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File metadata and controls

138 lines (109 loc) · 6.8 KB


Purpose of this document

This document is meant to highlight security-relevant aspects of this tool that might facilitate a rigorous audit process.

Data exfiltration

These are some of the built-in protections to prevent data exfiltration.

Content Security Policy (CSP)

Content Security Policy (CSP) is used to restrict communication with the outside world. In particular, no external resources are allowed to be loaded. This may be verified by assessing the contents of the corresponding <meta> tag and confirming that no external content is allowed.


  •, or similar functions that can be used to make requests to external resources, is not used.
  • Form submissions: No forms with an external action attribute that could lead to data exfiltration are used. This is further enforced with CSP.
  • Links: Links to external resources use statically-defined URLs that do not depend on user input. No links to external resources are automatically opened without user interaction.

Dynamic resource loading

  • fetch() / XMLHttpRequest: Only used for local resources. Also restricted by CSP.
  • import(): Not used. Also restricted by CSP.
  • ping attribute: Not used. Also restricted by CSP.
  • Other dynamic resources: Not used. Also restricted by CSP.

Additional measures

All cryptographic operations are sandboxed where possible. This places additional restrictions on the flow of data.


Cryptographic primitives

This application relies on the primitives exposed by the SubtleCrypto API for constructing and parsing a Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) payload.

The following methods of the SubtleCrypto API are used:

  • decrypt: When decrypting a file, this function is used to decrypt the Content Encryption Key (CEK) with a password-derived Key Encryption Key (KEK), and to use that CEK to decrypt the file and file name.
  • deriveKey: When encrypting or decrypting a file, this function is used to derive the Key Encryption Key (KEK) from a user-supplied password.
  • encrypt: When encrypting a file, this function is used to encrypt the Content Encryption Key (CEK) with a password-derived Key Encryption Key (KEK), and to use that CEK to encrypt the file and file name.
  • exportKey: When encrypting a file, this function is used to export the randomly-generated Content Encryption Key (CEK). This is needed so that it can then be encrypted using the Key Encryption Key (KEK) and included, in encrypted form, in the CMS payload.
  • generateKey: When encrypting a file, this function is used to generate a random AES-256-GCM Content Encryption Key (CEK), which is subsequently used to encrypt user-supplied data.
  • importKey: When encrypting or decrypting a file, this function is used on the user-supplied password in order to derive the Key Encryption Key (KEK). Additionally, when decrypting a file, this function is used to import the Content Encryption Key (CEK) after it has been decrypted.

Additionally, the getRandomValues method of the Crypto API is used as an entropy source when encrypting a file. This is used to derive a salt, used in the KEK derivation process, as well as to generate initialisation vectors (IVs) for encrypted payloads.

Password-based key derivation

The user-supplied password is used to derive the Key Encryption Key (KEK) using the PBKDF2 algorithm. This is implemented in the file src/lib/deriveKEK.ts.

Data encryption and decryption

Data encryption

User-supplied data (file and file name) are encrypted in two separate steps, one for file contents and another for a file name. The base implementation for encryption can be found in the file src/lib/fileEncryptionCms.ts. Additionally, the file src/sandbox/fileEncryptionCms.ts implements the two distinct steps used for contents and name.

Data decryption

User-supplied data (file and file name) are decrypted in two separate steps, one for file contents and another for a file name. The base implementation for decryption can be found in the file src/lib/fileDecryptionCms.ts. Additionally, the file src/sandbox/fileDecryptionCms.ts implements the two distinct steps used for contents and name.

Initialisation vector (IV) reuse

Because this application uses AES-256-GCM, it is of paramount importance that initialisation vectors are not reused. This is accomplished by generating fresh initialisation vectors each time one is needed.

Other relevant files

  • src/lib/constructCmsData.ts: This file implements construction of a CMS payload (used after encryption). It does not handle unprotected user data, but is used to produce a payload that is derived from user input.
  • src/lib/fixBrokenSandboxSecureContext.ts: This file is used to define various methods provided by the SubtleCrypto API if they are not available. Certain browsers do not consider the sandboxed environment a secure context, which means that the SubtleCrypto API is not available. In those cases, this file is used to define those methods with an external implementation, provided by the top document. While this is necessary in these situations, it negates some of the isolation that a fully sandboxed environment would provide.
  • src/lib/parseCmsData.ts: This file implements partial parsing of a CMS payload (used before decryption). It does not handle unprotected user data, but it receives user-supplied input that will ultimately be used to recover encrypted user data.
  • src/lib/setupConstructCmsSandbox.ts: This file implements the creation of a sandbox for constructing a CMS payload. The sandbox entrypoint is that from src/sandbox/constructCmsData.ts.
  • src/lib/setupDecryptionSandbox.ts: This file implements the creation of two sandboxes used during decryption, one to derive the KEK and another one to decrypt data. The sandbox entrypoints are those from src/sandbox/deriveKEK.ts and src/lib/fileDecryptionCms.ts.
  • src/lib/setupEncryptionSandbox.ts: This file implements the creation of two sandboxes used during encryption, one to derive the KEK and another one to encrypt data. The sandbox entrypoints are those from src/sandbox/deriveKEK.ts and src/lib/fileEncryptionCms.ts.
  • src/lib/setupParseCmsSandbox.ts: This file implements the creation of a sandbox for parsing a CMS payload. The sandbox entrypoint is that from src/sandbox/parseCmsData.ts.
  • src/sandbox/constructCmsData.ts: Wrapper around src/lib/constructCmsData.ts.
  • src/sandbox/deriveKEK.ts: Wrapper around src/sandbox/deriveKEK.ts.
  • src/sandbox/parseCmsData.ts: Wrapper around src/lib/parseCmsData.ts.