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Releases: CCSI-Toolset/FOQUS

2021 February Release

04 Mar 01:42
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FOQUS 3.9.0 February 2021 Release

Start with our online documentation to get started with install instructions, examples, etc.

Note: Download the below file for all the CCSI-FOQUS examples, tutorials and test files.

3.9.0 Release Highlights:

  • Addition of the Robust Optimality-based Design of Experiments (ODoE) to the SDoE module
  • PSUADE-Lite as conda package to facilitate optional software installation for users of UQ, OUU and SDoE
    To install psuade-lite (after installing FOQUS):
    conda activate ccsi-foqus  # Use the same conda env as FOQUS was installed in
    conda install --yes -c conda-forge -c CCSI-Toolset psuade-lite
    psuade --help  # Quickly test that the psuade executable has been installed correctly
  • Various minor bug-fixes, documentation and examples improvements

2020 December Release

13 Jan 23:30
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FOQUS 3.8.0 December 2020 Release

Start with our online documentation to get started with install instructions, examples, etc.

Note: Download the below file for all the CCSI-FOQUS examples, tutorials and test files.

3.8.0 Release Highlights:

  • Addition of new SDoE capability: Input-Response Space Filling (IRSF)
  • Improvements to SDoE UI and visualization capabilities
  • Minor fixes to UQ and OUU modules regarding usability and visualization
  • Replacement of foqusPsuadeClient BAT file with entry point
  • SM Optimizer improvements
    • working with GAMS solver
    • Simplified multi start initialization at each iteration
    • Time taken to implement each step according to the algorithm, in each iteration is displayed on the message window
    • Restructured solver settings GUI - math optimization solver options can be specified by the user in a dictionary, within the GUI
    • Code style changes to follow the pep 8 standards as much as possible
  • FOQUS Cloud Notification UI now available in the Help Menu
    • Current windows displays status of Autoscaling, EC2 virtual machines, and Queues
    • To use must add a Notification section with url key to the turbine configuration file
    • FOQUS Cloud status updates are broadcast to all clients via a web socket connection
    • Web sockets are secured using wss protocol and utilizes Basic HTTP Authentication

FOQUS 3.7.2 Sept 2020 release patch #2

30 Oct 01:09
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FOQUS 3.7.2 Sept 2020 Release patch # 1

Start with our online documentation to get started with install instructions, examples, etc.

Note: Download the below file for all the CCSI-FOQUS examples, tutorials and test files.

Additionally attached below are the Demonstration examples files used during the Combined CCSI2–IDAES Stakeholder Workshop.

3.7.2 Patch Highlights:

  • Dramatic improvement to NUSF running time in SDoE

3.7.1 Patch Highlights:

  • Improvements to candidate and history file in SDoE
  • Improvements in plotting a new design with historical runs included in SDoE
  • Bugfix in surrogate modeling optimization

3.7.0 Release Highlights:

  • SDoE usability improvements
  • OUU plotting improvement; fixed bug causing segmentation fault in Mac OS
  • UQ visualization improvement; 3-input vs 1-output Response Surface visualization wasn’t working due to bug in colormap
  • Multistart option provided to the user in SM Optimizer for initializing the optimization problem at each iteration
  • ipopt installation instruction added in the SM Optimizer documentation

FOQUS 3.7.1 Sept 2020 release patch #1

22 Oct 00:32
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FOQUS 3.7.1 Sept 2020 Release patch # 1

Start with our online documentation to get started with install instructions, examples, etc.

Note: Download the below file for all the CCSI-FOQUS examples, tutorials and test files.

Additionally attached below are the Demonstration examples files used during the Combined CCSI2–IDAES Stakeholder Workshop.

3.7.1 Patch Highlights:

  • Improvements to candidate and history file in SDoE
  • Improvements in plotting a new design with historical runs included in SDoE
  • Bugfix in surrogate modeling optimization

3.7.0 Release Highlights:

  • SDoE usability improvements
  • OUU plotting improvement; fixed bug causing segmentation fault in Mac OS
  • UQ visualization improvement; 3-input vs 1-output Response Surface visualization wasn’t working due to bug in colormap
  • Multistart option provided to the user in SM Optimizer for initializing the optimization problem at each iteration
  • ipopt installation instruction added in the SM Optimizer documentation

2020 Sept Release

07 Oct 23:53
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FOQUS 3.7.0 Sept 2020 Release

Start with our online documentation to get started with install instructions, examples, etc.

