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Supported list of variables which control test suites

Below you can find the list of variables which control tests behavior, including schedule. Please, find os-autoinst backend variables which complement the list of variables below.

NOTE: This list is not complete and may contain outdated info. If you face such a case, please, create pull request with required changes.

Variable Type Default value Details
AARCH64_MTE_SUPPORTED boolean false Set to 1 if your machine supports Memory Tagging Extension (MTE)
ADDONS string Comma separated list of addons to be added using DVD. Also used to indicate addons in the SUT.
ADDONURL string Comma separated list of addons. Includes addon names to get url defined in ADDONURL_*. For example: ADDONURL=sdk,we ADDONURL_SDK=https://url ADDONURL_WE=ftp://url
ADDONURL_* string Define url for the addons list defined in ADDONURL
ASSERT_BSC1122804 boolean false In some scenarios it is necessary to check if the mistyped full name still happens.
ASSERT_Y2LOGS boolean false If set to true, we will parse YaST logs after installation and fail test suite in case unknown errors were detected.
AUTOCONF boolean false Toggle automatic configuration
AUTOYAST string Full url to the AY profile or relative path if in data directory of os-autoinst-distri-opensuse repo. If value starts with aytests/, these profiles are provided by suport server, source code is available in aytests repo. If value is a folder ending in / rules and classes will be used.
AUTOYAST_PREPARE_PROFILE boolean false Enable variable expansion in the autoyast profile.
AUTOYAST_VERIFY_TIMEOUT boolean false Enable validation of pop-up windows timeout.
AY_EXPAND_VARS string Commas separated list of variable names to be expanded in the provided autoyast profile. For example: REPO_SLE_MODULE_BASESYSTEM,DESKTOP,... Provided variables will replace {{VAR}} in the profile with the value of given variable. See also AUTOYAST_PREPARE_PROFILE.
BETA boolean false Enables checks and processing of beta warnings. Defines current stage of the product under test.
BCI_DEVEL_REPO string This parameter is given to the bci-tests to inject a different SLE_BCI repository url to the container image instead of the default one. Used by
BCI_TEST_ENVS string The list of environments to be tested, e.g. base,init,dotnet,python,node,go,multistage. Used by
BCI_TESTS_REPO string Location of the bci-tests repository to be cloned. Used by
BCI_TESTS_BRANCH string Branch to be cloned from bci-tests. Used by
BCI_TIMEOUT string Timeout given to the command to test each environment. Used by
BTRFS boolean false Indicates btrfs filesystem. Deprecated, use FILESYSTEM instead.
BUILD string Indicates build number of the product under test.
CASEDIR string Path to the directory which contains tests.
CHECK_RELEASENOTES boolean false Loads installation/releasenotes test module.
CHECKSUM_* string SHA256 checksum of the * medium. E.g. CHECKSUM_ISO_1 for ISO_1.
CHECKSUM_FAILED string Variable is set if checksum of installation medium fails to visualize error in the test module and not just put this information in the autoinst log file.
CLUSTER_TYPES string false Set the type of cluster that have to be analyzed (example: "drbd hana"). This variable belongs to PUBLIC_CLOUD_.
CONTAINER_RUNTIME string Container runtime to be used, e.g. docker, podman, or both podman,docker.
CONTAINERS_NO_SUSE_OS boolean false Used by main_containers to see if the host is different than SLE or openSUSE.
CONTAINERS_UNTESTED_IMAGES boolean false Whether to use untested_images or released_images from lib/containers/
COMMAND_FILE string The LTP test command file (e.g. syscalls, cve)
COMMAND_EXCLUDE string This regex is used to exclude tests from LTP command file.
CPU_BUGS boolean Into Mitigations testing
DESKTOP string Indicates expected DM, e.g. gnome, kde, textmode, xfce, lxde. Does NOT prescribe installation mode. Installation is controlled by VIDEOMODE setting
DEPENDENCY_RESOLVER_FLAG boolean false Control whether the resolve_dependecy_issues will be scheduled or not before certain modules which need it.
DEV_IMAGE boolean false This setting is used to set veriables properly when SDK or Development-Tools are required.
DISABLE_ONLINE_REPOS boolean false Enables installation/disable_online_repos test module, relevant for openSUSE only. Test module explicitly disables online repos not to be used during installation.
