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Welcome to my Portfolio!

Hey, visitor!

I'm Renan Meirelles, 30, from Brazil! I've been working with Technology for more than 10 years - more specifically as a Business Process Management professional (CBPP Certified). I can fill roles as UX and even Product Owner - cross functional. I have solid knowledge about Ethereum blockchain and other traditional technologies - BPMS, ECM, SmartCities, SOA and more. My graduation was in Technology for Business Management at FATEC-SP (a Technologist institution of São Paulo state). If you want to check my Linkedin Profile, just click the button below! You can send me a message that I'll answer! You can DM me there or send me an e-mail to!



Social impact blockchain solution created to reduce the effects of plastic pollution on the environment, through engagement/collection/incentivizing/tracking by citizens and enterprises. Link to view the project containing Processes, User Stories and more: GitHub Project Repo.

Certificates and +


BPM - Business Process Management

Imagem BPM

Business Process Management is a discipline that aims to organize and align end to end processes of an organization with its customers (from the inside out) and even insider processes (reduce costs, bottlenecks and more). In BPM there is a whole cycle, going through the understanding of the organizational structure, design, analysis, implementation, control, transformation, among other steps that may or may not occur. Currently, this discipline is strongly aligned with the TECHNOLOGY factor. Without a good analysis of processes, it is not possible to implement systems that are 100% adherent to the business. Processes prevent you from purchasing extremely expensive software licenses that do not suit your business. BPM can be used for both control and operation systems and application development!

Techniques and approaches used in BPM:

  • Study of the market in which the customer is inserted and initial documentation;
  • Business Meetings for understanding the client's needs / goals;
  • Quick understanding, mainly from the macro view of business processes;
  • Macro Process and Value Chain modeling;
  • Ease in conducting meetings for business process gathering;
  • Advanced process modeling level in BPMN2.0 (notation) - fast and complete;
  • Full detailed processes (descriptions, events, actors/roles, systems, integrations, etc);
  • As Is (if necessary) and To Be process modeling focused or not in systems implementation;
  • Process modeling focused on several technologies, such as Blockchain, Integrations, Microservices, Smart Cities, traditional systems, among others;
  • Easy identification of bottlenecks and proposition of quick and viable solutions;
  • Knowledge of various types of solutions that can serve the business in the best possible way, preventing the customer from hiring very expensive solutions without a real return to the business.
BPM Projects Link
Congress Administration publish
Secretary of Culture publish
Secretary of State for Education - Value Chain publish
Secretary of State for Education - School Lunch Management publish
Housing and Urban Development Company publish
Control and Operations Center Process - Smart Cities AS IS e [TO BE]
Engineering and Technology - Building Engineering Processes of a Banking Group publish
Agricultural Defense - Farming and Epidemics (Smart Cities) As Is and To Be in the same BPM file
Secretariat of Public Management publish
Department of Public Safety publish
Hackathon - Blockchain for Social Impact Consensys - Plastics and Pollution TO BE V1.0

Imagem Produtos

From a good understanding of the business, achieved (or not) through BPM, it's possible to identify what is needed for the development of a system or application. At that moment, the identification of the Epics (modules), User Stories (Use Cases), Information models, Wireframes/Prototypes comes into play, among other requirements necessary for an idea is transformed into code and value for the customer / user! - today it's a mix of User Experience and Product Owner!

Techniques and approaches used in the specification of Products (Requirements):

  • Initial ideation through practices such as Design Thinking and Lean Inception (MVP);
  • Scope identification of the project or product (Big Picture);
  • Identification and definition of Epics, aka "Modules" - large groups of features;
  • Identification of Value Propositions and definition of MVP (Minimum Viable Product);
  • Creation and management of Product Backlog;
  • Agile Methodology - Scrum and Kanban;
  • Full identification and definition of User Stories / Use Cases (Functional Req.);
  • Design Thinking or JAD approach to elucidate product requirements;
  • Identification and specification of Non-Functional Requirements;
  • Definition of Wireframes (low fidelity) trhough the specified reqs;
  • Documentation containing the 7 Product Dimensions (New);
  • Definition of Test/Behavior scenarios using language as needed (Test Cases or BDD);
Project Documentation Link
Hackathon - Blockchain for Social Impact Consensys - Plastics and Pollution User Stories and Wireframes
Decentralized Identity Provider (blockchain) publish 7 dimensions docs
Decentralized publish 7 dimensions docs
Decentralized publish 7 dimensions docs
Decentralized publish 7 dimensions docs

Imagem Blockchain Authentic Renan Meirelles

Blockchain is a distributed registration technology that aims at decentralization as a security measure. These are distributed and shared databases and records that have the function of creating a global index for all transactions that take place in a given market. It works as a ledger, only in a public, shared and universal way, which creates consensus and trust in direct communication between two parties (P2P), that is, without the intermediary of third parties. The blockchain concept has been evolving since the early 2000s, being leveraged by the Bitcoin boom. However, much is yet to come - the concept of SmartContracts created through the Ethereum blockchain and currently present in other private and public blockchains - is expanding the market for this technology. DApps (Decentralized Applications) are being created to facilitate user interaction with this new world of Web3.0 that is just beginning.

