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Terbuka untuk first timer contributor HactoberFest 2021

  • Repo ini terbuka untuk pemula yang ingin belajar ber kontribusi ke project open source
  • tersedia berbagai jenis project di dalam repo anda diperbolehkab menambahkan code, dan mohon hindari untuk membuat spam, minimal buatlah fungsi sederhana atau element sederhana jika di repo berbasi web
  • Klik disini untuk membaca cara kontribusi
  • selama event hacktoberfest kami akan merge setiap maksimal 2 hari sekali


Open to first timer contributors HactoberFest 2021

  • This repo is open to beginners who want to learn how to contribute to open source projects
  • there are various types of projects in your repo it is allowed to add code, and please avoid spamming, at least make a simple function or simple element if the repo is web-based
  • Click here to read how to contribute
  • during the hacktoberfest event we will merge every maximum of 2 days

Training kit Kontribusi Open Source Anggota FOSTI UMS

Selamat datang di Training Kit Open Source FOSTI UMS, Bacalah Dokumentasi ini untuk mempermudah

Dalam Repository ini terdapat beberapa project digunakan untuk trial, antara lain:

  • Python

  • PHP

  • Javascript

  • Java

  • Go

  • C

  • HTML

  • Docker

  • React

  • Laravel

  • Codeigniter

  • Django

  • Flutter

  • Vue

Training kit Open Source Contribution of FOSTI UMS Members

Welcome to the FOSTI UMS Open Source Training Kit, Read this Documentation for convenience

In this Repository there are several projects used for trial, including:

  • Python

  • PHP

  • Javascript

  • Java

  • Go

  • C

  • HTML

  • Docker

  • React

  • Laravel

  • Codeigniter

  • Django

  • Flutter

  • Vue