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David Troyer edited this page Aug 21, 2024 · 8 revisions

Spellbound Enchantments Wiki

Spellbound Enchantments currently adds 45 enchantments to Minecraft. This wiki serves to help users know what they all do.

Damage Enchantments

Dullness - OSHA compliant tools

Jousting - Velocity-based damage

Priming - Rig the enemy to explode

Rampage - Massive damage during kill streak

Trophy Collecting - Grow stronger with each skull taken

Mounted - Increase damage while mounted

Efficiency Enchantments

Acceleration - Speed up during continuous use

Demolition - Blast mining

Rock Collecting - Grow faster with each stone mined

Widened - Harvest in an AoE

Protection Enchantments

Death Wish - The best defense is a good offense

Flesh Wound - Gain temporary health whenever injured

Grace - Extended invulnerability frames

Hearty - Raw hitpoints

Last Gasp - Fight for your life

Red Alert - Layers of absolute defense

Unbreaking Enchantments

Buffered - Free uses every few seconds

Saturated - Use saturation before durability

Repair Enchantments

Legacy - Pass enchantments on to successors

Metabolising - Consume hunger for repairs

Photosynthetic - Consume sunlight for repairs

Resurfacing - Appear in chests after breaking

Selfish - Steal durability from other equipment

Skotosynthetic - Consume darkness for repairs

Utility Enchantments

Other Enchantments

Fisher of Men - Kill enemies for fish