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Analytic and Dashboard

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1. Overall


  • Welcome to the sales dashboard report for an eCommerce company from a virtual database from Microsoft. In this report, I'll explore the key metrics and trends that shape our sales performance. Let's dive in!

  • Starting with the scorecard, I can see impressive numbers that reflect the strength of our sales performance. I achieved significant sales ($4 billion), served a large customer base (19 thousand), processed many orders (3 million), operated across multiple stores (306) with a large volume of customers. goods are traded significantly (53 million units of goods) and sales are conducted in many different countries (35 countries). These numbers demonstrate the size and scope of our business.

  • For now, let's focus on our top performers. Looking at the bar graph, I able to identify the products, customers, and stores that contributed the most to our sales. Our top 5 products have consistently demonstrated outstanding performance, driving significant revenue and customer engagement. Likewise, I have a loyal group of customers who consistently choose our services, which has a significant impact on our sales figures. In addition, certain stores have emerged as major contributors, attracting a large number of customers and generating substantial sales revenue.

  • When I analyze the date-time line chart, an interesting pattern emerges. I observe that our sales are consistently at their highest during the 4th and 1st quarters of each year. This trend indicates that these quarters play an important role in our overall sales performance. But when observing the in orders trend, there is a downward trend from the beginning of 2008 to the end of 2009, i'm going to explain detail why in the Orders and Products dashboard report.

  • In summary, this sales dashboard report provides a comprehensive overview of our performance. I've seen impressive numbers across a variety of metrics, and our top performers drive our success. Sales patterns identified in Q4 and 1 provide us with valuable insights for future strategic planning and development. By leveraging the strengths of our best performers and taking advantage of peak seasons, and by recognizing weaknesses in order growth, I can further accelerate growth. sales and maintain its competitive advantage.

2. Sale


  • First I achieved significant sales ($4 billion), Costs account for 25% of total sale ($1 billion) and Profit ($3 billion) so the gross margin is estimately 81,68%, this can be considered a good result when compare it with industry benchmarks and the performance of similar E commerce companies. But I think we can still increase revenue by optimizing the following 2 metrics, two of last scorecard show the amount of many products returned from customer ($33,16 million) and amount from various of discount and promotion ($752,72 million).
  • Second im going to analyze detail 3 metric Sale, Cost, Profit through the time by line chart. I observe that our sales are consistently at their highest during the 4th and 1st quarters of each year, the pie chart show sale by months proved it. It can be attributed to various factors such as the holiday season, increased consumer spending or successful marketing campaigns during these times, or customers are attracted to policies. promotions (I will explain more in the report on promotion policy). Understanding this pattern allows us to take advantage of these peak seasons and optimize our strategies accordingly. Next is ReturnedAmount and DiscountAmount through the time by line chart. It showed to me at what times the value of returned products is high or low, from there we need to find out which products are returning the most from customers to improve the things that need improvement from those products, i'm going to explain detail on Orders and Products dashboard part .
  • Third As i said in the Overall dashboard part, the Orders trend is downward in 2008 and 2009. But when i look at the pie chart show sale by years, the sale of 3 years is almost the same, This shows that although there are less orders in 2008 and 2009 than in 2007, the quantity of goods in each order must be much higher, and often the customer will be the exchange goods representative of big companies.
  • Fouth is the table that show detail about total sale and growthing percentage by year and quarter, with the highest is 340,47% from quarter2 2007 to quarter3 2007 and lowest is down -95,55% from quarter1 2007 to quarter2 2007

3. Orders and Products


  • First I achieved significant result, Number of Orders ($3 billion), available products (2517) and purchased products (53 billion), sale per order ($1.13k) and product ($100), the good thing is number of products returned (494k) quite very small compared to purchased products, but we still need continue to reduce this number as much as possible by finding which product is returned from the customer most and review it and i'm going to do it below

  • Second im going to analyze detail 2 metric Number of Orders and number of products returned through the time by line chart. I observe that The number of orders was high in 2007 but in 2008 and 2009 there was a strong downward trend like i said in the Overall part. To explain this because in these 2 years we have to face a global recession: 2009 was the time after the 2008 financial crisis that broke out from the US and spread to the world. The impact of this crisis continues to spread and has a major impact on the global economy. Many banks and large financial institutions face a significant decline, leading to bankruptcy, collapse or needing support from the government, leading to a decline in people's living standards also many businesses quality in the world. So the number of products returned reduce too.

