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App Identity Specification

App Identity provides a fast, lightweight, cryptographically secure app authentication mechanism as an improvement over just using API keys or app IDs. It does this by computing a proof with an application identifier, a nonce, an application secret key, and a hashing algorithm. The secret key is embedded in client applications and stored securely on the server, so it is never passed over the wire.

Terminology and Typographic Notes

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 RFC2119 RFC8174 when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

Core algorithmic concepts will be expressed with emphasis.

Only the text of this specification is normative. Code examples in this document are informative and may have bugs.

Version and Versioning

This specification is versioned with a modified Semantic Versioning scheme. The major version of the specification will always be the number of algorithm versions defined. Minor versions of the specification MAY be used adjust the text.

The current specification is 4.2.


For the purposes of this specification, the following attributes are REQUIRED on an application:

  • id: The unique identifier of the application, which MUST be presented as a string. Identifiers MUST NOT include an ASCII colon (:) or they MUST be encoded and validating servers must know how to locate applications encoded this way.

    It is RECOMMENDED that this value be globally unique and extremely difficult to guess. Identifier types meeting such criteria include UUIDs (version 4, version 7, or version 8), ULID, or ksuid.

    Identifiers MAY include a class identifier (such as appid=1234, or the Rails Global ID format). If an identifier is short, an integer, or a compound value, the use of a class identifier is RECOMMENDED.

  • secret: The random value used as the secret key. This value MUST be used as presented. That is, if the secret is presented as a Base64 value, the secret is the Base64 value, not a decoded version of it.

    Application secrets SHOULD be prefixed with a fixed value, such as appid_. This improves the ability of security tools (such as gitleaks, GitGuardian, or GitHub secret scanning) to detect that an application secret key has been leaked.

    Where possible, implementations SHOULD use memory-safe storage for the secret value and MUST prevent accidental exposure of the secret in logs through normal object introspection.

    All reference implementations use no-argument closures to store the secret in memory, which prevents accidental logging of the secret. In addition, custom inspect functions have been implemented which hides the secret value by default.

  • version: The minimum algorithm version supported by the application, an integer value. The reference implementations of App Identity do not restrict the version for backwards compatibility purposes, but new services SHOULD consider version 1 applications deprecated.

  • config: A configuration object which affects proof verification. Only one key for this object is defined when version 2 or higher. The config only affects proof verification.

    • fuzz: The fuzziness of time stamp comparison, in seconds, for version 2 or higher algorithms. If not present, defaults to 600 seconds, or ±600 seconds (±10 minutes). Depending on the nature of the app being verified and the expected network conditions, a shorter time period than 600 seconds is RECOMMENDED.

Suggested Extra Fields

The following fields are suggested for use in defining applications.

  • code: A unique text identifier for the application. Not used in the proof algorithm, but used to manage the application on the servers.

  • name: A displayable name for the application. Not used in the proof algorithm, but used for human consumption.

  • type: The type of the application. Because the server deals with many types of applications, this value may be used to limit access to APIs to only type of applications.

Algorithm Versions

The algorithm version controls both the shape of the nonce and the specific algorithm chosen for hashing. Versions are strictly upgradeable. A version 1 app can verify version 1, 2, 3, or 4 proofs. However, a version 2 app will never validate a version 1 proof.

App Identity
Nonce Digest Algorithm Can Verify Proof
from Version
1 random SHA2-256 Yes Yes Yes Yes
2 timestamp ± fuzz SHA2-256 - Yes Yes Yes
3 timestamp ± fuzz SHA2-384 - - Yes Yes
4 timestamp ± fuzz SHA2-512 - - - Yes

Identity Proof

The client identity proof is a short, cryptographically signed value, composed from the id, a nonce, and an intermediary padlock generated using the application secret. The application id and secret SHOULD be provided securely for compile-time inclusion; all care SHOULD be taken to ensure that the secret is not easily extractable from the application or shared in the clear.

The generation of a proof looks like this:

padlock = Padlock(Version, Identity, Nonce, Secret)
proof = Proof(Version, Identity, Nonce, padlock)

The verification of a proof looks like this:

(Version, Identity, Nonce, padlock) = Parse(proof)
app = FindApplication(Identity)
padlockʹ = Padlock(Version, app.Identity, Nonce, app.Secret)
proofʹ = Proof(Version, Identity, Nonce, padlockʹ)

ConstantTimeEqualityComparison(proof, proofʹ)


Depending on the version of the application algorithm, the nonce may contain any byte sequences except ASCII colon (:), but it is RECOMMENDED that the value be UTF-8 safe.

Random Nonces

Version 1 nonces SHOULD be cryptographically secure and non-sequential, but sufficiently fine-grained timestamps (those including microseconds, as yyyymmddHHMMSS.sss) MAY be used. Version 1 proofs verify that the nonce is at least one byte long and do not contain an ASCII colon (:).

