diff --git a/TCHazaRds_ACS.Rproj b/TCHazaRds_ACS.Rproj index 584b854..bf73ff4 100644 --- a/TCHazaRds_ACS.Rproj +++ b/TCHazaRds_ACS.Rproj @@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ BuildType: Package PackageUseDevtools: Yes PackageInstallArgs: --no-multiarch --with-keep.source PackageCheckArgs: --as-cran -PackageRoxygenize: rd,collate,namespace +PackageRoxygenize: rd,collate,namespace,vignette diff --git a/src/TCHazaRds.dll b/src/TCHazaRds.dll index d0bee17..6969338 100644 Binary files a/src/TCHazaRds.dll and b/src/TCHazaRds.dll differ diff --git a/vignettes/Introduction_to_TCHazaRds.R b/vignettes/Introduction_to_TCHazaRds.R index 149c310..fe66fba 100644 --- a/vignettes/Introduction_to_TCHazaRds.R +++ b/vignettes/Introduction_to_TCHazaRds.R @@ -33,8 +33,7 @@ TCi = TC[46] ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- paramsTable = read.csv(system.file("extdata/tuningParams/defult_params.csv",package = "TCHazaRds")) -#paramsTable$value[6:7] = c(0,0) -paramsTable#knitr::kable(paramsTable,caption = "Parameter file") +knitr::kable(paramsTable,caption = "Parameter file") ## ----out.width = '80%',fig.height=4,fig.width=6, fig.align = "center"--------- r = rast(xmin = 145,xmax=149,ymin = -19,ymax = -16.5,resolution=.01) @@ -51,3 +50,88 @@ GEO_land = land_geometry(land_r,inland_proximity) #plot(TC,add=TRUE) +## ----out.width = '80%',fig.height=4,fig.width=6, fig.align = "center"--------- +ats = seq(0, 65, length=14) +HAZi = TCHazaRdsWindField(GEO_land = GEO_land,TC = TCi,paramsTable=paramsTable,returnWaves = TRUE) +library(raster) # convert for raster plots +dummy = raster::raster() +TC_sp = list("sp.lines",as(TC,"Spatial"),col="black") +sp::spplot(HAZi,"Sw",at=ats,sp.layout = TC_sp,main = "Surface wind speed [m/s]") +ats = seq(0, 16, length=9) +sp::spplot(HAZi,"Hs0",at=ats,sp.layout = TC_sp,main = "Deep water significant wave height [m]") + + +## ----out.width = '80%',fig.height=4,fig.width=6, fig.align = "center"--------- +ats = seq(0, 65, length=14) +if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows"){ + UV = as(c(HAZi["Uw"],HAZi["Vw"]),"Raster") #need to convert back to raster + rasterVis::vectorplot(UV, isField='dXY', col.arrows='white', aspX=0.002,aspY=0.002,at=ats , + colorkey=list(at=ats), par.settings=viridisTheme)+latticeExtra::layer(sp.lines(as(TC,"Spatial"),col="red")) +} + +## ----out.width = '80%',fig.height=4,fig.width=6, fig.align = "center"--------- +HAZ = TCHazaRdsWindFields(GEO_land=GEO_land,TC=TC,paramsTable=paramsTable) +sp::spplot(max(HAZ$Sw),at=ats,sp.layout = TC_sp) + +## ----out.width = '80%',fig.height=4,fig.width=6, fig.align = "center"--------- +outdate = seq(strptime(TC$ISO_TIME[1],"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",tz="UTC"), + strptime(rev(TC$ISO_TIME)[1],"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",tz="UTC"), + 3600) +HAZI = TCHazaRdsWindFields(outdate=outdate,GEO_land=GEO_land,TC=TC,paramsTable=paramsTable) +sp::spplot(max(HAZI$Sw),at=ats,sp.layout = TC_sp) + +## ----out.width = '80%',fig.height=4,fig.width=6, fig.align = "center"--------- + +outdate = seq(strptime(TC$ISO_TIME[1],"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",tz="UTC"), + strptime(rev(TC$ISO_TIME)[1],"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",tz="UTC"), + 600) + +GEO_landp = data.frame(dem=0,lons = 147,lats=-18,f=-4e-4,inlandD = 0) +HAZts = TCHazaRdsWindTimeSereies(GEO_land=GEO_landp,TC=TC,paramsTable = paramsTable) +HAZtsi = TCHazaRdsWindTimeSereies(outdate = outdate,GEO_land=GEO_landp,TC=TC,paramsTable = paramsTable) + +main = paste(TCi$NAME[1],TCi$SEASON[1],"at",GEO_landp$lons,GEO_landp$lats) +if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows"){ + suppressWarnings(with(HAZts,plot(date,Sw,format = "%b-%d %HZ",type="l",main = main,ylab = "Wind speed [m/s]"))) + with(HAZtsi,lines(date,Sw,col=2)) + legend("topleft",c("6 hrly","10 min interpolated"),col = c(1,2),lty=1) +} + +## ----out.width = '80%',fig.height=4,fig.width=6, fig.align = "center"--------- +TCi$thetaFm = 90-returnBearing(TCi) +pp <- TCProfilePts(TC_line = TCi,bear=TCi$thetaFm+90,length =150,step=1) +#extract the GEO_land +GEO_land_v = extract(GEO_land,pp,bind=TRUE,method = "bilinear") +HAZp = TCHazaRdsWindProfile(GEO_land_v,TCi,paramsTable) + +HAZie = extract(HAZi,pp,bind=TRUE)#,method = "bilinear") + +wcol = colorRampPalette(c("white","lightblue","blue","violet","purple")) +#see ?terra::plot +plot(HAZi,"Sw",levels=ats,col = wcol(13),range = range(ats),type="continuous",all_levels=TRUE) +#plot(HAZp,add=TRUE,cex=1.2) +plot(HAZp,"Sw",levels=ats,col = wcol(13),range = range(ats),type="continuous",border="grey")#,all_levels=TRUE) +lines(TC) + +## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +TCi$B = 2.2 +paramsTableCB = paramsTable +paramsTableCB$value[paramsTableCB$param == "betaModel"] = NA +HAZpCP = TCHazaRdsWindProfile(GEO_land_v,TCi,paramsTableCB) + + +## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +TCi$RMAX2 = 200 +paramsTableRMAX2 = paramsTable +paramsTableRMAX2$value[paramsTableRMAX2$param == "rMax2Model"] = NA +HAZpRMAX2 = TCHazaRdsWindProfile(GEO_land_v,TCi,paramsTableRMAX2) + + +## ----out.width = '80%',fig.height=4,fig.width=6, fig.align = "center"--------- +plot(HAZp$radialdist,HAZp$Sw,type="l",xlab = "Radial distance [km]",ylab = "Wind speed [m/s]",ylim = c(0,70));grid() +lines(HAZp$radialdist,HAZpCP$Sw,col=2) +lines(HAZpRMAX2$radialdist,HAZpRMAX2$Sw,col=4) +legend("topleft",c("B = MK14, RMAX2 = 150 km",paste0("B = ",TCi$B,", RMAX2 = 150 km"),paste0("B = MK14, RMAX2 = ",TCi$RMAX2," km")),lty=1,col = c(1,2,4),cex=.7) +title("Profiles of different peakness B and outer radius RMAX2 parameters",cex.main=.9) + + diff --git a/vignettes/Introduction_to_TCHazaRds.html b/vignettes/Introduction_to_TCHazaRds.html index 0f6fdb3..438a01e 100644 --- a/vignettes/Introduction_to_TCHazaRds.html +++ b/vignettes/Introduction_to_TCHazaRds.html @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ - + Introduction to TCHazaRds @@ -340,7 +340,7 @@

