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435 lines (316 loc) · 21.5 KB

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435 lines (316 loc) · 21.5 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Prefix the change with one of these keywords:

  • Added: for new features.
  • Changed: for changes in existing functionality.
  • Deprecated: for soon-to-be removed features.
  • Removed: for now removed features.
  • Fixed: for any bug fixes.
  • Security: in case of vulnerabilities.



  • Changed: updated Amsterdam Sans font
  • Changed: show fallback font while font files are loading
  • Added: content prop for StepByStepNav


  • Changed: Replace Avenir font with Amsterdam Sans
  • Fixed: pass Modal prop zIndexOffset also to BackDrop


  • Added: custom labels for Pagination component
  • Added: Support for React 18


  • StepByStepNav component: alignment changes and addition of breakpoint prop


  • Changed: page prop in Pagination component can be managed externally


  • Added: experimental StepByStepNav component


  • Added Avenir Bold font
  • Allow passing a ReactNode as the value of the label prop in the Select component
  • Fixed: Link icons are now aligned properly based on line-height
  • Added: Descriptionlist component


  • Fixed: default 100% width for Table component


  • Added: experimental Table component
  • Fixed: Long contiguous text overlaps Alert in mobile view
  • Fixed: close button style issues in TextField component


  • Added: ssr and toggleAt props to FooterSection component
  • Deprecated: showAt and hideAt props of FooterSection component
  • Fixed: unwanted props bleeding through to HTML attributes when using Icon and Spinner
  • Added: Pagination component


  • Added: ssr prop to Header and AmsterdamLogo components for correct server side rendering
  • Added: transient prop $darkBackground to Link component
  • Added: keyevent on ContextMenu: close when pressing escape
  • Removed: Console warning in ContextMenu for not passing the right children
  • Removed: Support for React 16
  • Removed: ViewerContainer component
  • Added: Datepicker component
  • Changed: Radio and Checkbox component HTML div tag to span
  • Added: Switch component


  • Fixed: issue with not programmically changing the active / initial tab on Tabs component
  • Deprecated: initialTab in Tabs component. Please use activeTab instead.
  • Added: Quote component


  • Fixed: Taskflow button has better focus state


  • Changed: BREAKING hooks object is not exported anymore. You can import hooks now directly, for example import { useFocus } from '@amsterdam/asc-ui' #1528
  • Removed: BREAKING the variant prop in Checkbox component, #1539
  • Changed: Breadcrumbs component now marked as stable
  • Changed: Line-height of breadcrumbs component according to spec.


  • Fixed: Search button in header is elongated #1227
  • Fixed: Searchbar focus management #1485
  • Removed: BREAKING Focus component #1507
  • Removed: BREAKING Variant prop in Radio component, tertiary variant is now default #1125


  • Added: Support for React 17
  • Changed: BREAKING Minimum React version is now 16.14.0
  • Changed: BREAKING Minimum Styled Components version is now 5.1.0


  • Added: headerLogoTextAs prop to Header component to overwrite the default h1 tag
  • Fixed: The Select component shows the default browser focus
  • Changed: The as and forwardedAs props are now correctly typed with the ElementType type.


  • Changed: Types for the Alert component (AlertProps and AlertLevel) are now exported from the package root.


  • Added: New Breadcumbs component #1241
  • Fixed: Modal component no longer produces zIndexOffset exceptions #1289
  • Fixed: Tag component width is now displayed correctly in IE11 #634
  • Changed: ContextMenu will now work without managing the open prop from a parent component #1321
  • Changed: Most of the documentation has been re-written to use the MDX file format #558
  • Changed: Button component now changes background color when focussed #1296
  • Changed: BREAKING the Alert levels have been modified to align to their respective function #1295


  • Added: initialTab prop to Tabs component


  • Changed: ButtonProps is now exported publicly from the package.


  • Changed: Moved packages to @amsterdam organization on NPM.


  • Fixed: issue where the Select component would call the onChange callback both on component mount as well as on value change.
  • Changed: Refactored and exported srOnlyStyle for screen-reader only elements.


  • Fixed: Previous version did not publish, use this one instead.


