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title: Carnegie Mellon University subtitle: Student Senate Bylaws date: 'Adopted: April 1st, 2010. Revised: April 27th, 2017.' numbersections: no geometry: margin=1.25in ...

Article I. Purpose and Scope.

A. The purpose of these bylaws is to establish the structures and operating procedures of Student Senate, which is the undergraduate legislative branch of Carnegie Mellon University student government, created in the Carnegie Mellon University Student Body Constitution. 1. The general purpose of Student Senate is to represent the voice of the Carnegie Mellon University undergraduate student body, to work toward enhancing the overall undergraduate student experience on campus, and to oversee the allocation of the portion of the Activities Fee under the direct control of Student Senate. #. Where there is a contradiction between these bylaws and the Carnegie Mellon University Student Body Constitution or the Carnegie Mellon University Student Government Fiscal Policy, those documents shall supersede these bylaws. #. When there is a contradiction between these bylaws and the Carnegie Mellon University Student Senate Fiscal Policy, these bylaws shall supersede that policy.

Article II. Terms and Definitions.

A. The Activities Board refers to the standing committee of Student Government, established in the Carnegie Mellon University Student Body Constitution, to coordinate events to entertain, educate, and enrich the lives of the entire campus community. #. The Activities Fee refers to the funds that are collected and placed under the control of Student Government by the Carnegie Mellon University Board of Trustees. #. The Committee on Student Organizations refers to the standing committee of Student Government, established in the Carnegie Mellon University Student Body Constitution, to oversee the process of granting and revoking the status of Student Government Recognition to student organizations. #. The undergraduate student body is divided into the following constituencies: 1. Carnegie Institute of Technology #. College of Fine Arts; #. College of Humanities and Social Sciences; #. Mellon College of Science; #. School of Computer Science; #. Tepper School of Business; #. Bachelor of Humanities and Arts, Bachelor of Sciences and Arts, Sciences and Humanities Scholars Program, Bachelor of Computer Science and Arts, and Miscellaneous Students. #. Every member of the undergraduate student body is classified as a constituent in their home college at Carnegie Mellon University, as specified by the Carnegie Mellon University Registrar. 1. Any member of the undergraduate student body who does not fall under the auspices of the constituencies listed shall be classified as a Miscellaneous Student. #. The Elections Board refers to the standing committee of Student Government, established in the Carnegie Mellon University Student Body Constitution, to oversee the annual Student Government Executive and Student Senate elections. #. Financial Probation is a form of probation for Student Government Recognized organizations, and is established in the Carnegie Mellon University Student Body Constitution and Student Government Fiscal Policy #. A full session of Student Senate shall extend from the first regular meeting of Student Senate following the ratification of the Student Senate Election results until the adjournment of the meeting at which the following year's Student Senate Election results are successfully ratified. #. The Graduate Student Assembly is the graduate legislative branch of Carnegie Mellon University student government, created in the Carnegie Mellon University Student Body Constitution. #. There are two half sessions of Student Senate. The first begins at the first regular meeting of the full session and ends at the last regular meeting of the Fall semester. The second half session begins at the last regular meeting of the Fall semester and ends at the last regular meeting of the full session. #. The Joint Funding Committee refers to the standing committee of Student Government, established in the Carnegie Mellon University Student Body Constitution to oversee the funding of student organizations. #. A joint meeting of Student Senate and the Graduate Student Assembly is a meeting of Student Senate and the Graduate Student Assembly at which a majority of the members of Student Senate and a majority of the members of the Graduate Student Assembly are present. #. A meeting of Student Senate is any gathering of a majority of the voting members of Student Senate, provided all such members have been notified of that gathering at least one (1) week in advance of the gathering. #. Notification of a group of students shall be satisfied by either an e-mail sent to all individuals in that group, or a verbal announcement at a regular meeting of that group, provided minutes of that meeting are recorded and distributed. #. The President's Cabinet refers to the standing committee of Student Government, established in the Carnegie Mellon University Student Body Constitution, to assist the Student Body President with the running of the Executive Branch of Student Government. #. Recognition Probation is a form of probation for Student Government Recognized organizations, and is established in the Carnegie Mellon University Student Body Constitution and Student Government Fiscal Policy #. A regular meeting of Student Senate is a meeting among those scheduled by Student Senate for the purpose of conducting their routine business. #. The student body refers to the collection of students enrolled in undergraduate or graduate academic programs at Carnegie Mellon University's Pittsburgh campus. #. The student government executive committee refers to the committee, established in the Carnegie Mellon University Student Body Constitution, consisting of the Student Body President, Student Body Vice President, Student Body Vice President for Finance, Student Body Vice President for Organizations, Student Senate Chair, and Graduate Student Assembly President. #. A student organization is any grouping of members of the student body. 1. Neither Student Senate nor the Graduate Student Assembly is a student organization. #. The undergraduate student body refers to all members of the student body who are enrolled in undergraduate academic programs at Carnegie Mellon University's Pittsburgh campus.

Article III. Duties and Powers of Student Senate.

A. General Duties of Student Senate: 1. Hold regular meetings, at least twice during each complete month of the academic year; #. Enact and enforce legislation aimed at accomplishing the objectives of the undergraduate student body; #. Act as representatives of the undergraduate student body to staff, faculty and administration of Carnegie Mellon University; #. Appropriate and approve the expenditures of all funds under direct control of Student Senate, as prescribed in the Carnegie Mellon University Student Body Constitution, the Carnegie Mellon University Student Senate Fiscal Policy, these bylaws, and the Carnegie Mellon University Student Senate Fiscal Policy; #. Resolve disputes, in any undergraduate student body election of Student Senators, by way of a majority vote at a meeting of Student Senate. #. Constitutionally Assigned Duties of Student Senate: The following are responsibilities required of Student Senate by the Carnegie Mellon University Student Body Constitution and the Carnegie Mellon University Student Government Fiscal Policy. Student Senate is required to fulfill these duties, as described in that constitution and fiscal policy, until such time as they are removed from that constitution and fiscal policy. 1. Appoint a representative of Student Senate to sit on the Committee on Student Organizations; #. Appoint a representative of Student Senate to sit on the Elections Board; #. Approve or reject nominations of undergraduate students to the Joint Funding Committee, as presented by the Student Body Vice President for Finance; #. Approve or reject nominations of undergraduate students to the Committee on Student Organizations, as presented by the Student Body Vice President for Organizations; #. Discuss and vote on amendments proposed to the Carnegie Mellon University Student Body Constitution and its associated documents and policies; #. Discuss and vote on requests, presented by the Student Body Vice President for Finance, to increase the Student Activities Fee for undergraduate students by up to five (5) percent; #. Meet with the Graduate Student Assembly to review and vote on the proposed Joint Funding Committee budget; #. Vote on recommendations, from the Student Body Vice President for Finance, regarding the Student Government Recognition status of a student organization that has been placed on Financial Probation by the Student Body Vice President for Finance; #. Fulfill the duties and assume the powers assigned to Student Senate when Student Senate and the Graduate Student Assembly enter binding arbitration. #. Constitutionally Assigned Powers of Student Senate: The following are powers conferred upon Student Senate by the Carnegie Mellon University Student Body Constitution and its associated documents. Student Senate holds these powers, as described in that constitution and its associated documents, until such time as they are removed from that constitution and its associated documents. 1. Override a Presidential Veto of Student Senate legislation; #. Overturn a decision of the Committee on Student Organizations regarding a student organization's Student Government Recognition status, and/or its status of Recognition Probation; #. Request the impeachment of the Student Body President, Vice President for Finance, and/or Vice President for Organizations; #. Overrule the decision(s) of the Student Senate Chair and the Graduate Student Assembly President regarding the assignment of duties and/or powers normally belonging to a particular officer of Student Government, when an impeachment request has been made for that officer; #. Overrule the appointment of a member of the student body as an Interim Student Body President, Vice President for Finance, and/or Vice President for Organizations; #. Install, in coordination with the Graduate Student Assembly, a member of the student body into a vacant Student Body President, Vice President for Finance, and/or Vice President for Organizations office; #. Overrule the appointment of a Student Body Vice President; #. Overrule the appointment of an Assistant to the Student Body Vice President for Finance; #. Confirm or reject the nomination of undergraduate students to the Joint Funding Committee and the Committee on Student Organizations; #. Approve or reject aberrations in the make-up of the Joint Funding Committee; #. Overrule the removal of any undergraduate student from the Joint Funding Committee and/or the Committee on Student Organizations; #. Remove a member of the student body from the Elections Board; #. Overrule the appointment of any member of the President's Cabinet; #. Remove the Activities Board Executive Chair from office; #. Overrule, in coordination with the Graduate Student Assembly, a freeze placed on the budget of a student organization; #. Vote to enter binding arbitration with the Graduate Student Assembly; #. Vote, in coordination with the Graduate Student Assembly, to override the Carnegie Mellon University Student Government Fiscal Policy, Joint Funding Committee Bylaws, Committee on Student Organization Bylaws, and Student Government Election Rules.

