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1100 lines (917 loc) · 35.7 KB

File metadata and controls

1100 lines (917 loc) · 35.7 KB
Copyright(c) 2020-
Author: Chaitanya Tejaswi (    License: GPL v3.0+

PowerShell Scripts

Personal scripts.



  • Rename files
ls | forEach { ren $_ "$($_.BaseName -replace 'WebHD_720p\((\d+)\)','$1')$($_.Extension)" }
  • Calculate the sum of even numbers in the range 1-100.
$range = 1..100; $range | where {$_ % 2 -eq 0} | measure -Sum

(1..100 | where {-not ($_ % 2)} | measure -Sum).sum
  • Calculate the sum of multiples of k within a range start-stop.
function Get-mySum{
        [Parameter (Position=0,Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Position=1,Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Position=2,Mandatory=$True)]

    ($Start..$Stop | where {-not ($_ % $Base)} | measure -Sum).sum
  • Calculate sum, values & average of multiples of k within a range start-stop.
function Get-myStats{
        [Parameter (Position=0,Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Position=1,Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Position=2,Mandatory=$True)]

    $values = @()
    $values += $Start..$Stop | where {-not ($_ % $Base)}
    $sum = ($values | measure -sum).sum

        Start   = $Start
        Stop    = $Stop
        Base    = $Base
        Values  = $values
        Sum     = $sum
        Average = $sum / $values.count
Get-myStats 1 100 5

Start   : 1
Stop    : 100
Base    : 5
Values  : {5, 10, 15, 20...}
Sum     : 1050
Average : 52.5
  • Download Windows binaries of common softwares
$vlc_url         = ""
$vlc             = "$vlc_url$((iwr $vlc_url).links.href -match '\.exe$')"
$firefox         = ""
$sublime_url     = ""
$sublime         = $((iwr $sublime_url).links.href -match 'x64 Setup.exe$')
$python_url      = ""
$python          = "$(((iwr $python_url).links.href -match '-amd64.exe$')[0])"
$ffmpeg          = ""
$imagemagick_url = ""
$imagemagick     = "$imagemagick_url/$(((iwr $imagemagick_url).links.href -match 'HDRI-x64-dll.exe$')[-1])"
# $pandoc          = ...
$miktex_url      = ""
$miktex          = "$miktex_url$(((iwr "$miktex_url/download").links.href -match 'x64.exe$')[0])"
$pdftk           = ""
$anydesk         = ""

iwr $vlc -OutFile 'vlc.exe'
iwr $firefox -OutFile 'firefox.exe'
iwr $sublime -OutFile 'sublimetext.exe'
iwr $python -OutFile 'python3.exe'
iwr $ffmpeg -OutFile ''
iwr $imagemagick -OutFile 'imagemagick.exe'
# iwr $pandoc -OutFile 'pandoc.exe'
iwr $miktex -OutFile 'miktex.exe'
iwr $pdftk -OutFile 'pdftk-server.exe'
iwr $anydesk -OutFile 'anydesk.exe'
  • QRCode Generator
Generates QRCode (.png) from text.
PS> Get-QRCode -Name "Hello World!"
PS> Get-QRCode ""
PS> Get-QRCode "$(cat .\test.txt -Last 10)"
function Get-QRCode{
        [Parameter (Position=0,Mandatory=$True)]
    $QRCode  = "$Name"
    Invoke-WebRequest $QRCode -OutFile QRCode.png
  • Code-File Inventory *
    Count no. of lines of code in files of a given directory.
$Path = 'B:\'

# PowerShell files
ls -Path $Path -Filter '*.ps*' -Recurse |
    where {$_.extension -match "\.ps[md]?1$"} -outvariable files |
    cat | measure -line |
    select @{name='Path';expression={$Path}},
    @{name='Date';expression={get-date -Format 'dd-MM-yy hh:mm:ss'}}
# Python files
ls -Path $Path -Filter '*.py' -Recurse -outvariable files |
    cat | measure -line |
    select @{name='Path';expression={$Path}},
    @{name='Date';expression={get-date -Format 'dd-MM-yy hh:mm:ss'}}
Path TotalFiles Lines Date
---- ---------- ----- ----
B:\          17  1297 22-06-2020 11:29:54

