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81 lines (66 loc) · 12.8 KB

File metadata and controls

81 lines (66 loc) · 12.8 KB


Used third-party software

Used libraries

Software License Used by subcomponent(s)
Apache Commons IO Apache 2.0 utils
Apache Commons Lang Apache 2.0 gui
Apache POI Apache 2.0 export
AnimateFX Apache 2.0 gui gui:utils
Caffeine Apache 2.0 gui
ControlsFX BSD 3-Clause License app export gui:utils gui
ValidatorFX BSD 3-Clause License database gui:utils gui
FontAwesomeFX Apache 2.0 gui:utils gui
FXTaskbarProgressbar Apache 2.0 gui
Guice Apache 2.0 di - and it's usages
Gson Apache 2.0 export gui i18n preferences rest update utils
Hibernate GNU Library or Lesser General Public License version 2.0 database
JavaFX GPL v2 + Classpath app export gui:* gui plugin
Jetbrains annotations Apache 2.0 *
Kotlin Apache 2.0 *
jHTML2Md - boomega-gui
jUserDirectories Apache 2.0 utils
jSystemThemeDetector Apache 2.0 gui
JMetro New BSD license gui
Logback Project EPL v1.0 and LGPL 2.1 app
MarkdownEditorControlFX Apache 2.0 gui
MDFX Apache 2.0 gui
MySQL Connector/J GPL 2.0 database
Nitrite Database Apache 2.0 database
NSMenuFX BSD-3-Clause License gui
OSHI MIT License gui utils
OkHttp Apache 2.0 rest
RichTextFX BSD-2-Clause License gui
SLF4J API MIT License *
Version Compare Apache 2.0 update
WorkbenchFX Apache 2.0 gui

Used libraries/frameworks for testing

Software License
JUnit 5 Eclipse Public License - v 2.0
AssertJ Apache-2.0 License
Mockito MIT License

Used Gradle plugins

Software License
Shadow Apache 2.0
gradle-versions-plugin Apache 2.0
jpackage-gradle-plugin BSD-2-Clause License

Other acknowledgements

Application icon

The application icon is made by Barnabás Joó (📷: @barnabas.joo).