Article IV. Members of Student Senate.

A. Student Senate shall consist of the following types of members: 1. Student Senators; #. Members-at-Large; #. Non-voting ex officio members. #. Student Senators: 1. Student Senators shall be elected as representatives of their constituency. a. Each constituency shall be represented by either one (1) Student Senator, or one (1) Student Senator for every one hundred forty (140) constituents (or majority fraction thereof) - whichever is greater. #. Constituents entering an integrated or accelerated graduate program at Carnegie Mellon University may represent their undergraduate constituency during their time in that program provided they are not also serving as a Graduate Student Assembly Representative or as a member of the Graduate Student Assembly Executive Committee. #. Student Senators shall normally be elected in accord with the procedure for filling Vacant Student Senate Seats as set out in Article IV, Subsection J of these bylaws. (i) Vacant Student Senate seats shall be filled according to the procedure for filling vacancies set out in these bylaws. #. If a Student Senator changes constituencies after they are elected, they shall serve the remainder of the current full session as a representative of the constituency from which they were elected. #. Term of Service: a. For a Student Senator elected by the undergraduate student body, their term of service begins at the beginning of the full session for which they were elected to serve. #. For a Student Senator elected by Student Senate to fill a vacant Student Senate seat, their term of service begins at the end of the meeting during which they are elected. #. The term of service for all Student Senators ends at the end of the full session for which they were elected to serve. #. Duties of Student Senators: a. Attend regular and special meetings of Student Senate; #. Attend joint meetings of Student Senate and the Graduate Student Assembly; #. Sit on one (1) Student Senate standing committee, and attend all meetings of that standing committee; #. Attend at least one (1) New Member Caucus during their first half-session as a Senator; (i) A Student Senator is only required to attend one (1) meeting of the New Member Caucus during their term. (#) If a Student Senator is elected but has previously served a term on Student Senate, attendance is no longer required. (#) If a Student Senator is elected but has previously attended a New Member Caucus as a Member-at-large, attendance is no longer required. #. Earn three (3) Engagement Hours during every half-session of Student Senate; (i) Engagement Hours shall be earned by engagement with the student body through tabling for Student Senate and attending university events pertaining to current issues, as deemed appropriate by the Chair of Student Senate. (#) Senators will only be required to earn all three (3) hours if elected by the date of the mid-semester break during that half-session. f. Designate a proxy to attend Student Senate meetings when unable to attend those meetings themselves; (i) A Student Senator's proxy must be a member of the constituency that the Student Senator represents. (#) A proxy may not be a Student Senator or a member of the Executive Branch of Student Senate. (#) A Student Senator's proxy assumes the duties and powers of that Student Senator for the duration of the meeting during which they are serving as that Student Senator's proxy. (#) To designate a proxy a Student Senator must notify the Chair of Student Senate, via e-mail, of the name of that proxy. #. Powers of Student Senators: a. Student Senators assume all parliamentary powers afforded them in Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised. These powers are in effect during all Student Senate meetings and during all meetings of Student Senate committees of which they are members; #. Propose legislation to Student Senate; #. Nominate members of the undergraduate student body to serve as Members-at-Large. #. Members-at-Large: 1. Members-at-Large may be elected as representatives of the undergraduate student body. a. Any Student Senator may nominate a member of the undergraduate student body as a Member-at-Large during any regular Student Senate meeting. #. To be elected, a nominee must receive a majority vote of approval at the meeting where they are nominated as a Member-at-Large. #. There is no limit to the number of Members-at-Large that may be elected. #. There is no limit to the number of times an individual may be nominated as a Member-at-Large, but a single individual may only be nominated once during a single meeting of Student Senate. #. The term of service for a Member-at-Large begins at the end of the meeting during which they are elected, and ends at the end of the full session for which they were elected to serve. #. Duties of Members-at-Large: a. Attend regular and special meetings of Student Senate; #. Attend joint meetings of Student Senate and the Graduate Student Assembly; #. Attend at least one (1) New Member Caucus during their first half-session as a Member-at-Large: (i) A Member-at-Large must only attend one (1) meeting of the New Member Caucus during their term. (#) If a Member-at-Large is elected but has previously served a term on Student Senate, attendance is no longer required. (#) If a Member-at-Large is elected but has previously attended a New Member Caucus as a Student Senator, attendance is no longer required. #. Powers of Members-at-Large: a. Members-at-Large are non-voting members of Student Senate and possess the following rights during meetings of Student Senate: (i) calling for orders of the day; (#) raising points of order, points of personal privilege, points of information, and points of parliamentary inquiry; (#) speaking during meetings. #. Members-at-Large may propose legislation to Student Senate. #. Non-voting ex officio members of Student Senate: 1. The following shall be non-voting ex officio members of Student Senate: a. the Student Body President; #. the Student Body Vice President; #. the Student Body Vice President for Finance; #. the Student Body Vice President for Organizations; #. the Graduate Student Assembly President; #. all members of the President's Cabinet; #. the Chair of each Student Government standing committee that is established in the Carnegie Mellon University Student Body Constitution; #. the Student Dormitory Council President; #. the Inter-Fraternity Council President; #. the Panhellenic Council President; #. the Multi-Cultural Greek Council President; #. the Faculty Senate Chair. #. Powers of non-voting ex officio members of Student Senate: a. Ex officio members hold the same parliamentary privileges as Members-at-Large; (i) This does not include the right to propose legislation to Student Senate. #. Upon approval by the Chair of Student Senate, an ex officio member of Student Senate may address Student Senate during a meeting of Student Senate. #. Attendance Requirements for Student Senators and Members-at-Large: 1. A Student Senator may accrue two (2) absences from regular meetings of Student Senate per half session. #. A Member-at-Large may accrue three (3) absences from regular meetings of Student Senate per half session. #. A meeting at which a Student Senator (or their designated proxy) or a Member-at-Large is not present for a scheduled roll call during a regular Student Senate meeting shall count as one-half (1/2) absence for that Student Senator or Member-at-Large. a. There may not be more than two (2) scheduled roll calls during a regular Student Senate meeting. #. A Student Senator may accrue two (2) absences from regular meetings of the Student Senate standing committee of which s/he is a member. #. A Student Senator may send a proxy to a regular