  • Fixed: Radio button active state had bug on IE11


  • Fixed: alert close button overrides min-width


  • Fixed: Buttons need to be at least 90px width
  • Changed: Changed Tabs TabButton color in accordance with Design System, added padding to tab content in Tabs stories
  • Changed: Tabs container fade is now same width as tab-button right margin
  • Fixed: Icon overlay of Checkbox now ignores pointer events
  • Fixed: Taskflow button had a styling issue when focussed


  • Removed: style rule max-width: 620px from FormTitle
  • Added: A new experimental Tabs component for tabbed content.
  • Deprecated: icon prop now only accepts strings: download or external. If you want to use a custom icon, please pass it as a child
  • Changed: icon prop to render a download or external link icon
  • Deprecated: with-chevron variant in Link component. Please use inList prop instead
  • Removed: custom (yellow) focus-styles on focussable components, so it will now use the browser's default
  • Removed: BREAKING fillWhenFocused, focusFill, outlineWhenFocused and focusOutline
  • Removed: BREAKING focusStyle prop in Link component
  • Added: CompactThemeProvider now accepts the same props as ThemeProvider
  • Changed: Utility functions for applying focus styling are now exported (focusOutline, outlineWhenFocused, focusFill, and fillWhenFocused)
  • Fixed: The Select component with the disabled prop had an issue with background-color (See PR)
  • Changed: BREAKING indeterminate state on checkbox should only work when checked === false and not truthy. This also inverts behaviour when clicking on an indeterminate checkbox: it will enable all instead of disable all first
  • Added: Form elements Checkbox and Radio now have a white background (instead of transparent) (see PR).
  • Added: SVG assets for Ball, Bell, Broom, Building, Buildings, Camera, Car, ChargingPoint, ChatBubble, Chatting, Clock, Collaborate, DocumentCheckmark, DocumentEdit, DocumentEuroSign, EditDocument, Energy, EuroCoin, FastForward, Favourite, Filter, FontEnlarge, FullScreen, HandEuroCoin, Handicap, HousePlant, Housing, IdentityCard, Info, Lamp, Layers, List, LocationFields, MarketStall, Minimize, Pause, PersonDesk, PersonalLogin, Phone, Picture, Plane, Play, Pointer, PublicParks, Purse, Reaction, Religion, Replay, Ruler, Share, Stop, Student, Suitcase, Swimming, ThumbnailResults, ThumbsDown, ThumbsUp, UmbrellaChairs, Video, Volume, VolumeOff, Vote, Wifi icons
  • Changed: SVG Ellipsis icon
  • Changed: BREAKING Removed fill attribute from SVG ChevronSorting icon


  • Changed: Introduced createEvent utility to support creating events in older browsers.
  • Removed: BREAKING previously marked deprecated components
  • Changed: Link component works better on dark backgrounds
  • Changed: BREAKING Footer components. Check out footer story for example on usage
  • Added: Export SelectWrapperStyle
  • Changed: BREAKING set height of input and select elements to 44px (from 40px) to match the design system
  • Added: Make it possible to programmatically set the value and value label for the select component


  • Added: general deprecatedWarning
  • Deprecated: color prop in Paragraph and Typography components. Instead use your own custom style rules.
  • Changed: updated the styling of Alert conform to design system
  • Changed: Select can now handle large texts by overflowing into an ellipsis
  • Changed: BREAKING removed the compact prop/variant in Alert
  • Changed: BREAKING svgFill now only accepts CSS color literal or a ThemeFn which returns a CSS color (see: #594).
  • Changed: BREAKING The Link component no longer supports passing in a color prop, use a styled component with the svgFill instead.
  • Changed: BREAKING elements using aria-hidden are no longer set to display: none
  • Fixed: BackDrop component is now decoupled from React Portals
  • Fixed: Button in the SearchBar component is now aligned with the TextField
  • Fixed: Toggle now hides elements inside properly
  • Deprecated: onDarkBackground prop in Link. Use darkBackground instead.
  • Added: make it possible to define which boundaries should be used for edge detection