DISABLE_SECUREBOOT boolean false Disable secureboot in firmware of the SUT or in hypervisor's guest VM settings
DISABLE_SLE_UPDATES boolean false Disables online updates for the installation. Is true if QAM_MINIMAL is true for SLE.
DISTRI string Defines distribution. Possible values: sle, opensuse, microos.
DOCRUN boolean false
DUALBOOT boolean false Enables dual boot configuration during the installation.
DUD string Defines url or relative path to the DUD file if in data directory of os-autoinst-distri-opensuse repo
DUD_ADDONS string Comma separated list of addons added using DUD.
ENCRYPT boolean false Enables or indicates encryption of the disks. Can be combined with FULL_LVM_ENCRYPT, ENCRYPT_CANCEL_EXISTING, ENCRYPT_ACTIVATE_EXISTING and UNENCRYPTED_BOOT.
ENCRYPT_CANCEL_EXISTING boolean false Used to cancel activation of the encrypted partitions
SOFTLOCKUP_PANIC_DISABLED boolean false Disables panicking on softlockup, provides a stack trace once a softlockup has been detected (see POO#50345)
ETC_PASSWD string Sets content for /etc/passwd, can be used to mimic existing users. Is used to test import of existing users on backends which
have no shapshoting support (powerVM, zVM). Should be used together with ENCRYPT_ACTIVATE_EXISTING and ETC_SHADOW.
ETC_SHADOW string Sets content for /etc/shadow, can be used to mimic existing users. Is used to test import of existing users on backends which
have no shapshoting support (powerVM, zVM). Should be used together with ENCRYPT_ACTIVATE_EXISTING and ETC_PASSWD.
EXIT_AFTER_START_INSTALL boolean false Indicates that test suite will be finished after installation/start_install test module. So that all the test modules after this one will not be scheduled and executed.
EXPECTED_INSTALL_HOSTNAME string Contains expected hostname YaST installer got from the environment (DHCP, 'hostname=', as a kernel cmd line argument)
EXTRABOOTPARAMS string Concatenates content of the string as boot options applied to the installation bootloader.
EXTRABOOTPARAMS_BOOT_LOCAL string Boot options applied during the boot process of a local installation.
EXTRABOOTPARAMS_DELETE_CHARACTERS string Characters to delete from boot prompt.
EXTRABOOTPARAMS_DELETE_NEEDLE_TARGET string If specified, go back with the cursor until this needle is matched to delete characters from there. Needs EXTRABOOTPARAMS_BOOT_LOCAL and should be combined with EXTRABOOTPARAMS_DELETE_CHARACTERS.
EXTRATEST boolean false Enables execution of extra tests, see load_extra_tests
FLAVOR string Defines flavor of the product under test, e.g. staging-.-DVD, Krypton, Argon, Gnome-Live, DVD, Rescue-CD, etc.
SALT_FORMULAS_PATH string Used to point to a tarball with relative path to /data/yast2 which contains all the needed files (top.sls, form.yml, ...) to support provisioning with Salt masterless mode.
FULLURL string Full url to the factory repo. Is relevant for openSUSE only.
FULL_LVM_ENCRYPT boolean false Enables/indicates encryption using lvm. boot partition may or not be encrypted, depending on the product default behavior.
FUNCTION string Specifies SUT's role for MM test suites. E.g. Used to determine which SUT acts as target/server and initiator/client for iscsi test suite
GRUB_PARAM string A semicolon-separated list of extra boot options. Adds 2 grub meny entries per each item in main grub (2nd entry is the "Advanced options ..." submenu). See add_custom_grub_entries().
GRUB_BOOT_NONDEFAULT boolean false Boot grub menu entry added by add_custom_grub_entries (having setup GRUB_PARAM=debug_pagealloc=on;ima_policy=tcb;slub_debug=FZPU, GRUB_BOOT_NONDEFAULT=1 selects 3rd entry, which contains debug_pagealloc=on, GRUB_BOOT_NONDEFAULT=2 selects 5th entry, which contains ima_policy=tcb). NOTE: ARCH=s390x on BACKEND=s390x is not supported. See boot_grub_item(), handle_grub().
