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File metadata and controls

85 lines (55 loc) · 2.78 KB

Calculate S3 etag


A cross-platform utility to calculte the etag of a file the way S3 would calculate it.


  • Print the calculated etag for a list of provided files on the command line
  • Configure the chunk size used when uploading the file to S3 (default to 8MB)

Example Usage

Calculate the etags for all the jpg files in the current directory

calculate-etag *.jpg

Command Line Usage

General Usage

$ calculate-etag --help
calculate-etag 0.1.0
Bernard Niset

    calculate-etag [OPTIONS] <files>...

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -s, --size <chunk-size>     [default: 8388608]

    <files>...    Files to process

Development Guidelines

Unit tests

Install cargo watch

cargo install cargo-watch

Run unit tests. Unit tests need to run single threaded.

cargo watch -w src -x "test"

Integration tests

Upload files specifying chunk size of 5MB using s3cmd:

s3cmd put --multipart-chunk-size-mb=5 *.dat s3://xxx/test/

List files using -l to see etag information:

> s3cmd ls -l s3://xxx/test/
2021-06-18 16:11         1000  5f9cab54dc1ebba728c0a1f3eb21ddb8     STANDARD     s3://
2021-06-18 16:11      5243880  57f07dca152a449cdf231fa452729912-2   STANDARD     s3://
2021-06-18 16:11     10486760  ef5a94b16ea22b69dccf1ca25aafeea4-3   STANDARD     s3://
2021-06-18 16:11      5242880  4db6a21cb2d743a218d11db53c1c40b0     STANDARD     s3://
2021-06-18 16:11     10485760  4e02084b12268966f48d6ad889e6b862-2   STANDARD     s3://
2021-06-18 16:11     15728640  e0c05a33e6b27852e7514b2d80ad1aa4-3   STANDARD     s3://

Execute calculate_etag locally to verify:

❯ cargo run --  --size 5242880 *.dat
Compiling calculate_etag v0.1.0 (/Users/bernard/projects/rust/calculate-etag)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1.52s
    Running `target/debug/calculate_etag --size 5242880 test_1_chunk.dat test_2_chunk.dat test_3_chunk.dat test_exact_1_chunk.dat test_exact_2_chunk.dat test_exact_3_chunk.dat`
5f9cab54dc1ebba728c0a1f3eb21ddb8 test_1_chunk.dat
57f07dca152a449cdf231fa452729912-2 test_2_chunk.dat
ef5a94b16ea22b69dccf1ca25aafeea4-3 test_3_chunk.dat
4db6a21cb2d743a218d11db53c1c40b0 test_exact_1_chunk.dat
4e02084b12268966f48d6ad889e6b862-2 test_exact_2_chunk.dat
e0c05a33e6b27852e7514b2d80ad1aa4-3 test_exact_3_chunk.dat

Clean files on s3:

aws s3 rm s3://xxx/test/ --exclude "*" --include "*.dat" --recursive