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File metadata and controls

147 lines (128 loc) · 8.58 KB

Packages Descriptions


This file entails the technical description of each package within the project

The following are the used packages within the project:

  • rviz
  • teleop_twist_keyboard
  • xacro
  • gazebo_ros
  • slam_gmapping
  • map_server
  • amcl
  • move_base
  • add_markers
  • pick_objects
  • my_robot


Used to visualize the robot during its motion and the topics while it evolves in realtime.


Used to steer and move the robot in the test_slam.launch launch file.


Used to preprocess the custom robot urdf and its output is exported to Gazebo for simulation and for RVIZ for visualization.


This is the Gazebo ROS bridge that provides a communication between ROS and Gazebo, it also used to push the robot in the simulation and starts the gazebo simulator.

A Gazebo plugin used to steer and move the custom robot, it supports a robot with 4 wheels that can rotate in place like Pioneer 3-AT robot.

A Gazebo plugin used to provide an interface to the robot component and make the RGBD Camera works and sends transmission using ROS topics.

A Gazebo plugin used to provide an interface from the custom robot lidar and ROS, it sends the laser readings using ROS topics.


  • This package provides simultanious localization and mapping within the environment.
  • Using this package we are able to map the environment while traversing it.
  • It uses Grid based FastSLAM Algorithm.
  • It uses an approach called Rao-blackwellized particle filters.
  • It combines particle filters with Occupency grid mapping algorithm.
  • Each particle would have a map associated with it.
  • It consists of:
    • Sampling motion like particle filter.
    • Computing each particle map using the occupency grid mapping algorithm.
    • Computing the weight of each particle according to the measurements.


  • Using this package we are able to save the resulted map from the slam_gmapping in pgm image along with its metadata.
  • We are also able to load the saved map for the navigation.


  • This package provides localization of the robot during its motion within the environment using the a map and sensor readings.
  • It uses adaptive monte-carlo localization.
  • It estimates the odometry with each motion.
  • The adaptive monte-carlo localization is an extended version of the monte-carlo localization but offers a huge computational advantage by adapting the number of particles.
  • The monte-calo localization works by (for each particle):
    • Getting the previous belief.
    • Making a motion update using the control parameters and the previous belief.
    • Assign weights for each particle according to the sensor measurements.
    • Sample new particles according to each particle weight.
    • update the belief with the new particles.
  • The occupency grid mapping algorithm is:
    • dividing the space into a grid.
    • using the laser beam and the current robot pose update the probability of the cell being empty according to beam measurements.
    • At the end each cell will be classified according to its probability to be empty, free or unknown.


  • This package works as a navigation stack for the project.
  • It has an action server that you will provide with a goal and it will plan a path and navigate the robot to it.
  • It has alot of options to use.
  • It has a local and global planners, it has global and local planners.
  • It uses the map and the laser sensors to detect objects and plan a path.
  • It used the updated odometry.
  • The package mainly uses the famous Dijekstra algorithm which finds the shortest path from the robot to the goal pose.
  • The package also have some parameters onto the clearance of the robot with the obstacles among others.


  • This package adds virtual markers to be picked by the robot.
  • The markers act as a payload the will be picked and delivered by the robot.
  • It listens for the robot odometry when it is near to it, it will wait for 5 seconds then simulate a pickup by hiding itself.
  • When the robot reaches the delivery location, it will wait for 5 seconds and appear at the delivery loaction, to simulate the delivery.
  • After another 10 seconds, it will reappear at the pickup location, to simulate another delivery.


  • This package uses the move_base package to direct the robot to go to certain goal location.
  • It simulates 2 cargo delivery cicles, then it guides the robot to its final parking location.


  • This is the main package that contains the scripts, world_description and launch files.
  • It has the following structure:
    • CMakeLists.txt: The CMake file for compiing the package.
    • package.xml: The package meta-data xml file.
    • meshes: Contain meshes used in the project.
      • hokuyo.dae: The used Hokuyo Lidar sensor mesh.
    • maps: Contains generated maps from the slam script.
      • map.pgm: The generated map pgm image.
      • map.yaml: The generated map meta-data.
    • worlds: Contains gazebo worlds used within the project.
      • An empty world used within the project.
      • Remon_Kamal: The used gazebo world within the project.
    • urdf: The urdf files needed to generate and control the custom robot.
      • my_robot.xacro: The xacro urdf file used to generate the robot nodes, links and hinges.
      • my_robot.gazebo: A file used to interface gazebo ros plugins between the urdf file, ROS and Gazebo.
    • config: A folder to store various configurations used within the project.
      • Rviz_config.rviz: The visualization configuration that will be loaded by gazebo for topic visualizations.
      • base_local_planner_params.yaml: A local planner configuration used by the move_base package of the navigation stack.
      • local_costmap_params.yaml: A local costmap parameters used by the move_base package of the navigation stack.
      • costmap_common_params.yaml: A common costmap parameters used by the move_base package of the navigation stack.
      • global_costmap_params.yaml: A global costmap parameters used by the move_base package of the navigation stack.
    • scripts: A directory for various scripts used during the project phase.
      • A script to test running gazebo and sourcing ROS within the script in separate xterm windows.
      • test_slam.launch: A launch file that is used to launch and map the environment.
        • It launches the world, RVIZ, mapping node and the teleop node each in separeate xterm windows.
      • test_navigation.launch: A launch file that is used to launch RVIZ and the world, you can use the 2D Nav goal button to choose a location for the robot navigation.
        • It launches the world, RVIZ, the localization node, the map server and the navigation stack.
      • Same as the previous script but it adds pick_objects node that instructs the robot to do the pickup cycles.
      • Same as but it adds add_markers node which add nodes at the pickup location and hides them if the robot approached it.
      • home_service.launch: The final launch file of the project that makes the final robot delivery cycles and parks the robot at the end.
    • launch: contains various launch files that is used to launch nodes across the project.
      • teleop.launch: Used to launch the keyboard teleop node that is used to steer and drive the robot.
      • robot_description.launch:
        • preprocesses the robot xacro urdf description.
        • Launches the robot_state_publisher node, which publishes the robot transforms with each frame of reference of its joints.
        • Launches the joint_state_publisher node, which publishes fake joint values.
      • world.launch: The main launch file that launches the world.
        • sets default attributes on the default robot positions and robot description file.
        • launches the robot_description.launch file.
        • Loads the gazebo simulator and pass the world file to it.
        • spawn the robot into the gazebo world.
        • Start the rviz using its stored configuration.
      • gmapping_demo.launch: Launches the slam_gmapping node to perform the grid occupency mapping algorithm.
      • mapping.launch: An old file not used in this project, it used to make 3d + 2d mapping and visualization using rtabmap ros package.
      • amcl.launch: Used to make localization and navigation of the robot.
        • Launches the map server that will load the stored map from previous node.
        • Launches the adaptive monte-carlo localization node.
        • Launches the move_base navigation stack used to drive the robot to a given path.