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ubersoldat edited this page Apr 21, 2013 · 5 revisions

Does Jongo support different application servers like Tomcat?

Yes. The only problem is that it won't be able to use the container datasources. To connect to a database you must modify the file inside the WAR.

Can I deploy Jongo in any PaaS provider like Jelastic?

Yes, with a little tweaking thought.

Can I deploy Jongo in GAE (Google Applications Engine) ?

On the works

How can I hide tables from users?

Jongo delegates the responsibility of access control to the RDBMS. So to limit access to some resources on the database, use GRANTs or READ ONLY tables.

Can I run stored procedures?

Yes, and functions.

Can I execute free queries with Jongo?

No, you can't give Jongo a query like SELECT * FROM foo, since this would be a major security hole. If you need more complex queries than accessing resources, use the tools provided by your RDBMS: triggers, views, stored procedures, functions, etc.

My RDBMS is not supported, when will it be?

Getting a hold on every database used today is almost impossible so we really need your help. If you're using an unsupported database you can help by developing database configurations which can be later added to the main jongo distribution.

Some common errors and how to fix them

AttributeError: MyModel object has no attribute 'idCol' in Python API

You created a class MyModel which extends from jongo.JongoModel but forgot to call the parent's init method: jongo.JongoModel.__init__(self)

Can I run Jongo in Windows

Yes, with Cygwin try this:

$ /cygdrive/c/dev/Java/jdk/bin/java -Denvironment=demo -cp `cygpath -wp ./lib/jongo-jetty-X.X.jar:./lib/*:./etc` jongo.JongoJetty

Also, for Windows cmd, this works:

java -Denvironment=demo -cp "lib\*;etc" jongo.JongoJetty
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