GRUB_SELECT_FIRST_MENU integer Select grub menu entry in main grub menu, used together with GRUB_SELECT_SECOND_MENU. GRUB_BOOT_NONDEFAULT has higher preference when both set. NOTE: ARCH=s390x on BACKEND=s390x is not supported. See boot_grub_item(), handle_grub().
GRUB_SELECT_SECOND_MENU integer Select grub menu entry in secondary grub menu (the "Advanced options ..." submenu), used together with GRUB_SELECT_FIRST_MENU. GRUB_BOOT_NONDEFAULT has higher preference when both set. NOTE: ARCH=s390x on BACKEND=s390x is not supported. See boot_grub_item(), handle_grub().
HASLICENSE boolean true if SLE, false otherwise Enables processing and validation of the license agreements.
HDDVERSION string Indicates version of the system installed on the HDD.
INSTALL_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT string Specify one of the supported keyboard layout to switch to during installation or to be used in autoyast scenarios e.g.: cz, fr
INSTALL_SOURCE string Specify network protocol to be used as installation source e.g. MIRROR_HTTP
INSTALLATION_VALIDATION string Comma separated list of modules to be used for installed system validation, should be used in combination with INSTALLONLY, to schedule only relevant test modules.
INSTALLONLY boolean false Indicates that test suite conducts only installation. Is recommended to be used for all jobs which create and publish images
INSTLANG string en_US Installation locale settings.
IPXE boolean false Indicates ipxe boot.
ISO_MAXSIZE integer Max size of the iso, used in installation/
IS_MM_SERVER boolean If set, run server-specific part of the multimachine job
KEEP_DISKS boolean false Prevents disks wiping for remote backends without snaphots support, e.g. ipmi, powerVM, zVM
KEEP_ONLINE_REPOS boolean false openSUSE specific variable, not to replace original repos in the installed system with snapshot mirrors which are not yet published.
KEEP_PERSISTENT_NET_RULES boolean false Keep udev rules 70-persistent-net.rules, which are deleted on backends with image support (qemu, svirt) by default.
LINUX_BOOT_IPV6_DISABLE boolean false If set, boots linux kernel with option named "ipv6.disable=1" which disables IPv6 from startup.
LINUXRC_KEXEC integer linuxrc has the capability to download and run a new kernel and initrd pair from the repository.
There are four settings for the kexec option:
0: feature disabled;
1: always restart with kernel/initrd from repository (without bothering to check if it's necessary);
2: restart only if needed - that is, if linuxrc detects that the booted initrd is outdated (this is the default);
3: like kexec=2 but without user interaction.
More details here.
LIVECD boolean false Indicates live image being used.
LIVE_INSTALLATION boolean false If set, boots the live media and starts the builtin NET installer.
LIVE_UPGRADE boolean false If set, boots the live media and starts the builtin NET installer in upgrade mode.
LIVETEST boolean false Indicates test of live system.
LTP_KNOWN_ISSUES string Used to specify a url for a json file with well known LTP issues. If an error occur which is listed, then the result is overwritten with softfailure.
LTP_REPO string The repo which will be added and is used to install LTP package.
LTP_RUN_NG_BRANCH string Define the branch of the LTP_RUN_NG_REPO.
LTP_RUN_NG_REPO string Define the runltp-ng repo to be used. Default in publiccloud/ is the upstream master branch from
LVM boolean false Use lvm for partitioning.
LVM_THIN_LV boolean false Use thin provisioning logical volumes for partitioning,
MACHINE string Define machine name which defines worker specific configuration, including WORKER_CLASS.
MEDIACHECK boolean false Enables installation/mediacheck test module.
MEMTEST boolean false Enables installation/memtest test module.
MIRROR_{protocol} string Specify source address
MOK_VERBOSITY boolean false Enable verbosity feature of shim. Requires preinstalled mokutil.
NAME string Name of the test run including distribution, build, machine name and job id.
NET boolean false Indicates net installation.
NETBOOT boolean false Indicates net boot.
NETDEV string Network device to be used when adding interface on zKVM.
NFSCLIENT boolean false Indicates/enables nfs client in console/yast2_nfs_client for multi-machine test.
NFSSERVER boolean false Indicates/enables nfs server in console/yast2_nfs_server.
