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Sprint 4 Mobile App User Documentation

tylerrwatsonn edited this page Dec 1, 2019 · 7 revisions

User Documentation:

This section of the Wiki will describe the way the user must interact with the web application for OTIS, the Online Tutoring Interface System. It’s important to note that the tutor shall henceforth be referred to as the “user”, as this application is designed for the tutor's viewpoint.

The application contains an easily accessible navigation bar with various tabs to complete any desired task. The tabs are as follows: Home, Courses, Availabilities, Appointments, Student Reviews, Forum, Logout.

As the user enters the application for the first time, they are directed to the home page.


If the user is not logged in, the login page will display two text textboxes in which the user will be able to input their username and password. Once their credentials are inputed, they must click “Log In” button below the input text boxes. Another option is given below the button. There is a linked string that will redirect to the signup page if clicked.


The signup page displays textboxes for the user to input their desired credentials and other information. The user has two textboxes in which they will have to input their first and last name. Next, the user will have to input a unique username that will be used to login. Next, the user will have to enter their email to associate with their account. Lastly, the user will have to input a password to log into their account and there will be another “confirm password” textbox that will make sure both entries are the same. Once all the information is inputed into these textboxes, the user will click the signup button to confirm their account creation. Additionally, there is another option underneath the signup button. The linked string will redirect to the login page in case the person already has an account.


The Home page simply displays the basic info of the logged in user. This space will be used to display that tutor's top reviews in the future.


This page allows the user to apply for a course and a specific hourly rate for that course. The user will select a course that is possible to be taught from a drop down menu, and then input their hourly rate. After this information is input, the user will click the “Apply” button to add this offering. An error message will be displayed if 12.50$ since this is the minimum wage in Quebec, or if a course is not selected. The second functionality of this page is to display the current courses the tutor can teach. It lists the course name and the hourly rate in a tabular form. There is also an “Edit” column in which tutors can use to delete the course offering.


This page allows the user to add or delete their current availabilities which would be used for a student to select a time for an appointment. The user will select a date from the calendar menu under “Select Date”. Next, the user must select a start time and end time. To finalize their availability, the user must click the “Create” button below the inputs. The second functionality is to display the already added availabilities of the tutor. This data will be formatted using tables, in which the date, start time and end time will be shown. There will be a button to delete a given availability.


The Appointment page displays all requested, upcoming and previous appointments in three tables respectively. All of these three display the Date, start time, end time and student associated. The requested appointments will have a column containing the option to accept or refuse the appointment. Once the user clicks this button, the appointment will either be moved into the upcoming table, or be deleted form the page depending on the option selected. The upcoming appointments have a column that will enable the user to cancel upcoming appointments. Once the user clicks this button, the appointment will be removed from the table. Lastly, the previous appointment table will have the option to review the student associated with that appointment. When this is clicked, the user is redirected to a page to create a review for one of the students in the appointment. This is the only way to access this page in order to limit reviews to be between people who have had appointments together.

Student Review:

If the user is not logged in, all links to the StudentReview page will redirect to the login option. If the user is logged in, this page will enable the user to see the reviews of student. To do this, select their name from the drop down menu. Once a name is selected, a list of reviews will appear revealing their rating out of 5 stars, the textual review, and the date and tutor that made the review.


The forum page consists of a box in which a user can create a message to post to the forum as well as all the previous forum posts and replies below. To create a message, the user simply types out what they want to say and once they are finished composing their message they must simply click the “Post New Message” button in order to post. Once completed, it will be displayed under this button with the message, along with the author's username and the date it was posted on. There will also be a textbox inside the reply section in which other users may write a reply. Once the reply is written, the user must click the reply button. The reply will appear in the same panel as the initial message, and will display the reply as well as its author.