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File metadata and controls

97 lines (75 loc) · 3.35 KB


Including ES6 in Rails applications can be very useful. Using JavaScript packages that are only available/maintained in npm has traditionally been a problem with Rails application. This documents an approach chosen among a couple of different options.

We settled upon sprockets-commoner over webpack and browserify because it integrates with the Rails asset pipeline and least modifies the natural development of JavaScript components.

Steps to upfit your Rails application

  • add 'expose window.[component_name]' to the top of ES6 class files

    • if class needs to be available on window, see react-rails example below
  • add gem 'sprockets-commoner' to Gemfile

  • add .babelrc to project root

    • add other presets as necessary (eg. react)

          presets: [
  • add NPM dependencies to package.json (including react-dom, react-chartjs, etc.)

      "dependencies": {
        "babel-core": "^6.14.0",
        "babel-generator": "^6.14.0",
        "babel-helpers": "^6.8.0",
        "babel-polyfill": "^6.7.4",
        "babel-types": "^6.14.0",
        "babel-preset-es2015": "^6.9.0",
        "babel-runtime": "^6.6.1",
  • add app/assets/config/manifest.js file

    //= link_tree ../images
    //= link_directory ../javascripts .js
    //= link_directory ../stylesheets .css

React specific steps

  • rename .jsx files to .js

  • move propTypes out of class, and change syntax to [class_name].propTypes = { ... }

  • modify application.js (NOTE: no space between last import and window.React)

    //= require jquery
    //= require turbolinks
    //= require react_ujs
    // require_tree ./components
    import 'babel-polyfill'
    import React from "react"
    import ReactDOM from "react-dom"
    import DoughnutChart from './components/DoughnutChart'
    import MyForm from './components/MyForm'
    window.React = React
    window.ReactDOM = ReactDOM
    • add imports for React, ReactDOM, individual components (if individually importing)
    • set values on window for React and ReactDOM
    • require jquery
    • require react_ujs (if using react-rails gem and view helper)
  • add gem 'react-rails' to Gemfile

  • use react-rails helper method in views

    = react_component('ScorecardsDoughnutChart', graph_data)


Note: When deploying to Heroku, you will need to turn on an additional buildpack for node.



  • Teaspoon works with mocha and jasmine
  • add gem 'teaspoon-mocha' and gem 'teaspoon-bundle' to Gemfile (the latter is required because sprockets-commoner does not recognize teaspoon by default, see here)
  • run rails generate teaspoon:install
  • edit teaspoon_env.rb to include suite.boot_partial = 'bundle_boot'
  • rename all tests to end with _spec.js
  • run teaspoon with RAILS_ENV=test rake teaspoon
  • override default teaspoon rake task to force RAILS_ENV=test, and ensure teaspoon tests run with rake