meeting of Student Senate no more than two (2) times per half session. #. A Student Senator may have absences removed from his or her record upon completion of their Engagement Hour requirements. Thereafter, one-half (1/2) absence will be removed for every additional completion of one (1) Engagement Hour. Absences may also be removed by other participation in the activities of Student Senate as deemed appropriate by the Chair of Student Senate. This participation must occur within thirty (30) days of the recorded one-half (1/2) absence. #. Removal of Student Senators for Attendance Violations: 1. Three (3) absences from regular meetings of Student Senate or three (3) absences from regular meetings of a Student Senator's standing committee, during a single half session of Student Senate, count as grounds for the removal of that Student Senator from Student Senate. a. Should a Student Senator's standing committee assignment change during a given half session, their attendance record shall follow them to their new committee. #. If a Student Senator accrues two (2) absences from regular meetings of Student Senate, or two (2) absences from the standing committee to which they are assigned, during a single half session of Student Senate, then the Chair of Student Senate must notify that Student Senator that if they accrue another absence during that semester, they will be removed from office. #. When a Student Senator has exceeded their permitted absence allotment, the Chair of Student Senate is responsible for notifying that individual, via e-mail, of their removal from office. Upon notification, the relevant Student Senate seat is immediately declared vacant. #. Removal of Members-at-Large: 1. Four (4) absences from regular meetings of Student during a single half session of Student Senate count as grounds for the removal of that Member-at-Large from Student Senate. a. Should a Member-at-Large become a Student Senator during a given half session, their attendance record shall follow them to their new position. #. If a Member-at-Large accrues three (3) absences from regular meetings of Student Senate during a single half session of Student Senate, then the Chair of Student Senate must notify that Member-at-Large that if they accrue another absence during that semester, they will be removed from office. #. When a Member-at-Large has exceeded their permitted absence allotment, the Chair of Student Senate is responsible for notifying that individual, via e-mail, of their removal from office. The removal is immediate, upon notification. #. A Member-at-Large may also be removed from office by way of a majority vote at a regular meeting of Student Senate. #. Impeachment of a Student Senator: 1. A request for the impeachment of a Student Senator may be made to the Student Senate Chair by way of either: a. a two-thirds (2/3) vote of Student Senate; #. a petition - validated by the Student Senate Executive Committee - containing the printed names, signatures, and AndrewIDs of one-fourth (1/4) of the relevant Student Senator's constituency. #. Upon receiving a request for impeachment, the Chair of Student Senate must announce the impeachment request, along with the reasons for the impeachment request, no later than the first regular meeting of Student Senate that occurs at least one (1) week after receipt of the impeachment request. #. Impeachment hearings shall take place at the first regular meeting following the announcement of the request for impeachment at which three-fourths (3/4) of the seated Student Senators are present. #. A three-fourths (3/4) vote of the Student Senators present at the impeachment hearing shall be sufficient to remove the Student Senator from office. #. If an impeachment request names the Chair of Student Senate, the preceding procedure shall be followed, but the Student Body President shall carry out the duties assigned to the Student Senate Chair in the process. #. An impeached Student Senator is not eligible to hold any Student Government position for the remainder of the full session during which they are impeached, unless they are elected to that position by the student body. #. Resignation: 1. A Student Senator or Member-at-Large may resign from their position by submitting notice of their resignation, via e-mail, to the Chair of Student Senate. Upon notification, the relevant seat becomes vacant. a. Should the Chair of Student Senate wish to resign, they must submit notice of their resignation to all members of the Student Senate Executive Committee. #. Vacant Student Senate Seats: 1. In the case of regular elections of Student Senate seats, the Elections Board shall serve as the facilitator of the election, as established in the Student Body Constitution. In the case of a vacancy throughout the current session of the Student Senate, the Student Senate Chair shall serve as the facilitator of the election. The relevant person or group facilitating this election will be referred to here on as the facilitator of the election. #. Should a Student Senate seat become vacant, the Chair of Student Senate shall announce this vacancy, along with the deadline for receipt of petitions to fill the seat. a. Should this vacancy occur throughout the current session of the Student Senate, this announcement shall occur at the first regular Student Senate meeting after which the seat becomes vacant. #. To become a candidate to fill a vacant seat, a member of the undergraduate student body must: a. Be an Activities Fee paying member of the constituency represented by the vacant seat; #. Submit a valid petition by the announced petition deadline. (i) A valid petition shall contain the names, signatures, and Carnegie Mellon AndrewIDs of twenty-five (25) members of the relevant constituency. (#) The Student Senate Executive Committee is responsible for validating any petitions received by the petition deadline within five (5) business days of its submission. If at least two (2) members of the Student Senate Executive Committee agree that a petition is not valid, then it is considered invalid. #. If at least one (1) valid petition is received by the announced deadline, then Student Senate shall hold an election for the relevant Student Senate seat. Should this vacancy occur throughout the current session of the Student Senate, Student Senate shall hold an election for the relevant seat at the first regular meeting of Student Senate following the validation of the petition(s). a. Once all petitions have been received, the facilitator of the election shall determine a random ordering, of the alphabet and the numbers zero through nine (0 through 9), for application in the case of a tie in the upcoming election. This ordering will be referred to from here on as the random elimination ordering, and shall be published publicly prior to the voting process. #. Should this vacancy occur during the current session of the Student Senate, the following procedures may be followed. (i) At the discretion of the Chair of Student Senate, candidates may be permitted to address Student Senate and respond to questions from the floor. (I) If one (1) candidate for a position is permitted to address Student Senate then all candidates for that position must be permitted to address Student Senate. (#) At the discretion of the Chair of Student Senate, Student Senators may be permitted to discuss the candidate(s) for each position in the absence of all candidates for that position. (I) No minutes of this discussion shall be recorded. #. The election shall be carried out as specified in Article V. #. If no valid petitions are received by the announced deadline, the Chair of Student Senate shall begin the process again by announcing a new deadline for petitions.

Article V. Elections Procedures.

