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File metadata and controls

1166 lines (1035 loc) · 41.6 KB

Monocart Reporter


(For Github actions, we can enforce color with env: FORCE_COLOR: true)


npm i -D monocart-reporter

Playwright Config

Note: Most examples use CommonJS by default, please move to ESM according to your needs.

// playwright.config.js
module.exports = {
    reporter: [
        ['monocart-reporter', {  
            name: "My Test Report",
            outputFile: './monocart-report/index.html'

Playwright Docs



  • path-to/your-filename.html
    Single HTML file (data compressed), easy to transfer/deploy or open directly anywhere

Note: All attachments (screenshots images/videos) will be linked with relative path in report.

  • path-to/your-filename.json
    Separated data file which can be used for debugging or data provider (It's included in the above HTML and compressed).

Reporter Options

View Trace Online

The Trace Viewer requires that the trace file must be loaded over the http:// or https:// protocols without CORS issue.

  • Start a local web server with following CLI:
# serve and open report
npx monocart show-report <path-to-report>

# serve report
npx monocart serve-report <path-to-report>

The server add the http header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * to allow requesting from any origin, it works with http://localhost:port/ or

  • To successfully work with other IP or domain, you can start web server with https:
npx monocart show-report <path-to-report> --ssl <path-to-key,path-to-cert>

For example: npx monocart show-report monocart-report/index.html --ssl ssl/key.pem,ssl/cert.pem

You can create and install local CA with mkcert

  • Using your own trace viewer url with option traceViewerUrl:
// reporter options
    name: "My Test Report",
    outputFile: './monocart-report/index.html',
    // defaults to '{traceUrl}'
    traceViewerUrl: 'https://your-own-trace-viewer-url/?trace={traceUrl}'

Custom Fields Report

You can add custom fields to the report. for example: Owner, JIRA Key etc.

Custom Columns

The report will be displayed in a Tree Grid. The columns function is used to customize the grid columns. The column properties following:

  • id (String) Column id (required)
  • name (String) Column name, shows in grid header
  • align (String) left (default), center, right
  • width (Number) Column width
  • minWidth, maxWidth (Number) Default to 81 ~ 300
  • styleMap (Object, String) Column style (css)
  • formatter (Function) column formatter. Arguments: value, rowItem, columnItem, cellNode
  • sortable (Boolean) Column sortable when click column header name
  • resizable (Boolean) Column width resizable
  • searchable (Boolean) Specifies whether the column is searchable
  • markdown (Boolean) Specifies whether the column needs to use markdown conversion
  • detailed (Boolean) Specifies whether the column needs to display the layout in detail (horizontal)
  • more properties columnProps
// playwright.config.js
module.exports = {
    reporter: [
        ['monocart-reporter', {  
            name: "My Test Report",
            outputFile: './monocart-report/index.html',

            // custom columns
            columns: (defaultColumns) => {

                // insert custom column(s) before a default column
                const index = defaultColumns.findIndex((column) => === 'duration');
                defaultColumns.splice(index, 0, {
                    // define the column in reporter
                    id: 'owner',
                    name: 'Owner',
                    align: 'center',
                    searchable: true,
                    styleMap: {
                        'font-weight': 'normal'
                }, {
                    // another column for JIRA link
                    id: 'jira',
                    name: 'JIRA Key',
                    width: 100,
                    searchable: true,
                    styleMap: 'font-weight:normal;',
                    formatter: (v, rowItem, columnItem) => {
                        const key = rowItem[];
                        return `<a href="https://your-jira-url/${key}" target="_blank">${v}</a>`;


Column Formatter

Note: The formatter function will be serialized into string via JSON, so closures, contexts, etc. will not work!