Path TotalFiles   Lines Date
---- ----------   ----- ----
B:\        9392 2137211 22-06-2020 11:31:48
function Get-CodeFileLines{
        [Parameter (Position=0,Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Position=1,Mandatory=$True)]

    ls -Path $Path -Filter "*$Name" -Recurse -outvariable files |
        cat | measure -line |
        select @{name='Path';expression={$Path}},
        @{name='Date';expression={Get-Date -Format 'dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss'}}

Get-CodeFileLines B:\ .ps1; Get-CodeFileLines B:\ .js;

Path TotalFiles Lines Date
---- ---------- ----- ----
B:\           3   356 22-06-2020 11:39:44

Path TotalFiles Lines Date
---- ---------- ----- ----
B:\        3804 668922 22-06-2020 11:41:18
  • Output Code into Markdown files
function Out-mdNotes{
        [Parameter (Position=0,Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Position=1)]
    $page = @()

    if ($PSBoundParameters.containsKey('Path')){
        switch ($Path.extension){
            '.py' {
                $page += '```python',(cat $Path),'```','```',(python $Path),'```'
            '.c' {
                $page += '```c',(cat $Path),'```','```',($Path.fullname.split('.')[0]+'.exe'),'```'
            '.js' {
                $page += '```javascript',(cat $Path),'```','```',(node $Path),'```'
            '.ps1' {
                $page += '```powershell',(cat $Path),'```','```',($Path),'```'
            default {
                Write-Host "Unknown Language!"
    Write-Verbose "$page"
    $page | Out-File -Encoding utf8 $FilePath -Append
  • Output to Markdown (templates)
0: README template
1: ContestCoding solutions (PS/Py3/CC++/JS)
function Out-mdTemplate{
        [Parameter (Position=0,Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Position=1,Mandatory=$True)]
    $page = @()

        switch ($Id){
            0 {
                $page += "    Copyright(c) 2020-`n    Author: Chaitanya Tejaswi (    License: GPL v3.0+`n",'# Title',"> Info`n",'# Index',"`n- `n- `n- `n",'# References'
            1 {
                $page += '```powershell','```'
                $page += '```python','```'
                $page += '```c','```'
                $page += '```js','```'
            default {
                Write-Warning "Please select a valid template!"

    Write-Verbose "$page"
    $page | Out-File -Encoding utf8 $Path -Append


  • Code output is instantly recorded. So, BIG PROBLEM if code execution takes time.
  • Tabular data has a bad output.

  • Simplify Bills

Sort & Save bills (pdf) from a dataset categorically.

# Copy dataset files from harddrive
copy $Path,$Path,$Path... dataset\ -recurse
copy 'D:\ELC BILL PHC OCT 2017 ONWARDS\','D:\ELECTRIC BILLS 26.06.17\' dataset\ -recurse
# Copy files (pdf) to current location
copy (ls .\dataset\ -Recurse).FullName .
ls -Directory | where {$_.Name -notcontains 'dataset'} | del
# Rename all pdfs in directory
$i=1; (ls -File) | forEach {ren $_ "$i$($_.Extension)"; $i++}
# Capture image of first page of pdf
(ls -File) | forEach {pdftopng -l 1 -r 300 -mono $_.FullName $_.BaseName}
ls *.png | forEach {ren $_ "$($_.BaseName -replace '\-.+','')$($_.Extension)"}
# Combine images into a video (display each image for 2s)
ffmpeg -r 0.5 -f image2 -s 1280x720 -i %d.png -vcodec libx264 -crf 25 -pix_fmt yuv420p index.mp4
# Delete unwanted files, move all pdf files together
$count = (ls -File *.png).count; del *.png; mkdir files; move *.pdf files
# Create reference CSV file
"id,type,date,meta" | Out-File -Encoding ascii index.csv
$i=1; while ($i -le $count) {"$i,,," | Out-File -Encoding ascii index.csv -Append; $i++}
# [MANUAL] Add entries to CSV file
# Rename files using CSV colums as properties & save to respective directories


  • Open webpage in browser & copy credentials for manual login
    This queries a $myLogins=logins.csv file for entries, and copies username/password to clipboard.
    It also opens the webpage in a browser to manually login (-disable using -PassThru).
    The $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('<param>') check is unnecessary since there aren't many columns to access, and doing so is verbose.
# get-login -gdrive

function Get-Login{

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]


    $logins = import-csv $myLogins
    $match = $logins | where site -eq $Site
    if (-not $PassThru) {firefox $}
    $match.username,$match.password | scb

CHANGES: Added -List option.

