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271 lines (182 loc) · 9.34 KB

File metadata and controls

271 lines (182 loc) · 9.34 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


  • Added functions and constants for CMAF file extensions in pkg/cmaf
  • Short HEVC + AC-3 test content
  • Generation of CMAF ingest streams with a REST-based API
  • New program cmaf-ingest-receiver that can receive one or more CMAF ingest streams
  • New option --whitelistblocks for unlimited number of requests to some CIDR blocks
  • Much improved cmaf-ingest-receiver


  • Will now set contentType from mimeType on AdaptationSet or Representation level.
  • If contentType and mimedType is not present, contentType will be set from codecs string.
  • Issue with audio resegmentation.


  • Go version changed to 1.22

1.4.1 - 2024-05-28


  • publishTime of MPD for multiperiod with SegmentTimeline

1.4.0 - 2024-05-25


  • More error logging for segment generation.
  • New endpoint /version responds with livesim2 version
  • Some more links in the Welcome page


  • fix patch response for multiperiod segment-timeline
  • fix publishTime for multiperiod SegmentTemplate with Number

1.3.1 - 2024-05-08


  • correct low-latency MPD update time for SegmentTimeline

1.3.0 - 2024-04-23


  • MPD Patch functionality with new /patch_ttl URL configuration
  • nowDate query parameter as an alternative to nowMS for MPD and patch
  • MPD Patch has Expires header equal to publishTime + ttl + 10s


  • Timed stpp subtitles EBU-TT-D linePadding
  • Update dependencies

1.2.2 - 2024-03-05


  • Add extra CORS headers to fix ECCP key request

1.2.1 - 2024-03-04


  • Correct UTCTiming schemes for http-iso and http-head
  • Make urlgen fields for negative test cases easier to fill
  • Fix OPTIONS for livesim2/ path
  • Fix encryption of segments for representations with previous metadata

1.2.0 - 2024-02-16


  • Support for DASH-IF Enhanced Clear Key Content Protection (ECCP)
  • On the fly encryption for ECCP using cbcs or cenc scheme


  • Make HTTP OPTIONS method work for all URLs
  • Make --playurl work for general paths
  • Derive and insert contentType if missing
  • Remove any mehd box from init segment
  • Asset lookup for case where one asset path is prefix of another

1.1.1 - 2024-01-19


  • The UTCTiming output for xsdate is now the same as for ISO
  • The DASH-IF content protection signaling updated to follow ECCP in IOP 5.0

1.1.0 - 2024-01-04


  • UTCTiming "mode" keep forwards UTCTiming values from VoD MPD
  • UTCTiming "modes" httpisoms and httpxsdatems for millisecond resolution
  • Support for Marlin DRM and DASH-IF ClearKey in MPD


  • Default UTCTiming signaling schemeIdUri set to "urn:mpeg:dash:utc:http-xsdate:2014"

1.0.1 - 2023-11-15


  • Correct contentType match for subtitles (text)

1.0.0 - 2023-10-30


  • New highly configurable statuscode parameter for cyclic bad segment request responses
  • New URL parameter traffic to simulate periodic issues with fetching segments. Supports multiple parallel BaseURLs.
  • Dockerfile to build a minimal Docker image with sample test content


  • Upgrade to Go 1.21
  • Changed logging to slog instead of zerolog. Log levels limited to DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR.


  • Vertical spacing for buttons on web pages

0.9.0 - 2023-10-13


  • Support for audio segments not matching video duration. Audio timing follows video by resegmentation
  • Test content with 29.97fps with and without audio beeps
  • /debug/pprof entry for profiling
  • log url and location for redirected HTTP requests


  • The online player is now proxied via /player when livesim2 runs with http
  • The online playURL should now including scheme
  • repdata (representation data on disk) format extended with commonSampleDuration
  • writerepdata option writes repdata even if existing


  • added muted=true to default playURL
  • HTTP 410 Gone response for segments before timeShiftBufferDepth
  • limited methods in OPTIONS response

0.8.0 - 2023-09-22


  • Prometheus counters and histograms for request timing
  • Direct links to play assets mapped to latest dash.js with http or https scheme
  • Timing-Allow-Origin header to enable more detailed timing in client
  • /genurl page with URL generator supporting all URL parameters
  • /reqcount page for checking requests per interval
  • New option to log requests per interval to a file


  • The / page has been slightly rewritten
  • The /assets and /vod pages slightly changed
  • The request limit interval can now be configured


  • utc-timing URLs use https scheme

0.7.0 - 2023-08-24


  • much improved information web pages. Extracts MPD information from ProgramInformation inside MPDs.
  • Full URLs to assets is listed and can be copied to clipboard from pages /assets and /vod
  • support for /scte35_x URL config to insert periodic SCTE-35 emsg message (1, 2, or 3 per minute)
  • server startup boost by loading (and writing) previously generated gzipped tar files with representation metadata
  • new configuration parameters repdataroot and writerepdata to control this
  • HTTP redirect from /livesim to /livesim2 and /dash/vod to /vod for compatibility with livesim1
  • support assets with stpp subtitles in both text and image format. New test content added
  • support DASH-IF thumbnails including multi-period. New test content added
  • new URL parameter timesubswvtt provides generated timing wvtt subtitles
  • timesubsstpp and timesubswvtt now work with SegmentTimeline
  • continuous_1 URL parameter to signal multiperiod continuity
  • Automatic Let's Encrypt certificates for HTTPS for one or more domains via domains parameter


  • /ato_inf (infinite availability offset) now makes all segments in past and future available

0.6.0 - 2023-06-10


  • moved list URL parameters to livesim2 wiki
  • removed scheme and urlprefix configuration. Now replaced with host which overrides scheme://host in all generated URLs


  • new URL parameter periods provides multiple periods (n <= 60 per hours, segment and period durations must be compatible)
  • new URL parameter segtimelinenr turns on SegmentTimeline with $Number$ addressing
  • new URL parameter mup to set minimumUpdatePeriod in MPD
  • new URL parameter subsstppreg can set vertical region
  • new URL parameter ltgt sets latency target in milliseconds
  • new URL parameter utc to set one, multiple, or zero UTCTiming methods
  • new functionality to handle relative start and stop times by generating a Location element
  • new config parameters scheme and host to be used in generated Location and BaseURL elements


  • PublishTime now reflects the last change in MPD in ms and not current time.
  • availabilityTimeOffset now gives the right PublishTime value for complete segments
  • infinite availabilityTimeOffset for SegmentTimeline now results in an error
  • Git version and date inserted properly when running "make build"
  • livesim2 version header inserted in every HTTP response
  • start-over case with start and stop time now provides proper dynamic and static MPDs

0.5.1 - 2023-03-09


  • make ato=inf work, i.e. infinite availabilityTimeOffset


  • list of complete MPD paths in /assets response

0.5.0 - 2023-03-07


  • First public release and version
  • dashfetcher tool to fetch a DASH asset online
  • livesim2 server to stream simulated DASH live
  • supports SegmentTimeline with $Time$
  • supports SegmentTemplate with $Number$
  • supports low-latency mode with on-the-fly chunking
  • features and URLs listed at livesim2 root page
  • configurable generated stpp subtitles with timing info