// playwright.config.js
module.exports = {
     reporter: [
        ['monocart-reporter', {  
            name: "My Test Report",
            outputFile: './monocart-report/index.html',
            columns: (defaultColumns) => {

                // duration formatter
                const durationColumn = defaultColumns.find((column) => === 'duration');
                durationColumn.formatter = function(value, rowItem, columnItem) {
                    if (typeof value === 'number' && value) {
                        return `<i>${value.toLocaleString()} ms</i>`;
                    return value;

                // title formatter
                // Note: The title shows the tree style, it is a complicated HTML structure
                // it is recommended to format title base on previous.
                const titleColumn = defaultColumns.find((column) => === 'title');
                titleColumn.formatter = function(value, rowItem, columnItem, cellNode) {
                    const perviousFormatter = this.getFormatter('tree');
                    const v = perviousFormatter(value, rowItem, columnItem, cellNode);
                    if (rowItem.type === 'step') {
                        return `${v}<div style="position:absolute;top:0;right:5px;">✅</div>`;
                    return v;


Searchable Fields

// playwright.config.js
module.exports = {
     reporter: [
        ['monocart-reporter', {  
            name: "My Test Report",
            outputFile: './monocart-report/index.html',
            columns: (defaultColumns) => {
                const locationColumn = defaultColumns.find((column) => === 'location');
                locationColumn.searchable = true;

Custom Fields in Comments

The code comments are good enough to provide extra information without breaking existing code, and no dependencies, clean, easy to read, etc.

  • First, enable option customFieldsInComments to true
// playwright.config.js
module.exports = {
    reporter: [
        ['monocart-reporter', {  
            // enable/disable custom fields in comments. Defaults to true.
            customFieldsInComments: true
  • Then, add comments for the tests

Note: Each comment item must start with @ which is similar to JSDoc.

For example, adding owner and jira to the cases, steps, and suites. or updating the value if the field exists like title

 * for file (comment file in the first line)
 * @owner FO
const { test, expect } = require('@playwright/test');

 * for case
 * @owner Kevin
 * @jira MCR-16888
test('case title', () => { 


 * @description multiple lines text description
multiple lines text description
multiple lines text description
 * @jira MCR-16888
test('case description', () => {


 * for describe suite
 * @owner Mark
 * @jira MCR-16900
test.describe('suite title', () => {

    test('case title', ({ browserName }, testInfo) => {

         * rewrite assert step title "expect.toBe" to
         * @title my custom assert step title
         * @annotations important

        // @owner Steve
        await test.step('step title', () => {



 * rewrite "beforeAll hook" title to
 * @title do something before all
test.beforeAll(() => { 


 * rewrite "beforeEach hook" title to
 * @title do something before each
test.beforeEach(() => { 

Create Diagrams and Visualizations with Mermaid

  • Enable Mermaid
// playwright.config.js
module.exports = {
     reporter: [
        ['monocart-reporter', {  
            name: "My Test Report",
            outputFile: './monocart-report/index.html',
            mermaid: {
                // mermaid script url, using mermaid CDN:
                scriptSrc: '',
                // mermaid config:
                config: {
                    startOnLoad: false
  • Write Mermaid code in markdown:
 * @description Sequence diagram for Monocart Reporter
flowchart LR

A[Hard] -->|Text| B(Round)
B --> C{Decision}
C -->|One| D[Result 1]
C -->|Two| E[Result 2]
test('case description', () => {


see Mermaid doc

Custom Fields with setMetadata()

Using comments is only applicable to statically created tests, while using API setMetadata() can be applicable to all situations, which is including dynamically created tests.

const { test } = require('@playwright/test');
const { setMetadata } = require('monocart-reporter');
test.describe('Data Driven Tests with setMetadata(data, testInfo)', () => {
    const list = [{
        title: 'Example Case 1 Data Driven Test',
        owner: 'Jensen',
        jira: 'MCR-16889',
    }, {
        title: 'Example Case 2 Data Driven Test',
        owner: 'Mark',
        jira: 'MCR-16899'
    list.forEach((item, i) => {
        test(item.title, () => {
                owner: item.owner,
                jira: item.jira



Custom Data Visitor

The visitor function will be executed for each row item (suite, case and step). Arguments:

  • data data item (suite/case/step) for reporter, you can rewrite some of its properties or add more
  • metadata original data object from Playwright test, could be one of Suite, TestCase or TestStep

Collect Data from the Title

For example, we want to parse out the jira key from the title:

test('[MCR-123] collect data from the title', () => {


You can simply use regular expressions to parse and get jira key:

