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🎭 LMSEventManagement

This is a big one! This koha-plugin makes it easy for you to create, manage and advertise events to your target audiences.


From the release page you can download the relevant *.kpz file


Koha's Plugin System allows for you to add additional tools and reports to Koha that are specific to your library. Plugins are installed by uploading KPZ ( Koha Plugin Zip ) packages. A KPZ file is just a zip file containing the perl files, template files, and any other files necessary to make the plugin work.

The plugin system needs to be turned on by a system administrator.

To set up the Koha plugin system you must first make some changes to your install.

  • Change <enable_plugins>0<enable_plugins> to <enable_plugins>1</enable_plugins> in your koha-conf.xml file
  • Confirm that the path to <pluginsdir> exists, is correct, and is writable by the web server
  • Restart your webserver

Once set up is complete you will need to alter your UseKohaPlugins system preference.

Additional steps

At the moment you also need to make some changes to your apache2 configuration to make this plugin work. This will be addressed in a future release.


<Directory /var/lib/koha/INSTANCE/plugins/>
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted


ScriptAlias /events "/var/lib/koha/INSTANCE/plugins/Koha/Plugin/Com/LMSCloud/EventManagement/Opac/"
Alias /plugin "/var/lib/koha/INSTANCE/plugins"

Or in /etc/apache2/sites-available/INSTANCE.conf

<Directory /var/lib/koha/INSTANCE/plugins/>
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted

ScriptAlias /events "/var/lib/koha/INSTANCE/plugins/Koha/Plugin/Com/LMSCloud/EventManagement/Opac/"
Alias /plugin "/var/lib/koha/INSTANCE/plugins"


Create target groups

Target groups are groups of patrons that can be used to target events to. They have a small set of properties which you can use to create certain age cohorts. Of course you can also create groups like 'Family' or 'Friends' or 'Staff' for example where the age is not the deciding factor.

Property Database Field Description
Name name Name of the target group
Minimum age min_age Lower age boundary of the group
Maximum age max_age Upper age boundary for the group

Create locations

Locations are the places where your events will take place. They have a small set of properties that denote the location's address and you can also add a link to the location's website or a map provider of your choice. The provider's hostname will be shown to users so they know where they will be redirected.

Property Database Field Description
Name name Name of the location
Street street Street address of the location
Number number Street number of the location
Zip code zip Zip code of the location
City city City of the location
Country country Country of the location
Site or map provider link Link to the location's website or a map provider

Create event types

Event types are sort of like categories for your events. They allow users to filter events by type but also act as templates for new events you'd like to create. You can set a subset of properties that actual events will inherit from the event type.

Property Database Field Description
Name name Name of the event type
Minimum age min_age Minimum age requirement
Maximum age max_age Maximum age requirement
Maximum number of participants max_participants Maximum allowed number of participants
Location location Reference to a created location
Image image URL to an image
Description description Event description
Open registration open_registration Denotes if external users can register for the event

Create events

Events are the actual events you'd like to advertise to your patrons. They are accessible through the /events route on your OPAC (if you copied the ScriptAlias from the setup example). You can create events from scratch or use an event type as a template. Please note that you will have to assign the event to an event type, though. This is just so every event is associated with an event type that patrons can use to filter events.

Property Database Field Description
Name name Name of the event
Event type event_type Reference to a created event type
Minimum age min_age Minimum age requirement
Maximum age max_age Maximum age requirement
Maximum number of participants max_participants Maximum allowed number of participants
Start time start_time Date and time when the event will start
End time end_time Date and time when the event will end
Registration start time registration_start Date and time when event registration starts
Registration end time registration_end Date and time when event registration ends
Location location Reference to a created location
Image image URL to an image
Description description Event description
Registration URL registration_link URL to an external registration page
Open registration open_registration Denotes if external users can register for the event

Note about some properties

Three properties are non-functional at the moment but will be used for a native event registration in a future release

  • Registration start time, which is a date and time when registration for the event will start
  • Registration end time, which is a date and time when registration for the event will end
  • Status, which denotes the current state of the event, can be pending, confirmed, cancelled or sold out

The target group matrices

Maybe you already noticed the target group matrices in the event and event type creation modal. These are used to associate target groups with events and event types. This is also where you declare fees for participation which you can individually set for each target group.


You can upload images for events and event types. These images will be stored under the LMSEventManagement namespace and can be viewed in the images tab of the plugin's admin interface. The following image formats are supported:

  • JPEG or JPG
  • PNG
  • GIF
  • AVIF
  • WEBP

If possible use AVIF or WEBP as they are the most efficient formats. If you upload an image that is not in one of the supported formats you'll get an error. The maximum file size is 10MB. To ensure optimal performance you should keep the file size as small as possible, e.g. in a low kilobyte range.


PRs and issues are welcome! Please note that this plugin is in currently in beta. We haven't encountered any major issues but bugs are always possible. If you find a bug please open an issue and we'll try to fix it as soon as possible.


This plugin is licensed under the GPLv3 license. See the LICENSE file for more information.