Techniques and approaches used in Blockchain Projects:

  • Documentation of Business Processes focused on blockchain solutions (public and private) - DApps, Ecosystems, Platforms...;
  • Specification of requirements (User Stories) for DApps and more, interacting with Smart Contracts;
  • Knowledge of Decentralized Identity products and protocols (Ethereum - Decentralized Identity);
  • Knowledge of MarketPlaces and DeFi products and protocols in Ethereum;
  • Specification of Ethereum Wallet Generator, using encryption methods and generation of private keys;
  • Specification of solution for Web3 Content Publishers using IPFS connected to Search platforms for browsing (similar to Google);
  • Knowledge and specification of Ethereum Tokens in standards ERC20 and ERC223 - Definition of Roles, standard functions, specific functions;
  • Tests and documentation of SmartContracts and Tokens using Remix, Etherscan and Truffle;
  • API Gateway documentation for Bitcoin and Ethereum;
  • Preparation of Whitepapers of developed projects and Landing Pages;
  • Knowledge about many platforms, protocols and decentralized solutions that add value to Blockchain projects:
    • Infrastructure: IPFS, Storj, Swarm, ENS, Mainframe, Handshake, Ocean Protocol, LibP2P ...
    • Identity (DID): uPort, Civic, Kimlic, OriginalMy, Bloom . . .
    • MarketPlace: OpenBazaar
    • Governance and DAOs: Aragon, Democracy Earth, District0x . . .
    • Decentralized Blockchain Communities - Work Platforms: Bounties Network, Gitcoin
    • Tokens: OpenZeppelin
Blockchain Project Link
Hackathon - Blockchain for Social Impact (Consensys) - Plastics and Pollution Project Repo and Complete Business Process
Decentralized Identity (DID) TO BE processes with Wireframes and Business Rules in activity descriptions
Buy/Sell Domains and TopLevelDomains on Web3.0 (Name Services) PUBLICAR
Web Content Indexing and Search Tools 3.0 PUBLICAR
API Gateway model for connection to Blockchain Ethereum and Bitcoin PUBLICAR


Smart Cities is another concept, as well as Blockchain, which is gaining notoriety around the world. Our planet is saturated with problems and reaching its limit. Extremely crowded cities, traffic, environmental catastrophes, epidemics, all resulting from human influence. But technology is following this evolution, trying to find ways to minimize these problems, bringing a better quality of life for both the environment and the population. In this scenario, the concept of Smart Cities emerged - solutions using IoT, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and others, combined with process improvements between government agencies, large companies and citizens, which aim to tackle everyday problems of our day to day.

  • Levantamento e modelagem dos Processos de Negócios de todas as pontas envolvidas - estudo dos Procedimentos Operacionais Padrão da maneira atual (As Is);
  • Modelagem e Documentação de Processos de Negócios propostos (To Be) voltados para aplicações de Smart Cities, preferencialmente utilizando ferramentas da IBM (Intelligent Operations Center) em Centros de Operação;
  • Identificação dos sistemas de Fontes de Dados para integração e execução automática ou manual dos Procedimentos Operacionais Padrão (SOP's);
  • Especificação de regras e dos Requisitos funcionais para implementação da operação;
  • Elaboração de material para treinamento das operações nas Salas de Situação;
Smart Cities Project Link
Processos Defesa Agropecuária - IBM IOC As Is e To Be no mesmo arquivo BPM
Centro de Controle de Operações (Alagamentos, Deslizamentos de Terra, Acidentes, Quedas de Árvores...) AS IS e [TO BE] SOON
Traffic Monitoring Agency PUBLICAR
  • Condução de cerimônias do Scrum (trabalhando em sprints) e liderança de Squads - Groomings, Plannings, Daily, Review, Retro;
  • Trabalho utilizando quadros Kanban (JIRA e Trello);
  • Experiência em trabalho remoto;
  • Experiência em trabalhos com equipes 100% ou parcialmente remotas;
  • Já trabalhei por anos no modelo Waterfall, mas dou preferência para agilidade.