  • Third im going to analyze detail the number of products category through time and get out top 5 best-selling products category in each time period by stacked column chart, from which it is possible to see the trends in purchasing products over time of customers. In addition, when I move the mouse pointer to any product category in the chart, I can see this product category is most popular and traded in which country it's most traded in, and what ages and types of jobs of customers it's popular with.


This helping us offer the most optimal production, improvement, promotion and advertising policies for all kinds of products at each time of the year.

  • Fouth is the columns chart, it shows me which brands are best selling products, from which we can make adjustments to the cooperation policy as well as the best exchange of goods between the two parties.
  • FIfth is the table with detail information about each product . I can observe total sale, quantity purchased, especially quantity returned by the slicer above


i can know which product is returned from customer most , which product is purchased most. So that we can make product reviews and adjust them

4. Customer


  • First, i observed we have 19k customers and 1K returned customers so the customer returnd rate estimately 5.2%, this is quite a small percentage , but it is understandable because this is the business result of 2 years of global recession as I said in Orders and Products part. Therefore, this ratio will be more meaningful in the coming years, when the economy is gradually recovering. On average, each customer will bring in sales of $250k and the cost to attract 1 new customer is $40K, it is a quite good result when i know that, on average we spend $40K to attract a new customer and they will contribute to us $250k afterthat. Next is average of yearly incomes of each customer, I think this is quite a modest number compared to reality, partly because they did not answer honestly when the survey was asked because this is a rather sensitive question, the rest is because this is 2 years of global recession leads to a decrease in customer income. And on average, number of days a customer will return to purchase is 4 days.
  • Second is a pie chart shows that the gender ratio of customers is quite equal between men and women, which is a pretty good result for businesses when business products can reach both genders client. And a bar chart shows the age frequency of the customers , the number of customers between the ages of 35 and 44 is the most.
  • Third is 2 horizontal bar graphs showing the number of customers in each Education and Occupation. Most are university students and people who have been employed for many years in professional jobs like Doctor,Teacher, Lawyer, Arti,s Accountant, Scientist.... or skilledmanual jobs like Housekeeper, Emergency medical technician, Construction worker.... Articles 2 and 3 let me understand our potential customers, from which we will have separate advertising and promotional policies.
  • Fourth, we will give more details about each specific customer, I can see which customers contribute the most and the least sales, which customers contribute the most and the least amount of orders. , from there we will contact them directly for better exchanges.
  • Finally is the time by line chart show Amount of customer, Because of global recession. Many customers're shopping needs have decreased, they only focus on shopping for essential things like food, while our business is about electronic appliances, so the number of customers has decreased significantly.

5. Store


  • First, I observed we have 306 store over the world, average sale on each store is $13M while the average cost per store is about $2M. The area of each store is 1.22k m^2 so the cost per meters of a store is about $2K so we need to optimize the area of the store to reduce this cost as much as possible.
  • Second im going to analyze detail the sale of each store through time and get out top 5 best-selling store in each time period by stacked column chart. To come up with specific policies for that store area as well as research the customer market around that area to know why these areas attract more customers than other areas.
  • Finally is two table show off detail about top 10 store with the highest sale also lowest sale . There are many factors that affect the customer attraction of each store. When I hover the mouse pointer over the name of each store


it will show more detailed information about that store like information about the area, sales over time. I've found that the disparity in sales, as well as the ability to attract customers to keep stores, is largely due to the geographical location of that store. Stores located in geographically sparsely populated and underdeveloped areas will have relatively little revenue, for example Wisconsin state of Amecica, Thimphu of Bhutan, Venice of Italy....Although GuangDong of China is a big city and has a favorable geographical position, densely populated, it is still in the top of the cities with the lowest revenue, because here we have a lot of competitors. compete in the same industry, and we haven't really captured a large market share here yet.

