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A polymer element for choosing timeslots. Timeslots can be variable.

The element can be used to display a slider with timeslots at 30 minutes interval. User can select a slot (Max 6 units). An overlay is shown as slider to select slots

As Polymer 3 demos are not working right now, Please check the demo here.


Property type required reflected * notify * description
bookings Array yes false false Set of slots already booked
chosenStartTime String no true true Starting time slot value
chosenEndTime String no true true Ending time slot value
chosenUnits Number no true true Number of slots chosen
noCloseOnOverlayTap Boolean no false disable the closing of slider on overlay tap
maxLimit Number no false Maximum number of slots allowed to book. default value = 6

bookings property must be an Array of meetings

    bookings: [{
            meetingName: 'Sai\'s Meeting',
            meetingId: 'bbcks',
            meetingStartTime: '3:00 PM',
            units: 4
            meetingName: 'Ranveer\'s Meeting',
            meetingId: 'wqqps',
            meetingStartTime: '7:00 PM',
            units: 2
            meetingName: 'Daman\'s Meeting',
            meetingId: 'kisoe',
            meetingStartTime: '8:00 PM',
            units: 1

* Please note:

Property with notify: true fires a property-changed event when the value is changed. Example: PropertyName fires property-name-changed event on value change

Reflected attributes updates the element with property attribute when the value changes. Example: PropertyName updates the attribute as property-name="value"


Method Name Arguments Description
open() slotNumberToBeSelected: Number Opens the slider on the mentioned slot
close() undefined Closes the slider


Event Detail Object Description
close not required Closes the Slider
open slot: <number> Opens the slider at the mentioned slot

dispatch Event to this element Example:

document.querySelector('timeslot-picker').dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('open', {
    detail: {
          slot: 2


CSS variable description default
--timeslot-unit-height Timeslot unit height 50px
--timeslot-unit-width Timeslot unit width 50px
--timeslot-available-bg Timeslot Available background color #fff
--timeslot-disabled-bg Timeslot Available background color #fff
--timeslot-unavailable-bg Timeslot Unavailable background color #666
--timeslot-font-size Timeslot indicators and slots text size 10px
--timeslot-picker-tooltip-background Tooltip bubble background color #000
--timeslot-picker-tooltip-color Tooltip bubble text color #fff
--timeslot-picker-scroll-btn-background Left and right scroll buttons background #fff
--timeslot-picker-scroll-btn-color Left and right scroll text background #000
--timeslot-overlay-background Background color for overlay over the timeslot units base64PNG
--timeslot-overlay-container-background Background color for the container which contains slider #777
--timeslot-overlay-container-border-left Timeslot indicators left border none
--timeslot-overlay-container-border-right Timeslot indicators right border none
--timeslot-slider-thumb-background Slider thumb backgroud color base64SVG
--timeslot-unit-border Timeslot Unit Border 1px solid #000
--timeslot-border-radius Timeslot Unit border radius 0
--timeslot-picker-scroll-left-btn-border-radius Left Scroll button border 0
--timeslot-picker-scroll-right-btn-border-radius Right Scroll button border 0
--timeslot-picker-scroll-btn-font font shorthand for Scroll Button none
--timeslot-overlay-indicators-color Text color for text in overlay slider #000
--timeslot-unit-text-margin Margin for Text being displayed in a timeslot 2px


A web component for selecting booking slot








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