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Limitador configuration

Command line configuration

The preferred way of starting and configuring the Limitador server is using the command line:

Rate Limiting Server

Usage: limitador-server [OPTIONS] <LIMITS_FILE> [STORAGE]

  memory        Counters are held in Limitador (ephemeral)
  disk          Counters are held on disk (persistent)
  redis         Uses Redis to store counters
  redis_cached  Uses Redis to store counters, with an in-memory cache

  <LIMITS_FILE>  The limit file to use

  -b, --rls-ip <ip>
          The IP to listen on for RLS [default:]
  -p, --rls-port <port>
          The port to listen on for RLS [default: 8081]
  -B, --http-ip <http_ip>
          The IP to listen on for HTTP [default:]
  -P, --http-port <http_port>
          The port to listen on for HTTP [default: 8080]
  -l, --limit-name-in-labels
          Include the Limit Name in prometheus label
          Sets the level of verbosity
      --tracing-endpoint <tracing_endpoint>
          The endpoint for the tracing service
          Validates the LIMITS_FILE and exits
  -H, --rate-limit-headers <rate_limit_headers>
          Enables rate limit response headers [default: NONE] [possible values: NONE, DRAFT_VERSION_03]
          Enables gRPC server reflection service
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version

The values used are authoritative over any environment variables independently set.

Limit definitions

The LIMITS_FILE provided is the source of truth for all the limits that will be enforced. The file location will be monitored by the server for any changes and be hot reloaded. If the changes are invalid, they will be ignored on hot reload, or the server will fail to start.

The LIMITS_FILE's format

When starting the server, you point it to a LIMITS_FILE, which is expected to be a yaml file with an array of limit definitions, with the following format:

type: object
    type: string
    type: string
    type: integer
    type: integer
    type: array
      - type: string
    type: array
      - type: string
  - namespace
  - seconds
  - max_value
  - conditions
  - variables

Here is an example of such a limit definition:

max_value: 10
seconds: 60
  - "req.method == 'GET'"
  - user_id
  • namespace namespaces the limit, will generally be the domain, see here
  • seconds is the duration for which the limit applies, in seconds: e.g. 60 is a span of time of one minute
  • max_value is the actual limit, e.g. 100 would limit to 100 requests
  • name lets the user optionally name the limit
  • variables is an array of variables, which once resolved, will be used to qualify counters for the limit, e.g. api_key to limit per api keys
  • conditions is an array of conditions, which once evaluated will decide whether to apply the limit or not

condition syntax

Each condition is an expression producing a boolean value (true or false). All conditions must evaluate to true for the limit to be applied on a request.

Expressions follow the following syntax: $IDENTIFIER $OP $STRING_LITERAL, where:

  • $IDENTIFIER will be used to resolve the value at evaluation time, e.g. role
  • $OP is an operator, either == or !=
  • $STRING_LITERAL is a literal string value, " or ' demarcated, e.g. "admin"

So that role != "admin" would apply the limit on request from all users, but admin's.

Counter storages

Limitador will load all the limit definitions from the LIMITS_FILE and keep these in memory. To enforce these limits, Limitador needs to track requests in the form of counters. There would be at least one counter per limit, but that number grows when variables are used to qualify counters per some arbitrary values.


As the name implies, Limitador will keep all counters in memory. This yields the best results in terms of latency as well as accuracy. By default, only up to 1000 "concurrent" counters will be kept around, evicting the oldest entries. "Concurrent" in this context means counters that need to exist at the "same time", based of the period of the limit, as "expired" counters are discarded.

This storage is ephemeral, as if the process is restarted, all the counters are lost and effectively "reset" all the limits as if no traffic had been rate limited, which can be fine for short-lived limits, less for longer-lived ones.


When you want persistence of your counters, such as for disaster recovery or across restarts, using redis will store the counters in a redis instance using the provided URL. Increments to individual counters is made within redis itself, providing accuracy over these, races tho can occur when multiple Limitador servers are used against a single redis and using "stacked" limits (i.e. over different periods). Latency is also impacted, as it results in one additional hop to talk to redis and maintain the counters.

TLS Support

Connect to a redis instance using the rediss:// URL scheme.

To enable insecure mode, append #insecure at the end of the URL. For example:

limitador-server <LIMITS_FILE> redis rediss://"


To enable authentication, use the username and password properties of the URL scheme. For example:

limitador-server <LIMITS_FILE> redis redis://my-username:my-password@"

when the username is omitted, redis assumes default user. For example:

limitador-server <LIMITS_FILE> redis redis://:my-password@"


Uses Redis to store counters

Usage: limitador-server <LIMITS_FILE> redis <URL>

  <URL>  Redis URL to use

  -h, --help  Print help


In order to avoid some communication overhead to redis, redis_cached adds an in memory caching layer within the Limitador servers. This lowers the latency, but sacrifices some accuracy as it will not only cache counters, but also coalesce counters updates to redis over time. See this configuration option for more information.

TLS Support

Connect to a redis instance using the rediss:// URL scheme.

