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326 lines (268 loc) Β· 14.7 KB

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Early stage Discogs client wrapping sttp

The client is using the library fsclient which is a wrapper around sttp with circe/play-json support and OAuth handling.

Maven Central

// circe codecs
libraryDependencies += "io.bartholomews" %% "discogs4s-circe" % "0.1.2"
// play codecs
libraryDependencies += "io.bartholomews" %% "discogs4s-play" % "0.1.2"
// no codecs (you need to provide your own)
libraryDependencies += "io.bartholomews" %% "discogs4s-core" % "0.1.2"

Discogs clients

You can instantiate different discogs clients depending on the required flow

Basic client

This is the most basic client with no credentials and low rate limits.

  • Credentials in request ? None
  • Rate limiting ? 🐒 Low tier
  • Image URLs ? ❌ No
  • Authenticated as user ? ❌ No
  import io.bartholomews.discogs4s.entities.{DiscogsUsername, UserProfile}
  import io.bartholomews.discogs4s.{DiscogsClient, DiscogsSimpleClient}
  import io.bartholomews.fsclient.core.config.UserAgent
  import io.bartholomews.fsclient.core.http.SttpResponses.SttpResponse
  import io.bartholomews.fsclient.core.oauth.AuthDisabled
  import io.circe
  import pureconfig.ConfigReader.Result
  import sttp.client3.{HttpURLConnectionBackend, Identity, SttpBackend}

  type F[X] = Identity[X]
  val backend: SttpBackend[F, Any] = HttpURLConnectionBackend()

  // import the response handler and token response decoder
  // (here using the circe module, you can also use the play framework or provide your own if using core module)
  import io.bartholomews.discogs4s.circe.codecs._

  // In `application.conf`:

  user-agent {
      app-name = "<YOUR_APP_NAME>"
      app-version = "<OPTIONAL_APP_VERSION>"
      app-url = "<OPTIONAL_APP_URL>"
  // create a basic client ready to make (unsigned) requests:
  private val client = DiscogsClient.authDisabled.unsafeFromConfig(backend)
  // you can also create a safe client from config
  private val safeClient: Result[DiscogsSimpleClient[F, AuthDisabled.type]] =
  // you can also create a client providing `UserAgent` and `Consumer` directly
  private val explicitClient = DiscogsClient.authDisabled.apply(
    UserAgent(appName = "<YOUR_APP_NAME>", appVersion = Some("<YOUR_APP_VERSION>"), appUrl = Some("<YOUR_APP_URL>"))

  // run a request with your client
  val response: F[SttpResponse[circe.Error, UserProfile]] =

Client Credentials

This client has higher rate limits, but still cannot call user-authenticated endpoints. You need to provide consumer key/secret in developer settings (at least in theory, currently any dummy consumer key/secret seems to get the higher rate limit x--(ツ)--x)

  • Credentials in request ? Only Consumer key/secret
  • Rate limiting ? 🐰 High tier
  • Image URLs ? βœ” Yes
  • Authenticated as user ? ❌ No
  import io.bartholomews.discogs4s.entities.{DiscogsUsername, UserProfile}
  import io.bartholomews.discogs4s.{DiscogsClient, DiscogsSimpleClient}
  import io.bartholomews.fsclient.core.config.UserAgent
  import io.bartholomews.fsclient.core.http.SttpResponses.SttpResponse
  import io.bartholomews.fsclient.core.oauth.SignerV1
  import io.bartholomews.fsclient.core.oauth.v1.OAuthV1.Consumer
  import io.circe
  import pureconfig.ConfigReader.Result
  import sttp.client3.{HttpURLConnectionBackend, Identity, SttpBackend}

  type F[X] = Identity[X]
  val backend: SttpBackend[F, Any] = HttpURLConnectionBackend()

  // import the response handler and token response decoder
  // (here using the circe module, you can also use the play framework or provide your own if using core module)
  import io.bartholomews.discogs4s.circe.codecs._

  // In `application.conf`:

  user-agent {
      app-name = "<YOUR_APP_NAME>"
      app-version = "<OPTIONAL_APP_VERSION>"
      app-url = "<OPTIONAL_APP_URL>"

  discogs {
    consumer {
      key: "<YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY>",
      secret: "<YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET>"
  private val client = DiscogsClient.clientCredentials.unsafeFromConfig(backend)
  // you can also create a safe client from config
  private val safeClient: Result[DiscogsSimpleClient[F, SignerV1]] = DiscogsClient.clientCredentials.fromConfig(backend)
  // you can also create a client providing `UserAgent` and `Consumer` directly
  private val explicitClient = DiscogsClient.clientCredentials.apply(
    UserAgent(appName = "<YOUR_APP_NAME>", appVersion = Some("<YOUR_APP_VERSION>"), appUrl = Some("<YOUR_APP_URL>")),
    Consumer(key = "<YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY>", secret = "<YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET>")

  val response: F[SttpResponse[circe.Error, UserProfile]] =

Personal access token

This client has higher rate limits and can also make user-authenticated calls (for your user only). You need to provide your personal access token from developer settings

  • Credentials in request ? Personal access token
  • Rate limiting ? 🐰 High tier
  • Image URLs ? βœ” Yes
  • Authenticated as user ? βœ” Yes, for token holder only πŸ‘©
  import io.bartholomews.discogs4s.entities.{DiscogsUsername, UserIdentity}
  import io.bartholomews.discogs4s.{DiscogsClient, DiscogsPersonalClient}
  import io.bartholomews.fsclient.core.config.UserAgent
  import io.bartholomews.fsclient.core.http.SttpResponses.SttpResponse
  import io.bartholomews.fsclient.core.oauth.OAuthSigner
  import io.bartholomews.fsclient.core.oauth.v2.OAuthV2.AccessToken
  import io.circe
  import pureconfig.ConfigReader.Result
  import sttp.client3.{HttpURLConnectionBackend, Identity, SttpBackend}

  type F[X] = Identity[X]
  val backend: SttpBackend[F, Any] = HttpURLConnectionBackend()

