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333 lines (231 loc) · 16.2 KB

File metadata and controls

333 lines (231 loc) · 16.2 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

0.11.0 - 2024-04-09


  • Service Container package (@aedart/container).
  • Facade abstraction, in @aedart/support/facades.
  • DEPENDENCIES symbol and Identifier type in @aedart/contracts/container.
  • dependsOn(), dependencies(), hasDependencies(), and getDependencies(), in @aedart/support/container.
  • isBindingIdentifier, in @aedart/support/container.
  • ClassMethodName and ClassMethodReference type aliases in @aedart/contracts.
  • isMethod() util in @aedart/support/reflections.
  • ConstructorLike and Callback type aliases, in @aedart/constracts.
  • CallbackWrapper util class, in @aedart/support.
  • isCallbackWrapper util, in @aedart/support.
  • ArbitraryData concern, in @aedart/support.
  • arrayMergeOptions in object merge().
  • Add upgrade guide for "v0.7.x- to v0.10.x".



  • Added hasAny() method in TargetRepository interface, in @aedart/contracts/meta.
  • Default generic for defaultValue changed to undefined, for get() methods in meta Repository and TargetRepository.

Non-breaking Changes

  • Root package Typescript dependency changed to ^5.4.2.
  • @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin upgraded to ^7.1.1, in root package.
  • Refactored all classes' fields, changed from private to protected visibility (see private is not inherited for details in).
  • Removed decorator return types for use(), meta(), targetMeta(), and inheritTargetMeta() (continued to cause TS1270 and TS1238 errors). #8, #9.
  • Refactored hasAllMethods() to use new isMethod() internally, in @aedart/support/reflections.
  • Refactored all components that used deprecated ConstructorOrAbstractConstructor to use new ConstructorLike type alias.
  • Marked isClassConstructor() and isCallable() as stable, in @aedart/support/reflections.
  • Refactored / redesigned the array merge() to use a new ArrayMerger component, that allows custom merge callback and options.
  • Upgraded root package dependencies (service update).


  • Decorator types aliases (TS1270 and TS1238 issues when applying the various decorator and decorator result types). #8.
  • Broken link in docs for isArrayLike.
  • Missing tslib as peer dependency for @aedart/support package.
  • Unable to merge arrays containing functions, in MetaRepository.
  • NOTICE file not included in distributions.


  • ConstructorOrAbstractConstructor type alias. It has been replaced with the new ConstructorLike type., in @aedart/constracts.

0.10.0 - 2024-03-07


  • hasMeta() util, in @aedart/support/meta.
  • MetaRepository, TargetMetaRepository, TargetContext, Entry, and hasTargetMeta() in @aedart/support/meta.
  • ClassDecorator, ClassMethodDecorator, ClassGetterDecorator, ClassSetterDecorator, ClassFieldDecorator, ClassAutoAccessorDecorator, and Decorator types, in @aedart/contracts.
  • ClassDecoratorResult, ClassMethodDecoratorResult, ClassGetterDecoratorResult, ClassSetterDecoratorResult, ClassFieldDecoratorResult, ClassAutoAccessorDecoratorResult, and DecoratorResult types, in @aedart/contracts.



  • targetMeta() and inheritTargetMeta() now throw MetaError (TypeError was previously thrown), in @aedart/support/meta.

Non-breaking Changes

  • Refactored / Redesigned meta(), getMeta(), and getAllMeta() to use new MetaRepository as its underlying core component for dealing with metadata.
  • Refactored / Redesigned targetMeta(), getTargetMeta(), and inheritTargetMeta() to use new TargetMetaRepository underneath.
  • Return type of meta() changed to Decorator.
  • MetaTargetContext expanded with a context: Context property. @aedart/contracts/support/meta.


  • Broken links in support/exceptions and in support/objects docs.


  • ClassContext, MethodContext, GetterContext, SetterContext, FieldContext, AccessorContext and MetadataContext, in @aedart/contracts/support/meta (components were deprecated in v0.7.0).
  • MemberContext type in @aedart/contracts/support/meta (type was deprecated in v0.7.0).