A. Election Rules: 1. These election rules shall apply for both the Spring General Election as well as Vacancy Elections during regular meetings of Student Senate. #. In the case of a vacancy election, a candidate in this election is not permitted to serve as a proxy while the election proceedings for the relevant vacant seat is taking place. As a result, a candidate cannot count toward quorum during this portion of a Student Senate meeting. However, a candidate may take on the duties of a proxy at any other point during the meeting, provided they are otherwise eligible to serve as a proxy. #. Absentee ballots are not permitted. #. Student Senate shall carry out all elections procedures in accordance with the Single Transferable Voting method in order to achieve proportional representation. a. In the case of Member-at-Large elections, voting will be carried out as specified in Article IV. B. Voting Procedures 1. Each voter shall have one vote, ranking the candidates in their constituency for their vote in order of descending preference, with 1 (the first rank) representing the most preferred. a. No candidate may be ranked repeatedly, and no two candidates may be ranked equally. #. A voter may rank as many or as few candidates as they would like. #. A voter may elect to designate "No Confidence" at any rank. #. A number of votes needed to elect a candidate shall be established, and referred to as the election threshold. The election threshold shall be calculated using the Droop quota. For a definition of this quota, please see Appendix A to this document. #. In each round of the election, vote counting shall start with the tabulation of each voter's preferred candidate, of the candidates remaining. These remaining candidates will from here on referred to as active candidates. #. If there are candidates whose vote totals meet or exceed the election threshold, those candidates are considered elected. Votes exceeding the threshold are considered the candidate's surplus votes. If there are no remaining vacant seats, the election is complete. Otherwise, the election continues. #. For each elected candidate from subsection IV, their vote surplus shall be redistributed in the following procedure: a. The fractional value of each vote to be redistributed is calculated by dividing the number of surplus votes for the candidate by the total votes received by said candidate. #. This fractional value will then be applied to each ballot for the elected candidate, and each of these tabulated fractional ballots are transferred to the next active candidate ranked, or discarded if the ballot is contains no more active candidates. Such a ballot containing no more active candidates will then on be referred to as an exhausted ballot. #. Following the redistribution of surplus votes, the process of counting votes and distributing surplus votes of any winning candidates, as described in subclause 2 through 5 above, is repeated. If no surplus votes were redistributed, the election shall proceed to subsection VI below. #. The candidate with the least number of votes shall be removed from the election, and referred to from here on as an eliminated candidate. Each of that candidate's ballots shall be redistributed among the remaining candidates, or to "No Confidence" as needed, by next active choice ranked, or discarded if the ballot is exhausted. a. If there is a tie as to the candidate with the least number of votes, the entire tied set shall be eliminated if their combined vote count is less than that of the next-highest candidate. #. If there is a tie as to the candidate with the least number of votes, and the above does not apply, the candidate with the least number of votes in the previous round shall be eliminated. #. If there is still a tie, the procedure described in subsection B. above is repeated for the next-preceding round until the tie is broken. #. If this was the first round of voting, or the above conditions do not apply in the case of a tie for the candidate to be eliminated, then the candidate in the tie with the smaller number of next-choice preferences (i.e. second-choice in the current round of counting) shall be eliminated. Should this also be a tie, this process will continue down the list of preferences until one candidate has a larger number of votes in a certain preference level. #. If at the end of these steps a break in the tie of candidate with the least number of votes cannot be broken, then the facilitator of the election shall refer to the random elimination ordering. The candidate whose AndrewID's first character appears first according to the random elimination ordering shall be eliminated from the election. If there is more than one candidate with this character appearing first in their AndrewID, the candidate eliminated will be determined by the first distinct character in their AndrewID, with the character appearing first in the random elimination ordering signaling the candidate to be eliminated. The eliminated candidate's ballots shall be redistributed among the remaining candidates, or to "No Confidence" as needed, by next active choice ranked. #. If the number of "No Confidence" votes exceeds the election threshold at any point in counting, then there shall be a vacancy in any remaining unfilled seats in the constituency in question. If not, and the "No Confidence" option has the fewest votes in any round of voting, it may be eliminated from the election, by the process described above for any candidate. a. Should the conditions of subsection 6.e. apply, then the option of "No Confidence" may not be eliminated from such a tie by the random elimination ordering. #. This process of counting votes, distributing surplus votes of winning candidates, and eliminating losing candidates, as described in subclause 2 through 7 above, is repeated until all seats are filled. a. Should the number of remaining candidates be equal to or less than the number of remaining seats, then all those candidates who have received a higher percentage of votes than currently held by the "No Confidence" option shall win the remaining seats. #. Should no active candidates remain after all rounds of counting votes have been completed, and the number of "No Confidence" votes does not exceed a simple majority of votes cast, then there shall be a vacancy in the remaining unfilled seats of the constituency in question.

Article VI. Student Senate Fiscal Policy.

A. All Student Senate financial activities are constrained by the Carnegie Mellon University Student Government Fiscal Policy and the Carnegie Mellon University Student Senate Fiscal Policy. #. Amendment to the Carnegie Mellon University Student Senate Fiscal Policy must be proposed and passed in accord with the procedure set out for amendment to these bylaws.

Article VII. Officers.