To enable insecure mode, append #insecure at the end of the URL. For example:

limitador-server <LIMITS_FILE> redis rediss://"


To enable authentication, use the username and password properties of the URL scheme. For example:

limitador-server <LIMITS_FILE> redis redis://my-username:my-password@"

when the username is omitted, redis assumes default user. For example:

limitador-server <LIMITS_FILE> redis redis://:my-password@"


Uses Redis to store counters, with an in-memory cache

Usage: limitador-server <LIMITS_FILE> redis_cached [OPTIONS] <URL>

  <URL>  Redis URL to use

      --batch-size <batch>          Size of entries to flush in as single flush [default: 100]
      --flush-period <flush>        Flushing period for counters in milliseconds [default: 1000]
      --max-cached <max>            Maximum amount of counters cached [default: 10000]
      --response-timeout <timeout>  Timeout for Redis commands in milliseconds [default: 350]
  -h, --help                        Print help


Disk storage using RocksDB. Counters are held on disk (persistent).

Counters are held on disk (persistent)

Usage: limitador-server <LIMITS_FILE> disk [OPTIONS] <PATH>

  <PATH>  Path to counter DB

      --optimize <OPTIMIZE>  Optimizes either to save disk space or higher throughput [default: throughput] [possible values: throughput, disk]
  -h, --help                 Print help

For an in-depth coverage of the different topologies supported and how they affect the behavior, see the topologies' document.

Configuration using environment variables

The Limitador server has some options that can be configured with environment variables. These will override the default values the server uses. Any argument used when starting the server will prevail over the environment variables.


  • Host where the Envoy RLS server listens.
  • Optional. Defaults to "".
  • Format: string.


  • Port where the Envoy RLS server listens.
  • Optional. Defaults to 8081.
  • Format: integer.


  • Host where the HTTP server listens.
  • Optional. Defaults to "".
  • Format: string.


  • Port where the HTTP API listens.
  • Optional. Defaults to 8080.
  • Format: integer.


  • YAML file that contains the limits to create when Limitador boots. If the limits specified already have counters associated, Limitador will not delete them. Changes to the file will be picked up by the running server.
  • Required. No default
  • Format: string, file path.


  • Enables using limit names as labels in Prometheus metrics. This is disabled by default because for a few limits it should be fine, but it could become a problem when defining lots of limits. See the caution note in the Prometheus docs
  • Optional. Disabled by default.
  • Format: bool, set to "1" to enable.


  • The endpoint of the OTLP tracing collector (scheme://host:port).
  • Optional. Default to "" (tracing disabled)
  • Format: string


  • Enables a storage implementation that uses Redis, but also caches some data in memory. The idea is to improve throughput and latencies by caching the counters in memory to reduce the number of accesses to Redis. To achieve that, this mode sacrifices some rate-limit accuracy. This mode does two things:
    • Batches counter updates. Instead of updating the counters on every request, it updates them in memory and commits them to Redis in batches. The flushing interval can be configured with the REDIS_LOCAL_CACHE_FLUSHING_PERIOD_MS env. The trade-off is that when running several instances of Limitador, other instances will not become aware of the counter updates until they're committed to Redis.
    • Caches counters. Instead of fetching the value of a counter every time it's needed, the value is cached for a configurable period. The trade-off is that when running several instances of Limitador, an instance will not become aware of the counter updates other instances do while the value is cached. When a counter is already at 0 (limit exceeded), it's cached until it expires in Redis. In this case, no matter what other instances do, we know that the quota will not be reestablished until the key expires in Redis, so in this case, rate-limit accuracy is not affected. When a counter has still some quota remaining the situation is different, that's why we can tune for how long it will be cached. The formula is as follows: MIN(ttl_in_redis/REDIS_LOCAL_CACHE_TTL_RATIO_CACHED_COUNTERS, REDIS_LOCAL_CACHE_MAX_TTL_CACHED_COUNTERS_MS). For example, let's image that the current TTL (time remaining until the limit resets) in Redis for a counter is 10 seconds, and we set the ratio to 2, and the max time for 30s. In this case, the counter will be cached for 5s (min(10/2, 30)). During those 5s, Limitador will not fetch the value of that counter from Redis, so it will answer faster, but it will also miss the updates done by other instances, so it can go over the limits in that 5s interval.
  • Optional. Disabled by default.
  • Format: set to "1" to enable.
  • Note: "REDIS_URL" needs to be set.


  • Used to configure the maximum flushing period. See REDIS_LOCAL_CACHE_ENABLED. This env only applies when "REDIS_LOCAL_CACHE_ENABLED" == 1.
  • Optional. Defaults to 1000.
  • Format: integer. Duration in milliseconds.


  • Used to configure the maximum number of counters to update in a flush. See REDIS_LOCAL_CACHE_ENABLED. This env only applies when "REDIS_LOCAL_CACHE_ENABLED" == 1.
  • Optional. Defaults to 100.
  • Format: integer.


  • Redis URL. Required only when you want to use Redis to store the limits.
  • Optional. By default, Limitador stores the limits in memory and does not require Redis.
  • Format: string, URL in the format of "redis://".


  • Defines the log level.
  • Optional. Defaults to "error".
  • Format: enum: "debug", "error", "info", "warn", or "trace".