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Releases: GlowPuff/ImperialCommander

Imperial Commander

24 May 22:49
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Official Release v.1.0.13

Windows - download
Android - download ImperialCommander.apk

New Features

  • All enemy groups now have UNIQUE sounds that play when they deploy


  • removing enemies from debug box would add dupes to manual deployment pool
  • fixed a typo in the German translation

Imperial Commander

15 May 00:21
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Official Release v.1.0.12

Windows - download
Android - download ImperialCommander.apk

New Features

Added Spanish translations


The {B} code wasn't being replaced with its glyph in the EventPopup.cs file, resulting in "{B}" to appear in the Event E9 text output
Fixed minor errors in mission rules / infos

Imperial Commander

05 May 09:36
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Official Release v.1.0.11

Windows - download
Android - download ImperialCommander.apk

New Features

Language Support - This release brings support for any number of languages. Right now we have German completed, with Spanish and Russian in the works by the community.

Completely redesigned group selection menus - During Mission Setup, the Enemy/Villain/Hero/Ally selection menus have been redesigned. Gone are the days of text too small to read for anything with a long name. All toggle button text labels on these screens have been replaced with graphical icon thumbnails. Click a thumbnail to see the selected name appear with easy to read text in a nameplate for quick identification. Elite versions of groups have their icons shaded red. The "ZOOM" button has been removed - just click the image of the card to zoom in on it.

Increased Mission selection text size - Likewise, the toggle buttons for Mission selection are larger so the text resizes better for longer names.


Several typos in various text data files (Events text, Mission text, Bonus Effect text, etc.)
Mouse wheel scrolling is much more responsive - If you ever used the mouse wheel to scroll Mission Info, for example, you may have noticed it scrolled at a snail's crawl. That doesn't happen anymore, the text content scrolls quickly as expected. Same improvement goes for any other scrollable content items using the mouse wheel.

Imperial Commander

16 Apr 22:49
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Official Release v.1.0.10

Windows - download
Android - download ImperialCommander.apk

BREAKING (only if you have a saved session in progress)
When the session is saved, new data is being stored in this update. Because the saved data has changed, sessions saved with the previous version of the app WILL NOT LOAD because they don't have this new data (the Continue button will be grayed out). So if you have a game in progress using a saved session, finish that mission before updating to this version of the app.


Fame System: Adaptive Difficulty

Adaptive Difficulty is an interpretation of the official app’s "fame" system. The better the heroes get at eliminating Imperial groups, the more resources are deployed to stop them, but the better the reward. Adaptive Difficulty can be used with any difficulty setting. It defaults to OFF, but can be toggled ON during Mission Setup.

  • Each time an enemy group is defeated, the Rebels' FAME increases.
  • Each time an enemy group is defeated, Imperial Threat increases by a predetermined value.

Rebels gain AWARD points based on the FAME earned, which can be spent at the end of the Mission to buy Items and Side Missions.

Balance Changes

-Cost changes, priority changes and Tier changes for various enemy groups and villains.
-Events now have a 1 in 4 chance to trigger instead of a 1 in 6 chance.
-The "Priority Shift" Event now has a higher chance to trigger than before (and it can trigger twice).
-The "Leave Them To Me" Event has been toned down. There is now an upper limit to the cost of the villain that it can deploy, based on the Imperial's current threat + 7.
-Because Vader's cost has been lowered in this update, the "As You Wish" Event further lowers his cost by 2 instead of 5.

Normal Updates


  • Ally cards can now be viewed just like deployed Imperial group cards - right click or swipe across the Ally's thumbnail.
  • Clicking/tapping the VERSION info on the title screen (lower right corner) will now show you a CHANGE LOG for the latest version.


  • The Save/Load mission defaults buttons are slightly larger to accommodate smaller screens.
  • The zoomed card view shows the card slightly larger than before to accommodate smaller screens.


  • Events that have already triggered are now saved with the session state so they won't trigger again upon restoring the session (Exception: "Priority Shift" can trigger up to 2 times).
  • The debug window wasn't closing when hitting SPACEBAR, and would instead keep populating the window with thumbnails

Imperial Commander

04 Apr 01:57
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Official Release v.1.0.9

Windows - download
Android - download ImperialCommander.apk

New Features

  • The app now checks if you're running the latest version so you no longer have to check the forum. In the lower right of the title screen next to the version info, a yellow spinning Imperial icon means it's busy checking. Pulsing red = network error. Solid green = you're up to date. Pulsing yellow = update available.
  • The Mission setup screen can now Save and Load Default settings. Make any changes to the Mission and press Save Defaults to save your settings. Any time you start a new Mission, press Load Defaults to load your previously saved settings.
  • On Windows, you can press ALT+ENTER to go to window mode and resize the window.