A. The officers of Student Senate shall be the Student Senate Chair, the Student Senate Vice Chair (if nominated), the Chair of each Student Senate standing committee, the Sergeant at Arms, and the Student Senate Clerk. 1. Except for the Sergeant at Arms and the Student Senate Clerk, all officers of Student Senate must be Student Senators. #. The Sergeant at Arms must be a Student Senator or a Member-at-Large. #. The Student Senate Clerk must not be a Student Senator or a Member-at-Large. #. Except for the Student Senate Clerk and the Student Senate Vice Chair, all officers of Student Senate shall be elected according to the procedure established in these bylaws. #. The Student Senate Clerk shall be hired by the Office of Student Activities in consultation with the Chair of Student Senate. #. The Student Senate Chair may nominate a candidate to serve as Student Senate Vice Chair. This nomination must be approved by a majority vote at a regular Student Senate meeting. #. The Chair and Vice Chair of Student Senate and the Chairs of the Student Senate standing committees form the Executive Committee of Student Senate. The Vice Chair shall be a non-voting member of this committee. #. Terms of Service: #. The term of service for all elected Officers of Student Senate shall be from the time of their election until the end of the half session for which they are elected to serve. #. The term of service for the Student Senate Vice Chair shall be from the time that Student Senate approves their nomination until the end of the term of service for the Student Senate Chair. #. The term of service for the Student Senate Clerk shall be determined by the terms of employment established upon the hiring of the Student Senate Clerk. #. Impeachment of Officers: #. To initiate impeachment proceedings for any member of the Student Government Executive Committee, a petition signed by at least one-half (1/2) of the seated Student Senators shall be presented to the Student Senate Chair asking for removal of an elected official from that official's elected post. a. If the Student Senate Chair is named in the impeachment petition, it shall be presented to the remaining members of the Student Senate Executive Committee. In such cases, the remaining members of the Student Senate Executive Committee shall choose a representative to preside over the impeachment process. #. At the regular Student Senate meeting immediately following presentation of the petition, Student Senate shall vote on removal of the official. Removal of that officer requires a two-thirds (2/3) supermajority vote of approval from the Student Senators present at that meeting. #. Upon a successful vote to remove a member of the Student Senate Executive Committee from office, that office shall immediately be declared vacant. #. Resignation: 1. The Chair of Student Senate may resign from their office by submitting notice of that resignation, via e-mail, to the Student Senate Executive Committee. #. The Student Senate Clerk, Sergeant at Arms, or any Standing Internal Committee Chair may resign from their office by submitting notice of their resignation, via e-mail, to the Chair of Student Senate. a. The Student Senate Clerk is expected to provide three (3) weeks' notice of their resignation. #. Vacancy: 1. The Student Senate Executive Committee must notify Student Senate within three (3) days of the removal or resignation of an elected officer. #. Election of Officers: 1. Except for the position of Senate Clerk, all Student Senate offices shall be filled by way of a Student Senate election at a regular Student Senate meeting. #. An election to fill all elected Student Senate offices shall be held at the first regular meeting of each Student Senate half session. a. If a Student Senate office is vacant, an election shall be held at the first regular meeting following the notification of Student Senate of the vacancy. #. Election Procedure: a. If the current Chair of Student Senate is participating in the election as a candidate, or the position of Student Senate Chair is vacant, the remaining members of the Student Senate Executive Committee shall nominate one (1) member of their committee to preside over the meeting until a new Student Senate Chair is elected. The Student Senate Executive Committee is also permitted to request that a member of the Student Government Executive Committee preside over the meeting until a new Student Senate Chair is elected. #. Any Student Senator may nominate a candidate to fill an office. (i) Nominated candidates must be Student Senators, except for the Sergeant at Arms, who may be either a Student Senator or a Member-at-Large. (#) Nominated candidates must affirm or reject their willingness to let their name stand for election to office. #. At the discretion of the meeting chair, nominated candidates are permitted to address Student Senate and respond to questions. (i) If one (1) candidate for a position is permitted to address Student Senate then all candidates for that position must be permitted to address Student Senate. #. At the discretion of the meeting Chair, Student Senators may be permitted to discuss the candidate(s) for each office in the absence of the candidates for that position. (i) No minutes of this discussion shall be recorded. #. General elections procedures and voting procedures shall be followed as described in Article V. #. Duties and Powers of the Chair of Student Senate: 1. General Duties of the Chair of Student Senate: a. Schedule, set the agenda for, and preside over regular meetings of Student Senate and of the Student Senate Executive Committee; #. Designate a member of the Student Senate Executive Committee to Chair a regular Student Senate meeting when unable to fill the role and when no Vice Chair has been appointed; #. Assign Student Senators and Members-at-Large to Student Senate standing committees, pending the approval of a majority of the Executive Committee of Student Senate; #. Report to Student Senate the failure of a Student Senate standing committee to act upon matters assigned to it; #. Preside over the Student Senator impeachment process; #. Notify any Student Senator or Member-at-Large when they are within one (1) absence of being removed from office; #. Notify any Student Senator or Member-at-Large when they are removed from their seat; #. Designate a member of Student Senate to serve as temporary Student Senate Clerk, without pay, when the regular Student Senate Clerk is unable to fill the role; #. Coordinate with the Student Body Vice President for Organizations to nominate a representative of Student Senate to the Committee on Student Organizations and to the University Center Allocations Board; #. Constitutionally Assigned Duties of the Chair of Student Senate: The following are responsibilities required of the Chair of Student Senate by the Carnegie Mellon University Student Body Constitution. The Chair of Student Senate is required to fulfill these duties, as described in the constitution, until such time as they are removed from that constitution. a. Coordinate with the Graduate Student Assembly President to schedule, set the agenda for, and preside over joint meetings of Student Senate and the Graduate Student Assembly; #. Sit on the Student Government Executive Committee and the Student Government Board of Directors; #. Preside over the process of responding to a Presidential Veto of Student Senate legislation; #. Notify Student Senate and the remaining members of the Student Government Executive Committee regarding the resignation of any member of the Student Government Executive Committee; #. Preside over, in coordination with the Graduate Student Assembly President, the impeachment process for the Student Body President, Vice President, Vice President for Finance, and/or Vice President for Organizations - if and when an impeachment request is made; #. Preside over the process of appealing a decision of the Committee on Student Organizations for any student organization that notifies the Student Senate Chair of such an appeal; #. Appoint, in coordination with the Graduate Student Assembly President, an Interim President, any time the Student Body Vice President is unable to fill a vacancy in the Student Body President's seat; #. Preside over, in coordination with the Graduate Student Assembly President, the process of filling a vacant Student Body President, Vice President for Finance, and/or Vice President for Organizations seat; #. Sit on the Joint Funding Committee, or appoint a permanent representative to fill the seat designated for the Student Senate Chair; #. Powers of the Chair of Student Senate: a. Remove Student Senators and Members-at-large from their seats for violation of their attendance requirements; #. Appoint an interim officer to fill any vacant Student Senate office until a permanent replacement can be elected; #. Nominate a Vice Chair from the voting membership of Student Senate; #. Call a special meeting of Student Senate; #. Break a tie in any Student Senate vote; #. Remove absences from the record of a Student Senator or Member-at-Large on the basis of alternative contributions to the work of Student Senate, or due to what are deemed to be extenuating circumstances. #. Form ad hoc committees of Student Senate, with the approval of the Student Senate Executive Committee. #. Assign extra responsibilities to Student Senate standing committees, as needed to complete the work of Student Senate. #. Vice Chair of Student Senate: 1. The Student Senate Vice Chair shall not be a regular member of a Student Senate standing committee, and shall be a non-voting member of the Student Senate Executive Committee. #. Duties of the Vice Chair of Student Senate: a. Act as Chair at any Student Senate meeting at which the Student Senate Chair is not present; #. Serve as acting Student Senate Chair while there is a vacancy in that office; #. Assist the Student Senate Chair with Student Senate matters, as deemed necessary by the Student Senate Chair; #. Be an ex officio member of all Student Senate standing committees. #. Chairs of Student Senate Standing Committees: 1. Duties of the Chairs of Student Senate Standing Committees: a. Keep a current record of attendance at committee meetings and submit these records to the Student Senate Chair upon request; #. Provide a written report of activities of the committee during the session to the Chair of Student Senate at the last Student Senate meeting of the half session; #. Schedule, set the agenda for, and preside over regular meetings of the relevant standing committee; #. Appoint a Vice Chair from among the standing committee members, to act in the absence of the Chair of the committee; #. Report committee activities to Student Senate at regular meetings. #. Duties of the Chair of the Finance Committee: a. Coordinate with the Student Body Vice President for Finance and the Department of Student Activities to ensure that Student Senate's budget is based on appropriate projections with respect to the expected number of student activities fee paying undergraduate students, and to ensure that the disbursement of Activities Fee money to Student Senate accounts are made in accord with the policies laid out in the Carnegie Mellon University Student Body Constitution, the Carnegie Mellon University Student Government Fiscal Policy, these bylaws, and the Carnegie Mellon University Student Senate Fiscal Policy; #. Provide a written or electronic report summarizing Student Senate's financial transactions of the past month to all Student Senators no later than the third week of each complete month of the Academic Calendar. (i) This report shall include the total amount of money spent from the Student Senate Operating Account during the current fiscal year as well as the total amount of money remaining in the account. #. Powers of the Chair of the Finance Committee: a. Review all budgetary categories of any student organization that receives funds from Student Senate; #. Recommend to the Student Body Vice President for Finance that the accounts of a student organization that receives funds from Student Senate be frozen; (i) The Chair of the Finance Committee must notify the Chair of Student Senate and the Finance Committee within one (1) week of placing any such request. #. Schedule audits and collective inventories for Student Senate's accounts and for the accounts of groups receiving funding from Student Senate; #. Subpoena financial records involving funds allocated by Student Senate. #. Sergeant at Arms: 1. Duties of the Sergeant at Arms: a. Care for and maintain the physical properties and office of Student Senate, including the property jointly owned by student organizations and Student Senate; #. Upon request of the Student Senate Chair or Vice Chair, acquire meeting places for Student Senate, its committees, and its events; #. Attend all meetings of Student Senate and assist the Student Senate Chair in maintaining order in the chambers. #. Student Senate Clerk: 1. Duties of the Student Senate Clerk a. Record and distribute minutes for every regular meeting of Student Senate; #. Maintain Student Senate Attendance records; #. Fulfill other duties, as assigned by the Student Senate Executive Committee. #. Honorary Chairs: 1. Honorary Chairs of Student Senate and Honorary Chairs of Internal Committees of Student Senate shall be elected by a two-thirds (2/3) vote at a meeting of Student Senate. #. No Student Senator may be nominated for an Honorary Chair position if they have not held the actual position for at least one (1) full session. #. No Student Senator may be nominated for an honorary position if they have not served on Student Senate for at least two (2) full sessions. #. A two-thirds (2/3) vote at a meeting of Student Senate may bestow, upon any Student Senator who meets the above requirements, an honorary position. #. The position of an honorary office entitles the holder to rights that are bestowed upon Members-at-Large. #. Honorary positions shall be held perpetually, unless revoked with a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote at a regular meeting of Student Senate.

