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Version History

Open PGL 0.7.0

  • New (Experimental) Features:

    • Radiance Caching (RC):
      • If RC is enabled, the guiding structure (i.e., Field) learns an approximation of multiple radiance quantities (in linear RGB), such as outgoing and incoming radiance, irradiance, fluence, and in-scattered radiance. These quantities can be queried using the SurfaceSamplingDistribution and VolumeSamplingDistribution classes. RC support can be enabled using the OPENPGL_EF_RADIANCE_CACHES CMake option. Note: Since the RC quantities are Monte-Carlo estimates, zero-value samples (ZeroValueSampleData) that are generated during rendering/training have to be passed/stored in the SampleStorage as well.
    • Guided/Adjoint-driven Russian Roulette (GRR):
      • The information stored in radiance caches can be used to optimize stochastic path termination decisions (a.k.a. Russian roulette) to avoid a significant increase in variance (i.e., noise) caused by early terminations, which can occur when using standard throughput-based RR strategies. We, therefore, added to example implementation for guided (openpgl::cpp::util::GuidedRussianRoulette(...)) and standard (openpgl::cpp::util::StandardThroughputBasedRussianRoulette(...)) RR, which can be found in the openpgl/cpp/RussianRoulette.h header.
    • Image-space guiding buffer (ISGB):
      • The ISGB can be used to store and approximate per-pixel guiding information (e.g., a pixel estimate used in guided Russian roulette). The ISGB class (openpgl::cpp::util::ImageSpaceGuidingBuffer) is defined in the openpgl/cpp/ImageSpaceGuidingBuffer.h header file. The support can be enabled using the OPENPGL_EF_IMAGE_SPACE_GUIDING_BUFFER CMake option.
  • API changes:

    • pgl_direction: A new wrapper type for directional data. When using C++ pgl_direction can directly be assigned by and to pgl_vec3f.
    • pgl_spectrum: A new wrapper type for spetral (i.e., linear RGB) data. When using C++ pgl_spectrum can directly be assigned by and to pgl_vec3f.
    • SampleData:
      • New enum EDirectLight flag that identifies if the radiance stored in this sample comes directly from an emitter (e.g., emissive surface, volume, or light source).
      • direction: Changes the type pgl_vec3f to pgl_direction.
    • ZeroValueSampleData: This new structure is a simplified and more compact representation of the SampleData struct representing a zero-value sample. It contains the following members:
      • position: The position of the sample (type pgl_point3f).
      • direction: The incoming direction of the sample (type pgl_direction).
      • volume: If the sample is a volume sample (type bool).
    • SampleStorage: To add, query, and get the number of ZeroValueSampleData, the following functions were added.
      • AddZeroValueSample and AddZeroValueSamples: These functions add one or multiple ZeroValueSampleData.
      • GetSizeZeroValueSurface and GetSizeZeroValueVolume: These functions return the number of collected/stored surface or volume Ze1roValueSampleData.
      • GetZeroValueSampleSurface and GetZeroValueSampleVolume: Return a given ZeroValueSampleData from either the surface or volume storage.
  • API changes (OPENPGL_EF_RADIANCE_CACHES=ON): When the RC feature is enabled, additional functions and members are available for the following structures:

    • SurfaceSamplingDistribution:
      • IncomingRadiance: The incoming radiance estimate arriving at the current cache position from a specific direction.
      • OutgoingRadiance: The outgoing radiance at the current cache position to a specific direction.
      • Irradiance: The irradiance at the current cache position and for a given surface normal.
    • VolumeSamplingDistribution:
      • IncomingRadiance: The incoming radiance estimate arriving at the current cache position from a specific direction.
      • OutgoingRadiance: The outgoing radiance at the current cache position to a specific direction.
      • InscatteredRadiance: The in-scattered radiance at the current cache position to a specific direction and for a given HG mean cosine.
      • Fluence: The volume fluence at the current cache position.
    • SampleData:
      • radianceIn: The incoming radiance arriving at the sample position from direction (type pgl_spectrum).
      • radianceInMISWeight: The MIS weight of the radianceIn if the source of it is a light source, if not it is 1.0 (type float).
      • directionOut: The outgoing direction of the sample (type pgl_direction).
      • radianceOut: The outgoing radiance estimate of the sample (type pgl_direction).

    ZeroValueSampleData: - directionOut: The outgoing direction of the sample (type pgl_direction).