NICTYPE_USER_OPTIONS string hostname=myguest causes a fake DHCP hostname 'myguest' provided to SUT. It is used as expected hostname if EXPECTED_INSTALL_HOSTNAME is not set.
NOAUTOLOGIN boolean false Indicates disabled auto login.
NOLOGS boolean false Do not collect logs if set to true. Handy during development.
OPT_KERNEL_PARAMS string Specify optional kernel command line parameters on bootloader settings page of the installer.
PERF_KERNEL boolean false Enables kernel performance testing.
PERF_INSTALL boolean false Enables kernel performance testing installation part.
PERF_SETUP boolean false Enables kernel performance testing deployment part.
PERF_RUNCASE boolean false Enables kernel performance testing run case part.
_SECRET_PUBLIC_CLOUD_REST_URL string "" Vault server URL
_SECRET_PUBLIC_CLOUD_REST_USER string "" Vault server user name
_SECRET_PUBLIC_CLOUD_REST_PW string "" Vault server user password
_SECRET_PUBLIC_CLOUD_REST_SSL_INSECURE boolean true Do not validate Vault server certificate
PUBLIC_CLOUD boolean false All Public Cloud tests have this variable set to true. Contact:
PUBLIC_CLOUD_ACCOUNT string "" For GCE will set account via gcloud config set account ' . $self->account.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_ACCNET boolean false If set, az_accelerated_net test module is added to the job.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_ARCH string "x86_64" The architecture of created VM.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_AZURE_OFFER string "" Specific to Azure. Allow to query for image based on offer and sku. Should be used together with PUBLIC_CLOUD_AZURE_SKU.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_AZURE_SKU string "" Specific to Azure.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_BUILD string "" The image build number. Used only when we use custom built image.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_BUILD_KIWI string "" The image kiwi build number. Used only when we use custom built image.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_CHECK_BOOT_TIME boolean false If set, boottime test module is added to the job.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_CLIENT_ID string "" In GCE one of the variables used to authenticate user.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_CONFIDENTIAL_VM boolean false GCE Confidential VM instance
PUBLIC_CLOUD_CONSOLE_TESTS boolean false If set, console tests are added to the job.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_CONTAINERS boolean false If set, containers tests are added to the job.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_DOWNLOAD_TESTREPO boolean false If set, it schedules publiccloud/download_repos job.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_EC2_UPLOAD_AMI string "" Needed to decide which image will be used for helper VM for upload some image. When not specified some predefined value will be used. Overwrite the value for ec2uploadimg --ec2-ami.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_EC2_UPLOAD_SECGROUP string "" Allow to instruct ec2uploadimg script to use some existing security group instead of creating new one. If given, the parameter --security-group-ids is passed to ec2uploadimg.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_EC2_UPLOAD_VPCSUBNET string "" Allow to instruct ec2uploadimg script to use some existing VPC instead of creating new one.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_FIO boolean false If set, storage_perf test module is added to the job.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_FIO_RUNTIME integer 300 Set the execution time for each FIO tests.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_FIO_SSD_SIZE string "100G" Set the additional disk size for the FIO tests.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_GCE_UPLOAD_GUEST_FEATURES string "" The list of features given to upload VM
PUBLIC_CLOUD_IGNORE_EMPTY_REPO boolean false Ignore empty maintenance update repos
PUBLIC_CLOUD_IMAGE_ID string "" The image ID we start the instance from
PUBLIC_CLOUD_IMAGE_LOCATION string "" The URL where the image gets downloaded from. The name of the image gets extracted from this URL.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_IMAGE_PROJECT string "" Google Compute Engine image project
PUBLIC_CLOUD_IMG_PROOF_TESTS string false Tests run by img-proof. (We use 'default')
PUBLIC_CLOUD_INSTANCE_TYPE string "" Specify the instance type. Which instance types exists depends on the CSP. (default-azure: Standard_A2, default-ec2: t2.large )
PUBLIC_CLOUD_KEY string "" Private key data for gce, similar to PUBLIC_CLOUD_KEY_SECRET.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_KEY_ID string "" The CSP credentials key-id to used to access API.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_KEY_SECRET string "" The CSP credentials secret used to access API.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_LTP boolean false If set, the run_ltp test module is added to the job.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_NO_CLEANUP_ON_FAILURE boolean false Do not remove the instance when the test fails.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_PERF_DB_URI string "" Optional variable. If set, the bootup times get stored in the influx database. The database name is 'publiccloud'. (e.g. PUBLIC_CLOUD_PERF_DB_URI=
PUBLIC_CLOUD_PREPARE_TOOLS boolean false Activate prepare_tools test module by setting this variable.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_PROJECT_ID string "" GCP only, used to specify the project id.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_PROVIDER string "" The type of the CSP (e.g. AZURE, EC2, GCE).
