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Bayesian Autoencoders for Out-of-Distribution (OOD) Detection

Code complementary to our paper "Bayesian Autoencoders: Analysing and Fixing the Bernoulli likelihood for Out-of-Distribution Detection"

Models and likelihood

  • Bayes by Backprop, Anchored ensembling, MC-Dropout
  • Bernoulli, Continous Bernoulli, Gaussian

Dataset pairs (in-distribution vs OOD)

  • FashionMNIST vs MNIST
  • MNIST vs FashionMNIST
  • SVHN vs CIFAR10
  • CIFAR10 vs SVHN

Code description

  • for executing the training of the models. Creates a list of whitelisted models in results
  • tests the whitelisted models specified in results/dataset_whitelist.csv on in-distribution and OOD, and compute evaluation scores (area under curve of receiver operating characteristic -AUROC, area under the precision-recall curve (AUPRC), and false positive rate at 80% true positive rate)). These will be stored in a newly created results and plots folder
  • produces the figure for correlation between log-likelihood and proportion of zeros
  • creates figure of histograms with various image similarity measures (binary cross entropy, mean-squared error, structural similarity measure and normalised mutual information)


  • Remember to specify train_set_name variable to the desired in-distribution dataset.
  • Training options are commented out in


The following figures are obtained with samples from BAE, anchored ensembling (FashionMNIST vs MNIST)

Reconstructed images

In-distribution (left panel) and OOD (right panel)


Image similarity histogram

BCE (equivalent to Bernoulli likelihood), is a poor measure for image similarity, as compared to well-known image similarity measures: mean-squared error (MSE), structural similarity measure (SSIM) and normalised mutual information (NMI). alt text

Maximum of log-likelihood vary with input, x

Maximum log-likelihood occurs when input x is equal to the reconstructed pixel. Bernoulli and Continuous Bernoulli likelihood are influenced by x, with the maximum value at x=0 and x=1 while Gaussian likelihood does not exhibit such property and remains constant with x. This leads to the confounding of likelihood by the proportion of zeros in an image (see next figure); higher likelihood is given to MNIST data (which has higher proportion of zeros due to background) than that of FashionMNIST - regardless of whether the data is OOD or not.

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Checking for confounding by proportion of zeros in image

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