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112 lines (84 loc) · 4.12 KB

File metadata and controls

112 lines (84 loc) · 4.12 KB


Xesau\Router is a one-file PHP router, suitable for web applications and RESTful APIs. It's efficient and fast, in part because it doesn't evaluate the callables the moment you add the route, but only when that route is executed.

How to use

// If you have some sort of autoloader
require_once 'vendor/Autoload.php';

// If you don't have an autoloader
require_once 'vendor/Xesau/Router.php';

use Xesau\Router;

$router = new Router(function ($method, $path, $statusCode, $exception) {
    include 'views/error.html';

$router->get('/', function() {
    // Home page
    include 'views/home.html';

$router->get('/page/(.*)', ['PageController', 'viewPage']);
$router->route(['OPTION', 'PUT'], '/test', 'PageController::test');



And redirect all calls to inexistent files to /index.php

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . index.php [L,QSA]


You probably want to use parameters in your urls. An easy way to do this, is by getting the value of $_GET fields, but Xesau\Router provides another way of passing information through the URL.

If the paramter type fails (for example, when visiting when the route is /page/(\d+), which requires a number), the error handler will be called.

You can make a special error page this by by adding a 'catch-all' route after the correct route.


// ... init router ... //

// Route has a numeric parameter, caught with (\d+)
$router->get('/article/(\d+)', function($id) {
    $article = Article::findById($id);
    echo $article->content;

// Route has an 'everything' parameter for the username (caught with (.+), which is regex
// for 'anything at least 1 character long', and a choice parameter for the page
// (caught with (overview|friends|trophies), which means the parameter must be one of those
$router->get('/profile/(.+)/(overview|friends|trophies)', function($username, $profilePage) {
    // ... do something with $username and $profilePage ... //

// Error handler
$router->get('/profile/.+/(.+)', function($page) {
    echo $page .' is not a correct page on the user profile.';


Throwing errors inside route handlers

When a parameters turns out to be of an incorrect value, you can call the default error handler by throwing an HttpRequestException.


use Xesau\HttpRequestException;

$router->get('/test', function() {
    throw new HttpRequestException('Page not found', 404);

Special callback notation

If you use class methods as callbacks for your routes, your route definitions can quickly come to look like this:


$router = new Xesau\Router('Xesau\\Website\\Controller\\ErrorPages::notFound');

$router->get('/articles/([0-9]+)/comments', 'Xesau\\Website\\Controller\\News\\Comments::load');
$router->post('/articles/([0-9]+)/comments/reply', 'Xesau\\Website\\Controller\\News\\Comments::reply');
$router->post('/articles/([0-9]+)/comments/delete/([0-9]+)', 'Xesau\\Website\\Controller\\News\\Comments::delete');
$router->edit('/articles/([0-9]+)/comments/edit/([0-9]+)', 'Xesau\\Website\\Controller\\News\\Comments::edit');

Long strings with \\ separating every few words. It's hard to read, and the namespace is the same for every callback. However, there is an easier way to write those callbacks, if you pass a second 'baseNamespace' parameter to the constructor


$router = new Xesau\Router('@ErrorPages::notFound', 'Xesau.Website.Controller');

$router->get('/articles/([0-9]+)/comments', '@News.Comments::load');
$router->post('/articles/([0-9]+)/comments/reply', '@News.Comments::reply');
$router->post('/articles/([0-9]+)/comments/delete/([0-9]+)', '@News.Comments::delete');
$router->edit('/articles/([0-9]+)/comments/edit/([0-9]+)', '@News.Comments::edit');

As you can see, we have replaced all the \\ with .. It looks more pleasant and saves you a few characters, making your lines easier to read. We have also replaced the base namespace with an @. Writing route callbacks has never been easier.