  • Changed: ContextMenu list is positioned absolute now
  • Added: ContextMenuSelect component, to be used for touchscreens. Check out the story on how to implement
  • Changed: ::after and ::before pseudo elements are now also set to box-sizing: border-box; by default
  • Changed: HTML5 elements are set to display block for older browsers
  • Added: Supplement colors to default theme
  • Changed: Stabilized TopTaskLink
  • Added: directChildrenOnly argument for useFocusWithArrows hook
  • Added: noMultiline prop to Accordion.
  • Changed: Accordion displays multiline title by default
  • Changed: slight changes to icons in asc-assets': Pano, Map, DocumentText, Data and Api
  • Added: Alert component has a new variant: warning
  • Added: ErrorMessage component
  • Added: Added TextArea component
  • Added: Added FormTitle component (see design system)
  • Fixed: Radio and Checkbox warnings on new setState() updates by react-dom. Check here for more info.
  • Changed: Internal SVG icon imports are replaced with React components, eliminating the need for including an SVG loader (closes #459)
  • Added: Added TopTaskLink component
  • Added: theme prop to ThemeProvider to pass a custom theme
  • Changed: BREAKING ASC now ships with ESM modules using the module field. Make sure that the code is transformed properly if you need to support older platforms (see the documentation or this example WebPack project).
  • Changed: BREAKING createTheme method from Theme.
  • Changed: BREAKING removed themeName from ThemeProvider
  • Changed: BREAKING removed asc-core package. Theme and ascDefaultTheme can now be found in asc-ui
  • Changed: BREAKING AlertMessage export is renamed to Alert.
  • Changed: BREAKING Icon component refactored color attribute to being string with css color.
  • Changed: BREAKING removed the errorMessage prop in Select. Use the error prop and the ErrorMessage component
  • Changed: BREAKING removed the errorMessage prop in TextField. Use the error prop and the ErrorMessage component
  • Added Hidden component


  • Changed: AmsterdamLogo is now the default logo in the Header


  • Changed: Breaking SearchBar - onChange and onSubmit will pass an event now instead of the input value
  • Deprecated: SearchBar - onWatchValue and onSubmit button. Instead wrap the component in a form element with an onSubmit and use onChange and onClear instead of onWatchValue
  • Removed: text-decoration hover styling from the HeaderTitle component (according to design system)
  • Added: indeterminate state to Checkboxes
  • Changed: BREAKING package styled-components is now a peer-dependency in asc-core! Include the package styled-components in your project.
  • Changed: The TextField component does now have an associated label
  • Changed: Discernible name for the AmsterdamLogo anchor
  • Changed: Accessible names for the ShareButton component
  • Added: Accordion component
  • Added: Alert component
  • Deprecated: GridContainer & GridItem, use Row with Column instead
  • Changed: arrowIcon on ContextMenu is not required anymore
  • Changed: BREAKING dropped support for $as prop (used components: Button, Tag, Heading, FooterHeading and Link). Use styled-component's forwardedAs prop instead
  • Changed: BREAKING objectFitPolyfill is now a peerDependency in asc-ui
  • Changed: Header logo can be passed as a prop in the Header component.


  • Changed: BREAKING Moved @datapunt/asc-assets/assets/** to @datapunt/asc-assets/static/** (lowercase)
  • Changed: The perceivedLoading utility is now exported so it can be used in other apps
  • Added: Make it possible to pass a z-index offset to the backdrop
  • Added: CompactPager component
  • Fixed: Breaking z-index on the Header

[0.18.0] - 2020-01-20

  • Changed: Removed background-color style for List comp
  • Fixed: click outside modal box didn't close the modal
  • Added: "open" prop to MenuToggle to also control the open-state outside of the component
  • Added: Select (dropdown) component.
  • Changed: TextField got new FormLabel with errorMessage
  • Changed: FormLabel has updated style (to design system)
  • Changed: Input has error variant
  • Added: RadioGroup component.
  • Changed: Radio component. (completely redeveloped)
  • Changed: FilterBox component (removed show more button + sublabel)
  • Fixed: IE11 support, by adding babel-loader to webpack config
  • Added: FilterTag component.
  • Changed: Keep the toggle component background colour when toggled and not toggled.
  • Added: Export a BackDrop component that can be used for i.e. React Portals
  • Changed: Setup for managing the z-index of the project's components, z-index can now be imported in single projects
  • Added: active prop to MenuButton to enable activeStyles (instead of only on :hover, :focus)
  • Fixed: Update styling on Text Button variant
  • Fixed: Menu also closes OnMouseLeave when it was opened with an onClick event
  • Added: ViewerContainer component, a placeholder on viewers to hold components
  • Fixed: Modal issue: closing modal when clicking on it
  • Expose context components to be used in custom components

[0.17.5] - 2019-10-30

  • Added: Functionality to publish a canary release for internal testing
  • Added: Checkbox has a new variant: 'tertiary'
  • Changed: Publish script for stable releases has changed, due to addition of canary releases
  • Removed: Breaking change: css prop for SearchBar and SearchBarToggle.