// playwright.config.js
module.exports = {
    reporter: [
        ['monocart-reporter', {  
            name: "My Test Report",
            outputFile: './monocart-report/index.html',
            visitor: (data, metadata) => {
                // [MCR-123] collect data from the title
                const matchResult = metadata.title.match(/\[(.+)\]/);
                if (matchResult && matchResult[1]) {
                    data.jira = matchResult[1];

multiple matches example: collect-data

Collect Data from the Annotations

It should be easier than getting from title. see custom annotations via

test('collect data from the annotations', () => {{
        type: "jira",
        description: "MCR-123"
// playwright.config.js
module.exports = {
    reporter: [
        ['monocart-reporter', {  
            name: "My Test Report",
            outputFile: './monocart-report/index.html',
            visitor: (data, metadata) => {
                // collect data from the annotations
                if (metadata.annotations) {
                    const jiraItem = metadata.annotations.find((item) => item.type === 'jira');
                    if (jiraItem && jiraItem.description) {
                        data.jira = jiraItem.description;

Remove Secrets and Sensitive Data

The report may hosted outside of the organization’s internal boundaries, security becomes a big issue. Any secrets or sensitive data, such as usernames, passwords, tokens and API keys, should be handled with extreme care. The following example is removing the password and token from the report data with the string replacement in visitor function.

// playwright.config.js
module.exports = {
    reporter: [
        ['monocart-reporter', {  
            name: "My Test Report",
            outputFile: './monocart-report/index.html',
            visitor: (data, metadata) => {
                const mySecrets = [process.env.PASSWORD, process.env.TOKEN];
                mySecrets.forEach((secret) => {
                    // remove from title
                    data.title = data.title.replace(secret, '***');
                    // remove from logs
                    if (data.logs) {
                        data.logs = => item.replace(secret, '***'));
                    // remove from errors
                    if (data.errors) {
                        data.errors = => item.replace(secret, '***'));

see example: remove-secrets

Style Tags

  • Add tag to test/describe title ( starts with @ )
test('test title @smoke @critical', () => { });
test.describe('describe title @smoke @critical', () => { });

// new syntax for tag in playwright v1.42.0
test('test title', { tag: ['@smoke', '@critical'] }, () => { });
test.describe('describe title', { tag: ['@smoke', '@critical'] }, () => { });
  • Custom tag style
// playwright.config.js
module.exports = {
    reporter: [
        ['monocart-reporter', {  
            name: "My Test Report",
            outputFile: './monocart-report/index.html',
            tags: {
                smoke: {
                    style: {
                        background: '#6F9913'
                    description: 'This is Smoke Test'
                critical: {
                    background: '#c00'
  • Put style tags in new column
module.exports = {
    reporter: [
        ['monocart-reporter', {  
            name: "My Test Report",
            outputFile: './monocart-report/index.html',
            tags: {
                // ...
            columns: (defaultColumns) => {

                // disable title tags
                defaultColumns.find((column) => === 'title').titleTagsDisabled = true;

                // add tags column
                const index = defaultColumns.findIndex((column) => === 'type');
                defaultColumns.splice(index, 0, {
                    id: 'tags',
                    name: 'Tags',
                    width: 150,
                    formatter: 'tags'

see example


All metadata will be listed in the report in a key/value format.

  • Global level metadata
// playwright.config.js
module.exports = {
    globalSetup: require.resolve('./common/global-setup.js'),
    metadata: {
        product: 'Monocart',
        env: 'STG',
        type: 'Regression',
        executor: 'Mono',
        // test home page object model
        url: ''
     reporter: [
        ['monocart-reporter', {  
            name: "My Test Report",
            outputFile: './monocart-report/index.html'
  • Project level metadata
// playwright.config.js
module.exports = {
    projects: [
            name: 'Desktop Chromium',
            use: {
                browserName: 'chromium'
            metadata: {
                projectData: 'project level metadata',
                owner: 'PO',
                link: ''
// ./common/global-setup.js
import { chromium } from '@playwright/test';
export default async (config) => {
    const metadata = config.metadata;
    // collect data and save to global metadata
    const browser = await chromium.launch();
    const chromiumVersion = await browser.version();
    metadata.chromiumVersion = chromiumVersion;
  • Collect metadata in a test

