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Release History

Andrew Davidson edited this page Jan 27, 2021 · 19 revisions

Release 1.3

Release 1.3.0 - Add -HelpRulesPath

  • add parameter to allow HelpElementsRules.psd1 file/location to be specified (-HelpRulesPath)
  • rename default file to be HelpRules.psd1? to match parameter
  • update documentation to document project layout and additional test
  • document HelpRules file format

Release 1.2

Release 1.2.1 - Add -ProjectPath

  • add -ProjectPath to point to the root of a project and adjust tests accordingly
  • add new check(s):
    • whether -ProjectPath path adheres to project template layout (folder structure)
    • when using -ProjectPath whether or not unit tests exist for module functions
    • when using -ProjectPath public functions should have verb-noun format (e.g. Get-File)
    • when using -ProjectPath private functions should not have - in them (e.g. GetFile)

Release 1.2.0 - Include/Exclude tests

  • change -SonarQubeRulesPath to have a more generic name (-ScriptAnalyzerRulesPath)
    • allow parameter to take multiple sets of rules
    • modify checks to call PSScriptAnayzer with each rule set
  • add the ability to specify which checks to run (-Include)
  • add the ability to specify which checks to not run (-Exlude)

Release 1.1

Release 1.1.1 - Export, Passthru and Configuration object

  • add the ability to export the pester test results
  • add the ability to pass back the generated result objects
  • add ability to pass in Pester configuration object to allow for some configuration of running Pester tests

Release 1.1.0 - Path parameter changes and -Recurse flag added

  • switch -Path parameter to only search that path for files
    • add a -Recurse flag to allow recursive search of paths

Release 1.0

1.0.10 - The one with all the tests in

  • improve the quality of existing components
    • add unit tests
      • Convert-Help.Tests.ps1
      • Export-FunctionsFromModule.Tests.ps1
      • Get-FileContent.Tests.ps1
      • Get-FileList.Tests.ps1
      • Get-FunctionCount.Tests.ps1
      • Get-ParsedContent.Tests.ps1
      • Get-ParsedFile.Tests.ps1
      • Get-ScriptParameters.Tests.ps1
      • Get-Token.Tests.ps1
      • Get-TokenComponent.Tests.ps1
      • Get-TokenMarker.Tests.ps1
      • Test-HelpForRequiredTokens.Tests.ps1
      • Test-HelpForUnspecifiedTokens.Tests.ps1
      • Test-HelpTokensCountIsValid.Tests.ps1
      • Test-HelpTokensParamsMatch.Tests.ps1
      • Test-HelpTokensTextIsValid.Tests.ps1
      • Test-ImportModuleIsValid.Tests.ps1
      • Test-ParameterVariablesHaveType.Tests.ps1
    • code fixes from faults discovered by unit testing
    • make tests follow Pester 5 rules (don't leave Pester 4isms in that just happen to work)
  • refactor to improve code clarity and consistency
    • make sure the file references are all -Path?
  • platform testing
    • Server 2016
    • Server 2019
    • Linux
      • Ubuntu 20.04
  • includes all fixes from -alpha1 and -alpha2

1.0.10-alpha2 - Module prepared for PowerShell Gallery

  • Build module at version alpha2 for PowerShell Gallery
  • Remove version alpha1 from PowerShell Gallery as it was incorrectly built (oops!)
  • No functional changes from 1.0.10-alpha1

1.0.10-alpha1 - Fixes and Unit tests

  • fixes to Convert-Help
  • fixes to Invoke-PSQualityCheck to support Ubuntu Linux (should be OK on other linux variants but not tested)
  • added some unit tests
  • improved check naming to be consistent and clearer
  • various code reformat and comment updates

1.0.9 - Fix help comments and other minor fixes

  • Fixup help comments
  • Fixes to OutputType in Get-FileList
  • Fixes to count module objects
  • Rebuilt module ready for publish
  • Released to PowerShell Gallery as v1.0.9
  • Removed v1.0.7 from PowerShell Gallery

1.0.8 - Added source code

  • Added source code and build script
  • Renamed Tests folder to Checks for consistency with Invoke-PSScriptCheck command to prevent confusion with unit tests (still to come)

NOTE: There are no functional changes from 1.0.7
NOTE: v1.0.8 will not be uploaded to PSGallery since there is no new functionality

1.0.7 - Fixes to module manifest ready for publication

  • Entered more information into the module manifests ready for the module to go onto the PSGallery
  • Built module ready for publish
  • First release to PSGallery as v1.0.7

1.0.6 - Fixes to module and manifest comparisons

  • Fixed a bug where the count of modules from the manifest was not being passed back correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where the count of functions exported from the manifest was not being calculated correctly.

1.0.5 - Fixes to handle missing files

  • Fixes to module checks when module manifest doesn't exist

1.0.4 - Minor fixes

  • Fix showing check results
  • Fix empty script file handling

1.0.3 - Fix functions parameters not being mandatory

  • Fix supporting functions parameters not being mandatory

1.0.2 - Fix showing check results

  • Moving code to show check results back into main function because of complexity of passing code to a show function

1.0.1 - Minor code tidy

  • Tidy up script pester test file to remove unneeded code

1.0.0 - Initial Release

  • Initial release
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