Article VIII. Meetings.

A. Regular Meetings: 1. Regular meetings of Student Senate must be held at least twice during each complete month of the academic year. #. Regular meetings may not be held on days when classes are not in session. #. Minutes of these meetings must be made available to the campus community. #. Special Meetings: 1. Only the Student Body President or Student Senate Chair may call a special meeting of Student Senate. #. The Student Body President or Student Senate Chair must give notice of a special meeting at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the designated meeting time. #. Absences shall not be counted in special meetings. #. Conduct of Business: 1. Except where contradicted in these bylaws, Student Senate shall conduct business in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised. #. Introduction of legislation a. Legislation which has already been approved by a committee of Student Senate may be voted on by Student Senate at the regular meeting where it is initially presented to Student Senate. #. Legislation which has not passed through a Student Senate standing committee may not be voted on during the Student Senate meeting in which it is introduced unless a motion to vote immediately upon the legislation carries by a two-thirds (2/3) supermajority vote. #. All proposed legislation shall be presented in writing and, if desired by a voting member of Student Senate, shall be read aloud before it is discussed. The same shall hold for all motions and amendments pertaining to that legislation. #. In the case of a Presidential veto of legislation passed by Student Senate, the Chair of Student Senate must read the veto at the first regular Student Senate meeting following the Student Body President's announcement of the veto. #. Voting a. There shall be four (4) distinct voting methods used by Student Senate. They are listed below in order of greatest precedence to lowest precedence: (i) Secret ballot (#) Roll call vote (#) Hand vote (#) Voice vote (#) Acclamation (unanimous consent) #. The Chair of Student Senate normally determines the manner of voting. However, if a Student Senator calls for a method of voting of greater precedence for an individual question, that method must be used. If multiple requests are received, the request with the greatest precedence shall be honored. #. A Student Senator shall decline to vote, in committee or on the floor, on any matter where they believe that their voting on such a matter would be a conflict of interest. #. Quorum: a. Quorum for Student Senate is defined as a simple majority of the seated Student Senators. (i) If, at any time during a meeting of Student Senate, a question is raised by a Student Senator as to the presence of a quorum, the Student Senate Clerk must call the roll and announce the result. #. Quorum for any Student Senate standing committee, and for the Executive Committee of Student Senate, is defined as a simple majority of the members of the relevant committee.

Article IX. The Executive Committee of Student Senate.

A. The Chair of Student Senate and the Chair of each Student Senate standing committee shall be a voting member of the Executive Committee of Student Senate. The Vice Chair of Student Senate shall be a non-voting member of the Executive Committee of Student Senate. #. Duties of the Student Senate Executive Committee: 1. Meet at least once each complete month of the academic year, excluding dates when classes are not in session; #. Maintain regular contact with the Graduate Student Assembly Executive; #. Propose a budget, for funds under the control of Student Senate, no later than the third regular Student Senate meeting of the academic year. #. Powers of the Student Senate Executive Committee: 1. Issue interpretations of these bylaws, and the Carnegie Mellon University Student Senate Fiscal Policy, in consultation with the Constitutional Advisor, when questions as to their interpretation arise; #. Request that the Student Body Vice President for Finance and/or the Student Body Vice President for Organizations place a student organization on Financial or Recognition Probation on reasonable suspicion that the organization is in violation of these bylaws and/or the Carnegie Mellon University Student Senate Fiscal Policy.

Article X. Standing Committees.

