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Scripting Language

Tim Sarbin edited this page Aug 23, 2021 · 4 revisions




void shutdown()

Shuts down the engine completely, quitting the application.

Set Boot Test

void setBootText(text: string)

Sets the lower text in the boot splash screen.

Exit Boot Mode

void exitBootMode()

Exits the boot splash and starts the main game render loop.

Get Engine Settings

EngineSettings getEngineSettings()

Returns the engine settings object.


Format String

void fmt(format: string, values...: any): string

Formats a string based on the golfing string format.

Join Path

string joinPath(path...: string)

Joins a list of paths together in an os-dependent way.


void log(level: string, message: string)

Writes a log entry message based on the log level. The log level can be info, error, fatal, warn, debug, or trace.


void sleep(msec: int)

Sleeps for the specified number of milliseconds.

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