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Concordia University's Gina Cody School of ENCS Thesis LaTeX Template + logos

This is an updated LaTeX template for Master's and Ph.D. theses in the newly renamed Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science. It builds on Suo Tan's version, and brings the following:

  • Complies with 2019 requirements (they tend to change every so often...)
  • Correct list and order of examiners for Master's and Ph.D.
  • Some changes to support the CIISE department in the cover page
  • Fixed links in the Table of Contents to the List of Figures/Tables
  • Support for including thesis defence date or leaving it blank
  • Removes PTEX.Fullbanner from included resources (hides resource author/dates/potential full paths)
  • Vectorized Concordia and Gina Cody logos in Appendix, to be used e.g., in the thesis presentation

Customize template

  • Under %% THESIS SETTINGS, fill your name, thesis title, then the name of the program you are enrolled in (e.g., Computer Science), and your department.
  • Next, check whether your department has the GPD or the Chair to sign the thesis and toogle \isGpd in the former case. Search for the name of the current GPD of your department if needed.
  • Then, search for the name of the current Dean of the faculty.
  • Fill the names of the examiners
  • Fill the initial submission and defence dates if available

Example 1: Ph.D. thesis in the CIISE department

Example of a Ph.D. thesis in the CIISE department with the names of the GPD/Dean as of 2019, and a co-supervisor.

\author{John Doe}
\title{My Super Thesis}
\program{Information and Systems Engineering}
\dept{The Concordia Institute\\for\\Information Systems Engineering}
\GpdOrChairOfDept{Dr.\ Mohammad Mannan}
\deanOfENCS{Dr.\ Amir Asif} 
\chairOfCommittee{Dr.\ Chair}
\examinerExternal{Dr.\ External}
\examinerFirst{Dr.\ Examiner1}
\examinerSecond{Dr.\ Examiner2}
\examinerExternalToProgram{Dr.\ ExternalToProgram}
\supervisor{Dr.\ Supervisor}
\coSupervisor{Dr.\ Co-supervisor}

%% Comment to use current month, needs to match initial submission
%% Comment if date of defence is unknown yet, fill for final submission
\defencedate{July 1, 2019}

Note, if your thesis title takes two lines on the signature page, find the following line in cuthesis.sty:

\\[1em] %% Comment if PhD with co-supervisor and long thesis title

and comment it.

Example 2: MApCompSc thesis in the Computer Science & Software Engineering department

Example of a MApCompSc thesis in the Computer Science & Software Engineering department with the names of the GPD/Dean as of 2019.

\author{John Doe}
\title{My Super Thesis}
\mastersDegree{Master of Applied Computer Science}
\program{Computer Science}
\dept{The Department\\of\\Computer Science and Software Engineering}
\GpdOrChairOfDept{Dr.\ Dhrubajyoti Goswami}
\deanOfENCS{Dr.\ Amir Asif} 
\chairOfCommittee{Dr.\ Chair}
\examinerExternal{Dr.\ External}
\examinerFirst{Dr.\ Examiner1}
\examinerSecond{Dr.\ Examiner2}
\examinerExternalToProgram{Dr.\ ExternalToProgram}
\supervisor{Dr.\ Supervisor}

%% Comment to use current month, needs to match initial submission
%% Comment if date of defence is unknown yet, fill for final submission
\defencedate{July 1, 2019}


Install MiKTeX, preferably install the complete set of packages, or at least install the cm-super font package. If not using an IDE such as TeXstudio, the compilation process using PDFLatex is standard:

pdflatex mythesis.tex
pdflatex mythesis.tex
bibtex mythesis.tex
pdflatex mythesis.tex

References (official guidelines) (Suo Tan's template) ssh://* (original template) (logos)