A. The following shall be standing committees of Student Senate: 1. Advocacy; #. Academic Affairs; #. Business Affairs; #. Campus Life; #. Communications; #. Finance; #. Internal Development; #. New Member Caucus. #. Membership: 1. Each Student Senator shall be a regular member of at least one (1) Student Senate standing committee. a. The Student Senate Chair and Vice Chair shall not be assigned to a particular standing committee, but shall be ex officio members of each committee. #. The New Member Caucus shall not count towards this requirement. #. Each Member-at-Large shall be a regular member of at least one (1) Student Senate standing committee. a. Members-at-Large may not be members of the Finance Committee. #. Members-at-Large may count Ad-Hoc Committees towards this requirement; #. The New Member Caucus shall not count towards this requirement. #. All and only Student Senators who are members of a particular standing committee are permitted to vote on matters addressed in that committee. #. The size of each standing committee shall be determined by the Chair of Student Senate, in consultation with the Chair of each standing committee. #. Upon election, each Student Senator shall submit their committee assignment preferences to the Chair of Student Senate. The Chair of Student Senate shall determine standing committee assignments, in consultation with the Student Senate Executive Committee and in light of the preferences expressed by Student Senators, at the beginning of each half session of Student Senate. #. Meetings: 1. Each standing committee shall fix regular meeting times for the transaction of business before the committee. #. Quorum for a standing committee shall be a simple majority of the Student Senators who are members of that standing committee. a. This calculation does not include ex officio members of the committee who are also Student Senators. #. All business before a standing committee at the end of a half session shall be resumed by the same standing committee at the commencement of the next half session. #. Duties of the Advocacy Committee: 1. Propose legislation and host events concerning diversity and inclusion within the student body; #. Announce to the Student Senate any changes or proposed changes in Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives; #. Function as a liaison to the Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion and all other departments and individuals involved in creating or maintaining diversity and inclusivity policies; a. The Chair of the Advocacy Committee shall fix meetings time with at least one member of staff of the Center for Inclusion and Diversity at the start of every half-session. #. Maintain a dialogue with organizations relating to multicultural or social issues; #. Take responsibility for any business charged to the committee by Student Senate. #. Duties of the Academic Affairs Committee: 1. Propose legislation concerning the academic welfare of the undergraduate student body; #. Announce to Student Senate any changes or proposed changes in academic policy; #. Designate, in consultation with the Student Senate Chair, a representative to the following committees: a. Board of Trustees Educational Affairs and Enrollment Committee; #. Faculty Senate; #. University Education Council; #. Any other relevant bodies, at the discretion of the Chair of the Academic Affairs Committee. #. Function as the liaison to the Vice Provost for Education and University Registrar on academic issues that affect members of the undergraduate student body; a. The Chair of the Academic Affairs Committee shall fix meeting times with the Vice Provost for Education at the start of every half-session. #. Take responsibility for any business charged to the committee by Student Senate. #. Duties of the Business Affairs Committee: 1. Propose legislation concerning business services at Carnegie Mellon University, as they relate to the undergraduate student body; #. Announce to Student Senate any changes or proposed changes in the business services of Carnegie Mellon University; #. Designate, in consultation with the Student Senate Chair, a representative to the following committees: a. Dining Student Advisory Council; #. Parking and Transportation Advisory Committee; #. Facilities Management Services Student Advisory Committee; #. Any other relevant bodies, at the discretion of the Chair of the Business Affairs Committee. #. Function as liaison to the Vice President for Operations on departments and individuals responsible for business services at Carnegie Mellon University; a. The Chair of the Business Affairs Committee shall fix meeting times with the Vice President for Operations at the start of every half-session. #. Take responsibility for any business charged to the committee by Student Senate. #. Duties of the Campus Life Committee: 1. Propose legislation and hold events concerning campus spirit, engagement, wellness, and relations with the Pittsburgh community; #. Announce to Student Senate any changes or proposed changes in auxiliary services; #. Designate, in consultation with the Student Senate Chair, a representative to the following committees: a. Housing Student Advisory Council; #. Bike Advisory Committee; #. Design Review Committee; #. Any other relevant bodies, at the discretion of the Chair of the Campus Life Committee. #. Function as the liaison to the Vice President for Student Affairs on issues that affect members of the undergraduate student body; a. The Chair of the Campus Life Committee shall fix meetings time with the Vice President for Student Affairs at the start of every half-session. #. Maintain Student Senate campus policies; #. Review and suggest amendments to the policies contained in the Student Handbook, and act as the liaison between Student Senate and Faculty Senate on university policy amendments passed by Student Senate; a. A report containing all recommendations for improvement shall be presented at a regular meeting of Student Senate at least every half session. #. Take responsibility for any business charged to the committee by Student Senate. #. Duties of the Communications Committee: 1. Publicize all Student Senate activities, including elections and Student Senate vacancies; #. Plan and coordinate Student Senate involvement in special events such as the Activities Fair, Homecoming, and Spring Carnival; #. Maintain a dialogue with constituents and report such communication to Student Senate; #. Promote awareness of Student Senate on campus; #. Function as a liaison to the Vice President for Marketing and Communications; a. The Chair of the Communications Committee shall fix meeting times with the Vice President for Marketing and Communications at the start of every half-session. #. Maintain and update the Student Senate website, and other online presence; #. Take responsibility for any business charged to the committee by Student Senate. #. Duties of the Finance Committee: 1. Propose legislation to Student Senate on the funding of student organizations within the guidelines set forth by Student Senate in these bylaws and in the Carnegie Mellon University Student Senate Fiscal Policy; #. Oversee the process of allocating Student Senate funds to student organizations, as described in the Carnegie Mellon University Student Senate Fiscal Policy; #. Maintain the Carnegie Mellon University Student Senate Fiscal Policy; #. Be familiar with the restrictions on Student Senate spending described in the Carnegie Mellon University Student Government Fiscal Policy; #. Function as a liaison to the Vice President for Finance; a. The Chair of the Finance Committee shall fix meeting times with the Vice President for Finance at the start of every half-session. #. Function as a liaison to the Graduate Student Assembly Vice President for Finance; a. The Chair of the Finance Committee shall fix meeting times with the Graduate Student Assembly Vice President for Finance at their discretion. #. Take responsibility for any business charged to the committee by Student Senate. #. Powers of the Chair of the Finance Committee: 1. Review all budgetary categories of any student organization that receives funds from Student Senate; #. Recommend to the Student Body Vice President for Finance that the accounts of a student organization that receives funds from Student Senate be frozen; #. The Chair of the Finance Committee must notify the Chair of Student Senate and the Finance Committee within one (1) week of placing any such request. #. Schedule audits and collective inventories for Student Senate's accounts and for the accounts of groups receiving funding from Student Senate; #. Subpoena financial records involving funds allocated by Student Senate. #. Duties of the Internal Development Committee: 1. Plan and coordinate educational workshops and seminars for Student Senate and its standing internal committees; #. Plan and co-ordinate sessions of the New Member Caucus; #. Maintain records of Student Senate transactions over the course of each session; #. Ensure that the Sergeant at Arms maintains the Student Senate office in a clean and orderly condition; #. Ensure that each Student Senator is provided with the most up to-date version of these bylaws, the Carnegie Mellon University Student Body Constitution, and other rules of Student Senate and Student Government; #. Consider legislation, petitions, and other matters relating to these bylaws, the Carnegie Mellon University Student Body Constitution, and other issues pertaining to Student Senate and Student Government; #. Promote effectiveness and morale within Student Senate; #. Take responsibility for any business charged to the committee by Student Senate. #. New Member Caucus: 1. All newly-elected senators and Members-at-Large shall participate in sessions of the New Member Caucus. a. Two (2) meetings of the New Member Caucus shall be held every half-session; #. Senators and Members-at-Large are required to attend one of the two (2) sessions; #. Failure to attend either of the two (2) sessions of the New Member Caucus shall count as one (1) absence for that Student Senator or Member-at- Large. #. The New Member Caucus shall be chaired by the Chair of the Internal Development Committee. #. Duties of the New Member Caucus: a. Familiarize new members with the work of Student Senate; #. Inform new members on the workings of Student Government, its governing documents, and Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised; #. Educate new members on the functions and objectives of the standing committees of Student Senate; #. Be available for reports and ex officio presentations as determined by the Executive Committee of Student Senate.

Article XI. Student Body Directives.

A. The undergraduate student body can compel Student Senate to act on any matter by submitting a New Issue Petition to any member of the Student Senate Executive Committee. 1. A New Issue Petition must contain the signatures, names, and Carnegie Mellon AndrewIDs of at least fifty (50) members of the undergraduate student body. #. The Executive Committee of Student Senate shall have one (1) week from receipt of a New Issue Petition to validate that petition. #. Student Senate must address the issue contained within a New Issue Petition within two (2) weeks of its validation. #. The Student Senate Executive Committee is required to notify all members of the undergraduate student body who signed the New Issue Petition, within four (4) weeks of its validation, of Student Senate's response to the petition. #. The undergraduate student body can compel Student Senate to reconsider any legislative vote taken within the previous thirty (30) days by submitting a Reconsideration Petition to any member of the Student Senate Executive Committee. 1. A Reconsideration Petition must contain the signatures, names, and Carnegie Mellon AndrewIDs of at least five (5) per cent of the undergraduate student body. #. The Executive Committee of Student Senate shall have one (1) week from receipt of a Reconsideration Petition to validate that petition. #. Upon validation of a Reconsideration Petition, reconsideration of the relevant vote shall become a special order of business at the next regular Student Senate meeting. #. The undergraduate student body can force Student Senate to present legislation that has been passed by Student Senate to the undergraduate student body, in the form of a referendum, by submitting a Restraining Petition to any member of the Student Senate Executive Committee. 1. A Restraining Petition must contain the signatures, names, and Carnegie Mellon AndrewIDs of at least five (5) per cent of the Activities Fee paying members of the undergraduate student body. #. The Executive Committee of Student Senate shall have one (1) week from receipt of a Restraining Petition to validate that petition. #. Student Senate must put the relevant legislation forward for an undergraduate student body referendum within two (2) months of the validation of the Restraining Petition. a. Student Senate must notify all members of the undergraduate student body regarding the date and content of the referendum, along with the method(s) available for casting a vote. #. A majority vote opposed to the legislation passed by Student Senate shall be sufficient to rescind legislation passed by Student Senate. (i) The results of this referendum shall be binding if at least fifteen (15) percent of the Activities Fee paying members of the undergraduate student body vote on the referendum. (#) If this threshold is not reached, then Student Senate must hold the referendum again, within two (2) weeks of the original referendum. (#) If the threshold is not reached in the second referendum, then Student Senate is released from the requirements of the Restraining Petition.