  • API changes (OPENPGL_EF_IMAGE_SPACE_GUIDING_BUFFER=ON): When the ISGB feature is enabled, additional functions and members are available for the following structures:

    • ImageSpaceGuidingBuffer: This is the main structure for storing image-space, per-pixel guiding information approximated from pixel samples. -AddSample: Add a pixel sample of type ImageSpaceGuidingBuffer::Sample to the buffer.
      • Update: Updates the image-space guiding information/approximations from the previously collected samples (e.g., denoises the pixel contribution estimates using OIDN). For efficiency reasons, it makes sense not to update the buffer after every rendering progression but in an exponential fashion (e.g., at progression 2^0,2^1,…,2^N).
      • IsReady: If the ISGB is ready (i.e., at least one Update step was performed).
      • GetPixelContributionEstimate: Returns the pixel contibution estimate for a given pixel, which can be used, for example, for guided RR.
      • Reset: Resets the ISGB.
    • ImageSpaceGuidingBuffer::Sample: This structure is used to store information about a per-pixel sample that is passed to the ISGB.
      • contribution: The contribution estimate of the pixel value of a given sample (type pgl_vec3f).
      • albedo: The albedo of the surface or the volume at the first scattering event (type pgl_vec3f).
      • normal: The normal at the first surface scattering event or the ray dairection towards the camers if the first event is a volume event (type pgl_vec3f).
      • flags: Bit encoded information about the sample (e.g., if the first scattering event is a volume event Sample::EVolumeEvent).
  • Optimizations:

    • Compression for spectral and directional: To reduce the size of the SampleData and ZeroValueSampleData data types it is possible to enable 32-Bit compression, which is mainly adviced when enabling the RC feature via OPENPGL_EF_RADIANCE_CACHES=ON.
      • OPENPGL_DIRECTION_COMPRESSION: Enables 32-Bit compression for pgl_direction.
      • OPENPGL_RADIANCE_COMPRESSION: Enables 32-Bit compression for pgl_spectrum.
  • Bugfixes:

    • Numerical accuracy problem during sampling when using parametric mixtures.
  • Platform support:

    • Added support for Windows on ARM (by Anthony Roberts PR17). Note: Requires using LLVM and clang-cl.exe as C and C++ compiler.

Open PGL 0.6.0

  • Api changes:
    • Device added numThread parameter (default = 0) to the constructor to set the number of threads used by Open PGL during training. The default value of 0 uses all threads provided by TBB. If the renderer uses TBB as well and regulates the thread count this count is also used by Open PGL.
    • SurfaceSamplingDistribution and VolumeSamplingDistribution:
      • Added GetId function to return the unique id of the spatial structure used to query the sampling distriubtion.
    • Field and SampleStorage, added Compare function to check if the data stored in different instances (e.g., generated by two separate runs) are similar (i.e., same spatial subdivisions and directional distributions).
    • Field:
      • The constructor of the Field class now takes a FieldConfig instead of a PGLFieldArguments object. (BREAKING API CHANGE)
      • GetSurfaceStatistics and GetVolumeStatistics functions are added to query statistics about the surface and volume guiding field. The functions return a FieldStatistics object. Note, querying the statistics of a Field introduces a small overhead.
    • FieldStatistics:
      • This class store different statistics about a Field, such as, number and size of spatial nodes, statistics about the directional distributions, and the times spend for full and separate steps of the last Update step. The statistics can be queried as a full string (useful for logging) or as CSV strings (useful for analysis and plotting).
      • ToString: Returns a string printing all statistics.
      • HeaderCSVString: Returns the CSV header sting with the names of each statistic.
      • ToCSVString: Returns the CSV value sting of each statistic.
    • FieldConfig:
      • This class is added to replace the PGLFieldArguments struct when using the C++ API. -Init: the function initializes the parameters of the FieldConfig (i.e., similar to pglFieldArgumentsSetDefaults). Additional parameters (deterministic and maxSamplesPerLeaf) are introduced to enable deterministic behavior and to control the spatial subdivision granularity. -SetSpatialStructureArgMaxDepth: this function can be called after Init to the the maximum tree depth of the spatial structure.
    • pglFieldArgumentsSetDefaults: Adding two additional parameters deterministic and maxSamplesPerLeaf. (BREAKING API CHANGE)
  • Tools:
    • Added a set of command line tools which are build when enabling the OPENPGL_BUILD_TOOLS Cmake flag.
      • openpgl_bench: Tool to time different components of Open PGL such as the full training of a Field or the querying (initialization) of SamplingDistributions.
      • openpgl_debug: Tool to validate and compare stored SampleStorage and Field objects or retrain a Field from scratch using multiple stored sets (iterations) of stored samples.
  • Optimizations:
    • Spatial structure (Kd-tree) build is now fully multithreaded. This improves training performance on machines with higher core counts, especially when using deterministic training.
    • Kd-tree switched to use cache-friendlier TreeLets instead of single TreeNode structures.
  • Bugfixes:
    • Field fixed some non-deterministic behavior when spatial cache does not receive any training data during a training iteration due to a large number of training iterations.
    • Removed legacy/broken support for OpenMP threading since there is a dependency to TBB anyway.
    • Fixed build problems on (non-Mac) ARM systems.

