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264 lines (89 loc) · 5.47 KB

TryHackMe - Sudo

File metadata and controls

264 lines (89 loc) · 5.47 KB

Sudo Agent


Munirah Binte Mohamad


[Task 2 - Enumerate]

Enumerate the machine and get all the important information.

Qn1. How many open ports?

nmap -sC -sV -A -Pn <Target IP Address>

-sV : Get the version of the services running on the ports.

-A: Detect OS and Services

-Pn: Scan port numbers (It was redundant, in this case)


Answer: 3

**Qn2. How you redirect yourself to a secret page? **

Since port 90 is open, it means we can access the HTTP of the IP Address. Thus, open up a browser and enter the ip address of the target machine.

![Webpage](D:\Digital Forensics\CTF\TryHackMe\Sudo Agent\Webpage.jpg)

Answer: User-Agent

Qn3. What is the agent name?

We know that Agent R exist. So, let's try finding Agent's R homepage.

-A : Identify User-Agent string

-L / -v : Verbose information (Long vers. information)

![Curl](D:\Digital Forensics\CTF\TryHackMe\Sudo Agent\Curl.jpg)

Alright, at least we managed to get Agent R's page. Since the agent's names are in letters, we should try all 26 alphabets until we find something.

I tried A and B but it produces the same body context as R. But, C produced a different result.

Curl C

Answer: Chris

[Task 3] Hash cracking and brute-force

Done Enumerating the machine? Time to brute your way out.

Qn1. FTP password

Using Hydra to brute force the FTP login.

hydra -l chris -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -vV <Target IP Addr> ftp

![Hydra ftp](D:\Digital Forensics\CTF\TryHackMe\Sudo Agent\Hydra ftp.jpg)

Use the command below to access the FTP Server.

ftp <Target IP Addr>

![ftp dir](D:\Digital Forensics\CTF\TryHackMe\Sudo Agent\ftp dir.jpg)

After gaining access to the FTP Server, use the following command to download the file to your local computer current directory.

mget <file name>

![Repeat same rest](D:\Digital Forensics\CTF\TryHackMe\Sudo Agent\Repeat same rest.jpg)

Repeat the same steps for the other 2 files to download them to your local directory.

Once the files have been download, read the "To_agentJ.txt".

![agent j](D:\Digital Forensics\CTF\TryHackMe\Sudo Agent\agent j.jpg)

Qn2. Zip File Password

Form the textfile above, we know that the password is stored in either one of the pictures. Use the binwalk command to check if there is anything in the pictures.

![binwalk](D:\Digital Forensics\CTF\TryHackMe\Sudo Agent\binwalk.jpg)

It seems like cutie.png has a zip data compressed in the file. Thus, to extract the files within the PNG file, we can sue the binwalk command.

![binwalk extract](D:\Digital Forensics\CTF\TryHackMe\Sudo Agent\binwalk extract.jpg)

When I tried to unzip the file using the unzip command, it failed because the zip file was encrypted. Therefore, I decided to use zip2john to read the hash and use the john command to crack the hash.

![retriving passwd](D:\Digital Forensics\CTF\TryHackMe\Sudo Agent\retriving passwd.jpg)

Once the password has been revealed, use the following command to extract the secret text file in the picture.

![unzip zip file with passwd](D:\Digital Forensics\CTF\TryHackMe\Sudo Agent\unzip zip file with passwd.jpg)

Read the secret file.

![secret txt file](D:\Digital Forensics\CTF\TryHackMe\Sudo Agent\secret txt file.jpg)

It seems like the word is encrypted, I decided to decode it using base64 and it works!

![passwd decoded](D:\Digital Forensics\CTF\TryHackMe\Sudo Agent\passwd decoded.jpg)

To check for information on the secret file in the picture, use the command below.:

![Steghide info](D:\Digital Forensics\CTF\TryHackMe\Sudo Agent\Steghide info.jpg)

Since it has been confirmed that there secret file is inside, use the command below to extract the secret file from the JPG file.

![Steghide extraction](D:\Digital Forensics\CTF\TryHackMe\Sudo Agent\Steghide extraction.jpg)

![Message steg](D:\Digital Forensics\CTF\TryHackMe\Sudo Agent\Message steg.jpg)

Qn4.Who is the other agent (in full name)?

Qn5. SSH password

[Task 4 - Capture the User flag]

QN1. What is the user flag?

![SSH JAMES](D:\Digital Forensics\CTF\TryHackMe\Sudo Agent\SSH JAMES.jpg)

// ForgTask 5ot to tae the picture of user cat

cat user-flag.txt

![scp image](D:\Digital Forensics\CTF\TryHackMe\Sudo Agent\scp image.jpg)

![Google reverse](D:\Digital Forensics\CTF\TryHackMe\Sudo Agent\Google reverse.jpg)

![incident](D:\Digital Forensics\CTF\TryHackMe\Sudo Agent\incident.jpg)

Qn2. What is the incident of the phot called?

[Task 5] Privilege Escalation

![whoami](D:\Digital Forensics\CTF\TryHackMe\Sudo Agent\whoami.jpg)

![sudo version](D:\Digital Forensics\CTF\TryHackMe\Sudo Agent\sudo version.jpg)

![james sudo](D:\Digital Forensics\CTF\TryHackMe\Sudo Agent\james sudo.jpg)

![cve](D:\Digital Forensics\CTF\TryHackMe\Sudo Agent\cve.jpg)

![her](D:\Digital Forensics\CTF\TryHackMe\Sudo Agent\her.jpg)

![Information on CVE](D:\Digital Forensics\CTF\TryHackMe\Sudo Agent\Information on CVE.jpg)

![final](D:\Digital Forensics\CTF\TryHackMe\Sudo Agent\final.jpg)