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threading library

A simple threading library written in C++20 that is standalone (no third-party) and header-only. The intent is to provide a starting point for a concurrent code.

Copy the include directory in your project to use it.



  • bucket-level locking based, concurrent hash map.
  • number of buckets can be adjusted with a template parameter, default is BUCKETS=1031.
  • below example creates a hash map with (key=std::string, val=double, buckets=517)
  • usage : ds::ConcurrentHashMap<std::string,double,517>
  • fine-grained locking, FIFO-queue.
  • with BLOCK_SIZE=1, it's essentially a queue based on singly linked-list. default is BLOCK_SIZE=512
  • unless necessary, push & pop can work independently without blocking each other.
  • usage : ds::ConcurrentBlockQueue<std::string,256> bq;


  • coarse-grained synchronized FIFO-queue, implemented using std::deque
  • blocks the whole structure for both push & pop.
  • usage: ds::SynchronizedQueue<std::string> sq;
  • lock-based bounded( container: std::vector ) and unbounded( container:std::deque ) LIFO structure.
  • since, only one point of access, no option other than locking the whole structure is available.
  • usage [bounded stack] : ds::ConcurrentStack<value_type,bound_size>
  • usage [unbounded stack] : ds::ConcurrentStack<value_type>


  • a type erased function wrapper
  • usage : util::FunctionWrapper{ callable };
  • a wrapper over std::future that allows chaining of callbacks once the result is available.
  • usage : util::AsyncResult<callback_return_type> result;
  • usage [chaining] : auto final_result = result.then( f ).then( g ).then( h ).get( );
  • a thread pool with customisable number of worker threads.
  • default pool size is determined by std::thread::hardware_concurrency( ).
  • worker threads busy-waits for work.
  • task submission returns a util::AsyncResult<callback_return_t> object.
  • usage : util::ThreadPool tp(20);
  • usage [submit task] : auto result = tp.submit( callable );
  • a busy-waiting exclusive lock.
  • compatible interface with std::lock_guard<T> & std::unique_lock<T>.
  • usage : SpinLock lock; std::lock_guard<SpinLock> guard(lock);


  • C++ version used: -std=c++20
  • compiler: clang++
  • build manager: cmake
  • package manager: conan
  • testing framework: catch2 v3
  • important compiler options: -ggdb3, -fsanitize=undefined,address
  1. required : cmake, conan, clang, gdb
  2. run $ ./


  1. run $ make test
  2. run $ make testout to re-run failed tests w/ output.


  • lock free data structures stack, queue & cache.
  • concurrent algorithms like zip.
  • utilities like guarded resource, spin lock, seqlock, ticket lock.
  • homogenize container interface using concepts.
  • setup environment in a dockerfile.
  • add github actions.
  • add benchmark.
  • improve documentation e.g. add code examples etc.