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Use Case Diagrams

Osman Warsi edited this page Oct 31, 2019 · 16 revisions

User Story M.1: As a company manager, I would like to be able to verify new tutors to ensure they are qualified.

Description: The manager can view the detailed information for each tutors; therefore, is able to determine if the tutor is qualified for the job. If the tutor is a perfect fit, the manager can decide to approve the tutor into the list of available tutors. Otherwise, the tutor would be considered as fired.

User Story M.2: As a company manager, I would like to assign rooms manually for group review sessions to ensure that there is enough space for everyone.

Description: First, the manager can view the tutors that have been selected by more than one student for a group review session. These are the review sessions that will require the larger classrooms. Then, he can view the large classrooms that are available at the time slot of the group review session. If there are any, he can assign a room for the session.

User Story M.3: As a company manager, i would like to moderate evaluation comments (numerical evaluations can’t be changed) so that evaluations are more accurately analysed with no false/rude criticism.

Description: Based on our satisfaction guaranteed policy, both students and tutors can rate each other to make sure the service received is up to our standards. The manager will then be able to read, post, flag, and modify all comments posted on the platform. If a comment is judged inappropriate, the manager can remove it from the public; however, it is still viewable for the manager.

User Story M.4: As a manager, I would like to fire tutors and remove students from the system so that we can meet the satisfaction of our platform.

Description: The manager can view detailed information about students and tutors, including comments and ratings. If the manager decides it is best to remove this person from the system, he can do so and the student or the tutor will be switched to a list with other people removed from the system.

User Story M.5: As a company manager, I would like to enter new subjects/courses/universities so that tutoring company can grow by having greater variety of courses, increasing the number of students who would like to be enrolled.

Description: The manager can add subjects, courses, and universities to the platform which can be viewed by students and tutors. A detailed description for each subjects, courses, and universities can be added by the manager to be more specific. Of course, the manager can also remove any subjects, courses, and universities from the system.