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100% as the target for the code coverage

DomDerrien edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 2 revisions

Respecting the Agile Methodology spirit, I want to ensure the highest quality of the delivered code and its degree is measured automatically by the build system.

The build runs with the command ant distribute. The first invoked private target (step-info-get) displays statistics about the code:

The Java unit tests are run by JUnit and measured by Cobertura. My coverage target is 100%.

In the current library, there is a command line utility made available for ant/Maven build systems. As such, errors are reported with a negative exit code, breaking then the normal flow of the build process. This is typically not testable because it would break the test suite, and worse, the test environment itself… So it’s not covered here ;)

With the help of JSCoverage, similar reports can be generated for the JavaScript code.

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