  // import the response handler and token response decoder
  // (here using the circe module, you can also use the play framework or provide your own if using core module)
  import io.bartholomews.discogs4s.circe.codecs._

  // In `application.conf`:

  user-agent {
      app-name = "<YOUR_APP_NAME>"
      app-version = "<OPTIONAL_APP_VERSION>"
      app-url = "<OPTIONAL_APP_URL>"

  discogs {
    access-token: "<YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN>"
    username: "<YOUR_DISCOGS_USERNAME>"
  private val client = DiscogsClient.personal.unsafeFromConfig(backend)
  // you can also create a safe client from config
  private val safeClient: Result[DiscogsPersonalClient[F, OAuthSigner]] =
  // you can also create a client providing `UserAgent`, `AccessToken` and `DiscogsUsername` directly
  // (make sure you enter the correct username string, otherwise auth calls will be rejected)
  private val explicitClient = DiscogsClient.personal(
    UserAgent(appName = "<YOUR_APP_NAME>", appVersion = Some("<YOUR_APP_VERSION>"), appUrl = Some("<YOUR_APP_URL>")),
    AccessToken(value = "<YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN>"),
    DiscogsUsername(value = "<YOUR_DISCOGS_USERNAME>")

  // You can make authenticated (for your user only) calls
  val response: F[SttpResponse[circe.Error, UserIdentity]] =

Full OAuth 1.0a with access token/secret

This client is for making calls on behalf of any authenticated user which granted permissions for your app via OAuth 1.0

  • Credentials in request ? Full OAuth 1.0a with access token/secret
  • Rate limiting ? 🐰 High tier
  • Image URLs ? βœ” Yes
  • Authenticated as user ? βœ” Yes, on behalf of any user 🌍
  import io.bartholomews.discogs4s.{DiscogsClient, DiscogsOAuthClient}
  import io.bartholomews.fsclient.core.config.UserAgent
  import io.bartholomews.fsclient.core.oauth.v1.OAuthV1.Consumer
  import io.bartholomews.fsclient.core.oauth.{RedirectUri, TemporaryCredentialsRequest}
  import pureconfig.ConfigReader.Result
  import sttp.client3.{HttpURLConnectionBackend, Identity, SttpBackend, UriContext}
  import sttp.model.Uri

  type F[X] = Identity[X]
  val backend: SttpBackend[F, Any] = HttpURLConnectionBackend()

  // import the response handler and token response decoder
  // (here using the circe module, you can also use the play framework or provide your own if using core module)
  import io.bartholomews.discogs4s.circe.codecs._

  // In `application.conf`:

  user-agent {
      app-name = "<YOUR_APP_NAME>"
      app-version = "<OPTIONAL_APP_VERSION>"
      app-url = "<OPTIONAL_APP_URL>"

  discogs {
    consumer {
      key: "<YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY>",
      secret: "<YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET>"
  private val client = DiscogsClient.oAuth.unsafeFromConfig(backend)
  // you can also create a safe client from config
  private val safeClient: Result[DiscogsOAuthClient[F]] = DiscogsClient.oAuth.fromConfig(backend)
  // you can also create a client providing `UserAgent` and `Consumer` directly
  private val explicitClient = DiscogsClient.oAuth.apply(
    UserAgent(appName = "<YOUR_APP_NAME>", appVersion = Some("<YOUR_APP_VERSION>"), appUrl = Some("<YOUR_APP_URL>")),
    Consumer(key = "<YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY>", secret = "<YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET>")

  // the uri to be redirected after the user will grant permissions for your app
  private val redirectUri = RedirectUri(uri"http://localhost:9000/discogs/callback")

  // prepare your credentials request
  val temporaryCredentialsRequest: TemporaryCredentialsRequest =

  for {
    temporaryCredentials <- client.auth.getRequestToken(temporaryCredentialsRequest).body

    // After you get the temporary credentials, you server should redirect the user
    // to `temporaryCredentials.resourceOwnerAuthorizationRequest`
    // which is the discogs token uri where the user will grant permissions to your app
    sendTheUserTo: Uri = temporaryCredentials.resourceOwnerAuthorizationRequest

      After the user grants/rejects permissions to your app at `sendTheUserTo` uri,
      they will be redirected to `redirectUri`: the url will have
      query parameters with the token key and verifier (if permissions have been granted)
    resourceOwnerAuthorizationUriResponse: Uri = redirectUri.value.withParams(
      Map("oauth_token" -> "AAA", "oauth_verifier" -> "ZZZ")

      finally get the access token credentials; this call will give an appropriate error message
      if the user has rejected permissions; the access token can be serialized / stored somewhere
      (it doesn't expire).
      By default the OAuth signature is using SHA1, you can override and use PLAINTEXT instead
      (for more info see
    accessToken <- client.auth.fromUri(resourceOwnerAuthorizationUriResponse, temporaryCredentials).body

  } yield
  // you need to provide an accessToken to make user-authenticated calls match {
    case Left(error) => println(error.getMessage)
    case Right(user) => println(user.username)

Implemented endpoints:


Any request / issue / help / PR is most welcome.

CI/CD Pipeline

This project is using sbt-ci-release plugin:

  • Every push to master will trigger a snapshot release.

  • In order to trigger a regular release you need to push a tag:

    ./scripts/ v1.0.0
  • If for some reason you need to replace an older version (e.g. the release stage failed):

    git push --delete origin ${TAG} && git tag --delete ${TAG} \
    && ./scripts/ ${TAG}