# get-login -list
# get-login gdrive

function Get-Login{

    $logins = import-csv $myLogins
    if ($List) {$}
    $match = $logins | where site -eq $Site
    if (-not $PassThru -and -not $List) {firefox $}
    $match.username,$match.password | scb
  • Get song lyrics; open in browser.
# get-lyrics edsheeran beautifulpeople

function Get-Lyrics{
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]

    $link = "$Artist/$Song.html"
    firefox $link


Recipies to parse APIs.

Import-Csv .\sanskritAlphabet.csv -delimiter ';' | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -encoding utf8 .\sanskritAlphabet.json
cat .\sanskritAlphabet.json | ConvertFrom-Json
Import-Csv .\songs1.csv -Delimiter ';' | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -encoding utf8 .\songs1.json
cat .\songs1.json | ConvertFrom-Json

$baseUrl       = ''
$videoQuery    = '/watch?v='
$playlistQuery = '/playlist?list='

$songs = Invoke-RestMethod ''
$songs | forEach {youtube-dl --no-cache-dir --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 -o "$($_.title).%(ext)s" $baseUrl$videoQuery$($}
    . .\test.ps1
    Get-mySongs -List -Verbose
    Get-mySongs -Audio -Lyrics
function Get-mySongs{
    $AudioUrl      = ''
    $LyricsUrl     = ''
    $videoQuery    = '/watch?v='
    $playlistQuery = '/playlist?list='

    $entries = Invoke-RestMethod $Url

    switch ($PSBoundParameters.keys){
        'List' {$entries}
            # Add Keys
            $songs = @{}; $entries.singer | Get-Unique | forEach {$songs.Add($_,@())}
            # Update Values using Keys
            forEach ($entry in $entries){
                if ($songs.containsKey($entry.singer)){
                    $songs[$entry.singer] += $entry.title
            # Download Lyrics
            forEach ($key in $songs.keys){
                forEach ($title in $songs[$key]){
                    $response = Invoke-WebRequest "$LyricsUrl/$($key.toLower().replace(" ",''))/$($title.toLower().replace(" ",'').replace("'",'')).html"
                    ($response.allElements | where {$_.class -match 'container main-page'}).innerText | Out-File -encoding ascii "$key - $title.txt"
        'Audio' {
            $entries |
            forEach {
                youtube-dl --no-cache-dir --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 -o "$($_.singer) - $($_.title).%(ext)s" $AudioUrl$videoQuery$($
# CSV -> JSON:
Import-Csv .\songs2.csv -Delimiter ';' | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -Encoding ascii .\songs2.json
cat .\songs2.json | ConvertFrom-Json

# Add entries (10, for singer 'JessieJ'):
$i=1; while ($i -ne 11) {";JessieJ;;" | Out-File -Encoding ascii .\songs2.csv -Append; $i++}

# Lookup YouTube for songs (by singer 'JessieJ'), assuming `title,singer` is updated in `songs2.csv`:
import-csv -Delimiter ';' .\songs2.csv | where {$_.singer -match '^Jessie'}
import-csv -Delimiter ';' .\songs2.csv | where {$_.singer -match '^Jessie'} |
    forEach {firefox "$($_.singer.tolower().replace(' ','+'))+$($_.title.tolower().replace(' ','+'))"}

# Display lyrics for songs (by singer 'JessieJ') in browser:
$LyricsUrl = @()
$songs = irm ''
$songs | where {$_.singer -match '^Jessie'} | forEach {$LyricsUrl += "$($_.singer.toLower().replace(" ",''))/$($_.title.toLower().replace(" ",'').replace("'",'')).html"}
firefox $LyricsUrl

# Download selected songs (by singer 'Julie Delpy'):
Get-mySongs -List | where {$_.singer -match '^Julie'} | forEach {
    youtube-dl --no-cache-dir --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 -o "$($_.singer) - $($_.title).%(ext)s" $AudioUrl$videoQuery$($

# Check discography (= list of songs) (by singer 'JessieJ') in browser:
firefox ''

RegEx to replace YouTube link with video-id (ST3):\?v=([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)(&list=[a-zA-Z0-9&=_-]+)?
  • YouTube API: Search singer's official account for video links.

  • Use ST3 regex from PS directly.

  • CSV->JSON: Update only modified entries, instead of converting whole file.

