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Product docs release blockers

Josh Heyer edited this page Dec 3, 2020 · 4 revisions


We're aiming for a late-December 2020 release of the platform, with imported EDB product documentation content. There are a lot of loose ends flying around that we need to get nailed down: bugs to fix, rough edges to smooth, testing and deployments to plan. Let's collect them here, and then create a milestone to track them.

Please edit this page drop links and/or notes into the appropriate section below!

Related content


  • What is missing?

    • Products?
    • Versions?
    • Topics within versions?
  • What is broken?

    • Are there topics that were corrupted by the import?

Nav Structure

  • We need edit / report issue links clearly visible on every page
  • Which products need their navigation reworked?
  • Which introductory or index pages need to be created or revised to fit within our navigation system?


  • Test against issues identified in prior user testing
  • New user testing sessions?


  • Automated build processes need an owner - least-privilege principle suggests a service user would be preferable to a token generated by Josh Heyer
  • What does IT need to host build output?
  • What is the destination domain / path for this system?
  • We need a banner directing folks to the old docs if they encounter problems during rollout
  • We need a note on the 404 page directing folks to the old docs if they encounter missing content during rollout (ALSO TRACK THIS SOMEHOW!)
  • We need a banner directing folks to the new docs on the old docs after rollout ("You're viewing archived documentation; for the most up-to-date information, please visit our new docs site")
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