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OpenAF programming quick-guide

OpenAF programming quick-guide

List of functions to help you get started with any OpenAF script programming.

My first Hello World
Print functions
Reading/Writing files
Convert JSON to a string and vice-versa
Running a shell command
Asking for user input
Continue learning

My first Hello World

Step-by-step "Hello World":

  1. Follow the instructions to install/setup OpenAF if you haven't already
  2. Create a text file "test.js" in an folder with the following contents:
print("Hello World!")
  1. Run the file you just created:
[openaf install directory]/oaf -f test.js
# 'Hello World!' should appear as output

Print functions

Function Example Description
print(aStr) print("Hello World") Prints a string to the screen
sprint(aObj) sprint({ a: 123, b: true }) Prints a javascript object structure to the screen


// Print a string
var str = "Hello!"

// Print a number
var num = 123.456

// Print a javascript object structure
var obj = { x: 1, y: -1, z: 0 }

// Print a javascript array
var arr = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]

Learn more

You can learn more how to print data with OpenAF in:

Reading/Writing files

Function Example Description
io.readFileString(aFilename, anEncoding) var str = io.readFileString("some/path/myfile.txt", "UTF-8") Reads the contents of a provided filename into a string variable
io.readFileJSON(aFilename) var obj = io.readFileJSON("some/path/myfile.json") Reads and parses the contents of a provided filename, as JSON, into an object variable
io.writeFileString(aFilename, aString, anEnconding, shouldAppend) io.writeFileString("some/path/myfile.txt", str, "UTF-8", false) Writes the "str"ing variable contents into the provided filename
io.writeFileJSON(aFilename, aObj, aSpace) io.writeFileJSON("some/path/myfile.json", obj, " ") Writes an "obj"ect into a file, as JSON, with a provded spacing

Example with a string:

// Assigning a string to a variable
var str = "This is a test!"
// Write the string variable to a file
io.writeFileString("mytext.txt", str)

// ...

// Reading a string from a file
var newStr = io.readFileString("mytext.txt")
// Print the string read from a file to the screen

Example with JSON:

// Defining a variable with a JSON map structure
var obj = { name: "test", value: 123 }
// Print the structure to the screen
// Save the structure to a file
io.writeFileJSON("myobj.json", obj)

// ...

// Reading a structure from a file
var newObj = io.readFileJSON("myobj.json")
// Print the structure read from the file to the screen

Learn more

You can learn more how to read and write files with OpenAF in:

Convert JSON to a string and vice-versa

Function Example Description
stringify(aObj, aReplacerFn, space) var str = stringify(obj) Converts a provide javascript object structure into a string JSON representation of the same
jsonParse(aStr, useAlternative, useUnsafe, ignoreNonJson) var obj = jsonParse(str) Converts a string with a JSON representation of an object into a javascript object structure


// Assign a javascript object structure to a variable
var obj = { text: "some text", number: 1234.56, boolean: false }
// Convert an object structure into a string
var str = stringify(obj)
// Print the converted string

// ...

// Convert a string back to an object structure
var newObj = jsonParse(str)
// Print the new object structure
// Print the 'text' string element of the object

Running a shell command

Function Example Description
$sh(aCmd).exec(aIdx) $sh("ls -lad *").exec(0) Executes aCmd without capturing stdout and stderr and just returning the exitcode
$sh(aCmd).get(aIdx) var res = $sh("uname -a").get(0) Executes aCmd and returns a map with stdout, stderr and exitcode

Example of executing a command

// Executing a command
var res = $sh("ls -lad *").exec(0)
// Print to the screen the exit code of the command

Example of executing a command capturing the output

// Execute a command capturing the output
var res = $sh("uname -a").get(0)
// Print to the screen the stdout of the command

Asking for user input

Function Example Description
ask(aPrompt) var str = ask("What's your name? ") Stops executing, printing the provided prompt, to ask an user for input returning the same


// Ask for the user's name
var name = ask("What's your name? ")
// Printing the captured user answer
print("Your name is " + name)

Learn more

You can learn more how to interactively ask for user input in OpenAF in:

Continue learning

To continue you can check some base OpenAF concepts in Concepts. You don't need to know them all but it will get you up-to-speed on some functionality you might be more interested on.

You can check the how-to guides that expand on the base core functionaly cover on the previous chapters.

You also have some specific guides for specific functionality. The beginner guides are a great place to start.

And lastly you can search this site (on the top search bar) and check the comprehensive reference.