[0.17.4] - 2019-10-23

  • Added: Button has a new variant: 'application'
  • Added: Components "FilterBox" and "FilterOption"
  • Added: LabelContext for getting an active state when used with a Checkbox

[0.17.3] - 2019-10-16

  • Added: default position prop for Label(Text) is 'right'
  • Added: Checkbox has Error state, by passing an error prop
  • Fixed: updated Checkbox according to design system

[0.17.2] - 2019-10-14


  • Added: accessibility support for MenuFlyOut to navigate with arrow keys when open
  • Fixed: firefox issue with blurring on MenuFlyOut

[0.17.0] - 2019-10-14

  • Fixed: reset the breakpoints for typography in the CompactTheme as they are not used in this theme
  • Added: Make it possible to order the ListItems inside a List component by passing an order prop
  • Added: OrderedList component
  • Changed: Card and ImageCard 'loading' prop to 'isLoading'

[0.16.0] - 2019-09-17

  • Changed: max-width on Container is now desktop (1920px)
  • Changed: max-width on HeaderWrapperStyle is moved to HeaderStyle.
  • Removed: specific parameter hasLongText from the paragraph, will be implemented in the consumer applications
  • Changed: the breakpoints for the typography font sizes are changed to from tabletS to laptop
  • Removed: width: 100% on CustomHTMLBlock img and video

[0.15.5] - 2019-09-17

  • Added: theme spacing unit and a themeSpacing util to retrieve a size from the theme's spacing unit.
  • Fixed: issue with button's size
  • Changed: The max-width value of the header is now defined by the max width of the grid in the theme configuration
  • Deprecated: fromTheme util method. Use getValueFromTheme instead

[0.14.2-rc.1] - 2019-09-09

  • Fixed: issue with button's margin
  • Added: bullet-list style to List component
  • Removed: Dataportaal implemenation for header and frontpage blocks
  • Added: extra focus style options
  • Added: Button variants Text button (transparent and borderless) and Taskflow button (adds narrow arrow on the right side of the button)

[0.13.2] - 2019-09-04

  • Added: export CompactThemeProvider

[0.13.1] - 2019-09-02

  • Added: Checkbox component
  • Deprecated: Renamed the color function for extracting a color from the theme to themeColor for resolving ambiguity with the color prop in css

[0.12.7] - 2019-08-21


  • Fixed: svg object contains svg's again


  • Changed: Set Modal's className on wrapper (solved issue where className was set on Portal component)

[0.12.3] - 2019-08-21

  • Fixed: IE11 issue in Article component

[0.12.2] - 2019-08-20

  • Deprecated: 'linkType' on Link component. Please use variant instead.
  • Added: Able to pass a 'color' prop to Link
  • Changed: Link now has a default color black
  • Removed: margin-top from Footer and max-width from FooterContent (very specific styling)
  • Changed: MenuFlyOut no longer opens on tab keydown, only enter or space (besides click or mouseover)
  • Changed: LinkList(LinkListItem) is renamed to List(ListItem), the Link functionality has to be done in the implementation
  • Changed: Breaking change, ListItem(div) is replaced by a ListItem(li), was used as block container in the Modal, Should be replaced in the implementation

[0.12.0] - 2019-08-13

  • Added: MenuButton component: this now can be used as a button or link inside MenuItem
  • Changed: BREAKING MenuItem now doesn't accept any onClick or href props: it's just a wrapper now. Use MenuButton inside MenuItem
  • Removed: functionality to use arrows inside a MenuFlyOut / MenuToggle. This created a lot of (unnecessary) complexity. Perhaps will be added in the future if really needed.

[0.11.0] - 2019-08-09

  • Added: Card components with implementation stories
  • Added: tag component
  • Added: new way of loading svg's: instead of importing like this: import Logo from '@datapunt/asc-assets/lib/assets/Icons/Logo.svg' you now can use the svg object: import { svg } from '@amsterdam/asc-assets' and load it like this: background-image: url(${svg.Logo})
  • Added: Image component can render images as a square (including IE11)

[0.10.0] - 2019-08-05

  • Added: react-docgen-typescript-loader to storybook config for showing props with description
  • Added: font-display: swap; in font-face definitions
  • Added: separate tsconfig for building the lib: now excludes .test and .stories files
  • Deprecated: Made IconButton, ButtonBar and ShareBar deprecated. Also refactored this in other components than use IconButton
  • Added: stories for buttons
  • Changed: Refactored the Button component to use the prop "variants" instead of "color".
  • Removed: ShareBar, named export however still exists

[0.9.2] - 2019-07-24


  • Added: Blog Components
  • Changed: BREAKING Heading: as prop is now $as

[0.9.0] - 2019-07-12


  • Added: New Typography based components: Heading, Paragraph and Link. Typography is still exported, however not recommended to use for headings, links or paragraphs. Instead use one of these components
  • Added: Footer components
  • Changed: Added className / ...otherProps on components that didn't had this already


  • Changed typography.ts