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TeamCity: build_configuration
Provides a TeamCity Build Configuration resource.


Provides a TeamCity Build Configuration resource.

Example Usage

resource "teamcity_build_configuration" "default" {
  project = "DefaultProject"
  name    = "default-build-configuration"

  setting {
     name  = "artifactRules"
     value = "+:dist/release.tar.gz => dist/"

  parameter {
    name = "env.TEAMCITY_PASSWORD"
    type = "password"
    allow_multiple  = false

  parameter {
    name            = "env.TEST"
    type            = "text"
    validation_mode = "not_empty"
    label           = "Test framework"
    description     = "Name of the test framework to use"
    display         = "prompt"
    allow_multiple  = false

  parameter_values {
    "env.TEST" = "Hello"

  step {
    type = "simpleRunner"
    name = "npm"

    properties = {
      script.content     = <<EOF
npm run
npm install

      teamcity.step.mode = "default"
      use.custom.script  = "true"

  step {
    type = "simpleRunner"
    name = "second"

    properties = {
      script.content     = "npm uninstall"
      teamcity.step.mode = "default"
      use.custom.script  = "true"

  attached_vcs_root {
    vcs_root       = "Root_DefaultVcs"
    checkout_rules = "+:. => .repo"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) Name of the Build Configuration.
  • project - (Optional) ID of the Project the Build Configuration resides within. Defaults to _Root
  • description - (Optional) Description of the Build Configuration.
  • setting - (Optional) Build setting/s defined for the Build Configuration.
    • name - (Required) Name of the Setting.
    • value - (Optional) The Value of the Setting.
  • template - (Optional) template ID for the Build Configuration.
  • parameter - (Optional) parameter/s defined for the Build Configuration.
  • parameter_values - (Optional) parameter value/s defined for the Build Configuration.
  • step - (Optional) Build step/s defined for the Build Configuration.
    • type - (Required) Type of the Step. Eg. simpleRunner, MSBuild, jetbrains_powershell, and etc.
    • name - (Optional) Name of the Step.
    • properties - (Optional) The Properties for the Step.
  • feature- (Optional)
    • type - (Required) Type of the Feature.
    • properties - (Optional) The Properties for the Feature.
  • trigger - (Optional) a rule which initiates a new build on certain events.
    • type - (Required) Type of the Trigger.
    • properties - (Optional) The Properties for the Trigger.
  • snapshot_dependency- (Optional) A build configuration can be made dependent on the sources of builds
    • type - (Required) Type of the Snapshot Dependency.
    • dependent (Required) - ID of the Build your are Dependent on.
    • properties - (Optional) The Properties for the Snapshot Dependency.
  • artifact_dependency - (Optional) A build configuration can be made dependent on the artifacts
    • type - (Required) Type of the Artifact Dependency.
    • dependent (Required) - ID of the Build your are Dependent on.
    • properties - (Optional) The Properties for the Artifact Dependency.
  • agent_requirement - (Optional) a piece of functionality that affect running builds or reporting build results.
    • name - (Optional) Name of the Agent Requirement.
    • properties - (Optional) The Properties for the Agent Requirement.
  • attached_vcs_root - (Optional) VCS Root/s attached to the Build Configuration.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The Build Configuration. ID
  • name - The name of the Build Configuration.
  • project - ID of the Project the Build Configuration resides within.
  • description - Description of the Build Configuration.
  • setting - (If Defined) Build setting/s defined for the Build Configuration.
  • template - (If Defined) template ID for the Build Configuration.
  • parameter - (If Defined) parameter/s defined for the Build Configuration.
  • parameter_values - (If Defined) parameter value/s defined for the Build Configuration.
  • step - (If Defined) Build step/s defined for the Build Configuration.
  • feature - (If Defined) Build feature/s defined for the Build Configuration.
  • trigger - (If Defined) Build trigger/s defined for the Build Configuration.
  • snapshot_dependency - (If Defined) Build snapshot dependency/s defined for the Build Configuration.
  • artifact_dependency - (If Defined) Build artifact dependency/s defined for the Build Configuration.
  • agent_requirement - (If Defined) Build agent requirement/s defined for the Build Configuration.
  • attached_vcs_root - (If Defined) VCS Root/s attached to the Build Configuration.


Build Configurations can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import teamcity_build_configuration.default Root_DefaultBuildConfiguration