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Clone this repository.

git clone
cd geoingest

Fill the credential information

Copy the config file.


Edit the information in the That file will be ignored when you push.

(Optional) Build ingest assembly

Since we have an assembly on s3 we can skip the assembly part.

Get Geotrellis as a submodule

git submodule init
git submodule update
cd geotrellis
./sbt "project spark-etl" assembly

Once this succeeds your assembly will be


If you don't have this assembly on s3 you can push it by doing

aws s3 cp geoingest/geotrellis/spark-etl/target/scala-2.11/geotrellis-spark-etl-assembly-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar s3://my-bucket/

Create Json Specs For Geotrellis

Geotrellis ingest requires 3 json files for specifying the ingest job. There is a very very small utility that is written for that purpose.

mkvirtualenv geoingest
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
ingest s3://locationOfS3BucketWithTiffs layerName s3://locationOfCatalog

This will create json specifications in the current directory for the ingest job.

Now we need to push those json files to s3 so that geotrellis can read it.

make copy-json-specs

Create Cluster

At this point it is very easy to launch our cluster.

make create-cluster

This will take roughly 10 minutes. After that we can ingest our layers.

Submit the ingest job

To submit the ingest job just do:

make submit-remote-ingest