET requests built from a URL object.
  • Enable applications on Kubernetes to use the SDK to integrate with SAP Cloud Platform services (experimental).


Release Date: December 5, 2019
API Docs:

Compatibility Notes

  • OData client generator: Rename entityConstructor, linkedEntity, fieldName properties in generated entities to _entityConstructor, _linkedEntity, _fieldName.
  • OData client generator: Running the generator on Windows without providing a path to the service-mapping.json fails. This is fixed in version 1.15.0.

New Functionality

  • OData client generator: Support the generation of clients for services using nested complex types.


  • Allow setting the log levels of SDK loggers more conveniently through a single function setLogLevel().

Fixed Issues

  • Allow setting empty string and other falsy values for non nullable properties as this is supported by SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
  • Fix an issue when the literal fieldName is defined as the name of a property in an entity.
  • Allow http-agent to be used without esModuleInterop compilation flag.
  • Remove unsupported contains() function from filter expressions in the OData request builder.


Release Date: November 21, 2019
API Docs:

Compatibility Notes

  • Introduce new module @sap-cloud-sdk/analytics to provide insights into the SDK usage for further improving the SDK in the future.
    • To review what data is collected and enable analytics, you need to opt-in as described here.
    • No data about your projects will be collected as long as you don't opt-in. We never collect personal data.
  • Due to a change of the naming strategy for entity classes in the OData client generator, entities that were previously named using the pattern EntityType_<number> might now have a different name when regenerated.

New Functionality


  • OData client generator: Consistently use the entity set name instead of the entity type name for determining the generated entity class name.

Fixed Issues

  • Fix a bug where the location ID of a destination for on-premise connectivity was ignored when trying to fetch CSRF tokens.
  • Fix a bug with the lookup of test destination files on windows systems related to a hard coded /.
  • Fix an issue when sanitizeDestination led to an error when called multiple times on the same destination object.
  • Fix an OData client generation bug where the number of generated entities with default name pattern was unintenionally limited to 10.


Release Date: November 7, 2019
API Docs:

Compatibility Notes

  • Due to the introduction of an SDK-specific logger, the format of log messages created by the SAP Cloud SDK has changed.

New Functionality

  • Release SAP Cloud SDK Command Line Interface (CLI) @sap-cloud-sdk/cli on the central registry The CLI makes it easy to add the SAP Cloud SDK for JavaScript to an existing project and simplifies several other tasks when building applications on SAP Cloud Platform.
    • Install the CLI via npm (npm install @sap-cloud-sdk/cli).
    • For more information on how to use the CLI, take a look at the Readme or call sap-cloud-sdk --help after installing.
    • The CLI is available as open source under Apache License 2.0 from the repository. Contributions are welcome.
  • Add an SDK-specific logger based on winston that produces filterable logs in Kibana / on SAP Cloud Platform as well as better formatted logs locally. It is consistently used within the SDK and can be used for application code as well.
  • Support the handling of destinations with OAuth2SAMLBearerAssertion authentication type that include a property SystemUser. The system user will be used instead of the currently logged in user to retrieve an access token to the destination. That is, no principal propagation takes place. As a consequence, no user JWT is required.


  • Include URL of requested service in error messages of failed OData requests.

Fixed Issues

  • Use correct type DestinationOptions in execute method of OData VDM request builders. The type used previously was overly restrictive, which prevented passing of valid objects like a selectionStrategy, even though the code actually handles it.
  • Improve error handling and console output for the systems and credentials defined for local testing in the systems.json and credentials.json files, respectively.


Release Date: October 24, 2019
API Docs:

New Functionality

  • OData client generator: Support batch requests (introduced in 1.11.2 for pre-delivered SAP S/4HANA Cloud APIs) also for generated OData clients.
  • OData client generator: Support generating Core Data Services Schema Notation (CSN) files based on the metadata of each OData service.
    • CSN files are used in SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP) when modeling a business domain using CDS. Having them generated by the generator of the SAP Cloud SDK allows immediately leveraging them in CDS models.
    • To generate CSN files in addition to the OData client code, pass the command line parameter --generateCSN=true. The default value is false.
    • The generated file is located in the folder for the service. That is, for a service named my-service the CSN will be in my-service/my-service-csn.json.


Release Date: October 10, 2019
API Docs:

Known Issues

  • Please note that we have not released a new version 1.11.2 of the OData client generator (module @sap-cloud-sdk/generator) due to technical reasons. 1.10.0 remains the current version of the generator. As a consequence, the new features of the OData client mentioned below (batch and CSN files) are not yet available for custom OData clients generated by the generator.

Compatibility Notes

  • In preparation for an upcoming change to the way how the XSUAA service supplies verification keys to applications, the SAP Cloud SDK from version 1.11.2 onwards retrieves the key from the XSUAA service instead of relying on a verification key present in the XSUAA service binding credentials.
  • Previous versions of the SDK only recognized an access token in the authorization header if "Bearer" was spelled in title case. Now, retrieveJwt does a case insensitive check for "bearer". That means, "bearer" and "Bearer" are now equally supported as correct authorization header.