  • latex1.json

Scrape Latex equations & images from . See this.

    . .\test.ps1
    $result = 1..413 | forEach {$(. Get-LatexEquation $_)}
    $result | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -Encoding utf8 latexEquations.json -Append

function Get-LatexEquation{
    $baseUrl = ""
    $urlEquation = "$baseUrl/eqninfo/Equation-$Id.html"
    $urlImage = "$baseUrl/png/$("{0:d4}" -f $Id).png"

    switch ($PSBoundParameters.keys){
        'Image' {
            Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $urlImage -OutFile "$Id.png"
        default {
            $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $urlEquation
            $title = ($response.AllElements | where {$_.tagName -eq 'h1'}).innerText
            $equation = ($response.allelements | where { $_.class -Match "latex" }).innerText
                id = $Id
                title = $title
                equation = $equation
$entries = irm ''

Scrape Latex equations & images from . See this.

    . .\test.ps1
    Get-LatexEquation 1 -Image -Verbose
    ConvertFrom-LatexToTxt .\files\

function Get-LatexEquation{
    $baseUrl = ""
    $sections = 0,17,11,12,48,24,20,25,28,20,76,15,20,31,33,19,26,18,40,38,15,10,21,23,20,20,21,20,34,20,16,18,17,25,13,10,15

    forEach ($x in 1..$sections[$Id]){
        Write-Verbose "$baseUrl/$Id.$x"
        $response   = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$baseUrl/$Id.$x"
        $links      = $response.links
        $texFiles   = ($links.href -match '.tex$').trimStart('./')
        $imageFiles = ($links.href -match '.png$').trimStart('./')
        switch ($PSBoundParameters.keys){
            'Image' {
                forEach ($img in $imageFiles) {
                    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$baseUrl/$img" -OutFile "images/$img"
            default {
                forEach ($file in $texFiles) {
                    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$baseUrl/$file" -OutFile "files/$file"

function ConvertFrom-LatexToTxt{
        forEach ($file in (ls $Path).FullName){
            pandoc -s $file -o $file.Replace('.tex','.txt')

Export JSON from CSV file.

import-csv .\latex2.csv -Delimiter ';' | forEach {
    [PSCustomObject] @{
        Title      = $_.title
        Equations  = $_.equations -as [string[]]
        Datasets   = $_.datasets -as [string[]]
        Tags       = $_.tags -as [string[]]
        References = $_.references -as [string[]]
} | convertto-json | Out-File -encoding utf8 .\latex2.json

Display Tex equation (eg. 1.4.E4.tex). Check 4muLatex to verify MathJax output.

(cat .\1.4.E4.tex).replace("\[","").replace("\]","")

f^{\prime}(x)=\frac{\mathrm{d}f}{\mathrm{d}x}=\lim_{h\to 0}\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{%h}.

$texUrl = ''
$datasetUrl = ''
(cat .\1.4.E4.tex).replace("\[","").replace("\]","").replace("+","%2B") | scb
firefox "$texUrl$(gcb)" "$datasetUrl/1.4.E4.png"
iwr "$texUrl$(gcb)" -OutFile test.svg
magick -density 300 .\test.svg .\test.png

Import-Csv .\interviews1.csv -Delimiter ';' | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -encoding utf8 .\interviews1.json
cat .\interviews1.json | ConvertFrom-Json

$baseUrl       = ''
$videoQuery    = '/watch?v='
$playlistQuery = '/playlist?list='

$interviews = Invoke-RestMethod ''
$interviews | forEach {youtube-dl --no-cache-dir --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 -o "$($_.title ($_.creator)).%(ext)s" $baseUrl$playlistQuery$($}
Import-Csv .\podcasts.csv -Delimiter ';' | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -Encoding ascii .\podcasts.json
cat .\podcasts.json | ConvertFrom-Json

function Get-myPodcast{
    $entries = Invoke-RestMethod $Url
    switch ($PSBoundParameters.keys){
        'List' {$entries}
$response = iwr
$episodes = (($response.allElements | where {$_.tagName -match 'enclosure'}).url) -replace "\?utm_source.+$",""
$episodes = [System.Collections.Generic.Stack[String]]($episodes)
vlc $episodes.pop()

$response = iwr
$episodes = (($response.allElements | where {$_.tagName -match 'enclosure'}).url) -replace "\?utm_source.+$",""
$episodes = [System.Collections.Generic.Stack[String]]($episodes)
vlc $episodes.pop()

# Open YT link for podcast ('Bill Burr')
$response = irm
firefox ($response | where {$_.artist -match '^Bill'}).link
  • Since links are captured randomly, is stack/queue any good for this use-case? If episode-number was also captured, array would be easier to use (eg, $episodes[10]).