    Playwright Test runs tests in parallel with isolate test data by default, so we need to utilize global state management to collect metadata in a test.

    const { test } = require('@playwright/test');
    const { useState } = require('monocart-reporter');
    const state = useState({
        // port: 8130
    test('test metadata url', async ({ page }) => {
        const url = await page.evaluate(() => window.location.href);
        await state.set('url', url);

Trend Chart

Note: The trend chart requires historical data generally stored in the server database. There is a serverless solution which is connecting and collecting historical trend data from previous report data before test every time.

  • If a report is generated in the same place every time, you can simply connect the data with the report JSON path (the data is not 100% safe if there is any runtime error, the previous output dir will be empty by Playwright but the reporter processing not finish)
// playwright.config.js
module.exports = {
    reporter: [
        ['monocart-reporter', {  
            name: "My Test Report",
            outputFile: './monocart-report/index.html',
            // connect previous report data for trend chart
            trend: './monocart-report/index.json'
  • Recommended: resolve the data by yourself (could be requested from the server), required data fields:
    • date (Number) the previous test date in milliseconds
    • duration (Number) the previous test duration
    • summary (Object) the previous test summary
    • trends (Array) historical data list, but except the previous self
// playwright.config.js
module.exports = {
    reporter: [
        ['monocart-reporter', {  
            name: "My Test Report",
            outputFile: './monocart-report/index.html',
            // connect previous report data for trend chart
            trend: async () => {
                const previousReportData = await readDataFromSomeWhere("path-to/report.json");
                // do some data filtering to previous trends
                previousReportData.trends = previousReportData.trends.filter((item) => {
                    // remove data a week ago
                    return > ( - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
                return previousReportData;

Code Coverage Report

The reporter integrates monocart-coverage-reports for coverage reports, there are two APIs:

  • addCoverageReport(data, testInfo) Add coverage to global coverage report from a test. see Global Coverage Report
    • data There are two supported data inputs: Istanbul (Object) or V8 (Array)
    • testInfo see TestInfo
  • attachCoverageReport(data, testInfo, options) Attach a coverage report to a test. Arguments:
    • data same as above
    • testInfo same as above
    • options (Object) see Coverage Options

Global Coverage Report

The global coverage report will merge all coverages into one global report after all the tests are finished.

// playwright.config.js
module.exports = {
    reporter: [
        ['monocart-reporter', {  
            name: "My Test Report",
            outputFile: './monocart-report/index.html',
            // global coverage report options
            coverage: {
                entryFilter: (entry) => true,
                sourceFilter: (sourcePath) =>\/.+/) !== -1,
// fixtures.js for v8 coverage
import { test as testBase, expect } from '@playwright/test';
import { addCoverageReport } from 'monocart-reporter';

const test = testBase.extend({
    autoTestFixture: [async ({ page }, use) => {

        // NOTE: it depends on your project name
        const isChromium = === 'Desktop Chromium';

        // console.log('autoTestFixture setup...');
        // coverage API is chromium only
        if (isChromium) {
            await Promise.all([
                    resetOnNavigation: false
                    resetOnNavigation: false

        await use('autoTestFixture');

        // console.log('autoTestFixture teardown...');
        if (isChromium) {
            const [jsCoverage, cssCoverage] = await Promise.all([
            const coverageList = [... jsCoverage, ... cssCoverage];
            // console.log( => item.url));
            await addCoverageReport(coverageList,;

    }, {
        scope: 'test',
        auto: true
export { test, expect };
  • Adding server side coverage on global teardown

For example, a Node.js web server start at the beginning of the test with the env NODE_V8_COVERAGE=dir, the V8 coverage data will be saved to dir with calling API v8.takeCoverage() manually or terminating server gracefully. On global teardown, reading all from dir and adding them to global coverage report. For Node.js, the V8 coverage data requires appending source manually.