PUBLIC_CLOUD_QAM boolean false Previously used to recognize maintenance jobs - now deprecated - should be removed.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_REBOOT_TIMEOUT integer 600 Number of seconds we wait for instance to reboot.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_REGION string "" The region to use. (default-azure: westeurope, default-ec2: eu-central-1, default-gcp: europe-west1).
PUBLIC_CLOUD_RESOURCE_NAME string "openqa-vm" The name we use when creating our VM.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_SKIP_MU boolean false Debug variable used to run test without maintenance updates repository being applied.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT string "" GCE only, used to specify the service account.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_TENANT_ID string "" This is B and used to create the service account file.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_TOOLS_REPO string false The URL to the cloud:tools repo (optional). (e.g.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_TTL_OFFSET integer 300 This number + MAX_JOB_TIME equals the TTL of created VM.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_SLES4SAP boolean false If set, sles4sap test module is added to the job.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_STORAGE string "openqa-storage" Name of storage where we load the system image from.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_SUBSCRIPTION_ID string "" This is B and used to create the service account file.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_VAULT_NAMESPACE string "qac" The Vault server namespace.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_VAULT_TIMEOUT integer 60 The number of seconds we wait for the Vault server to respond.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_VAULT_TRIES integer 3 The number of attempts to connect to Vault server.
PUBLIC_CLOUD_USER string "" The public cloud instance system user.
PKGMGR_ACTION_AT_EXIT string "" Set the default behavior of the package manager when package installation has finished. Possible actions are: close, restart, summary. If PKGMGR_ACTION_AT_EXIT is not set in openQA, test module will read the default value from /etc/sysconfig/yast2.
PXE_PRODUCT_NAME string false Defines image name for PXE booting
QA_TESTSUITE string Comma or semicolon separated a list of the automation cases' name, and these cases will be installed and triggered if you call "start_testrun" function from
RAIDLEVEL integer Define raid level to be configured. Possible values: 0,1,5,6,10.
REBOOT_TIMEOUT integer 0 Set and handle reboot timeout available in YaST installer. 0 disables the timeout and needs explicit reboot confirmation.
REGISTRY string Registry to pull third-party container images from
CONTAINER_IMAGE_VERSIONS string List of comma-separated versions from get_suse_container_urls() to test in tests/containers/*
REGRESSION string Define scope of regression testing, including ibus, gnome, documentation and other.
REMOTE_REPOINST boolean Use linuxrc features to install OS from specified repository (install) while booting installer from DVD (instsys)
REPO_* string Url pointing to the mirrored repo. REPO_0 contains installation iso.
RESCUECD boolean false Indicates rescue image to be used.
RESCUESYSTEM boolean false Indicates rescue system under test.
ROOTONLY boolean false Request installation to create only the root account, no user account.
RESET_HOSTNAME boolean false If set to true content of /etc/hostname file will be erased
SCC_ADDONS string Comma separated list of modules to be enabled using SCC/RMT.
SCC_DOCKER_IMAGE string The content of /etc/zypp/credentials.d/SCCcredentials used by container-suseconnect-zypp zypper service in SLE base container images
SELECT_FIRST_DISK boolean false Enables test module to select first disk for the installation. Is used for baremetal machine tests with multiple disks available, including cases when server still has previous installation.
ENABLE_SELINUX boolean false Explicitly enable SELinux in transactional server environments.
SEPARATE_HOME three-state undef Used for scheduling the test module where separate /home partition should be explicitly enabled (if 1 is set) or disabled (if 0 is set). If not specified, the test module is skipped.
SES5_CEPH_QA_HEALTH_OK string URL for repo containing ceph-qa-health-ok package.
SKIP_CERT_VALIDATION boolean false Enables linuxrc parameter to skip certificate validation of the remote source, e.g. when using self-signed https url.