  • Custom-Object to capture all entries & store in hashtable with keys = $response.title. Give this as ValidateSet to list all available podcasts for user to query using Get-myPodcast.

  • blogs.json [BROKEN]

Import-Csv .\blogs.csv -Delimiter ';' | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -Encoding ascii .\blogs.json
cat .\blogs.json | ConvertFrom-Json

function Get-Blog{
    $entries = Invoke-RestMethod $Url
    switch ($PSBoundParameters.keys){
        'List' {$entries}
        # Allow tab completion of usernames to open up their blogs in firefox
        # firefox ($entries | where {$_.person -match $REGEX}).Link


  • Gather list of videos/playlists for a YouTube user/channel.
    I've managed to scrape link ids for videos/playlists and store them to a JSON file. [jabykoay] [teamcoco]
    You can easily use $baseURL/watch?v=$video & $baseURL/playlist?list=$video to build absolute links.
    The major issue with v2A,B is that not all links are retrieved (eg. jabykoay yields 110 videos when there are many more). Prateek Singh's implementation uses DOM instead of simple query like mine. This way, you can get title of videos as well. But his way also has the same issue - his gets fewer videos than mine.

Gets Youtube playlists for a user, saves them to file, and opens all of them in a browser.

$tmp = New-TemporaryFile; $page = @();
$URI = ''
$response = curl -Uri $URI
$links = $response.links
$page += $links.href -match '^/playlist'
$page.count # 13
$page.replace('/playlist', '') | Out-File $tmp.fullname
firefox (cat $tmp.fullname)

CHANGES: See implementation of $content. No duplicate video/playlist link except ones that contain both video & playlist reference in same link.

function Get-YouTubeVideos{

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]

        [ValidateSet('user','channel', 'c')]

    $URI = "$Id/$Name"
    $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URI
    $links = $response.links
    $content = @{'videos'=@(); 'playlists'=@()}
    $content.videos = $links.href -match '^/watch\?v=' -replace '^/watch\?v=','' | Get-Unique;
    $content.playlists = $links.href -match '^/playlist\?list=' -replace '^/playlist\?list=','' | Get-Unique;

    return $content
Get-YouTubeVideos -Name 'jabykoay' -id 'user' | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -encoding ascii jabykoay.json
Get-YouTubeVideos -Name 'teamcoco' -id 'user' | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -encoding ascii teamcoco.json

CHANGES: See implementation of $content. Several duplicate video/playlist links are present.

function Get-YouTubeVideos{

        [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]

        [ValidateSet('user','channel', 'c')]

    $URI = "$Id/$Name"
    $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URI
    $links = $response.links
    $content = @{'videos'=@(); 'playlists'=@()}
    switch -regex ($links.href){
        '^/watch\?v=' {
            $content.videos += ($_ -replace '^/watch\?v=','')
        '^/playlist\?list=' {
            $content.playlists += ($_ -replace '^/playlist\?list=','')

    return $content
Get-YouTubeVideos -Name 'jabykoay' -id 'user' | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -encoding ascii jabykoay.json
Get-YouTubeVideos -Name 'teamcoco' -id 'user' | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -encoding ascii teamcoco.json


  • Write a utility that gets technical specifications of remote PCs.
    Each entry is logged into a database. If this fails, log error info in a file.
Gets system-specifications of remote computers on a CIM server.
PS> Get-MachineInfo -ComputerName localhost
ComputerName Version    ServicePackMajorVersion
------------ -------    -----------------------
localhost    10.0.18363                       0

function Get-MachineInfo {
    param (
        [string]$Protocol = 'wsman',

    forEach ($name in $computername){
        if ($protocol -eq 'DCom'){
            $option = New-CimSessionOption -Protocol DCom
        } else {
            $option = New-CimSessionOption -Protocol WSMan

