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Terraform Module Usage in AWS


Check the following before getting started:

  • Terraform CLI is installed on your local machine.
  • You have an AWS account with the necessary permissions.
  • AWS CLI is installed and configured.

AWS CLI Authentication

Terraform will automatically use your default CLI credentials to interact with AWS.

You can set these credentials via aws configure command. You will be prompted to enter your Access Key, Secret Key, and default region:

aws configure


AWS Secret Access Key [None]: YOUR_SECRET_KEY
Default region name [None]: us-west-2
Default output format [None]: json

For more details on how to configure aws-cli, please visit the official documentation.

Using the Module

Specify the module source and version in your .tf file, along with any required inputs.

module "vpc" {
    source  = "aviatrix/controlplane-aws" // TODO: Update when in registry
    version = "0.10.5" // Only available using terraform registry

    ha_distribution         = "inter-az"
    access_account_name     = "AWS-Account"
    admin_email             = ""
    asg_notif_email         = ""
    incoming_ssl_cidr       = ["x.x.x.x/32"]
    cop_incoming_https_cidr = ["x.x.x.x/32"]
    keypair                 = "keypair1" // Must create manually
    s3_backup_bucket        = "backup-bucket" // Must create manually
    s3_backup_region        = "us-east-1"

    // Optional
    avx_customer_id = "" // Update with your customer_id

Initialize and Apply Configuration

Once you've set up your configuration, initialize and apply it:

Enter the following into your terminal.

  1. terraform init
  2. terraform apply

*Note: You will have to enter 'yes' in your cli to confirm your changes for terraform apply.

Deployment takes ~25 minutes to complete. Grab a coffee or read more about what Aviatrix can do here

For more details on how to use terraform, please visit the official documentation

Last Words

Remember to use terraform plan before applying a configuration. It'll give you handy preview.

And one final tip, it is always a good practice to version control your Terraform configurations.


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13
aws ~>5.16.1


Name Version
aws ~>5.16.1
http n/a
null n/a


Name Source Version
aviatrix-iam-roles ./aviatrix-controller-iam-roles n/a
region1 ./region-build n/a
region2 ./region-build n/a


Name Type
aws_iam_policy.ecs-policy resource
aws_iam_policy.eventbridge-policy resource
aws_iam_role.iam_for_ecs resource
aws_iam_role.iam_for_eventbridge resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.attach-policy resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.eventbridge-attach-policy resource
aws_route53_record.avx_primary resource
null_resource.region_conflict resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_region.current data source
aws_route53_zone.avx_zone data source
http_http.avx_iam_id data source
http_http.copilot_iam_id data source