Introduction to TCHazaRds

Julian O’Grady





@@ -394,8 +394,7 @@

Input 2: The TC model parameters

which are provided for the default settings with the package and shown below.

paramsTable = read.csv(system.file("extdata/tuningParams/defult_params.csv",package = "TCHazaRds"))
-#paramsTable$value[6:7] = c(0,0)
-knitr::kable(paramsTable,caption = "Parameter file")
+knitr::kable(paramsTable,caption = "Parameter file") @@ -414,95 +413,103 @@

Input 2: The TC model parameters

- + - +TC$RMAX, see function rMax_modelsR + + + + + - +TC$B, see function beta_modelsR + + + + + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
Parameter file
eP 1010.0000“environmental pressure [hPa]”environmental pressure [hPa]
rMaxModel 1.0000“TC radius of maximum winds model +TC radius of maximum winds model c(‘AP21’=0,‘MK14’=1,‘WR04’=2,‘VW08’=3,‘TW08’=4), or NA to use input -TC\(RMW, see function rMax_modelsR()" | -|vMaxModel | 1.0000|"TC maximum velocity model -c('AP21'=0,'MK14'=1,'WR04'=2,'VW08'=3,'AH77'=4), -or NA to use input TC\)VMAX, see function vMax_modelsR()”
vMaxModel1.0000TC maximum velocity model +c(‘AP21’=0,‘MK14’=1,‘WR04’=2,‘VW08’=3,‘AH77’=4), or NA to use input +TC$VMAX, see function vMax_modelsR
betaModel 1.0000“TC beta model +TC beta model c(‘AP21’=0,‘MK14’=1,‘WR04’=2,‘VW08’=3,‘AH77’=4), or NA to use input -TC$B, see function beta_modelsR()”
rMax2Model1.0000TC outer radius of 17.5m/s winds model +(‘150km’=1,‘CK22’=2), or NA to use inuput TC$RMAX2, see function +rMax2_modelsR
pressureProfileModel 0.0000“TC pressure profile -c(‘Holland’=0,‘McConochie’=2)”TC pressure profile c(‘Holland’=0,‘McConochie’=2)
windProfileModel 2.0000“TC wind profile c(‘Holland’=0,‘McConochie’=2)”TC wind profile c(‘Holland’=0,‘McConochie’=2)
windVortexModel 2.0000“TC wind vortex model -c(‘Kepert’=0,‘Hubbert’=1,‘McConochie’=2,‘Jelesnianski’=4)”TC wind vortex model +c(‘Kepert’=0,‘Hubbert’=1,‘McConochie’=2,‘Jelesnianski’=4)
g 9.8100“acceleration due to gravity [m/s2]”acceleration due to gravity [m/s2]
rhoa 1.1400“air density [kg/m3]”air density [kg/m3]
surface 1.0000“equals one if winds are reduced from the gradient -level to the surface, otherwise gradient winds are returned.[-]”equals one if winds are reduced from the gradient level +to the surface, otherwise gradient winds are returned.[-]
Decay_a1 0.6150“exponential surface wind decay inland constant -[-]”exponential surface wind decay inland constant [-]
Decay_a2 0.9450“exponential surface wind decay over water constant -[-]”exponential surface wind decay over water constant +[-]
Decay_a3 0.5125“exponential surface wind decay inland exponent -[-]”exponential surface wind decay inland exponent [-]
Wave_a 0.2900“O’Grady 2024 eq.1 a parameter”O’Grady 2024 eq.1 a parameter
Wave_x 1.0600“O’Grady 2024 eq.1 x parameter”O’Grady 2024 eq.1 x parameter
Wave_b -0.0157“O’Grady 2024 eq.1 b parameter”O’Grady 2024 eq.1 b parameter
Wave_c -0.0294“O’Grady 2024 eq.1 c parameter”O’Grady 2024 eq.1 c parameter
@@ -543,10 +550,10 @@

Output Wind and Wave Feild

dummy = raster::raster() TC_sp = list("sp.lines",as(TC,"Spatial"),col="black") sp::spplot(HAZi,"Sw",at=ats,sp.layout = TC_sp,main = "Surface wind speed [m/s]") -


ats = seq(0, 16, length=9)
 sp::spplot(HAZi,"Hs0",at=ats,sp.layout = TC_sp,main = "Deep water significant wave height [m]")


The package rasterVis:: allows pretty spatial vector plots of the wind field via the vectorplot function (tested on MS-Windows machine).