        $session = New-CimSession -ComputerName $name -SessionOption $option
        $os = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem -CimSession $session
        $session | Remove-CimSession
        $os | Select-Object -Property @{n='ComputerName'; e={$name}},Version,ServicePackMajorVersion
PS> import-module -name 'C:\Users\Chaitanya Tejaswi\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\myTest' -force -verbose

VERBOSE: Loading module from path 'C:\Users\Chaitanya Tejaswi\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\myTest\myTest.psm1'.
VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-MachineInfo'.
VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-MachineInfo'.```

PS> Get-MachineInfo -ComputerName localhost

ComputerName Version    ServicePackMajorVersion
------------ -------    -----------------------
localhost    10.0.18363                       0
  • Write a utility that changes logon passwords of services of remote PCs.
    If this fails, log error info in a file. Passwords may be supplied as plain string.
Sets logon passwords of services of remote computers on a CIM server.
PS> Set-ServiceLogon -ComputerName localhost
                     -ServiceName BITS
                     -NewPassword 'P@ssw0rd'

PS> Set-ServiceLogon -ComputerName S1,S2
                     -ServiceName BITS
                     -NewPassword 'P@ssw0rd'
                     -NewUser 'COMPANY\User'

function Set-ServiceLogon {
    param (

    forEach ($name in $computername){
        $option = New-CimSessionOption -Protocol WSMan
        $session = New-CimSession -ComputerName $name -SessionOption $option

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('NewUser')){
            $args = @{'StartName'=$NewUser; 'StartPassword'=$NewPassword}
        } else {
            $args = @{'StartPassword'=$NewPassword}

        Invoke-CimMethod -ComputerName $name -MethodName Change `
                         -Query "SELECT * FROM  Win32_Service WHERE name='$ServiceName'" `
                         -Arguments $args |
                            Select-Object -Property @{n='ComputerName'; e={$name}} `
                                                    @{n='Result'; e={$_.ReturnValue}}

        $session | Remove-CimSession

Structured Data (CSV, JSON, XML)

  • Given a CSV file with IP address, Department entries, create a report containing DNS names of these computers with an access timestamp.

    function Get-PCNames{
            [Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
        $rows = Import-Csv $Path
        forEach ($row in $rows){
            try {
                $output = [PSCustomObject]  @{
                    IPAddress  = $row.IPAddress
                    Department = $row.Department
                    IsOnline   = $False
                    HostName   = $Null
                    Error      = $Null
                    Timestamp  = Get-Date -Format 'dd-MM-yy hh:mm:ss tt'
                # Ping each IP address with an ICMP packet
                if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $row.IPAddress -Count 1 -Quiet){
                    $output.IsOnline = $True
                # Get HostName of each IPAddress
                if ($hostname = (Resolve-DnsName -Name $row.IPAddress -ErrorAction Stop).Name){
                    $output.HostName = $hostname
            } catch {
                $output.Error = $_.Exception.Message
            } finally {
    Get-PCNames -Path .\test.csv | Export-Csv -Path .\results.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation

Web Scraping

    . .\test.ps1
    1..6 | Get-RamayanaData $_ -Audio -Verbose
    1..6 | Merge-Audio $_ -Verbose
    1..6 | Out-Ebook $_ -Verbose
    Get-RamayanaData 1 -Audio -Verbose
    Merge-Audio 1 -Verbose
    Out-Ebook 1
NOTE: Currently, there is no data for 1-6.
Update $sections[6] when data is available.

function Get-RamayanaData{
    $baseUrl = ""
    $sections = 0,77,119,75,67,68,0

    forEach ($x in 1..$sections[$Id]){
        Write-Verbose "$baseUrl/sloka?field_kanda_tid=$Id&language=dv&field_sarga_value=$x"
        $response   = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$baseUrl/sloka?field_kanda_tid=$Id&language=dv&field_sarga_value=$x"
        $text = ($response.allElements | where {$_.class -match 'view-content'}).innerText
        switch ($PSBoundParameters.keys){
            'Audio' {
                Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$baseUrl/sites/default/files/audio/$Id-$x.mp3" -OutFile "audios/$Id-$x.mp3"
            default {
                $text | Out-File -encoding utf8 "files/$Id.txt" -Append

function Out-Ebook{
    $volumes = 0,'BalaKanda','AyodhyaKanda','AranyaKanda','KishkindhaKanda','SundaraKanda','YuddhKanda'
    pandoc "files/$Id.txt" --metadata title="$($volumes[$Id])" --epub-cover-image="cover.jpg" -o "files/$($volumes[$Id]).epub"

function Merge-Audio{
    $sections = 0,77,119,75,67,68,0

    $page = @(); $n=1; while ($n -ne $sections[$Id]+1) {$page += "file 'audios/$Id-$n.mp3'"; $n++}
    $page | Out-File -Encoding ascii MERGE.txt
    ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i MERGE.txt -c copy "audios/$Id.mp3"