Typescript (Node):

import { randomBytes } from 'crypto'
import base64url from 'base64-url' //



require 'securerandom'
nonce1 = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(32)
nonce2 = SecureRandom.hex(32)


# Elixir
Base.url_encode64(:crypto.strong_rand_bytes(32), padding: true)


func secure_random_base64_bytes(count: Int32 = 16) -> String? {
  var data = Data(count: count)
  let result = data.withUnsafeMutableBytes {
    SecRandomCopyBytes(kSecRandomDefaults, data.count, $0)
  if result == errSecSuccess {
    return data.base64EncodedString()
  } else {
    return nil


Timestamp Nonces

Version 2, 3, and 4 nonces MUST be a UTC timestamp formatted using ISO 8601 basic formatting. The clocks of the generating and verifying systems MUST be synchronized for the verification to work as intended, so NTP is strongly RECOMMENDED.

For the purposes of this document, ISO 8601 basic formatting is this ABNF definition adapted from RFC3339:

date-fullyear = 4DIGIT
date-month    = 2DIGIT  ; 01-12
date-mday     = 2DIGIT  ; 01-28, 01-29, 01-30, 01-31 based on
                        ; month/year
time-hour     = 2DIGIT  ; 00-23
time-minute   = 2DIGIT  ; 00-59
time-second   = 2DIGIT  ; 00-58, 00-59, 00-60 based on leap second
                        ; rules
time-secfrac  = "." 1*DIGIT
time-offset   = "Z"

partial-time  = time-hour time-minute time-second [time-secfrac]
full-date     = date-fullyear date-month date-mday
full-time     = partial-time time-offset

date-time     = full-date "T" full-time

This format differs from RFC3339 §5.6 timestamp format in the following ways:

  1. It MUST be UTC and the timezone character MUST be Z. No other timezone specifier is permitted, and it MUST NOT be omitted.
  2. It MUST only have the ASCII characters [.0-9TZ]. It MAY have the point character (.) only preceding the optional fractional seconds digits.

Therefore, a timestamp of 2020-02-25T23:20:03.321423-04:00 MUST be presented as 20200225T192003.321423Z.

The C-style strftime pattern for this format is '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S.%6NZ', and the PostgreSQL TO_CHAR pattern is 'YYYYMMDD"T"HH24MISS.FF6Z'.

Typescript (Node):

new Date().toISOString().replace(/[-:]/g, '')


require 'time''%Y%m%dT%H%M%S.%6NZ')


case"Etc/UTC") do
  {:ok, stamp} ->
    {:ok, DateTime.to_iso8601(stamp, :basic)}

  {:error, reason} ->
    {:error, String.replace(Kernel.to_string(reason), "_", " ")}

Padlock Calculation

To compute the padlock value:

  1. Concatenate the application id, the nonce, and the application secret with ASCII colon (:) between each part.
  2. Calculate the digest of the above value.
  3. Convert to a base 16 string representation.

As noted previously, the digest algorithm used varies based on the application version.

Typescript (Node):

// This demonstrates a version 3 padlock
import { createHash } from 'crypto'
const hash = createHash('sha384')
hash.update(raw, 'utf-8')


require 'digest/sha2'
Digest::SHA256.hexdigest([version, id, nonce, secret].join(':')).upcase


[id, nonce, secret]
|> Enum.join(":")
|> then(&:crypto.hash(:sha256, &1))
|> Base.encode16(case: :upper)


// Swift
extension Data {
  func hexString() -> String {
    return {

  func SHA256() -> Data {
    var result = Data(count: Int(CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH))
    _ = result.withUnsafeMutableBytes {
      resultPtr in self.withUnsafeBytes {
        CC_SHA256($0, CC_LONG(count), resultPtr)
    return result

extension String {
  func hexString() -> String {
    return .utf8)!.hexString()

  func SHA256() -> String {
    return .utf8)!.SHA256().hexString()

let value = "\(id):\(nonce):\(secret)"
let padlock = value.SHA256()


// Java (Android)
String value = id + ":" + nonce + ":" + secret;
MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
byte[] hash = digest.digest(msg.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
StringBuffer padlock = new StringBuffer();

for (int i = 0; i < hash.length; i++) {
  String hex = Integer.toHexString(0xFF & hash[i]);
  if (hex.length() == 1) {


Validation of the padlock will convert this digest to uppercase, so the values c0ffee and C0FFEE are identical. It is RECOMMENDED that padlocks be passed as uppercase hex values.

Proof Presentation

Clients MUST present the computed padlock to the server in a way that allows verification. This is called the proof, which contains the algorithm version, the application id, the nonce, and the padlock. It is typically provided as a single concatenated string (using colons) and then Base64 encoded.

Typescript (Node):

import base64url from 'base64-url' //
base64url.encode([version, id, nonce, padlock].join(':'))


require 'base64'
# Version 1
Base64.urlsafe_encode64([id, nonce, padlock].join(':'))
# Version 2+
Base64.urlsafe_encode64([version, id, nonce, padlock].join(':'))


[version, id, nonce, padlock]
|> Enum.join(":")
|> Base.urlsafe_encode64(padding: false)


let value = "\(version):\(id):\(nonce):\(padlock)"
let proof = Data(value.utf8).base64EncodedString()


String value = version + ":" + id + ":" + nonce + ":" + padlock.toString();
byte[] encodedHash = Base64.getEncoder().encode(encodeValue.getBytes());
String proof = new String(encodedHash, "UTF-8");