0.9.0 - 2024-03-05


  • Concerns - an alternative to mixins, in @aedart/contracts/support/concerns.
  • @aedart/contracts/support/exceptions and @aedart/support/exceptions submodules.
  • @aedart/contracts/support/objects submodule.
  • @aedart/contracts/support/arrays and @aedart/support/arrays submodules.
  • ConcatSpreadable (extends TypeScript's ArrayLike interface) interface in @aedart/contracts/support/arrays.
  • Throwable (extends TypeScript's Error interface) interface in @aedart/contracts/support/exceptions.
  • Cloneable and Populatable interfaces in @aedart/contracts/support/objects.
  • LogicalError and AbstractClassError exceptions in @aedart/support/exceptions.
  • getErrorMessage(), configureCustomError() and configureStackTrace() in @aedart/support/exceptions.
  • FUNCTION_PROTOTYPE and TYPED_ARRAY_PROTOTYPE constants in @aedart/contracts/support/reflections.
  • ClassBlueprint interface in @aedart/contracts/support/reflections.
  • DANGEROUS_PROPERTIES constant in @aedart/contracts/support/objects.
  • hasPrototypeProperty() and assertHasPrototypeProperty() in @aedart/support/reflections.
  • getParentOfClass() and getAllParentsOfClass() in @aedart/support/reflections.
  • getClassPropertyDescriptor() and getClassPropertyDescriptors() in @aedart/support/reflections.
  • isWeakKind() in @aedart/support/reflections.
  • isKeySafe() and isKeyUnsafe() in @aedart/support/reflections.
  • getConstructorName() and getNameOrDesc() in @aedart/support/reflections.
  • isSubclass(), classLooksLike(), isSubclassOrLooksLike(), classOwnKeys(), hasMethod() and hasAllMethods() in @aedart/support/reflections.
  • merge(), populate(), isCloneable() and isPopulatable() in @aedart/support/objects.
  • Objects Merger (underlying component for the objects merge() util) in @aedart/support/objects.
  • merge(), isTypedArray(), isArrayLike(), isSafeArrayLike(), isTypedArray() and isConcatSpreadable() in @aedart/support/arrays.
  • includesAny() and includesAll() in @aedart/support/arrays.


  • Split the "support" submodules docs into several smaller pages.


  • Lodash JSDoc references in get(), set(), unset() and forget(), in @aedart/support/objects.
  • jasmine-core v4.x was used by karma-jasmine, which caused thrown exceptions that contained ErrorOptions to not being rendered correctly in the CLI. See GitHub issue for details.
  • Default defaultTheme deprecated, replaced with named import, in docs config.ts.
  • defineClientConfig() does not exist in docs client.ts (replaced with an object of the type ClientConfig).

0.8.0 - 2024-02-12


  • @aedart/support/mixins submodule that offers an adaptation of Justin Fagnani's mixwith.js.
  • NOTICE files for the root package, and all provided packages.


  • Generic type is now optional (defaults to object) for Constructor, AbstractConstructor and ConstructorOrAbstractConstructor types, in @aedart/contracts/support.

0.7.0 - 2024-02-02


  • targetMeta(), inheritTargetMeta() and getTargetMeta() utils method in @aedart/support/meta.
  • isConstructor() util method in @aedart/support/reflections.
  • isCallable() and isClassConstructor() util methods in @aedart/support/reflections (Unsafe / unstable!).
  • Kind enum which contains cases of the kind of element that is being decorated (defined in a decorator context object).
  • Arrayable interface, in @aedart/contracts/support submodule.
  • toWeakRef() util method in @aedart/support/misc.
  • mergeKets() util method in @aedart/support/misc.
  • isKey() util method in @aedart/support/misc.
  • isPropertyKey() util method in @aedart/support/misc.
  • Documentation for uniqueId() and hasUniqueId() util methods, in the @aedart/support/objects package.



  • Node ^v20.11.0 is now required when working with the ion mono-repository.
  • Decorator Context is now an alias for TypeScript's DecoratorContext (affects @aedart/support/meta).
  • Decorator MetadataRecord is now an alias for TypeScript's DecoratorMetadata (affects @aedart/support/meta).


  • Bumped license year.
  • Dependencies updated (service update).
  • Refactored internal save() method to no longer attempt to overwrite context.metadata because it has been defined as read-only property by TypeScript.
  • JSDoc now clearly states that meta() is intended to be used as a decorator.


  • Private @aedart/reflections package. Desired features added as a submodule in @aedart/support package.
  • Experimental reflection components in @aedart/support/reflections submodule (was never published).
  • PropertyKey from @aedart/contacts/support (Replaced by TypeScript's own definition hereof).


  • ClassContext, MethodContext, GetterContext, SetterContext, FieldContext, AccessorContext and MetadataContext, in @aedart/contracts/support/meta - replaced by corresponding TypeScript declarations and will be removed in next version.
  • MemberContext in @aedart/contracts/support/meta (no longer needed).