Article XII. Amendment.

A. To be considered for approval, an amendment to these bylaws must be presented in writing at a regular meeting of Student Senate. #. Any proposed amendment to these bylaws must be put to a vote at a regular meeting of Student Senate one (1) to three (3) weeks after its initial presentation to Student Senate. 1. To be adopted, the amendment must receive a two-thirds (2/3) supermajority vote of approval at this regular Student Senate meeting. #. Student Senate may instead put the proposed amendment to a vote at the same meeting as its initial presentation on the basis of a three-fourths (3/4) supermajority vote in favor of such action. In such cases it is required that the proposed amendment be provided, via e-mail, to Student Senate at least one (1) week prior to its initial presentation to Senate. #. A record of all amendments to these bylaws must be kept, by the Constitutional Advisor, as an appendix to these bylaws.

Appendix A: Definition of the Droop Quota for Single Transferable Vote Elections

The Droop quota will be used to assign the number of votes needed to be elect a candidate in a Single Transferable Vote election for a vacant Student Senator seat. The value is equal to the total value of valid votes cast divided by the sum of one plus the number of seats to be filled, plus one. Expressed mathematically, this is equivalent to the [total value of valid votes / (1 + number of vacant seats)] + 1.

Appendix B: Amendments to the Student Senate Bylaws

Note: In September 2009 the Amendment procedure for the Student Senate Bylaws was changed to require that amendments be kept as an appendix to these bylaws. A partial list of amendments from March 19th, 1998 onward was available, and so it has also been included in this appendix. In April 2010 major revisions to the Student Senate Bylaws were approved by Student Senate, effectively replacing the old document with a new set of bylaws, and a separate document detailing Student Senate Fiscal Policy. The details of these changes are not included in this appendix, but all changes made to this document after the major revisions are recorded in this appendix.

  • March 19, 1998: Removal of section on elections to the Election Rules
  • April 2, 1998: Changed fiscal policy to match proposed Student Senate Fiscal Policy
  • April 30, 1998: Removal of restriction concerning the University Statement of Assurance
  • November 11, 1998: Revised article concerning the Activities Board
  • November 18, 1998: Revised and created articles concerning membership, structure, the Executive Committee, meetings, and student body directives
  • April 8, 1999: Added Student Senate Budget to Fiscal Policy.
  • April 22, 1999: Added Election of Internally Elected Officials to Structure.
  • May 1, 2001: Changed the number of Alternates that a Senator can send.
  • Spring 2002: Added member at large caucus, added Business Affairs and Campus Life Committees, removed Campus Affairs Committee, changed names of Public Relations and Internal Affairs committees to Communications and Internal Development, respectively
  • Spring 2003: Changed wording of sessions to semesters in section about attendance, added section that requires votes on committee chairs every semester
  • Fall 2004: Changed a majority from being based on members present to members voting, changed the entitlement of a non-funded organization to leaflet and petition to poster
  • Spring 2004: Changed Treasurer to Vice President of Finance, added the Student Body Dining Chair to the list of ex officio officers, changed rules of proxies to only not allow other senators or Executive officers, and required members-at-large to be on committees.
  • Spring 2006: Changed name of Funding and Recognition Committee to Finance Committee. Removed Article on Student Organizations to match the Constitution of Student Body. Added media restriction notification requirement to Fiscal Policy. Added Joint Funding Committee and Committee on Student Organizations as ex officio of the general body. Defined political and charitable events in Student Senate Fiscal Policy.
  • Fall 2006: Strengthened restrictions against funding reimbursements.
  • April 2009:
    • II.II.A.1.c: changed to permit proxy four times per semester instead of per month.
    • III.II.C: added "Call a special meeting of Senate" to powers of the Senate Chair
    • III.X.F: added "host events that benefit the entire student body" to duties of the Campus Life Committee
    • IV.II: deleted "Oversee the activities of all organizations that are on probation" from the Executive Committee's duties
    • V.I: Allow Senate Chair to call special meetings.
    • VII.XI.B: Make the Committee on Student Organizations, instead of the Executive Committee, responsible for groups on probation; remove requirement for organizations on probation to report names of their group members.
  • September 3, 2009:
    • Added page numbers and changed numbering (& references) to new format (i.e. Article III.A.1.a.(iv)).
    • Amended the amendment procedure:
      • XI.A changed from 'Proposed amendments to these Bylaws must be submitted in writing to the Student Senate at a regular meeting of Student Senate' to 'To be considered for approval, an amendment to these Bylaws must be presented in writing at a regular meeting of Student Senate.'
      • Removed requirement that the Executive Committee makes a recommendation on proposed amendments.
      • Weakened timing constraints: used to require that the proposed amendment be voted upon at the next regular meeting of Senate (with a 2/3 vote). Changed to allow Senate to wait up to 3 weeks before voting on the proposal, and to allow Senate to vote immediately upon presentation, if there is a 3/4 vote in favor of this, and if Senate receives the material at least 1 week before the initial presentation.
      • Added requirement that the Constitutional Advisor keeps a record of all amendments to these Bylaws, as an appendix to the bylaws.
  • April 6, 2011:
    • All references to notification "in writing" changed to notification "via e-mail" - for the sake of clarity.
    • Article I.A.1: Clause expanded to include "to work toward enhancing the overall undergraduate student experience on campus" in the general purpose of Senate.
    • Article II: Terms & Definitions arranged in alphabetical order.
    • Article IV.B.1.b: Clause revised to clarify the constraints around accelerated/integrated masters students serving on Student Senate.
    • Article IV.J.3: Clause c inserted and clause d revised to specify voting procedures, including the disallowing of absentee ballots, the inclusion of "no confidence" votes, and the ability (or lack thereof) for candidates to vote in an election.
    • Article VI.G.3: Clause e inserted and clause f revised to specify voting procedures, including the disallowing of absentee ballots, the inclusion of "no confidence" votes, and the ability (or lack thereof) for candidates to vote in an election.
    • Article VI.H.1.j: Revised to include the (newly created) University Center Allocations Board.
    • Article VI.J.1: Numbering of sub-clauses fixed.
    • Article VI.J: Clauses 2 and 3 inserted to specify the duties and powers of the Finance Chair.
    • Article XI.I: Deleted (inserted as Article VI.J.3).
  • May 2012:
    • Article VI.J.2.b: Added a duty for the Finance Chair to give monthly reports to the Student Senate.
  • October 2015:
    • Article IV.B.3: Clauses added to define attendance requirements for New Member Caucus, and engagement hour requirements for Senators
    • Article IV.C.3.c: Clauses added to define attendance requirements for New Member Caucus, and engagement hour requirements added for Members-at-Large
    • Article IV.E.6: Clause revised to specify impact of additional engagement hours on member attendance.
    • Article IX.A.7: Added to list New Member Caucus as a Standing Committee.
    • Article IX.B: Requirement updated to require members to sit on at least one standing committee.
    • Article IX.J.2: Added to list planning New Member Caucus as a duty of the Internal Development Committee.
    • Article IX.K: Updated to define New Member Caucus, replacing the Member-at-Large Caucus definition.