SET_CUSTOM_PROMPT boolean false Set a custom, shorter prompt in shells. Saves screen space but can take time to set repeatedly in all shell sessions.
SLE_PRODUCT string Defines SLE product. Possible values: sles, sled, sles4sap. Is mainly used for SLE 15 installation flow.
SOFTFAIL_BSC1063638 boolean false Enable bsc#1063638 detection.
STAGING boolean false Indicates staging environment.
SPECIFIC_DISK boolean false Enables installation/partitioning_olddisk test module.
SPLITUSR boolean false Enables installation/partitioning_splitusr test module.
SUSEMIRROR string Mirror url of the installation medium.
SYSAUTHTEST boolean false Enable system authentication test (sysauth/sssd)
SYSCTL_IPV6_DISABLED boolean undef Set automatically in samba_adcli tests when ipv6 is disabled
TEST string Name of the test suite.
TEST_CONTEXT string Defines the class name to be used as the context instance of the test. This is used in the scheduler to pass the run_args into the loadtest function. If it is not given it will be undef.
TOGGLEHOME boolean false Changes the state of partitioning to have or not to have separate home partition in the proposal.
TUNNELED boolean false Enables the use of normal consoles like "root-consoles" on a remote SUT while configuring the tunnel in a local "tunnel-console"
TYPE_BOOT_PARAMS_FAST boolean false When set, forces bootloader_setup::type_boot_parameters to use the default typing interval.
UEFI boolean false Indicates UEFI in the testing environment.
UPGRADE boolean false Indicates upgrade scenario.
USBBOOT boolean false Indicates booting to the usb device.
VALIDATE_ETC_HOSTS boolean false Validate changes in /etc/hosts when using YaST network module. Is used in yast2_lan and yast2_lan_restart test modules which test module in ncurses and x11 respectively.
VALIDATE_INST_SRC boolean false Validate installation source in /etc/install.inf
VALIDATE_CHECKSUM boolean false Validate checksum of the mediums. Also see CHECKSUM_*.
VERSION string Contains major version of the product. E.g. 15-SP1 or 15.1
VIDEOMODE string Indicates/defines video mode used for the installation. Empty value uses default, other possible values text, ssh-x for installation ncurses and x11 over ssh respectivelyю
VIRSH_OPENQA_BASEDIR string /var/lib The OPENQA_BASEDIR configured on the svirt host (only relevant for the svirt backend).
UNENCRYPTED_BOOT boolean false Indicates/defines existence of unencrypted boot partition in the SUT.
WAYLAND boolean false Enables wayland tests in the system.
XDMUSED boolean false Indicates availability of xdm.
YAML_SCHEDULE string Defines yaml file containing test suite schedule.
YAML_TEST_DATA string Defines yaml file containing test data.
YUI_LOG_LEVEL string debug Allows changing log level for YuiRestClient::Logger. Available options are: debug, info, warning, error, fatal.
YUI_PORT integer Port being used for libyui REST API. See also YUI_SERVER and YUI_START_PORT.
YUI_SERVER string libyui REST API server name or ip address.
YUI_START_PORT integer 39000 Sets starting port for the libyui REST API, on qemu VNC port is then added to this port not to have conflicts.
YUI_REST_API boolean false Is used to setup environment for libyui REST API, as some parameters have to be set before the VM is started.
YUI_PARAMS string libyui REST API params required to open YaST modules
ZDUP boolean false Prescribes zypper dup scenario.
ZDUPREPOS string Comma separated list of repositories to be added/used for zypper dup call, defaults to SUSEMIRROR or attached media, e.g. ISO.
ZFCP_ADAPTERS string Comma separated list of available ZFCP adapters in the machine (usually 0.0.fa00 and/or 0.0.fc00)
LINUXRC_BOOT boolean true To be used only in scenarios where we are booting an installed system from the installer medium (for example, a DVD) with the menu option "Boot Linux System" (not "boot From Hard Disk"). This option uses linuxrc.
ZYPPER_WHITELISTED_ORPHANS string empty Whitelist expected orphaned packages, do not fail if any are found. Upgrade scenarios are expecting orphans by default. Used by console/
PUBLIC_CLOUD_CONTAINER_IMAGES_REPO string The Container images repository in CSP