6. Geography


Our business does business on 3 global continents, 35 countries, 126 provinces and 512 cities. Our main market is in North America, namely the US, followed by the European market, and about the Asian market, we do not have a business expansion policy because currently in 2008 and In 2009, there is a global economic crisis. Through this report, I can select information from 3 filters to be able to view indicators through map and column charts.


In addition, to see details for each country, province, and city, I have created a table chart next to it to be able to assess the operation situation of each region, so that I can make the correct policies. Right, for example, in Asia, besides China and Japan, most of the revenue from other countries is still very small.

7. Promotion


We can see the majority of orders are applied with discounts at 10% and 20%. So much so that the revenue from these 2 discounts becomes very small compared to other discounts. Besides, when looking at the bar chart showing the number of discount codes applied to the order batch, the line chart shows the number of orders over time. In addition to the two years 2008 and 2009, which were affected by the global economic crisis, the increase in the issuance of promotional policies could not post the number of orders from customers, in 2007 the number of orders products reached the highest level at the time when our business applied promotional codes for 10% and 20% discount. From there, it shows that customers are extremely interested in shopping that is accompanied by discount promotion codes

8. Recommendation

  • Enterprises at this time are going through the global economic crisis, and this is almost the main problem after this report. So we need to have policies and strategies to be able to minimize the risks as well as face it in the best way, if we encounter another such crisis in the future.

    • Assess and Monitor : Enterprises should closely monitor economic indicators, government policies, and market trends to understand the evolving economic landscape. This will help them make informed decisions.

    • Financial Management : Tighten financial controls, reduce unnecessary expenses, and optimize cash flow. This may involve delaying non-essential investments, renegotiating contracts, or downsizing where necessary.

    • Diversify Revenue Streams : Over-reliance on a single product or market can be risky during an economic crisis. Diversifying into new markets or product lines can help stabilize revenue.

    • Customer Focus : Maintain a strong customer focus. Understand their changing needs and preferences. Customer loyalty is valuable during tough times.

    • Cost Optimization : Conduct a thorough review of operational costs. Look for ways to improve efficiency, automate processes, and reduce waste.

  • About many product brands is the best seller of the company, we should :

    • Increase Inventory : Ensure you have an ample supply of the best-selling product brands in stock to meet customer demand. Running out of stock can lead to missed sales and dissatisfied customers.

    • Optimize Product Listings : Improve the product listings for these best-selling brands. This includes using high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and accurate pricing information. Make sure your product pages are optimized for SEO to attract more organic traffic.

    • Inventory Management : Implement an effective inventory management system to avoid stockouts and overstock situations. Utilize data analytics to forecast demand and plan inventory accordingly.

    • Cooperation : Propose long-term cooperation policies as well as ensure the supply of products from that brand in the most stable way.

  • About many product is the best seller of the company in each time in year, we should :

    • Scaling: If these best-selling product brands are generating substantial revenue and demand, explore options for scaling your business, such as expanding into new markets or channels.

