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1. Four Design Principles

1.1. Abstraction

  • It is how humans deal with complexity: Simplifying a concept in the problem domain.
  • It breaks a concept down into a simplified description.
    • It ignores unimportant details.
    • It emphasized the essential needed for the concept, within some concept.
  • It help us to model classes:
    • It is used to determine the essencial details for some concept.
  • To model a class the designer have to choose the abstraction that is most appropriate to the context of the software development.
    • This context shall be understoof before creating an abstraction.
  • The essential characteristics of an abstration can be understood in two ways:
    • basic attributes: characteristics that do not dissapear over time.
    • behaviours: responsabilities and actions.
  • An example: Modelling the Person class
    • For a dating app:
      • Gender
      • Age
      • Social media accounts
    • For a fit app:
      • Gender
      • Age
      • IMC,
      • Number of diary steps etc...
    • So different models can be obtained based on different context. So if the context changes the abstraction can change too.

1.2. Encapsulation

  • It allows something to be contained in a capsule, some of which you can access from the outside and some of which you cannot.
  • Three concepts behind encapsulation:
    • the ability to bundle attribute values (or data) and behaviours (or methods) that manipulates those values, into a self-contained object.
    • the ability to expose certain data and functions of that object, which can be accessed from the other objects, usually through an interface.
    • the ability to restrict access to certain data and functions to only within the object.
  • The object's data should only contain what is relevant for that object.

1.2.1. Integrity and Security

  • Restricting access to certain data and functions to only within an object, leads to data integrity and the security of sensitive information.
  • If certain data are restricted from outside access, except through specific methods, then the data cannot be changed through variable assignments.

1.2.2. Changeable Implementation

  • Implementation of attributes and methods can change, but the accessible interface of a class can remain the same.

1.2.3. Black Box concept

  • It means that he computation steps taken within a class never need to be known by any other class, as long as they are able to access the interface.
    • A class is therefore like a black box that you cannot see into for details about how attributes are represented or how methods compute their results.
    • What happens in the box to achieve an expected behaviour does not matter, as long as it is possible to provide inputs and obtain outputs by calling methods.
    • What separates the real world from the internal workings of a class is a abstraction barrier which reduces complexity for users of the class.

1.3. Decomposition

It means that:

A whole thing can be divided into different parts. or Parts with different functionalities can be combined to form a whole thing.

  • There are three types of relationships in decomposition:
    • Association
    • Aggregation
    • Composition

1.3.1. Association Relationship

  • It indicates a loose relationship between two objects.
    • The two objects are completely separate
  • If one object is destroyed, the other can continue to exist.
  • There can be any number of each item in the relationship.
  • No object belongs to another (and they may have numbers that are not tied to each other).
  • An example:
    • A Student can practice a Sport or many Sports.
    • Additionaly, many Student can practice the same Sport or Sports.
  • Representation:
    • straight line between two objects
    • The 0...* on the right means: A Sport object is associated to 0 or more Student.
    • The 0...* on the left means: A Student object is associated to 0 or more Sport.


class Student{

   public void play (Sport sport)

1.3.2. Aggregation Relationship

  • It is a has-a relationship where a whole has parts that belong to it.
    • Parts can be shared among wholes in this relationship.
  • It is a weak relationship.
    • Even if the parts can belong to a whole, they can also exist independently.
  • An example:
    • An Airlines cannot operate without a Crew.
    • But, An Airliner does not cease to exist if the Crew leave.
    • Also, the Crew do not cease to exist if they are not in the Airliner.
  • Representation:
    • A straight line with an empty diamond in the object considered the whole.
    • The 0...* on the right means: A CrewMember object is associated to 0 or more Airliner objects.
    • The 0...* on the left means: An Airliner object is associated to 0 or more CrewMember objects.


class Airliner{

   private List<CrewMember> crew;

   public Airliner() 
      crew = new List<CrewMember>();

   public void Add( CrewMember crewMember) 


  • Airliner object has a reference to each CrewMember object.
  • Each CrewMember object is passed as a reference to the Airliner object.

1.3.3. Composition Relationship

  • It is one of the most dependent of the decomposition relationships.
  • It is an exclusive containment of parts, known as a strong has-a relationship.
    • The whole cannot exist without its parts.
    • If the whole is destroyed, then the parts are destroyed too.
    • You can only access the parts through its whole.
    • Contained parts are exclusive to the whole.
  • An example:
    • A House has Rooms.
    • If the House is destroyed, the Rooms are destroyed too.
  • Representation:
    • A straight line with a filled diamond in the object considered the whole.
    • The 1...* on the left means: A House object is associated to 1 or more Rooms objects.


public class House
  private Room room;

  public House()
    room = new Room(); 


  • A Room object is created at the same time that the House object.
  • The Room object is created inside its container, moreover it does not need to be passed as a reference.
  • As a result of this, House and Room are tightly dependent with one not being able to exist without the other.

1.4. Generalization

  • It takes repeated, common or shared characteristics between two or more classes and factors them out into another class i.e. base class.
    • So the code can be reused, and the characteristics can be inherit by the derived classes.
    • derived classes can also be a base class to another class.

1.4.1. Implementation inheritance

  • A derived class is a subtype of its base class. Moreover it inherits some of its implementations (fields and methods) for that reason class inheritance is called of implementation inheritance and the process is called subtyping.
  • Representation:
    • A straight solid line with a empty triangle in the base class.
    • The arrow shall point upwards. So base class shall be on top.
    • Inherit base class attributes (fields) and behaviours (methods) do not need to be rewritten in the derived class.
  • An example:
    • Base Class has the following field:
      • A public attribute publicField: represented by +
      • A private attribute privateField: represented by -
      • A protected attribute protectedField: represented by #
      • A public method method1
    • Derived Class:
      • Inherits all attributes from Base Class i.e. publicField, privateField, protectedField and method1
      • Additionally:
        • it has a public attribute field.
        • it has a public method method2.

Class Inheritance

1.4.2. Interface inheritance

  • Interface inheritance only specifies common behaviours throught method signatures.
  • An interface is like a contract to be fulfilled by implementing classes.
  • An interface only declares method signatures, with no constructors, attributes or method bodies.
  • Representation:
    • A straight dotted line with a empty triangle in the interface.
    • The arrow shall point upwards. So interface shall be on top.
    • Inherit interface and behaviours (methods) do not need to be rewritten in the derived class.

Interface Inheritance