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Pulse By Example

Pulse is a syntax extension and typechecker extension of F*. A pulse program is embedded in an F* program, delimited by the syntax extension notation ```pulse ... ```. The first code snippet demonstrates an embedded Pulse program five, which produces the integer 5. The rest of the file is a normal F* program.

Pulse programs accept one or more arguments, where the unit type can be used to thunk a computation. The specification of a Pulse program includes a precondition (requires ...), postcondition (ensures ...), and (optional) return type. The pre- and post-conditions are propositions, like F* propositions but with a twise: Pulse leverages separation logic to simplify reasoning about heap mutation.

Propositions in Pulse (called vprops) enjoy separation logic operators like **, the separating conjunction. A vprop may include a traditional F* prop by surrounding it with the pure keyword. Generally, pure props are used to specify mathematical/logical constraints and anything having to do with references or memory sits outside in the surrounding vprop.

Returning to our code snippet, the separation logic proposition emp means that the program does not own any resources or have any knowledge. So the Pulse program five begins with no resources/knowledge and returns with the knowledge that the return value is logically equal to 5.

module PM = Pulse.Main
open Pulse.Lib.Core

let my_list : list int = [1;2;3]

fn five ()
  requires emp
  returns n:int
  ensures  pure (n == 5)

Let's make things more interesting. The next code snippet ref_swap swaps the values of two integer references. A ref is a heap reference to some data, in this case an integer. The precondition is a conjunction of ownership of two references pointing to some values 'n1 and 'n2 (see material on separating conjunction). A tick at the beginning of a variable name means the variable is an implicitly inferred logical variable. A logical variable cannot be used in a Pulse program outside of the specification (such as pre/postconditions, invariants, and assertions). After declaring an implicit logical variable, like 'n1 on line X, it can be referenced in later parts of the specification, like in the postcondition on line X. The postcondition says that the values of the two references are swapped.

Pulse syntax spotlight: The program body demonstrates Pulse syntax for

  • immutable local variables: let v1 = ...
  • reference read: !r1
  • reference write: r1 := ...
open Pulse.Lib.Reference
module R = Pulse.Lib.Reference

fn ref_swap (r1 r2:ref int)
  requires R.pts_to r1 'n1
        ** R.pts_to r2 'n2
  ensures  R.pts_to r1 'n2
        ** R.pts_to r2 'n1
  let v1 = !r1;
  let v2 = !r2;
  r1 := v2;
  r2 := v1

You've seen references; now we'll introduce arrays. But first, a note on integers. In the following code snippet, we use non-primitive integers for the first time: FStar.SizeT is a module for machine integers of at least 16 bits, depending on the machine. The module Pulse.Class.BoundedIntegers offers arithmetic operations on various types of bounded integers, including FStar.SizeT and FStar.U32. The bounded integer class overloads arithmetic operators, like <, to allow, e.g., the comparison of SizeTs i < n on line X and comparison of nats k < v n on line X (v elaborates to SZ.v and converts a SizeT to a nat).

Let's get back to arrays. The Pulse program arr_swap swaps the values at indices i and j in an input array. Notice that the array a is type-polymetric by the type parameter #t. The # notation means a variable is implicit, so it does not need to be specified upon invocation if the Pule typechecker can infer it. The precondition specifies logical requirements for the values of i and j and the length of the array, n.

The postcondition uses an F* quantifier, exists, to specify that upon return, the input array a has a new underlying sequence s that satisfies a whole bunch of logical propositions which constrain that the new sequence s is the same as the original (implicitly inferred) sequence 's0 except that the values at positions i and j are swapped. Study the `pure`` part of the postcondition to convince yourself that it constrains this property!