Raju Mama

  • Create ebooks for online judgements
# test.ps1
function Get-Ebook{
    $BaseUrl = ''
    $response = iwr "$BaseUrl/$Id"
    ($response.AllElements | where {$_.class -match 'judgments'}).innerText | Out-File -encoding ascii "$Id.txt"

function Out-Ebook{
        [Parameter (Position=0,Mandatory=$True)]
        [Parameter (Position=1,Mandatory=$True)]
    pandoc "$Id.txt" --metadata title="$Name" --epub-cover-image="cover.png" +RTS -Ksize -RTS -o "$Name.epub"
    kindlegen "$Name.epub" 

# $data = @{'8064'='TMA Pai Foundation vs State of Karnataka';'1390531'='PA Inamdar vs State of Maharashtra';'1939993'='Minerva Mills vs Union of India';'141126788'='SR Bommai vs UOI';'1524908'='L Chandra Kumar vs UOI';'753224'='Supreme Court Advocate-on-Record vs UOI';'1382698'='Samsher Singh vs State of Punjab';'1149369'='Bangalore Water Supply & Sewerage Board vs A Rajappa';'1766147'='Maneka Gandhi vs UOI';'1353689'='AR Antulay vs RS Nayak';'123456797'='Rupa Ashok Hurra vs Ashok Hurra';'1363234'='Indra Sawhney vs UOI';'1031794'='Vishakha vs State of Rajasthan';'471272'='Pradeep Kumar Biswas vs Indian Institute of Chemical Biology';'1641452'='SBP & Co vs Patel Engg Ltd';'322504'='IR Coelho vs State of Tamil Naidu';'1219385'='Ashok Kumar Thakur vs UOI';'1519371'='CBSE vs Aditya Bandyopadhyay';'989335'='Swamy Shraddananda vs State of Karnataka';'920448'='Nandini Sundar vs State of Chattisgarh';'338008'='Selvi vs State of Karnataka';'146361519'='Amarinder Singh vs Punjab Vidhan Sabha';'1061334'='State of West Bengal vs Committee for Protection of Democratic Rights';'1686885'='Kihota Hollohan vs Zachillhu';'310431'='Centre for PIL vs UOI';'37692759'='Special Reference No1 of 2012';'1198027'='Mafatlal Industries Ltd vs Union of India';'115852355'='Vodafone International Holdings vs Union of India';'1121297'='Zahira Habibulla Sheikh vs State of Gujarat';'195460'='Malay Kumar Ganguly vs Dr. Sukumar Mukherjee';'102852'='M Nagaraj vs UOI';'235821'='AR Shanbhaug vs UOI';'174283964'='Sangeet vs State of Haryana';'154958944'='Society for UPS of Rajasthan vs UOI';'1294854'='SP Gupta vs UOI';'619152'='Kharak Singh vs State of UP';'501198'='DK Basu vs State of West Bengal';'1934103'='Vellore Citizens Welfare Forum vs UOI';'1072165'="Naga People's Movement's of Human Rights vs UOI";'1466814'='State of Maharashtra vs Sangharaj'}
$data.Keys | forEach {Get-Ebook $_}
$data.Keys | forEach {Out-Ebook $_ $data[$_]}

The data can be created like this:

$data = @{`
    '1686885'='Kihota Hollohan vs Zachillhu';`
    '310431'='Centre for PIL vs UOI';`
    '37692759'='Special Reference No1 of 2012';`
    '1198027'='Mafatlal Industries Ltd vs Union of India';`
    '115852355'='Vodafone International Holdings vs Union of India';`

Zip these files using any one:

# Using 7Zip
7z a -tzip .\ebooks\mobi\*mobi

# Using PS (.NET API)
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
$zip = [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::Open('',2)

ls ebooks/mobi/*.mobi | forEach {
        [System.IO.Compression.ZipFileExtensions]::CreateEntryFromFile($zip, $_.FullName, $_.Name, 0)