Open PGL 0.5.0

  • Api changes:

    • PathSegmentStorage:
      • Removed support for splatting training samples due to the fact that knn-lookups have proven to be better. Therefore, the function attributes splatSamples and sampler have been removed from the PrepareSamples function.

      • Added PropagateSamples method prepare and push samples to the SampleStorage The goal is to replace PrepareSamples, GetSamples and AddSamples.

    • Sampler:
      • Removed since it is not used/needed anymore.
    • SurfaceSamplingDistribution and VolumeSamplingDistribution:
      • The usage of parallax-compensation is now connected to the guiding distribution type. Therefore the explicit useParallaxCompensation parameter is removed from the Init functions of the SamplingDistributions.
      • Added IncomingRadiancePDF function that returns an approximation of the incoming radiance distribution. This PDF does not need to be related to the actual sampling PDF but can be used for Resampled Importance Sampling (RIS).
    • Field:
      • Adding UpdateSurface and UpdateVolume function to update/train the surface and volume field separately.
    • SampleStorage:
      • Adding ClearSurface and ClearVolume function to clear the surface and volume samples separately. This allows to wait until a specific number of samples is collected for the surface or volume cache before updating/fitting the Field.
  • Deactivating/removing OMP threading support since it would still have a dependency on TBB

  • Bugfixes:

    • Fixing bug causing crash during Field::Update when in previous iterations no volume or surface samples were present.

Open PGL 0.4.1

  • Bugfixes:
    • Fixing bug introduced in 0.4.0 when using ApplySingleLobeHenyeyGreensteinProduct() for VMM-based representations

Open PGL 0.4.0

  • Performance:

    • Optimized KNN lookup of guiding caches (x3 speed-up).
    • Optimized Cosine product for VMM based representations.
  • Dependencies:

    • Removed the Embree library dependency for KNN lookups in favour of the header-only library nanoflann.
  • Adding ARM Neon support (e.g., Apple M1).

  • Fixing memory alignment bug for higher SIMD widths.

  • PathSegmentStorage:

    • Fixing bug when multiple refracted/reflected events hit a distant source (i.e., environment map) by clamping to a max distance.
    • Adding GetMaxDistance and SetMaxDistance methods.
    • Adding GetNumSegments and GetNumSamples methods.
  • Field:

    • Stopped tracing a total number of spp statistic since it is not really useful.
      • Removed the GetTotalSPP function.
      • Removed the numPerPixelSamples parameter from the Update function.

Open PGL 0.3.1

  • Field:
    • Added Reset() function to reset a guiding field (e.g., when the lighting or the scene geometry changed)
  • PathSegmentStorage:
    • Fixed bug when using AddSample()

Open PGL 0.3.0

  • Added CMake Superbuild script to build Open PGL, including all its dependencies.
    The dependencies (e.g., TBB and Embree) are downloaded, built, and installed automatically.

  • Added support for different SIMD optimizations (SSE, AVX2, AVX-512). The optimization type can be chosen when initializing the Device.

  • Added support for directional quadtrees for the directional representation.

  • PathSegmentStorage:

    • Added debug function CalculatePixelEstimate to validate if the stored path segment information represents the sampling behavior of the render (i.e., the resulting RGB value should match the pixel value the renderer adds to the framebuffer)
  • SurfaceSamplingDistribution:

    • Added support for guiding based on the product of a normal-oriented cosine lobe and the incident radiance distribution: (ApplyCosineProduct) This feature is only supported for VMM-based directional distributions. Support can be checked with SupportsApplyCosineProduct().
  • VolumeSamplingDistribution:

    • Added support for guiding based on the product of a single lobe HG phase function and the incident radiance distribution: ApplySingleLobeHenyeyGreensteinProduct() This feature is only supported for VMM-based directional distributions. Support can be checked with SupportsApplySingleLobeHenyeyGreensteinProduct().

Open PGL 0.1.0

  • Initial release of Open PGL Features:
    • Incremental learning/updating of a 5D spatio-directional radiance field from radiance samples (see Field).
    • Directional representation based on (parallax-aware) von Mises-Fisher mixtures.
    • PathSegmentStorage is a utility class to help keep track of all path segment information and generate radiance samples when a path/random walk is finished/terminated.
    • Support for guided importance sampling of directions on surfaces (see SurfaceSamplingDistribution) and inside volumes (see VolumeSamplingDistribution)
  • Added C-API and C++-API headers
    • C-API: #include <openpgl/openpgl.h>
    • C++-API: #include <openpgl/cpp/OpenPGL.h> and the namespace openpgl::cpp::