Name Description Type Default Required
access_account_name The controller account friendly name (mapping to the AWS account ID) string n/a yes
admin_email Controller admin email address string n/a yes
app_role_name n/a string "aviatrix-role-app" no
asg_notif_email Email address for Controller failover notifications string n/a yes
avx_copilot_password The service account password for the Aviatrix CoPilot string "" no
avx_copilot_password_ssm_path The path to the password for CoPilot string "/aviatrix/copilot/password" no
avx_customer_id The customer ID string "" no
avx_customer_id_ssm_path The path to the Aviatrix customer ID string "/aviatrix/controller/customer_id" no
avx_customer_id_ssm_region The region the customer ID parameter is in string "us-east-1" no
avx_password The admin password for the Aviatrix Controller string "" no
avx_password_ssm_path The path to the Aviatrix password string "/aviatrix/controller/password" no
avx_password_ssm_region The region the password parameter is in string "us-east-1" no
controller_ha_enabled Whether HA is enabled for the Controller bool true no
controller_name Name of controller that will be launched string "" no
controller_version The initial version of the Aviatrix Controller at launch string "latest" no
cop_controller_auth_ip Controller IP type to be used by CoPilot for authentication - public, or private string "public" no
cop_default_data_volume_size Default data volume disk size for Copilot number 8 no
cop_default_data_volume_type Default data volume type for Copilot string "gp3" no
cop_incoming_https_cidr Incoming CIDR for HTTPS access to the CoPilot list(string) n/a yes
cop_incoming_netflow_cidr Incoming CIDR for Netflow sources to the CoPilot list(string)
cop_incoming_syslog_cidr Incoming CIDR for Syslog sources to the CoPilot list(string)
cop_instance_type CoPilot instance size string "t3.2xlarge" no
cop_root_volume_size Root volume disk size for Copilot number 25 no
cop_root_volume_type Root volume type for Copilot string "gp3" no
cop_type Type of billing, can be 'Copilot' or 'CopilotARM' string "Copilot" no
copilot_data_node_count Desired number of CoPilot data nodes in a Fault-Tolerant deployment number 3 no
copilot_deployment Desired CoPilot deployment type string "simple" no
copilot_email CoPilot user email address, if desired string "" no
copilot_ha_enabled Whether HA is enabled for CoPilot bool true no
copilot_name Name of copilot that will be launched string "" no
copilot_username CoPilot service account username, if desired string "" no
create_iam_roles n/a bool true no
dr_keypair Key pair which should be used by Aviatrix controller string "" no
dr_region DR Region for Aviatrix Controller string "us-east-2" no
dr_subnet_ids n/a list(string) [] no
dr_vpc VPC in which you want launch Aviatrix controller string "" no
dr_vpc_cidr n/a string "" no
dr_vpc_name n/a string "Aviatrix-DR-VPC" no
ec2_role_name n/a string "aviatrix-role-ec2" no
existing_copilot_dr_eip Existing EIP to associate with the DR Aviatrix CoPilot string "" no
existing_copilot_eip Existing EIP to associate with the Aviatrix CoPilot (Main Node, in a Fault-Tolerant deployment) string "" no
existing_dr_eip Existing EIP to associate with the DR Aviatrix Controller string "" no
existing_eip Existing EIP to associate with the Aviatrix Controller string "" no
ha_distribution Desired Controller high availability distribution string "single-az" no
incoming_ssl_cidr Incoming cidr for security group used by controller list(string) n/a yes
instance_type Controller instance size string "t3.large" no
inter_region_backup_enabled Specifies whether backups should be enabled on the primary controller in an inter-region deployment bool false no
keypair Key pair which should be used by Aviatrix controller string n/a yes
license_type Type of billing, can be 'MeteredPlatinum', 'BYOL' or 'Custom' string "BYOL" no
name_prefix Additional name prefix for your environment resources string "avx" no
private_zone private hostzone definition bool false no
record_name The record name to be created under exisitng route 53 zone string true no
region The region to deploy this module in string "us-east-1" no
root_volume_size Root volume disk size for controller number 64 no
root_volume_type Root volume type for Controller string "gp3" no
s3_backup_bucket S3 bucket for Controller DB backup string n/a yes
s3_backup_region AWS region of S3 backup bucket string n/a yes
standby_instance_state Standby instance state definition string "Running" no
subnet_ids n/a list(string) [] no
subnet_name n/a string "Aviatrix-Public-Subnet" no
tags Map of common tags which should be used for module resources map(string) {} no
termination_protection Enable/disable switch for termination protection bool true no
use_existing_copilot_eip Set to true if using an existing EIP for CoPilot bool false no
use_existing_eip Set to true if using an existing EIP bool false no
use_existing_vpc Set to true to use existing VPC. bool false no
vpc VPC in which you want launch Aviatrix controller string "" no
vpc_cidr n/a string "" no
vpc_name n/a string "Aviatrix-VPC" no
zone_name The exisitng route 53 zone name string true no


Name Description
controller_name n/a
controller_public_ip n/a
copilot_name n/a
copilot_public_ip n/a
dr_controller_public_ip n/a
dr_copilot_public_ip n/a
dr_lb_dns_name n/a
dr_region n/a
ha_distribution n/a
lb_dns_name n/a
log_group_name n/a
record_name n/a
region n/a
s3_backup_bucket n/a
s3_backup_region n/a
zone_name n/a