Ferramentas | Tools

Abaixo listo algumas ferramentas que já mexi ou tenho certa experiência:

  • BizAgi - vasta experiência!Utilizei em mais de 90% dos projetos que passei. Com ele consigo gerar uma documentação completíssima da solução;
  • Atlassian - vasta experiência em documentação utilizando o Confluence; vasta experiência utilizando o JIRA para gestão das squads (Scrum e Kanban); experiência em acompanhamento dos códigos no BitBucket;
  • Outras ferramentas de BPM e outros tipos de diagramação - TIBCO, IBM BPM, ARIS, Oracle 11g, Bonita Soft,, dentre outros;
  • Especificação - Caliber, Enterprise Architect, e documentação no pacote Office;
  • Ferramentas para Gestão - **JIRA e Trello (Atlassian) e pacote Office (Project, Planilhas, etc);
  • Prototipação - Figma, Pencil,, Pidoco e outros;
  • SmartCities - Intelligent Operations Center IBM.

Como eu trabalho! | How I work!

Minha metodologia de trabalho é a seguinte, podendo passar por adaptações:

  • Levantamentos iniciais e modelagem de Processos - DESCREVER
  • Apresentações iniciais dos Processos e alterações necessárias;
  • Validação do Processo de Negócio
  • Identificação do Escopo (Big Picture) - Nesse momento é possível, através dos processos, identificar as grandes partes (módulos/Epics) que serão necessários desenvolver.
  • Identificação das Histórias de Usuário (ou Casos de Uso, se preferir) que deverão ser desenvolvidos pelas equipes de Devs;
  • Detalhamento profundo das Histórias de Usuário - DESCREVER
  • Se necessário, definição dos WireFrames / Prototipação estática das telas do sistema; -** Reuniões para levantamento dos processos de negócio da maneira que são, ou da maneira que deverão ser. Importante deixar claro que no BPM é essencial o levantamento dos processos da Situação Atual (As Is) para posterior modelagem dos processos da Situação Proposta (To Be). Porém, esse cenário não acontece quando o levantamento inicial é feito para o desenvolvimento de aplicações "do zero", por exemplo, sem ter uma operação por trás disso. Nesse caso, o que conta é a criação do processo.** - Modelagem dos processos levantados, utilizando ferramenta própria para a "diagramação", sempre na notação BPMN2.0. Ainda sobre o que foi falado acima, pode haver a modelagem dos processos As Is, ou diretamente o To Be.
  • Para projetos em que seja necessário uma análise dos processos na situação atual (As Is), existe uma etapa de análise desses, envolvendo os stakeholders para decisões estratégicas. Nesse caso, uma proposta de processo será posteriormente modelada (To Be).

Artefatos / Entregáveis

Alguns dos produtos provenientes do trabalho que executo são:

  • BPM: Modelo de Processo (As Is / To Be) - Arquivo no formato ".bpm" contendo todos os anexos e descritivos - Relatórios dos processos completos em .DOC e .PDF - Imagens dos fluxos em PNG ou qualquer outro formato - Arquivo navegável completo no formato HTML (navegador web) - Portal de processos no formato HTML
  • Histórias de Usuário;
  • Documento de 7 dimensões do produto;
  • Protótipos de Telas;
Plugin Link
Dropbox [plugins/dropbox/][PlDb]
GitHub [plugins/github/][PlGh]

Projetos / Projects

Já me deparei com infinitos tipos de projetos, atuando em diversas frentes de trabalho: modelagem de processos (obviamente), especificação de requisitos, prototipação de sistemas, definição de escopo, liderança de squads em projetos blockchain, documentação técnica de API Gateway para blockchain, dentre outras. Dillinger uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

And of course Dillinger itself is open source with a [public repository][dill] on GitHub.

Documentação / Documentation

Dillinger is currently extended with the following plugins. Instructions on how to use them in your own application are linked below.

Plugin Link
Dropbox [plugins/dropbox/][PlDb]
GitHub [plugins/github/][PlGh]
Google Drive [plugins/googledrive/][PlGd]
OneDrive [plugins/onedrive/][PlOd]
Medium [plugins/medium/][PlMe]
Google Analytics [plugins/googleanalytics/][PlGa]

Alguns Cursos que já fiz

  • UML
  • Blockchain - Ethereum - criar Token
  • Oracle Suite 11g
  • BPM Bootcamp - CBPP
  • JIRA Training
  • Java