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227 lines (184 loc) · 8.57 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Automatic detection of CPU intrisics when building with -arch=native


  • Windows build with recent changes
  • Bug with read-ahead buffer
  • Fixed handling of "dump-config: false" in YAML config
  • Errors due to warnings
  • Fixed issue concerning failed saving with single GPU training and --sync-sgd option.


  • Add zlib source to Marian's source tree, builds now as object lib
  • -DUSE_STATIC_LIBS=on now also looks for static versions of CUDA libraries
  • Include NCCL build from and compile within source tree
  • Set nearly all warnings as errors for Marian's own targets. Disable warnings for 3rd party.

[1.7.0] - 2018-11-27


  • Word alignment generation in scorer
  • Attention output generation in decoder and scorer with --alignment soft
  • Support for SentencePiece vocabularies and run-time segmentation/desegmentation
  • Support for SentencePiece vocabulary training during model training
  • Group training files by filename when creating vocabularies for joint vocabularies
  • Updated examples
  • Synchronous multi-node training (early version)


  • Delayed output in line-by-line translation


  • Generated word alignments include alignments for target EOS tokens
  • Boost::program_options has been replaced by another CLI library
  • Replace boost::file_system with Pathie
  • Expansion of unambiguous command-line arguments is no longer supported

[1.6.0] - 2018-08-08


  • Faster training (20-30%) by optimizing gradient popagation of biases
  • Returning Moses-style hard alignments during decoding single models, ensembles and n-best lists
  • Hard alignment extraction strategy taking source words that have the attention value greater than the threshold
  • Refactored sync sgd for easier communication and integration with NCCL
  • Smaller memory-overhead for sync-sgd
  • NCCL integration (version 2.2.13)
  • New binary format for saving/load of models, can be used with *.bin extension (can be memory mapped)
  • Memory-mapping of graphs for inferece with ExpressionGraph::mmap(const void* ptr) function. (assumes *.bin model is mapped or in buffer)
  • Added SRU (--dec-cell sru) and ReLU (--dec-cell relu) cells to inventory of RNN cells
  • RNN auto-regression layers in transformer (--transformer-decoder-autreg rnn), work with gru, lstm, tanh, relu, sru cells
  • Recurrently stacked layers in transformer (--transformer-tied-layers 1 1 1 2 2 2 means 6 layers with 1-3 and 4-6 tied parameters, two groups of parameters)
  • Seamless training continuation with exponential smoothing


  • A couple of bugs in "selection" (transpose, shift, cols, rows) operators during back-prob for a very specific case: one of the operators is the first operator after a branch, in that case gradient propgation might be interrupted. This did not affect any of the existing models as such a case was not present, but might have caused future models to not train properly
  • Bug in mini-batch-fit, tied embeddings would result in identical embeddings in fake source and target batch. Caused under-estimation of memory usage and re-allocation

[1.5.0] - 2018-06-17


  • Average Attention Networks for Transformer model
  • 16-bit matrix multiplication on CPU
  • Memoization for constant nodes for decoding
  • Autotuning for decoding


  • GPU decoding optimizations, about 2x faster decoding of transformer models
  • Multi-node MPI-based training on GPUs

[1.4.0] - 2018-03-13


  • Data weighting with --data-weighting at sentence or word level
  • Persistent SQLite3 corpus storage with --sqlite file.db
  • Experimental multi-node asynchronous training
  • Restoring optimizer and training parameters such as learning rate, validation results, etc.
  • Experimental multi-CPU training/translation/scoring with --cpu-threads=N
  • Restoring corpus iteration after training is restarted
  • N-best-list scoring in marian-scorer


  • Deterministic data shuffling with specific seed for SQLite3 corpus storage
  • Mini-batch fitting with binary search for faster fitting
  • Better batch packing due to sorting

[1.3.1] - 2018-02-04


  • Missing final validation when done with training
  • Differing summaries for marian-scorer when used with multiple GPUs

[1.3.0] - 2018-01-24


  • SQLite3 based corpus storage for on-disk shuffling etc. with --sqlite
  • Asynchronous maxi-batch preloading
  • Using transpose in SGEMM to tie embeddings in output layer

[1.2.1] - 2018-01-19


  • Use valid-mini-batch size during validation with "translation" instead of mini-batch
  • Normalize gradients with multi-gpu synchronous SGD
  • Fix divergence between saved models and validated models in asynchronous SGD

[1.2.0] - 2018-01-13


  • Option --pretrained-model to be used for network weights initialization with a pretrained model
  • Version number saved in the model file
  • CMake option -DCOMPILE_SERVER=ON
  • Right-to-left training, scoring, decoding with --right-left


  • Fixed marian-server compilation with Boost 1.66
  • Fixed compilation on g++-4.8.4
  • Fixed compilation without marian-server if openssl is not available

[1.1.3] - 2017-12-06


  • Added back gradient-dropping


  • Fixed parameters initialization for --tied-embeddings during translation

[1.1.2] - 2017-12-05


  • Fixed ensembling with language model and batched decoding
  • Fixed attention reduction kernel with large matrices (added missing syncthreads()), which should fix stability with large batches and beam-size during batched decoding

[1.1.1] - 2017-11-30


  • Option --max-length-crop to be used together with --max-length N to crop sentences to length N rather than omitting them.
  • Experimental model with convolution over input characters


  • Fixed a number of bugs for vocabulary and directory handling

[1.1.0] - 2017-11-21


  • Batched translation for all model types, significant translation speed-up
  • Batched translation during validation with translation
  • --maxi-batch-sort option for marian-decoder
  • Support for CUBLAS_TENSOR_OP_MATH mode for cublas in cuda 9.0
  • The "marian-vocab" tool to create vocabularies

[1.0.0] - 2017-11-13


  • Multi-gpu validation, scorer and in-training translation
  • summary-mode for scorer
  • New "transformer" model based on Attention is all you need
  • Options specific for the transformer model
  • Linear learning rate warmup with and without initial value
  • Cyclic learning rate warmup
  • More options for learning rate decay, including: optimizer history reset, repeated warmup
  • Continuous inverted square root decay of learning (--lr-decay-inv-sqrt) rate based on number of updates
  • Exposed optimizer parameters (e.g. momentum etc. for Adam)
  • Version of deep RNN-based models compatible with Nematus (--type nematus)
  • Synchronous SGD training for multi-gpu (enable with --sync-sgd)
  • Dynamic construction of complex models with different encoders and decoders, currently only available through the C++ API
  • Option --quiet to suppress output to stderr
  • Option to choose different variants of optimization criterion: mean cross-entropy, perplexity, cross-entropy sum
  • In-process translation for validation, uses the same memory as training
  • Label Smoothing
  • Swish activation function default for Transformer (


  • Changed shape organization to follow numpy.
  • Changed option --moving-average to --exponential-smoothing and inverted formula to s_t = (1 - \alpha) * s_{t-1} + \alpha * x_t, \alpha is now 1-e4 by default
  • Got rid of thrust for compile-time mathematical expressions
  • Changed boolean option --normalize to --normalize [arg=1] (=0). New behaviour is backwards-compatible and can also be specified as --normalize=0.6
  • Renamed "s2s" binary to "marian-decoder"
  • Renamed "rescorer" binary to "marian-scorer"
  • Renamed "server" binary to "marian-server"
  • Renamed option name --dynamic-batching to --mini-batch-fit
  • Unified cross-entropy-based validation, supports now perplexity and other CE
  • Changed --normalize (bool) to --normalize (float)arg, allow to change length normalization weight as score / pow(length, arg)


  • Temporarily removed gradient dropping (--drop-rate X) until refactoring.