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KevDaDev edited this page May 5, 2023 · 3 revisions

Default config:

undo-cache-size: 20
max-brush-size: 20
message-on-login-enabled: true

# The default brush to use when a player joins the server. Default: snipe. To have no brush selected on login, set this to none.
default-brush: snipe

worldguard-integration-enabled: false
plotsquared-integration-enabled: false
update-checker-enabled: true
config option description
undo-cache-size The amount of times you can undo. A higher value will use more memory.
max-brush-size The maximum brush size a player can use. Brush size has an exponential performance hit version 8.8.0
message-on-login-enabled Whether to display the current settings when a player with sniper permissions logs in
default-brush The default brush when a sniper logs in. Setting this to 'none' will have the brush unset
worldguard-integration-enabled Whether the plugin respects WorldGuard regions
plotsquared-integration-enabled Whether the plugin respects PlotSquared plots
update-checker-enabled Whether the plugin will notify snipers of updates
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