  • When adding enemy groups during Mission setup, enemy group buttons are grayed out if you've already included them in another group. For example, if you add Stormtrooper 1 to the Initial Group, you can't accidentally add it to the Reserved Group because it will be grayed out.
  • The debug menu has been renamed and given a new icon. It's now the Imperial Hand menu.
  • For devices with a screen timeout, the timeout mode has been set to Never.


  • Toggling Sound FX off wasn't turning off the ambient sound.

Imperial Commander

29 Mar 08:38
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Official Release v.1.0.8

Windows - download
Android - download ImperialCommander.apk


NEW Save Session - the current game session is now saved at the END OF EACH TURN, after any enemy deployments/reinforcements/events have played out. Continue your game later from the main menu by selecting CONTINUE.
CHANGED the button text colors in the Mission setup screen when you add enemy groups. The text is now white and much easier to read.


Fixed another text typo
Fixed - when an Ally was added by an Event, the added Ally was treated like a Hero with regard to toggling the wounded state (it would get marked as Wounded instead of immediately Defeated)

Imperial Commander

20 Mar 02:32
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Official Release v.1.0.7 is the Windows build.
ImperialCommander.apk is the Android build.


New behavior for HEROS:
PREVIOUS BEHAVIOR: clicking the X button on a hero's thumbnail would permanently remove it from the game. If you did this accidentally, there was no way to add it back without recreating the Mission.
NEW BEHAVIOR: the X button has been removed. To mark a hero as DEACTIVATED from the current game, simply CLICK/TAP IT. Its thumbnail image will DIM. Do the same for ALLIES. You can still mark a HERO as wounded as usual - click the health pip to toggle it. Clicking the health pip of an ALLY will automatically DIM it and mark it as DEFEATED.
NEW the version info is now displayed in the bottom right corner of the title screen


Fixed a few Mission info and rules text
Fixed Royal Guard and Rancor wrong deployment card
Fixed special icons not appearing in a couple Events
Fixed special icons not appearing in a few enemy Instructions (Clawdite, Sentry Droid, Riot Trooper, Darth Vader, Jabba, General Weiss, Weequay)
Fixed some of the bonus text (typos and corrections)
Fixed some groups (initial, earned villains) not being available for manual deployment after being removed from the Imperial's deployment hand
Fixed villains that were set as EARNED but didn't get randomly selected for the deployment hand also couldn't be deployed manually
Fixed Heavy Stormtrooper bonus effect text correction

Imperial Commander

11 Mar 04:03
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Official Release v.1.0.6

This is a big update, enjoy! is the Windows build.
ImperialCommander.apk is the Android build.


-NEW support for multiple screen aspect ratios - it's ready for an iPad build, if anyone can do it
-NEW touch friendly controls - SLIDE your finger left/right across numeric entries to modify the value (this works with a mouse, as well)
-SWIPE across an enemy thumbnail in the main deployment area to view its card (in addition to right clicking as before)
-For macOS users unable to manipulate numeric values using a scroll wheel, "swipe" it with your mouse while holding down the mouse button
-NEW click/tap anywhere outside a window to dismiss it (as well as the SPACE bar as before)
-NEW added 2 more assignable colors to enemy groups - green and gray (defaults to gray)
-NEW the group COLOR is now shown during group Activation
-During group Activation, the thumbnail can now also be RIGHT CLICKED (in addition to left clicking/tapping as before) to view its card
-The DEBUG MENU now has its own button on the bottom button bar (the bug icon)
-NEW option for disabling the VIGNETTE effect in the Settings box


-When calculating an enemy group to deploy, if there was a valid Tier 3 group but NO valid Tier 1/2 groups, NO groups would deploy at all
-During REINFORCEMENTS, the reinforce cost of enemy groups was being ADDED to the Threat instead of taken away
-When deploying RANDOM groups, the deck of cards being drawn from would include cards from expansions not owned
-The Information Popup now behaves nicer (fading in/out) instead of popping in and out of existence if it was shown too fast (pausing/unpausing deployment, for example)

Imperial Commander

06 Mar 09:45
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Official Release v.1.0.5


Removing a group from the Deployment Hand in the DEBUG MENU (ESC key) now properly adds that group's card back into the manual deployment deck so it can be re-deployed manually.
A few more text data were corrected
Death Trooper's card image now uses the correct version

Imperial Commander

05 Mar 11:30
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Official Release v.1.0.4


NEW The debug screen (ESC key) has a new UI showing enemy thumbnails (for the deployment hand), along with the ability to REMOVE a group from the deployment hand
NEW The settings window now has an option to disable the bloom effect


Fixed some incorrect card art
Fixed some overlapping text
Fixed some incorrect Ignore Ability data
Fixed several mission info/rules text