    • Inventory Management:

      • Ensure that you maintain sufficient inventory levels of these best-selling items, especially in anticipation of peak seasons and holidays.
      • Implement just-in-time inventory practices to reduce storage costs while minimizing the risk of stockouts.
    • Pricing Strategy:

      • Adjust your pricing strategy based on demand fluctuations. You may consider dynamic pricing to maximize profits during high-demand periods.
      • Offer occasional discounts or promotions to attract customers during slower seasons and maintain a competitive edge.
    • Seasonal Planning:

      • Develop a seasonal sales and marketing calendar that capitalizes on the natural demand patterns of these best-selling items.
      • Plan marketing campaigns and product launches around peak seasons to maximize visibility and sales.
    • Marketing and Advertising:

      • Allocate a larger portion of your marketing budget to promote these best-selling products during their peak seasons.
      • Create targeted advertising campaigns, email marketing, and social media promotions specifically tailored to these items.
    • Cross-Selling and Upselling:

      • Identify complementary products that can be cross-sold or bundled with these best-selling items to increase the average order value.
      • Highlight these product pairings in your marketing efforts.
  • For products with low sales and high number of returns, we need to listen to customer feedback about the quality of that product, we need to find out the product's fault occurred during shipping. implement the production process as well as the transportation to have the best improvement, replacement and refund options for customers.

  • About the customers we should :

    • Analytics and Data Insights : Continually analyze sales data and customer behavior related to these products. Age, degree, occupation, to offer effective and cost-effective marketing policies while still finding the right kind of customers.
    • Monitor Trends : Stay up-to-date with industry trends and consumer preferences. Adapt your product offerings and marketing strategies as needed to stay relevant. Social Media Promotion: Promote your offer on various social media platforms. Create engaging posts, use relevant hashtags, and consider running paid ads for wider reach.
    • Customer Loyalty Programs: Implement a loyalty program to reward repeat customers. Offer discounts, exclusive access, or points for purchases of best-selling products to incentivize customer loyalty.
    • Promotion Creatives: Design visually appealing promotional materials. This includes eye-catching graphics, banners, and email templates. Ensure that they are consistent with your brand's identity.
    • Customer Support : Provide excellent customer support for inquiries related to these best-selling products. Quick and helpful responses can lead to higher customer satisfaction and repeat business.
    • Customer's feedback understanding : listen to customers to make the right improvements to their needs in terms of products, promotions, stores...
    • Awarding : For customers who bring high sales, we will have gifts and special incentives for them, to say thank you as well as encourage them to refer more customers. with us
  • About the store relate with geography we should :

    • For stores that have high sales and are in convenient locations, densely populated, economic development ... We should continue to invest in store expansion, building stores near offices, working areas of the main types of customers so that they can easily find our store
    • For stores that have low sales in remote areas, the economy is less developed, and the population is sparse. We should invest less in store expansion and invest heavily in transportation services, because moving is really a difficult problem for them.
    • We need to accelerate the expansion of market share in Asia, because the report shows that countries in Asia are very densely populated and the demand for shopping for devices is very high.
  • About the promotion relate with geography we should :

    • Understand Your Target Audience: Before launching any promotion, it's crucial to know your target audience's preferences, behaviors, and pain points. Tailor your promotions to meet their needs and interests.
    • Set Clear Goals: Define specific objectives for your promotion. Are you looking to boost sales, clear out inventory, acquire new customers, or reward loyal ones? Having clear goals will help you design an effective promotion.
    • Choose the Right Promotion Type:
      • Discounts: Offer percentage discounts, fixed amount discounts, or buy-one-get-one (BOGO) deals.
      • Free Shipping: Shipping costs can deter customers, so consider offering free shipping during the promotion.
      • Flash Sales: Limited-time offers create a sense of urgency.
      • Bundle Deals: Package related products together at a discounted price.
      • Loyalty Programs: Reward loyal customers with exclusive discounts or early access.
      • Referral Programs: Encourage customers to refer friends and reward them for successful referrals.
      • Contests and Giveaways: Engage your audience with fun contests and giveaways on social media.
    • Create a Sense of Urgency: Encourage customers to act quickly by emphasizing limited quantities, a countdown timer, or a specific end date for the promotion.
    • Follow Up: After the promotion ends, follow up with customers who made purchases to thank them and encourage repeat business. Consider offering exclusive discounts for their next purchase.