  • Docs broken due to out-of-date vuepress dependencies (switched to @vuepress v2.0.0-rc.2).
  • @vuepress/utils not resolved by rollup during tests (missing dependency, in the @aedart/vuepress-utils package).
  • Missing @lerna-lite/publish as dev-dependency in root package.

0.6.1 - 2023-04-28


  • Fixed possible prototype pollution for the MetadataRecord, when merged with a base class' metadata object, in meta decorator (@aedart/support).

0.6.0 - 2023-04-23


  • meta decorator, in @aedart/support package. #3.
  • Key, PropertyKey, and Primitive types in contracts.
  • isPrimitive() method, in @aedart/support.
  • ObjectId helper that can generate/obtain a numeric ID for a target object, in @aedart/support.
  • Cleanup script for removing leftover *.d.ts files in source dirs.


  • Methods in @aedart/support/objects now use the new Key type (previously used Lodash's PropertyKey type).
  • empty() new uses a switch case internally, which appears to be much faster, in @aedart/support/misc.
  • Removed "gitHead" from all package.json files (should not have been committed in the first place).


  • Broken link to isset(), in Objects isset() documentation.
  • fails when .build directory does not exist.

0.5.0 - 2023-04-09


  • Set "sideEffects" property to false, in package.json files (all packages except @aedart/vuepress-utils).
  • Adapted lerna-json for use with Lerna-lite.


  • @aedart/contracts dependency not specified in published @aedart/support package (peer dependencies bump not supported by lerna). This has been fixed by migrating to Lerna-lite and explicit use of --allow-peer-dependencies-update option for the version command (configured in root lerna.json).

0.4.0 - 2023-04-09


  • @aedart/support/misc submodule, which contains descTag(), empty() and isset() methods.


Breaking Changes

  • forgetAll(), hasAll() and hasAny() now accepts rest parameters instead of an array of property paths, in @aedart/support/object.

Non-breaking Changes

  • @aedart/support/object's isset() now uses the isset() from @aedart/support/misc.


  • hasAll() returns true when no paths given, in @aedart/support/objects submodule.
  • Documentation code examples (examples where marked to be TypeScript, but are written as plain JavaScript).
  • Navigation sidebar closes unexpectedly for support "objects" submodule, in documentation site.
  • Unable to "build" packages when interdependent on other packages, due to applied settings in rollup typescript plugin.

0.3.1 - 2023-04-07


  • @aedart/support/object's isset() method returns true when object argument is undefined, and when no paths argument given.

0.3.0 - 2023-04-06


  • @aedart/contracts package, which is intended to define common types, interfaces and unique identifiers.
  • @aedart/support package for various helpers and utilities.
  • Enabled eslint for TypeScript, which is now also run during CI tests.


  • now runs lerna publish with --force-publish flag.
  • Improved the "packages" introduction (again).
  • Improved description of @aedart/vuepress-utils.


  • Various minor issues identified by eslint.

0.2.0 - 2023-03-29


  • Enabled CI testing via GitHub Actions. Currently testing in Chrome and Firefox.
  • Troubleshooting section for npm installation of @aedart/vuepress-utils.


  • Refactored location of "browser" tests. These are now located within the tests/browser/* directory.
  • Firefox Headless is now also used when running tests.
  • Improved the "packages" introduction.
  • Reformatted the "how to install" section for @aedart/vuepress-utils.
  • Commit message for lerna "version" command.


  • Duplicate code in bundle output for submodules, when importing a function (or anything for that matter) from the "root" module of a package.

0.1.1 - 2023-03-25


  • "homepage" URL in all package.json files.
  • Links to documentation, in vuepress utils package's
  • Version headings in

0.1.0 - 2023-03-25


  • @aedart/vuepress-utils package, which includes an Archive component, a plugin to format "last updated" datetime, and other minor utilities.
  • @aedart/xyz package (private, not published) for testing various configurations, exports and features.
  • (helper to publish to npm).
  • (ported and adapted from Athenaeum).
  • Version warning component in docs (ported and adapted from Athenaeum).
  • Code of conduct, contribution guide and other "introduction" documents (ported and adapted from Athenaeum).
  • Templates for issues, pull request, etc. (ported and adapted from Athenaeum).
  • Vuepress documentation boilerplate.
  • "Special" Rollup package bundling configuration (tailored for this exporting multiple submodules).
  • Typescript version 5.x.
  • Proposal decorators for when running browser tests.
  • Browser tests setup using karma, webpack, and jasmine.
  • Project init, lerna, directory structure, ...etc.