New Functionality

  • Support OData batch requests for batch processing that allows grouping several operations into one single request, resulting in better performance.
    • Support create, update and delete requests as part of change sets within a batch request that group a set of write operations into a transaction.
    • Support retrieve requests within batch requests.
    • Use the new method batch that each module for a OData service exposes (see example for business partner service) to construct a batch request. Pass prepared query and by-key request builders as parameters to the method (instead of executing them), as well as change sets.
    • Use the new method changeset that each module for a OData service exposes (see example for business partner service) to construct a change set. Pass prepared create, update, and delete request builders as parameters to the method (instead of executing them). Then, pass the constructed change set to the batch method.
    • Execute the batch request like any other request builder using the method execute, which returns a promise of a list of BatchResponse.
    • BatchResponse is a union type, representing the response of an indiviual retrieve request or change set that was passed to the batch request. Use isSuccess to verify that the retrieve request or change set was successful. Then, use a type assertion like response as ReadResponse based on your knowledge of the expected response to further work with the response.
  • OData client for SAP S/4HANA Cloud: Include CSN files for all SAP S/4HANA Cloud APIs out-of-the-box. They are available from the corresponding folder in node_modules after npm-installing an SDK module.


  • Validate user access tokens issued by XSUAA with the verification key retrieved from the XSUAA service (online verification), instead of relying on a verification key present in the XSUAA service binding credentials (offline verification). The retrieved key is cached for 15 minutes (depending on feedback, the cache duration may change in the future. If you use the SDK's verifyJwt method, no action is required.
  • The fromJson method of entity builders has been improved to properly parse a JSON in the notation used elsewhere in the SDK, with links and attributes in camel-case.

Fixed Issues

  • Fix compilation issues when using any entity builder and "strictNullChecks": true is set in the tsconfig.json file of the project.


Release Date: September 26, 2019
API Docs:

New Functionality


Release Date: September 12, 2019
API Docs:

Known Issues

Compatibility Notes

New Functionality

  • Support destinations with authentication type ClientCertificateAuthentication.
  • Provide the option to update OData entities using PUT instead of PATCH (which is used by default) via the replaceWholeEntityWithPut method.


  • Support response format used by SAP Cloud for Customer for retrieving a single OData entity by key (in GetByKeyRequestBuilder).
  • Add an option to ignore version identifiers as part of delete requests by using the ignoreVersionIdentifier method.
  • Support "Location ID" property of Cloud Connector in on-premise destinations. This previously caused the connection to fail if a Location ID was expected by the Cloud Connector.

Fixed Issues

  • Fix an issue with the OData client where it failed if the x-csrf-token header was ignored by the destination. Now, a warning will be logged instead and the execution continues to enable compatibility with more systems.
  • Fix an issue with the OData client where it failed because a set-cookie header was expected but not returned by a destination. Now, a warning will be logged instead and the execution continues to enable compatibility with more systems.
  • Fix an issue where TypeScript code generated with the OData client generator (@sap-cloud-sdk/generator) did not compile when "strict": true is set in the project's tsconfig.json.


Release Date: August 29, 2019
API Docs:

Known Issues

Compatibility Notes

New Functionality


Fixed Issues


Release Date: August 15, 2019
API Docs:

Known Issues

Compatibility Notes

  • We have increased the timeout of circuit breakers used to retrieved access tokens and destinations from 3 to 10 seconds.
  • As part of the update of the OData VDM to SAP S/4HANA Cloud 1908, the package @sap/cloud-sdk-vdm-outbound-delivery-service has been removed from the SAP API Business Hub and, as a consequence, from the SDK. Use @sap/cloud-sdk-vdm-outbound-delivery-v2-service instead.

New Functionality


  • OData client: allow creating OData entities as child of another entity by using the asChildOf() method in CreateRequestBuilder class.

Fixed Issues

  • OData client generator: Fix an issue where the name of a generated OData entity class could conflict with the name of a function import.
  • Correctly verify access tokens retrieved from the XSUAA service.


Release Date: August 1, 2019
API Docs:

Known Issues

  • Discovered a bug where the name of a generated OData entity class could conflict with the name of an import.

Compatibility Notes

  • When executing an OData request with implicit resolution of destinations, or when using useOrFetchDestination or getDestination explicitly, service bindings represented as destinations now take precedence over querying the destination service. If you have a service binding with the same name as a destination configured in the SAP Cloud Platform cockpit, this will lead to different behavior in your application, because of the newly introduced support for service bindings. Therefore we recommend using unique names across destinations and service bindings.
  • Deprecate the misnamed interface HttpReponse. Use HttpResponse instead.

New Functionality

  • Support accessing destinations provided as service bindings by SAP Cloud Platform Extension Factory.


Fixed Issues

  • Fix an issue where an error was thrown when trying to build the authorization header for destinations with authentication type NoAuthentication.
  • Fix issues where the logic to select the correct XSUAA instance differed from the standard logic, as, for example, implemented in the SAP Cloud SDK for Java.
  • Rename HttpReponse interface to HttpResponse.