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Shopify Basics

Help Center

Getting started with Shopify CLI

brew tap shopify/shopify brew install shopify-cli

shopify version

To login use the --store flag + value with your first shopify command: shopify theme dev --store

Run shopify theme info to view which store you're currently logged in to

mkdir example-store

shopify theme pull - download one of the themes (opens a dialogue) - Docs:

Run the theme on your local machine: shopify theme dev

shopify theme push --unpublished --json

Workflow with Shopify Cli

  • use store flag on first command to lgoin: --store
  • shopify theme info - display the store that you're currently connected to
  • shopify theme dev
  • open in theme preview (not localhost - that seems to be buggy)
  • do your thing
  • shopify logout

workflow for development

see above (Getting started with Shopify CLI)

  • work on theme
  • push changes to feature branch on GitHub
  • (?GitHub Integration?)
  • merge and tag the repo (-> "Create a new release")
  • push master branch to shopify: shopify theme push --unpublished

Liquid Basics

Documentation: CheatSheet: Shopify Community: Liquid Sandbox:

Chris the Freelancers: Chris the Freelancer guide:

{{ }} - double curly brackets act as placeholders {% %} - curly brackets with percentage signs contain logic


theme.liquid is the backbone and skeleton of your page. Gets loaded every time.

  • all apps get injected here

Choosing a Theme

  • look for speed and performance (how much is already built in that you don't need an app for) mainly


Docs: recommended App: Metafields Guru In the code create a metafield ({{ resource.metafields.namespace.key }}) where you want to have it. Choose a namespace and a key for this particular metafield. Probably wrap them in conditionals. Example for a metafield in collections:

{%- if collection.metafields.second.description != blank -%}
  <div class="collection_second-description">
    {{ collection.metafields.second.description }}
{%- endif -%}

Then, on the admin page, go into the app and build the metafield there. In this example:

Apps/ Collections / Create metafield / multi-line text insert you chosen namespace under 'Namespace' and key und 'key' and Bob' your uncle.

ytube tutorial:

Shopify Partners

To work on a theme as a developer create an account.

How to Set Up a Local Theme Development Workflow

check out:

Apps I liked or come recommended

  • Metafields Guru - add custom fields #metafields

Page Speed

  • good article:
  • the score shown in the admin interface comes from google/lighthouse and might NOT be the best source (maybe check out, and
    • also: better check a couple of times for an average value
  • number of apps are an important factor here
  • check for the number of HTTP requests
  • see also "Async Script Loading" in this cheat sheet
  • homepage banners / sliders are heavy
  • wrap your App integrations in theme.liquid (and also header.liquid and footer.liquid) in conditionals.
    • Example:
    {% if template contains "shogun" %}
      {% render 'shogun-head' %}
    {% endif %}

Tipp: deinstalled apps don't always remove all of their code. This might slow your page down and you have to do it by hand.

  • in theme.liquid (and also header.liquid and footer.liquid) search for remains of apps (for example look for {%include , {% include or {%render / {% render )
    • check if the name after include belongs to an app that is still in use (careful: could be name of the app or the creator of the app...)(google: shopify apps by exampleName)
    • if you delete the {% include 'exampleName' %}, check for (additional) errors in the console of the live page
    • after deleting the {% include 'exampleName' %} line, delete the exampleName.liquid (probably in /snippets)

Async Script Loading

Change this: {{ 'example.js' | asset_url | script_tag }} to this: <script src="{{ 'example.js' | asset_url }}" async></script>

Preview Link

Previewing the offline theme

  • Firstly, from your Shopify admin, navigate to Online Store > Themes.
  • Find the theme that you want to share and click on "..." > Preview. (if it is not there: upload it)
  • On the new page that appeared, wait for a second and at the bottom of the screen you’ll see a bar pop up.
  • On this bar, click on the button Share Preview > Copy Link. Note: Make sure you click on this button, do not share the URL on the top of your page because it won’t work.
  • Now just share the generated link with whoever you wish!

In German for customers: "Anleitung für Preview und Erstellen von Preview Links: Auf eurer Admin Seite findest Du unten links "Online Store", wenn der aufgeklappt ist kommt als erstes "Themes". Dort gibt es jetzt in der "Theme library" die Themes "example_theme_1" und "example_theme_2". Die haben jeweils einen Button "...", dort kann man "Preview" auswählen. (Achtung: Nicht versehentlich auf "Publish" klicken, damit wird das Theme live geschaltet.) Für Dich selbst kannst Du diese Preview immer nutzen. Wenn Du die Preview mit jemandem teilen möchtest, gibt es unten auf der Preview Seite einen Button "Share Preview" und der erstellt Dir einen Link zum Teilen. "

Workflow for Uploading the new Theme:

  • in your main/ master branch, download the live theme with shopify theme pull (Docs:
    • check for their changes with git status
    • commit with "changes by client" or "current live theme version"
  • go into the local git branch with the new features you created
    • git rebase main and solve all conflicts
    • shopify theme dev and check
      • for errors
      • their recent changes
      • your changes
    • stay in this branch and upload it to shopify with shopify theme push --unpublished --json
    • you will be asked for a theme name, choose something along the line: "GeneralThemeName-CoolNewFeature"
      • this will make it easier for the client to find the theme herself in the library
    • now the customer can preview the features easily himself (>Online Store >Themes >Action button on respective theme >Preview) or you can generate a link in the preview (at the bottom of the page: >Share Preview)


workflow for development / publishing themes

Jody Edgar's Advice:

  • make a copy of the live theme and name it: "[current title] (Development)"
  • work on the copy
  • publish the finished version
  • rename the former active version to: "[current title] (date last saved)"
  • rename the published version to: "[current title] (active)"

workflow for new project:

  • open a folder: mkdir example-folder //use dashes between words
  • go into the folder: cd example-folder
  • download theme: theme get --password=[your-api-password] --store=[] --themeid=[your-theme-id]
    • password: create private App: Apps/ "Manage private Apps"/ "create new private App"; Permission: Themes: Read and Write; "Safe" /
    • store - store ID: url clip of the shop (eg:
    • themeid - theme ID: either run a theme command: theme get --list -p=[your-api-password] -s=[] or go to "Online Store" / "Themes" / "Customize"/ get the number from the browser.
  • test if it works with {{ template }} in theme.liquid (should give out "index" on main page
  • possible in config.yml set up an ignore rule for settings_data.json
  • initialize git: git init
  • check with: ls -la (there should be a '.git' file now)
  • git acm "first commit - add all initial theme files"
  • create empty repository on GitHub and copy the URL
  • $ git remote add origin <url to your GitHub repository>
  • git push -u origin master

Frank "T-Shirt-Frank" Bendler: Youtube: Shopify Store erstellen online Shop Anleitung KOMPLETTER KURS

Article from Christopher Dodd: Using Git with Shopify

shopify courses @ Partner Academy that seem useful:

Shopify Fundamentals Store Operations Fundamentals Partner Program Fundamentals