Pulse syntax spotlight: The program body demonstrates Pulse syntax for

  • array read: a.(i)
  • array write: a.(i) <- ...
open Pulse.Lib.Array
module A = Pulse.Lib.Array
module SZ = FStar.SizeT
open Pulse.Class.BoundedIntegers

fn arr_swap (#t:Type0) (n i j:SZ.t) (a:larray t (v n))
    A.pts_to a 's0 **
    pure (Seq.length 's0 == v n /\ i < n /\ j < n)
  ensures exists s.
    A.pts_to a s **
    pure (Seq.length 's0 == v n /\ Seq.length s == v n /\ i < n /\ j < n
       /\ (forall (k:nat). k < v n /\ k <> v i /\ k <> v j ==> Seq.index 's0 k == Seq.index s k)
       /\ Seq.index 's0 (v i) == Seq.index s (v j)
       /\ Seq.index 's0 (v j) == Seq.index s (v i))
  let vi = a.(i);
  let vj = a.(j);
  a.(i) <- vj;
  a.(j) <- vi;

The last example introduces loops. The Pulse program max computes the maximum value in an array of nats. The first thing to note is the implicit argument #'p to A.pts_to. The pts_to propositions in Pulse.Lib.Array.Core and Pulse.Lib.Reference accept an optional implicit argument of type perm, which specifies the permission that the reference has on its value, e.g. full or half permission (TODO: reference some explanation of permissions). Why do we include this parameter? Recall that in ref_swap, we mutated the input array so we needed full permission on the array, which is the default in A.pts_to (and R.pts_to) if no permission argument is specified. However in max, we don't mutate the input array so any existent permission is acceptable. Thus, we allow the Pulse typechecker to infer the permission using a backticked variable name 'p.

The rest of max's signature says that the function returns a nat whose value is greater than or equal to every value in the array. Considering all the non-specification aspects of the function body (lines X-X and X-X), it looks like a canonical max program that you might write in C. The interesting piece is the loop invariant in lines X-X. A loop invariant is true before entering the loop, after each loop iteration, and upon exiting the loop. In other words, it is an aptly-named invariant of the program.

Let's examine the loop invariant in max. The syntax invariant sets up the loop invariant, and the variable b declares the name of the loop condition. Once b is false, we exit the loop. We specify the value of b on line X in the pure part of the invariant. Next, notice the existentially quantified variables vi and vmax. These are used in the ownership part of the loop invariant, which says:

  • we have 'p permission on the array a, which still points to 's and
  • we have full permission on references i and max, which point to some values vi and vmax.

The most interesting part of the invariant is the pure part, where we specify how logical values relate to the references a, i, and max in memory. Here, we specify that every value in the sequence up to the vith value is less than or equal to vmax. Convince yourself that this is true upon entering the loop (look at the initial values of i and max) and after each loop iteration (examine the loop body). Upon exiting the loop, we know that the value of the reference i is n and we know line X in the loop invariant is true, so we can deduce line X in the postcondition. We convince ourselves of these properties via the assertion on lines X-X. Hooray!

Pulse syntax spotlight: The program body demonstrates Pulse syntax for

  • local mutable variable (aka local reference): let mut i = ... (can be written to / read from just like non-local references)
  • loop invariant: invariant b ...
  • custom proof syntax: with ... assert ...
fn max (n:SZ.t) (a:larray nat (v n))
  requires A.pts_to a #'p 's ** pure (Seq.length 's == v n)
  returns r:nat
  ensures A.pts_to a #'p 's
       ** pure (Seq.length 's == v n
             /\ (forall (i:nat). i < v n ==> Seq.index 's i <= r))
  let mut i : SZ.t = 0sz;
  let mut max : nat = 0;
  while (let vi = !i; (vi < n))
  invariant b. exists (vi:SZ.t) (vmax:nat).
    A.pts_to a #'p 's **
    R.pts_to i vi **
    R.pts_to max vmax **
    pure (vi <= n
       /\ (forall (j:nat). j < v vi ==> Seq.index 's j <= vmax)
       /\ b == (vi < n))
    let vi = !i;
    let vmax = !max;
    let v = a.(vi);
    i := vi + 1sz;
    if (v > vmax) {
      max := v;
  with (vi:SZ.t) (vmax:nat). assert (
    R.pts_to i vi **
    R.pts_to max vmax **
    pure (vi = n
       /\ (forall (j:nat). j < v vi ==> Seq.index 's j <= vmax))
  let vmax = !max;

In this tutorial, you have seen custom Pulse proof syntax:

  • requires, ensures
  • pure
  • exists and forall in specifications
  • invariant
  • assert
  • with ... assert ...

and sequential Pulse syntax:

  • local mutable and immutable references
  • while loop
  • if statement
  • read/write of references and arrays

There is much more to Pulse! Including

  • match statements
  • parallel blocks
  • more proof syntax: assert, rewrite, rename, fold, and unfold