@@ -556,14 +563,14 @@

Output Wind and Wave Feild

rasterVis::vectorplot(UV, isField='dXY', col.arrows='white', aspX=0.002,aspY=0.002,at=ats , colorkey=list(at=ats), par.settings=viridisTheme)+latticeExtra::layer(sp.lines(as(TC,"Spatial"),col="red")) } -


The hazard can be also calculated for the entire track too (by adding a s to the end of TCHazaRdsWindField to make it plural), and then the maximum wind speed at each grid cell can be plotted.

HAZ = TCHazaRdsWindFields(GEO_land=GEO_land,TC=TC,paramsTable=paramsTable)
 sp::spplot(max(HAZ$Sw),at=ats,sp.layout = TC_sp)


The track can be interpolate to say, hourly intervals by defining an outdate from the start to the end date of the TC, stepping by 3600 seconds. The output from these functions can be written to a @@ -575,7 +582,7 @@

Output Wind and Wave Feild

3600) HAZI = TCHazaRdsWindFields(outdate=outdate,GEO_land=GEO_land,TC=TC,paramsTable=paramsTable) sp::spplot(max(HAZI$Sw),at=ats,sp.layout = TC_sp) -


Output wind time series

@@ -597,7 +604,7 @@

Output wind time series

with(HAZtsi,lines(date,Sw,col=2)) legend("topleft",c("6 hrly","10 min interpolated"),col = c(1,2),lty=1) }


Output wind Profile

@@ -615,15 +622,33 @@

Output wind Profile

wcol = colorRampPalette(c("white","lightblue","blue","violet","purple")) #see ?terra::plot plot(HAZi,"Sw",levels=ats,col = wcol(13),range = range(ats),type="continuous",all_levels=TRUE)


 plot(HAZp,"Sw",levels=ats,col = wcol(13),range = range(ats),type="continuous",border="grey")#,all_levels=TRUE)



TC wind fields can be modelled, or tested, with observed, or +constant, B (Beta) profile peakedness parameter by defining TC$B and +setting betaModel = NA in paramsTable

TCi$B = 2.2
+paramsTableCB = paramsTable
+paramsTableCB$value[paramsTableCB$param == "betaModel"] = NA
+HAZpCP = TCHazaRdsWindProfile(GEO_land_v,TCi,paramsTableCB)

Other parameters can be adjusted, here we model a larger outer radius +(RMAX2) profile parameter by defining TC$RMAX2 and setting rMax2Model = +NA in paramsTable

TCi$RMAX2 = 200
+paramsTableRMAX2 = paramsTable
+paramsTableRMAX2$value[paramsTableRMAX2$param == "rMax2Model"] = NA
+HAZpRMAX2 = TCHazaRdsWindProfile(GEO_land_v,TCi,paramsTableRMAX2)

Positive radial distance values are to the right of the forward motion (90 deg clockwise).

plot(HAZp$radialdist,HAZp$Sw,type="l",xlab = "Radial distance [km]",ylab = "Wind speed [m/s]");grid()

plot(HAZp$radialdist,HAZp$Sw,type="l",xlab = "Radial distance [km]",ylab = "Wind speed [m/s]",ylim = c(0,70));grid()
+legend("topleft",c("B = MK14, RMAX2 = 150 km",paste0("B = ",TCi$B,", RMAX2 = 150 km"),paste0("B = MK14, RMAX2 = ",TCi$RMAX2," km")),lty=1,col = c(1,2,4),cex=.7)
+title("Profiles of different peakness B and outer radius RMAX2 parameters",cex.main=.9)

Julian O’Grady is a @csiro.au climate scientist investigating coastal hazards and impacts.