Note: Download the below file for all the CCSI-FOQUS examples, tutorials and test files.

3.7.0 Release Highlights:

  • SDoE usability improvements
  • OUU plotting improvement; fixed bug causing segmentation fault in Mac OS
  • UQ visualization improvement; 3-input vs 1-output Response Surface visualization wasn’t working due to bug in colormap
  • Multistart option provided to the user in SM Optimizer for initializing the optimization problem at each iteration
  • ipopt installation instruction added in the SM Optimizer documentation

2020 June Release

07 Jul 23:59
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FOQUS 3.6.0 June 2020 Release

Start with our online documentation to get started with install instructions, examples, etc.

Note: Download the below file for all the CCSI-FOQUS examples, tutorials and test files.

3.6.0 Release Highlights:

  • Improved the SDoE capability, plotting, UI, and documentation
  • Added the of running IDAES models in FOQUS
  • Ability to check feasibility of Pyomo models, including documentation update
  • Surrogate model based optimizer, with detailed documentation and tutorial
  • Confirmed the capability of FOQUS for performing parallel computing on Cloud/AWS through rigorous testing
  • Improvements in the documentation:
    • New YouTube videos for using SDoE in FOQUS (with more to come in the future)
    • Improvements and additions to SDoE documentation
    • Adding File Formats documentation to UQ documentation section
    • New section and tutorial in the user’s manual: Instructions for running IDAES models in FOQUS
  • Various minor bug fixes
  • New Windows Desktop shortcut for easy start-up of FOQUS app.

2020 March release patch #1

03 Jun 00:54
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FOQUS 3.5.1 March 2020 Release patch # 1

Start with our online documentation to get started with install instructions, examples, etc.

3.5.1 Patch Highlights:

  • Switch to using mlrose-hiive over mlrose

3.5.0 Release Highlights:

  • New pip installer
  • Documentation improvements
  • Various bugfixes
  • AWS FOQUS parallel computing improvements

2020 March Release

03 Apr 23:38
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FOQUS 3.5.0 March 2020 Release

Start with our online documentation to get started with install instructions, examples, etc.

3.5.0 Release Highlights:

  • New pip installer
  • Documentation improvements
  • Various bugfixes
  • AWS FOQUS parallel computing improvements

2019 December Release patch #1

11 Feb 23:57
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FOQUS 3.4 December 2019 Release

Start with our online documentation to get started with install instructions, examples, etc.

3.4.1 Patch release

  • Fix pandas version to 0.25.3

3.4.0 Release Highlights

  • SDOE: The addition of the NUSF (non-uniform space filling) approach
  • Running FOQUS on AWS: Additional testing and improvements
  • Optimization: Improvements in the presentation of the results
  • Documentation improvements
  • Fixing the UQ Analyze tab for analysis post saving a session, and surrogate model validation
  • Improvements in the Optimization Tab – Additional optimization plot for mapping the actual behavior of a solver
  • Fixing the ALAMO stop button
  • Fixing Unit Tests (Automated Testing)
  • Fixing the use of original FOQUS variable format within the simple objective function expression (in the optimization tab) for OUU

2019 September Release

10 Oct 00:11
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FOQUS 3.3.0 September 2019 Release

Start with our online documentation to get started with install instructions, examples, etc.

Release Highlights

  • Documentation improvements and updates
  • New FOQUS instructional videos on the CCSI2 Team YouTube channel, including how to use:
    • Flowsheet
    • Tear streams
    • Optimization
    • UQ
    • OUU
    • Surrogate models
    • SimSinter for uploading an Excel, Aspen Plus and ACM model to FOQUS
  • FOQUS cloud rewrite/refactor for nodeJS 8.10 in the FaaS ( AWS lambda )
Modifications to “turbine” client ( Turbine Web API Client ) supporting large file upload/downloads directly to AWS S3 via SignedURLs.
  • New sets of documentation and tutorial files for:
    • SDOE (the robustness of this feature has been improved)
    • Heat Integration (modifications for Python 3 version of FOQUS)
    • Snobfit plugin (now available in Optimization)
    • Pyomo (FOQUS can now run Pyomo for performing optimization)
  • Fixed a bug in UQ that prevents the user from analyzing the ensemble data
  • Improvements in the robustness of the tear stream solver in Flowsheet
  • Improvements in OUU:
    • OUU can now be done for a single node
    • Using OUU no longer requires Windows users to modify the registry keys
  • Removal of the "Basic Data" tab (not being used by developers or users)
  • Reorganization of examples to better align with tutorials