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183 lines (123 loc) · 5.83 KB

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183 lines (123 loc) · 5.83 KB


This project was made in accordance with the project of School 21 (Ecole 42).

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The purpose of this project is to recode printf function in c.

You can see the subject here: ft_printf.

Main requirements, rules and code style: Norm.

The libft subdirectory is another project for School 21: Libft.


  • The printf() function produces output according to a format as described below.
    The format string is a character string, beginning and ending in its initial shift state, if any.
    The format string is composed of zero or more directives: ordinary characters (not %), which
    are copied unchanged to the output stream; and conversion specifications, each of which results
    in fetching zero or more subsequent arguments. Each conversion specification is introduced by
    the character %, and ends with a conversion specifier. In between there may be (in this order)
    zero or more flags, an optional minimum field width, an optional precision and an optional length modifier.

  • The overall syntax of a conversion specification is:
    %[flags][width][.precision][length modifier][conversion]

Mandatory part

ft_printf() must process following type specifiers:

  1. %c - single character

  2. %s - string of characters

  3. %p - pointer to void (in hexadecimal)

  4. %d - decimal number

  5. %i - integer number

  6. %u - unsigned decimal number

  7. %x - number in hexadecimal (lowercase)

  8. %X - number in hexadecimal (uppercase)

  9. %% - percent character

Bonus part

ft_printf() must manage following format specifiers and minimum field width in any combination:

  1. - - left-justify within the given field width, right justification is the default

  2. 0 - left-pads the number with zeroes instead of spaces, where padding is specified

  3. . - precision (is used with numeric values)

  4. # - adding prefix 0x or 0X for %x or %X type specifiers respectively

  5. + - adding sign (+ or -) in dependency of output value. By default shows only - sign
    for negative values

  6. (space) - adding space before positive output values. By default shows only - sign
    for negative values. Ignored if both + and flags are used

  • Also you can use width specifier (number) to define the field width.

  • Width and precision specifiers can be presented due to * character.
    In this case * should be printed in formatting string for ft_printf at required position instead of
    numeric value. At the same time value for * is passed as argument.

  • For futher information about printf() read the manual or wiki.


  • _ is showing spaces in output.
Command Output
ft_printf("%3d", 1) __1
ft_printf("%3d", 123456789) 123456789
ft_printf("%3d", -1) _-1
ft_printf("%-3d", 1) 1__
ft_printf("%-3d", 123456789) 123456789
ft_printf("%-3d", -1) -1_
ft_printf("%03d", 1) 001
ft_printf("%03d", 123456789) 123456789
ft_printf("%03d", -1) -01
ft_printf("%+5d", 10) __+10
ft_printf("%-+5d", 10) +10__
ft_printf("%s", "Hello") Hello
ft_printf("%10s", "Hello") _____Hello
ft_printf("%-10s", "Hello") Hello_____

Installation and usage

Makefile compiles given functions into C static library file.

Compiler: gcc

Flags: -Wall -Werror -Wextra

  • Go to the project folder:
$ cd 'path_to_ft_printf'
  • Then typo one of these command:
Command Description
make compiling mandatory and bonus part
make bonus compiling mandatory and bonus part
make clean clearing all .o files
make fclean clearing all .o files and library
  • As you can see make and make bonus have the same behavior.

  • To use compiled project in your code just include library header:

#include "ft_printf.h"
  • While compiling your code add these flags:
-lft -L 'path_to_libftprintf.a' -I 'path_to_ft_printf.h'