// global-teardown.js
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
import { addCoverageReport } from 'monocart-reporter';

export default async (config) => {

    const dir = "your-v8-coverage-data-dir";

    const files = fs.readdirSync(dir);
    for (const filename of files) {
        const content = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(dir, filename)).toString('utf-8');
        const json = JSON.parse(content);
        let coverageList = json.result;
        coverageList = coverageList.filter((entry) => entry.url && entry.url.startsWith('file:'));

        // appending source
        coverageList.forEach((entry) => {
            entry.source = fs.readFileSync(fileURLToPath(entry.url)).toString('utf8');

        // there is no test info on teardown, just mock one with required config
        const mockTestInfo = {
        await addCoverageReport(coverageList, mockTestInfo);

see Collecting V8 Coverage Data from Node.js

Coverage Options

Coverage Examples

Attach Lighthouse Audit Report

Attach an audit report with API attachAuditReport(runnerResult, testInfo). Arguments:

const { test, chromium } = require('@playwright/test');
const { attachAuditReport } = require('monocart-reporter');
const lighthouse = require('lighthouse/core/index.cjs');
test('attach lighthouse audit report', async () => {
    const port = 9222;
    const browser = await chromium.launch({
        args: [`--remote-debugging-port=${port}`]
    const options = {
        // logLevel: 'info',
        // onlyCategories: ['performance', 'best-practices', 'seo'],
        output: 'html',
    const url = '';
    const runnerResult = await lighthouse(url, options);
    await browser.close();
    await attachAuditReport(runnerResult,;

Attach Network Report

Attach a network report with API attachNetworkReport(har, testInfo). Arguments:

Generate HAR with recordHar option in browser.newContext() (see example: report-network.spec.js preview report)

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const { test } = require('@playwright/test');
const { attachNetworkReport } = require('monocart-reporter');
let context;
test.describe('attach network report 1', () => {

    const harPath = path.resolve('.temp/network-report1.har');
    if (fs.existsSync(harPath)) {
        // remove previous

    test('first, open page', async ({ browser }) => {
        context = await browser.newContext({
            recordHar: {
                path: harPath
        const page = await context.newPage();
        await page.goto('');

    test('next, run test cases', async () => {

    test('finally, attach HAR', async () => {
        // Close context to ensure HAR is saved to disk.
        await context.close();
        await attachNetworkReport(harPath,;

Generate HAR with playwright-har

import { test } from '@playwright/test';
import { attachNetworkReport } from 'monocart-reporter';
import { PlaywrightHar } from 'playwright-har';

const harPath = path.resolve('.temp/network-report2.har');
if (fs.existsSync(harPath)) {
    // remove previous

test('first, open page', async ({ browser }) => {
    const context = await browser.newContext();
    const page = await context.newPage();
    playwrightHar = new PlaywrightHar(page);
    await playwrightHar.start();
    await page.goto('');

test('next, run test cases', async () => {

test('finally, attach HAR', async () => {
    await playwrightHar.stop(harPath);
    await attachNetworkReport(harPath,;

Preview Network HTML Report

Global State Management

When tests are executed in isolation mode, the reporter and each test may run in a different process, they cannot share data with each other. we can start a local WebSocket server to serve the global data, and read/write the global data with useState API from a test.

Setup Global State

module.exports = {
    reporter: [
        ['monocart-reporter', {  
            name: "My Test Report",
            outputFile: './monocart-report/index.html',
            state: {
                data: {
                    count: 0
                server: {
                    // port: 8130
                onClose: (data, config) => {
                    // save state data to global metadata
                    Object.assign(config.metadata, data);

Get, Set, and Remove Global Data

const { test } = require('@playwright/test');
const { useState } = require('monocart-reporter');
test('state test', async ({ browserName }) => {
    const state = useState({
        // port: 8130

    const count = await state.get('count');
    console.log('count', count);

    await state.set('count', count + 1);

    await state.set({
        browser: browserName,
        someKey: 'some value'

    const [browser, someKey] = await state.get('browser', 'someKey');
    console.log(browser, someKey);

    await state.remove('someKey');

    const all = await state.get();

