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Releases: autonomys/subspace-desktop


05 May 07:23
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0.4.5 Pre-release

See the assets to download this version and install.

What's changed:

  • Hotfix: Small bug fix (reward address store mechanism improved).

Planned for next-release:

  • multi-replica implementation on backend


02 May 18:16
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0.4.4 Pre-release

See the assets to download this version and install.

What's changed:

  • Hotfix: Small bug fix (reward address remember logic mechanism fixed).

Planned for next-release:

  • multi-replica implementation on backend


29 Apr 11:00
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0.4.3 Pre-release

See the assets to download this version and install.

What's changed:

  • Hotfix: Small bug fix (wrong version 0.4.1 was displayed on the version 0.4.2).

Planned for next-release:

  • multi-replica implementation on backend


28 Apr 08:19
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0.4.2 Pre-release

See the assets to download this version and install.

What's changed:

  • fixed a bug where the application does not remember the progress of the user, and starts from scratch
  • now, showing node-name in the mainmenu
  • showing the app version also in the mainmenu
  • reset button is not enabled anymore to prevent user accidents (it is designed for development env)

Links to issues that are closed with this release

  • macOS not displaying seed module occasionally #183
  • Show version of the app in the mainmenu #179
  • show node name in the mainmenu #177
  • change tSSCs to testSSCs #176
  • Hide reset button in production mode #62

Planned for next-release:

  • multi-replica implementation on backend


21 Apr 15:37
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0.4.1 Pre-release

See the assets to download this version and install.

What's changed:

  • fix mnemonic workflow
  • more efficient requests to the public RPC
  • show a testnet disclaimer on the Index page

Links to issues that are closed with this release

  • Estimating plot size stuck #161
  • User may skip the mnemonic and will not be able to display it again #163
  • Hints on the plotting page can only be displayed once #164
  • More explicit explanation on rewards and testnet #101

Planned for next-release:

  • display also node-id in the dashboard
  • multi-replica implementation on backend


13 Apr 13:08
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0.4.0 Pre-release

See the assets to download this version and install.

What's changed:

  • Partial Replica support is here!
  • Readme update (removed the step for password setup)
  • Reward address is now displayed on the dashboard as a static item

Links to issues that are closed with this release

  • I don't see where the address is displayed #157
  • Implement Partial Replica Feature to Desktop-App #144

Further testing on critical changes to become a release

  • test all paths related to plotting (start from scratch, start from interrupted plotting), test if the main functionalities still work, in all 3 major platforms, since this is a big chance

Planned for next-release:

  • display also node-id in the dashboard
  • fix mnemonic workflow
  • more efficient requests to the public RPC
  • show a testnet disclaimer on the Index page


09 Apr 20:02
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See the assets to download this version and install.

What's changed:

  • HotFix: Linux executable was unable to launch due to a bug related to the new icons. It is fixed with this release

Planned for next-release:

  • partial replica support


08 Apr 14:27
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0.3.2 Pre-release

See the assets to download this version and install.

What's changed:

  • HotFix: Subspace telemetry endpoint added to the chain-spec

Planned for next-release:

  • partial replica support


07 Apr 13:30
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0.3.1 Pre-release

See the assets to download this version and install.

What's changed:

  • Logo is updated, so that it would be visible and does not hinder accessibility on white/light mode operating systems
  • mnemonic will not shown if the user provided a reward address

Links to issues that are closed with this release

  • update logo for light mode #117
  • Mnemonic is still shown although user imported a reward address #142

Further testing on critical changes to become a release

  • test logo visibility and quality on 3 major platforms with dark/light mode

Planned for next-release:

  • partial replica support


03 Apr 22:44
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0.3.0 Pre-release

See the assets to download this version and install.

What's changed:

  • New Feature: now users can provide a reward address
  • Using operating system specific default path for storing plot, commitments, etc.
  • Creates the folders with permission
  • fixed the bug: the app was not remembering the start on boot preference
  • estimating the blockchain size is now lightning fast
  • added menu for macos (because of this, users can now use keyboard shortcuts)

Links to issues that are closed with this release

  • Default path is wrong #85
  • Creates default directory without permission #88
  • Can't specify folder that doesn't exist #87
  • remember launch on boot preference #126
  • Estimating Plot Size takes too much time #128
  • password creation criteria #124
  • Redirect the user to block explorer from rewards in the dashboard #74
  • Implement entering a custom Reward Address functionality #73
  • keyboard shortcuts does not work #127
  • cmd+q keyboard shortcut for quitting the app does not work (macos) #96

Further testing on critical changes to become a release

  • test the reward address functionality
  • test whether estimating blockchain size is taking long

Planned for next-release:

  • don't show mnemonic if reward address is entered
  • fix logo for white/light mode operating systems