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MagicTimer Class

The MagicTimer class is a timer implementation that provides various functionalities to start, stop, reset, and calculate elapsed time. It supports different timer modes, background time calculation, and event handlers.



  • lastStateDidChangeHandler: A handler called when the timer state changes. It provides the last state of the timer.
  • elapsedTimeDidChangeHandler: A handler called on each time interval. It provides the elapsed time.

Get-only Properties

  • lastState: The last state of the timer. It can be one of the following states: .none, .fired, .stopped, or .restarted.
  • elapsedTime: The elapsed time from when the timer started.

Timer Configuration Properties

  • countMode: The timer count mode. It can be either .stopWatch or .countDown(fromSeconds: TimeInterval).
  • defultValue: The timer default value. This value is used when resetting the timer.
  • effectiveValue: The value added or subtracted on each time interval.
  • timeInterval: The time interval between each timer tick.
  • isActiveInBackground: Determines whether the timer calculates time in the background.


  • init(counter: MagicTimerCounterInterface = MagicTimerCounter(), executive: MagicTimerExecutiveInterface = MagicTimerExecutive(), backgroundCalculator: MagicTimerBackgroundCalculatorInterface = MagicTimerBackgroundCalculator()): Initializes a new instance of the MagicTimer class with the specified counter, executive, and background calculator.


  • start(): Starts the timer.
  • stop(): Stops the timer.
  • reset(): Resets the timer, setting the elapsed time to zero.
  • resetToDefault(): Resets the timer to the default value.

Note: The MagicTimer class uses the MagicTimerCounterInterface, MagicTimerExecutiveInterface, and MagicTimerBackgroundCalculatorInterface protocols for counter, executive, and background calculator implementations, respectively.

Checkout the documentations: MagicTimerCounterInterface, MagicTimerExecutiveInterface, MagicTimerBackgroundCalculatorInterface,


// Create an instance of MagicTimer
let timer = MagicTimer()

// Configure event handlers
timer.lastStateDidChangeHandler = { state in
    // Handle timer state changes

timer.elapsedTimeDidChangeHandler = { elapsedTime in
    // Handle elapsed time changes

// Start the timer

// ...

// Stop the timer

// ...

// Reset the timer

// ...

// Reset the timer to the default value