Send and Receive Messages between Processes

  • send message and receive response from a test (child process)
const { test } = require('@playwright/test');
const { useState } = require('monocart-reporter');
test('state test send message', async () => {
    const state = useState({
        // port: 8130
    const response = await state.send({
        data: 'my test data'
    console.log('receive response on client', response);
  • receive message and send response from global state (main process)
module.exports = {
    reporter: [
        ['monocart-reporter', {  
            name: "My Test Report",
            outputFile: './monocart-report/index.html',
            state: {
                onReceive: function(message) {
                    const test = this.getTest(message.testId);
                    if (test) {
                        // current test
                    console.log('receive message on server', message);
                    return {
                        data: 'my response data'

see example: Allow specified test cases to run in sequence mode with lock/unlock state

Merge Shard Reports

There will be multiple reports to be generated if Playwright test executes in sharding mode. for example:

npx playwright test --shard=1/3
npx playwright test --shard=2/3
npx playwright test --shard=3/3

There are 3 reports will be generated.

Using merge API to merge all reports into one

Note: One more suite level "shard" will be added, its title will be the machine hostname, and the summary will be restated. All attachments will be copied to the merged output directory.

import { merge } from 'monocart-reporter';

// json file path
const reportDataList = [

await merge(reportDataList, {
    name: 'My Merged Report',
    outputFile: 'merged-report/index.html',
    onEnd: async (reportData, helper) => {
        // send email or third party integration

Note: The coverage reports will be merged automatically if we specify the raw report in coverage options:

// global coverage options
coverage: {
    reports: [
        // for merging coverage reports

see example merge.js

Using merge CLI

npx monocart merge <glob-patterns>

# -o --outputFile
npx monocart merge path-to/shard*/index.json -o merged-reports/index.html

# -c --config
npx monocart merge path-to/shard*/index.json -c mr.config.js

The default config files (In order of priority)

  • mr.config.js
  • mr.config.cjs
  • mr.config.mjs
  • mr.config.json
  • mr.config.ts

Preload for TypeScript config file:

  • It requires node 18.19.0+
  • Installing tsx: npm i -D tsx
  • Using the --import tsx flag
  • see comment

onEnd Hook

The onEnd function will be executed after report generated. Arguments:

  • reportData all report data, properties:
    • name (String) report name
    • date (Number) start date in milliseconds
    • dateH (String) human-readable date with Date.toLocaleString()
    • duration (Number) test duration in milliseconds
    • durationH (String) human-readable duration
    • summary (Object) test summary, includes tests, suites, steps, etc.
    • rows and columns (Array) all rows and columns data, both are tree structure, see detail
    • tags (Object) tag collection
    • metadata (Object) metadata collection
    • system (Object) system information
    • trends (Array) historical trend data
    • caseTypes and suiteTypes (Array)
    • cwd, outputDir and outputFile (String)
    • htmlPath, jsonPath and summaryTable (String)
    • ...
  • helper APIs:
    • helper.find(callback) Find item like array find function.
    • helper.filter(callback) Filter list like array filter function.
    • helper.forEach(callback) Iterate all rows of data (suites/cases/steps), return break will break the iteration.
    • helper.sendEmail(emailOptions)
// playwright.config.js
module.exports = {
    reporter: [
        ['monocart-reporter', {  
            name: "My Test Report",
            outputFile: './monocart-report/index.html',
            // async hook after report data generated
            onEnd: async (reportData, helper) => {
                // console.log(reportData.summary);

                // find a test by title
                const myCase = helper.find((item, parent) => item.type === 'case' && item.title.includes('inline tag'));
                console.log(myCase && myCase.title);

                // find a suite by title
                const mySuite = helper.find((item, parent) => item.type === 'suite' && item.title.includes('new syntax'));
                console.log(mySuite && mySuite.title);

                // filter failed cases
                const failedCases = helper.filter((item, parent) => item.type === 'case' && item.caseType === 'failed');
                console.log( => it.title));

                // Iterate all items
                helper.forEach((item, parent) => {
                    // do something


Integration Examples

By using the onEnd hook, we can integrate Playwright report with any other tools, such as:

See playwright-reporter-integrations


# Node.js 20+
npm install starfall-cli -g
npm install

npm run build
npm run test

npm run dev
